Argus-Leader from Sioux Falls, South Dakota (2024)


WSKTED HOUPES TO RENT AND farms- to A. We have customers. Roy W. 'Fowi-sond, Msr. LUerstato i.

Realty 617 BSJSE ATTORNEYS BAU.KY ft VOORHEE3 ATTOR- neys and couasellore at law. u. u. bailey. J.

U. Voorheea. P. O. Ho nereer.

F. Triton. 401-404 and ill) Jtj c. 1 ali 17a11a H. DICKINSON CO.

COMV.iSSIOM BROKERS irllBCOC Mlnnea-olta Chamber MFMuTnO of I'omiMW, Chicago Board ot Trade. Iccalolc: EakotaBlk. PboneiSSI PfflfW.4.1 Sioux Falls irauch office. Lakota block.) Minneapolis Bang. Open.

High. Lo- Close. lotH 106 101 100 Dec if ay lot; 10214 106 Ciiicago Open. Range. High.

I)W. Close. Wheat JVC jiiiy July Corn I)w May July Oats pec May July Pork-Jan. i 9SVi 100 99'4 100 103Vi 1033; 98 'i 97 97 K3T4 634 6.14 63V 62, 62 62 62 62 Vi 48 48 14 484 50, 50 45 45 45 16.12 16.00 16.00 f.3i 63 14 48 16.12 H. D.

15 BATES ft PARLIAMAN CHARLES Hatea, Ralph W. Farllaman. at- tomeys at law, Minnehaha National BbbI; fjlou-t Falia. 3. D.

157 TORE TKIGEN ATTORNEY AND cotmselior At law. Rooms 609-610 Minnehaha Block. best steady, others weak; llirlit mixed $5.20 Jr; heavy 5.S5i.it5: 685 5.45; bulk of sales Sheep Receipts 2.300 bend: market steady; sheep lambs- $4 6.10; yearlings ffo.lO. CHICAGO PRODUCE. Chicago.

Oct. 31 ronltry Steady; turkeys 15c; chickens 10c; springs 12 1-2c. Chicago, Oct. 31. Buttw Steady; creameries 20ei27-; dairies IScftJ 23.

Eggs Steady; tirsts 26c. CATTLE TRADEBETTEK an ImprovemcDt Kolcd Carin the Week Uodar LlglJier KartBting: Sioux City Stock Yards. Oct. 31 Cattle Receipts 200 head. Market Under lighter' marketing there has been-Quite an improvement noted in the cattle trade' over that of the previous week.

There. Is a good undertone to the killer market with prices up all of a dime for the week. Best of butcher stock Is selling just fair killing cows canners and cutters are in demand. selling largely at veal calves $3 grass'bulls fat bulls $3 3.50; stockers and feeders have fared even better than kilting stock. The market is fully 15c higher and there arc spots where the best grades are selling at more of a Yard traders have sold down closely effecting the clean for the month.

This has been th. bull factor. From $44.25 is being paid for the choicest, of heavy feeders; next grade with plain and lighter grades at $33 3.50; yearlings sold all the way from $3(8 3.50; with 'light stock steers from $2.6013 and stock heifers $22.75. Hogs Receipts 3,000 "head: market strong, selling Hulk of sales market up -15i' for the week; prices same as year ago. SIOUX FALLS MARKETS.

(Furnished by Plymouth Elevator company.) Wheat. No. 2 90c No. 3 88c Corn. New Oats.

No. 3 white i i Bsrley. Malting 48c Feeding Flax Flax V.i.v.iv. 15.95 35.85 15.85 F'ax. Close.



OCXK0OCXXXXXXXXXXXO-0 HELP WANTED MALE WANTED PLUMBER AND STEAM fitter; practical experience; wanted at once. Fawick F.ros., Sioux Falls. 729 I'NCLE SAM WANTS MAIL CAP. Hers and postofflce clerks. Examinations here November- IStti.

Examinations for railway mail clerfcs, customs clerks and clerka at Washlng- ton coming; $600 to $1,600 yeariy. Common education sufHeient r're-. paration free. Write Franklin Institute, Rochester, N. Y.

513 ROY WANTED WOULD YOU LIKE to know how lots of oftR-e 4Kys, er-' rand boys, messenger boys, ai; kinds ot boys with "steady loos" have 1 doubled their wages? Would you like, to increase yours? It's easy enough, and without interference with your present work, and the pay is Grant Cherry, care resident attorney, 722 WANTED ENERGETIC" M-AS TO travel -In -So, Dak. Experrem-e unnecessary. rGood pay; and tailor made suit of clothes free in 90 days. Write for Ji Mcltrady Co Chicago. iy 7i4 ERRAND HOY WANTED HEROLD Publishing Co.

700 WANTED YOU NO MEN TO PRE- pare for -coming examinations for railway mail and other government positions. Suoerlor Instruction by mail. Established 14 years. Thousands of successful students. Sample questions and "How Government po-.

sitions are Secured" sent free. Jnter- state Schools, 338 Iowa, Ce-' dar Ranids, Iowa. 686 TWO SOLICITORS CAN SECURE attractive contracts at once from the Order of Home Guardians for excellent territory in South Dako-; ta. If interested write or call on L. D.

Milne, supreme secretary. Mitchell. S. D. 239 WANTED DISTRICT AND LOCAL agents wanted at ouce to represent the Dakota Mutual Life Ins.

Co. Producers of character-rair'secnre-srt- first class contract by applying 10 undersigned. J. J. Mackay, Manager.

Address P. O. Box Wi, Siotix. Falls CHINESE HOSPITALITY GrouCii hinks Are Paying no Attention to tbe Aroerlcm fleet fit Fekln Pekln, Oct. 31.

The presence of the second siuadron of the American battleship at Amos', where the res-eels arrived yesterday, and where the men are now being entertained by the Chinese government, is hardly known in Pekln. Chinese newspapers have said nothing at fill about the visit and the occurence Is being completely ignored both officially and otherwise, so far as Pekin is concerned. This probably is because the festivities connection with the birthday of the Empress Dowager, are coincident with the entertainment of the visiting Americans. Japanese newspapers alone in Pekin have any Information regarding the doings at Amoy. GENERAL ELECTION Next Tuesday.

Polls open at 8 a. m. and close at 5 p. m. WANTED Gjlif, FOR GENERAI housework.

J. H. Cecbtold, 610 Nurth StimmiycHue. 727 WA TE DrT TO TRAV-el with dramhtl? company; no experience necessary; must join at one. Address H.

M. Collette. mgr. The Pet of Simatters' Uulch" com- pany, Co'man, jl. 723 WANTED LArff DISHWASHER, $1 a any.

Kostotk Cats. 728 GIRL WANTED FOR DLvINO ROf at Dickinson's bakery. WANTED GIRL AT COLUMBIA WANTED DINING ROOM GIRLSA the liol 1 Dakota. "0.1 WANTED LADIES "Tm MAKE aprons; a down: materials fur-- nlshed; no cost to get work; enclose stamped addresd envelope for particular. Ho 72ti, Portland, Ore, 716 LADY TO MANAGE OUR KIISINESS iu your section.

Write for particulars. $13.00 and expenses. Kpeclul offer of new suit and $25 cash bonus. J. E.

MclSrady Chicago. 710 WANTED O.MPETENT GIRL FOR general housework. Mrs, Park Davis, BSl So. Dakota Ave. 701 LADY WANTED HONEST.

INDUS-trjous woman wanted to introduco our large line of foreign and domestic dress goods, waistlngs, trimmings, etc among friends, neighbors and townspeople. We prefer a woman who has' a trade already worked up. Should I. ahle to earn $25.00 or more weekly. Dealing direct from tho mills our prices are low and patterns exclusive.

No money required. Write us for full particulars. Standard Dress Goods 100 7th Bing-hamton, N. Y. 96 WANTED AN ELDERLY LADY AS housckeept'i' to care for two children and house while I am away.

Call 318 East 15th St. 692 WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Mis, A. J. J20 W.

8tlrth street. 1. -6 WANTED HOUSEKEEPER. APPLY at once; good wages. Address 294, Argus-Leader.

13 WAITED A REFINED, AMBITIOUS woman, to train vacancy In traveling department of local tlrm. Address 291,. Argus-Leader. 567 WANTED AC.ENT3. MAKE BIG MONEY SELLING Extract for making genuine beer at home.

Fine opportunity. Particulars free. Brewmaster Wennersten, 1442 Roscoe SU Chicago. 718 OUR INDIANAPOLIS AGENT SOLD 1008 Dioso Disinfecting Cabinets during September alone. Profit $781.20.

S. Cowger, San Jose, sold S.7001 since July 15. Profit $2,100. Writ Parker Chemical Ciiicago, 78 iy 7 AGENTS CAN MAKE 200 PEIl CENT selling, and appointing sub-agenta to sell, our Security Hydro Carbon lighting systems. Will give exclusive territory.

For catalogue and full particulars address Dept. 43, National Stamping Electric Works, Chicago. 1 709 AGENTS ARE YOU AN AGENT? Do you want to be an agent? Do you want to make money In your spare time, or get Into a permanent Send for free ropy of this month's "Thomas Agent." Read al.out mew agency propositions, new plans and sure money-making pointers, and experiences of thousands of successful agents. If already an agent state what you are now selling. Address today, Thomas Agent.

418 Dayton, Ohio. 713 HELP WANTED A MONTH. $60 EXPENSE AL- lowance ar start, 10 pui wu mer-. chandise and grocery catalogs. Mail order house.

American Home Supply Desk 15, Chicago, 111. 7.1? ANY MAN OR WOMAN WISHING employment write us for a good, reliable proposition. Enclose 4c for full particulars and postage. Address Marietta Stanley 336 4th Grand Rapids, Mich. 715 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PENNIES MAKE DOLLARS $25(1 invested in O.

I. C. peanut machines will make you $2,100 yearly profit Simplest best machine on 'market Handle your own money. If. you have $50 to $500 and want a clean, legitimate big money-making prop- ositlon, write us at once.

t). I. Co, 477 Unity Bldg, Chicago. 720 AN EASY WAY TO START A Business that will pay several thousand dollars annually; selling merehanrtir by mall; Improved plan, we furttl'ih everything and show you how; $25 to $100 necessary. Milbusn-Hicks, Chicago.

7'il FOR RENT OFFICE ROOMS FOR KENT. GOOD OFFICES. Bleeping tiring rooms. Inez C. Vaa Eps.

WANTED SALESMEN. SALESMEN FOR GUARANTEED. used automobiles. All prices. Cars rebuilt and guaranteed like new by manufacturers.

High commissions. Great 'opportunity. Auto Clearing House, 240 Michigan A vtv Chicago. 711 SALESMEN WANTED FOR A NEW patent. Interests every gas user In your city.

Write today for proposition. Gas Users' 57t Madison Chicago. 712 US. FOR RENT MODERN tlOtTHEi furnished. 120 South Duluth avenue.

Very reasonable. 724 FINISHED COTTAGE FOR RENT -Inquire S. K. 21:1 So Main. 7(4 FOR RENT-7-ROOM HOUSE.

IN; quire of Jack Toohcy. 77 FOR RENT 7-ROOM- MODERN cottage, inquire G. S. "Carpenter, Cits, phone 693 FOR RENT 7. ROOM IIOLSE AT 622 West 14th St.

$16 per month. Phone 2 ill. 694 For rent six -Ifioom cottage; close in; $15 per month. Scott Land 107 North Main avenue. 687 FOR RENT NEW EIGHT-ROOM rnodoru house; oik 823 West lith'St.

Si FOR RENT FIVE ROOM HOUSE North Phillips. )n(uire 615 South Summit. 679 FOR- RENT 10-ROOM MODERN luuse. 335 North Spring avenue. Phone N.

W. 89T-R. X)R RENT SIX-ROOM PART modern cottage, 297 West Fourth i street. Joe Kirby. 630 TEMPLE COURT APARTMENTS hnd ortl.

es from $22 to $9J Iei montiu App'v ofllce Temple Court properties, i3 MODERN EIGHT-ROOM Bteam heat, hot end t-old wator rur-nlshed. 123 West 12th St. 506 FOR RENT SUNFLOWER POUL-try yards. In Sioux Falls city lluv.t. with 10-room house, batlurooin and new furnace; lar-e barn, wagon shed nni eorn cribs; two large modern chickon houses.

brooOer house and Incubator cellar; on 14 city lota. Could rent 60 aeres nearby. W. B. Engle, Sloun FaUs.

Citiscns pnam 6293 or $124.. 46 FOP. BBNT-MODEHN HOUSa built for home. iots. one yeflr or Ave.

R. II. Warren. 9l GOOD MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE for rent, per month. One uiuck or street car.

it. w. i-ecit-jwiirray uiock. 45 modern Housa u. a o.

cherry. 797 I vV "FOR RENT hOOMS FOR RENT FURNISHED -FRONT room. Gentlemen preferfed." 319 W. Tenth street 72 TABLE BOARD AND FURNISHED rooms; modern house. 616 South 535 VKtit ItfcNT.

TW( FURNISHED S-c-oniKSptlng front rooms on ground private 'entrance; everything I mOdeiR best location In the city. i '-ijt Minn. 669 FOR RENT NEWLY FURNISHED (1 room. In modern house, with board, .41 So; Duluth. 637 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS; mortem; roidlng bed tor salr- in Prairie avenue north.

6J7 TEMPLE COURT OFFICES AND apartments; finest in the state. 660 FOR RENT BOARD AND ROOM IN private family; modern house; three blocks south postoltlce. Is. yv. piione ZUZ-iv.

ROOMS FOR RENT, -FURNISHED. 626 W. 10th. 458 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOM. 818 West Seventh street 17C MEDICAL.

LADIES "DR. SOUTHINGTON positively' guarantees his concentrated i Seuii-Vegetable Ergo-Koio "Monthly" Compound, safely Jte. some of tho longest most obstinate abnormal cases in Three to Five days. No harm, pain or inter ference who work, price $1.50, double strength $2. "Ladies Booklet" Free.

Buy of druggist or write Dr. Southmgton Remedy Dept. 41. Kansas City, Ma if 70 LOST AND FOUND. 1A ST-AT AUDITORIUM FRIDAY night, small pocketbook containing two Keys ilea witn yellow ribbon.

1 Return to Argus-Leader office. 725 LOST GRAY FOX MUFF. FINDER leave at Argus ofllce and receive re- ward. LOST ST. BERNARD PUP, WHITE, with brown spots and brown head.

Return to 619 Nesmith Ave. and get reward. 702 LOST FUR. BETWEEN FIRST AVE. and Minn.

Finder please return to 064 FOUND ROBE IN FRONT OF Sioux rails National hank. It is at the-Argus-Leader office. 613 FOR RENT FARM8 FOSENT FARlsrWrSEt ton. 28 MISCELLANEOUS DRESSMAKING MISS H. li.

218 Paulton building. Dressy gowns a specialty. 674 OLD CARPETS MADE INTO NEW rugs. moan over and relate. K.

F. Rug Bt. flth and 10th. Dakota ave. 417 MADAM HANNA.

616 SOUTH MAIN avenue, turner, muies lanunug; ai- eo agent for Chas. A. Stevens Chicago. 164 MONEY TO LOAN MONEY LOANED ON SMALL weeklv or monthly payments. H.

S. Howell. Cits, phone 712. BBS SATIN TOILET SPECIALTIES AFTER SHAVING, WHEN SKIN 13 wet. apply Satin skin cream.

Soothes and heals. 25c. 776 PERSONAL PRIVATE HOME DURING CON-tineinout; babies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sanitarium. 749 Hrst

Council Bluffs. la. Woman lllntrMlul mwtA I. -Ahirling Spray rnv.

(MiaMutm. Itr. Mnd ttiiin trm IIIiiunImI bl tr. tSIKi, (-0, m. ioukT WANTED 3 OR 4 UNhURNlSHEl rooms, steam heat, central location If possible.

Cull or address 115 W. 10th St. 690 WANTED WASHING TO DO AT home. Cits, phone 3323. 430 West 6th Mrs.

Miller. 691 HAVE HIDES TANNED AND converted uto cats, rugs or robe. Siou. Falls ReniUTing Co. guarnii-ttes to the hides of rattle, dogs or goats into hnndtoma ahd durulile articles at a very low price.

Examine samples and ascer-idln prices at 417 South Walts Ayei I WANTED WASHING AND WORK by the day. Mrs. E. V. Phoue N.

861-L; 3692. 507 IF YOlf tfAVKT LAND YOU WISH to soil quick, give ice exclusive sale of It for, 30 days. I can sell it if II can- be- sold. T. H.

Drp.vis, office Odd 'Feliowi Uoux Falls, S. IX 2ii WANTED-DEAI) STOCK OK ALL kinds. Free service, from city suburbs. Cash paid fur hidds, tallow, house grease. After Oct.

will pay good prices for dead fat hogs delivered -to 11s at works from country. Yours for business. S. Rendering; Co, Cits phone 60S. 169 Urn.

2ft FOR SALE tO-ROOM HOUSE; -modern; one-block from car line; very front D. Moore, 907 80, Minnesota, Ave. 611 FOR RALE HOUSE AND CORNER lot. Inquire at 1302 East Fifth street. 801, FOR SALE LOT AND room furnished or unfurnished, located on South Dakota avenue.

Address 250. care Arjus-Lesd- f' 77S l-9A-ArMjSCEIi FOR SAIJS RACKET STORE IN A town of 4,500. G. V. O'Hunlon, Pierre, S.

D. 719 FOR SAI.E-SAFE FAMILY OR SAD-' die liors; Inquire at Penny Studio, ovetj Bosten cafej I'blllips Ave. 689 FOR 8ALE-3 SADDLE HORSES. Phone N. W.

694 or call 234 No. Duluth Ave. 663 FOR SALE FOR QUICK SALE 190 choice breeding ewes and lambs in fine condition; 45 acres of good corn In Held and some hay; can be seen two ndles east of George, la. Inquire of S-hoeneman of Sioux Savings bank ot George.) lui D. A.

jaod A. C. Schoene-man. 63 beautiful by simply selling 12 i tarn nf f'l'iiwIrttf'u'hniTinlftvInn Foru writ. The Crowley twrbf-fit Chicago, -111.

Not Inc; 635 FOR SALE HEATING STOVE. AT a bargain. 503 South Minnesota y- 615 FOR SALE ONE TWO-SEATED surrey and famHy u-drlving horse; surrey used one soasou. Telephone Citizens' i 603 6000 FERRETS FfR SALE. WRITE for price and catalog, It's free.

Do Klelne Jamestown, Box, 44. 652 FOR SALE RAMBLER AUTOMO- t.ltc; full Jumps, top, etc. tioori condition. Address Box 15, Plerro, S. D.

645 A DUSTLESS 1I WITH A DUS F- lessUUHtsr. Money oat'K If mlsrep resented. Thousands usefl; none ever returned. By mail, postpaid 25c. Howard Dustless-Duster 164 Federal Boston, Mass.

620 FOR SALE AN 8x10 VIEW CAM. era in good condition. Call or ad dress 604 South Second avenue. 880 FOR SALE WHITE paper, at the Argus-Leader office, cheap. 345 FOR SALE THREE WOODEN PUL-r leys and onilron Bargain.

Call Argua-leaftbr office. 344 FOR 8ALE CHEAP, LIGHT AND heavy hand drays and light and fine hotel buss. Just right for small towns. Are In good repair. Call at Olson ft Detlie, Sioux Falls.


Three miles from Sioux Falls. vT. H. Brown. 649 160 acres, four miles from Sioux Falls, well improved, all fenced and cross rim 320 acres overlooking the city, largn warn, hpw k'hju orcnara and ovr-Mllent ernvp.

I 'rlcA fr.fl a i c. East front 44-foot lot on ear line, near Baptist college. $250. Will sell on monthly payments.) Fine, large modern House with large Five modern houses for rent Minnehaha Building. MEN AND Vf UNiEff, T'm lit f(trtinntarl frritAtiuofl or nlcrLtioiu of uucom membrane.

Paiolewi, nd "triff- gnt or poiDotjfj. Uuftraatcol ool atrii-tire. h-TMw rewtaa-tim. Itnf Evans CHMiCAt. Co, A.itmuuart Wjmm V.S.A.

V-. iii or Mint In plain wr-appar. hf prp(U, lot 1.00. or bott) 12.75. trcuiar oeu ua noiMnr INJECTION RO GONORRHOEA and GLEET OTHER TREATMENT REQUIRED Sold by all Druggists 4 TYPEWRITERS TOR SALE FOR RENT hiSMeyoifeSoZS Rmrt psii4 if botigbt.

Wa ship prwal anjrwbart. Writ (or larr barfais lut aatl rae4 our affac IblliM tawnt fnrMiar 192 hStid ft CLARK ATTORNEYS AT low. Edward H. Berg, Geo. V.

dark. Offlcea 407-4OS-40B jjloujtJFaUs. 8. P. 16j SAM WRTOHTLAWYER, MIN-nehaha TbuSlOJng.

Will pracUce In all eonrts. 160 R. F. RIEMER, IVWYER, 1331-2 North Phillips. General Practice la all courts, state and federal.

428 JONES ft MATTHEWS ATTOR-Koya at law, 304-305 Syndicate Elux Falls, S. D. 161 KINQ ATTORNEY AT LAW 403-404 Minnehaha building. Fed-eral court practice a specialty. 16i JV.

CHRISTOPHERSON ATTOR-nei; at law. Suite 605 Minnehaha Jjldlns. Bloux Wlla. S. D.

163 RANSOM L. OI1JBS ATTORNEY at law, Minnehaha building. Gen-grajpractice. 164 JOS KIRBY LAW OFFICE. SIOUX tails, S.

D. Joe Kirby, Geo. W. Erlckson, M. E.

Abbott. 168 W. O. PORTER ATTORNEY AT ww. Federal and state practice.

Rcoms 200-202 Panltv-n blk. 167 J. B. LUNN ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office 130 Soutu Main Ave.

Gen-eral practice. 168 SO. DAK. COM. ASSN-COLLEC-tlons made everywhere.

Van Epa block, Sioai Falls. S. D. 1S GRIOSBY ft GRtGSBY LAWYERS, Rooms 401-2 Minnehaha building. Both 'Phones.

170 J. T. Medin. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Lucotah block, Siou Falis, S.

D. N. W. 210-L. CltUena.

19L in MARTIN BERGH LAWYER, NOTARY public, 116-118 N. Phillips aemie. Citizens 'Phone 360. 173 O. J.

DANFORTH. ATTORNEY AT law, general practice. Syndicate building. 173 DR. EVA SHREVB PHYSICIAN and surgeon; female specialist Corner Tenth street and Phlllins ave.

Both 'phones. 195 C. WHITEHOUSE ft CO. FARM lands, city property, investments, Minnehaha Sioux Falls, S. D.

177 P. I. NEISTER CO. FARM LANDS and city property. Insurance, Ex-.

changes. 123 W. Ninth street 17S DENTISTS DR. F. E.

FIELD. D. D. S. DENTAL varlors, rooms 8-9 Abbott block.

Sioux Falls. D. Tel. 232. ISO LIVERY BARNS.

W. W. JOHNSON, HACK. LIVERY and boarding stable. Both Phones 700.

352. JOSEPH SCHWARZ ARCHITECT and superintendent. Phillips ave. opposite Cataract Sioux Falls, S. D.


SKY LIGHTS, STEEL Mueller furnaces. Sioux Fall Cornice works, 124 10th St. PLUMBING ft HEATING sioBcallIlainq Plumbing Estimate furnished. Both 'phones 40. 120 So.

Main. 20S BONDS WLSTERN SURETY COMPANY Metropolitan Blk. J. A. Bowler, Joe Kirby, Sec.

Bonds of alt klnda furnished. 205 "SaTetToeposIt" FOR RENT SAFES IN OUR F1KB and burglar proof vault Security bank, Eighth treet. ti24. LOANS. LOANS ON FIRST CLASS CITY property, deniable terms.

Call or write Abbott, Sec, Union Sav- ings association. 285 HAIR SWITCHES HAIR SWITCHES. PUFFS OR POM- padours. made rrom your ewn combings for $1. Mrs, Fill, 335 Franklin avenue.

744 electricaTsup ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES OF ALL kinds. Estimates given on electric wiring. George E. Wheeler, 113 W. 10th St.

646 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE TO EXCHANGE NORTH AND SO. Dakota land tor stocks of genc-ral merchandise, or income property. F. Herbert ft Co, over Brown ft Bacnger. 2u9 Kt fnrmer chould tlitnlr a' HUlllo m.w.

a XII9 Farm and Real Estate JournaL It curiLuniB vmw iic-i, iHriu lanus, ivuui Ol any paper published west of Chicago. It reaches 60,000 readers each issue. w. nuiuu io larmers. p-'eryone who has uny property ther to advertlso will find this Journal one of the best advertising mediums rubllshed.

Advertising rates, 2o per word each Insertion. Send 75a and we will malt you tho Journal for one year or for 10c in stiver or stamps n.nV 1 trial and stop It at the end of the two months unless you renew your subscription. Vnrnl mil RmiI ITstsf Jnnnt.l jiay 15.95 Oui'uth Open. ....127 12i 1304 Nov pec STny Chicago Cash Close. Chicago.

Oct 31. Wheat No. 2 red $1.01 No. 2 hard winter 3 hard winter No." 1 northern. $1.04 1.05; No.

2 northern $1.03 1.04; No. 3 spring 97cfl Corn No. 3 yellow 73c; No. 8 65 1-2 (iSSc; No. 3 yellow J3o.

Oats No. 2 white S0 3-4c; No. 3 47c fi491-2; No. 4 white 1-4; standard 49 3-4e. Harlev 54c ft 56.

Timothy Oct. March $3.80. Clover Oct. Minneapolis Cash Close Minneapolis, Oct. 31.

Wheat No. 1 hard $1.05 3-8S5-8; No. 1 northern 3-8i5-8; No. 2 northern $1,02 3-8 i-8; No. northern No.

1 velvet chaff 86e; No. 1 durum 90c; No. 2 durum 89c. Corn No. 3 yellow 69 3-4c; No.

3 7 3-4. Oats No. 3 white 45 5-8cffi46 1-8; No. 3 40 5-8c43 5-8. Barley 52c i 59..

Rye 69 3-4ct'71 1-4, Flax $1.26 3-8, CHICAGO LIVB STOCK. Chicago, Oct. .31 Cattle Receipts 400 head; market steady; stockers and feeders $2.50 4.45; cows nd heifers westerners $3j 5.85; beeves SSI 7.50. Hogg Receipts i 5.000 head; market THE'SIOUX CITY. STOCK YARDS "The Home Market for Use Great Northwest" Furnlsliee stronf dally market for stockers, fat cattle, Uofts sud sheep.

Tlie Home Market means quickest returns, lightest shrinkage end coasequently the greatest profit. F.L EATON. General Manager. AND LIGHTING Lowest Prices for Good Service Estimates Furnished for Inside Wiring See Us Before You Con-tract for Power BENNETT Light Power Co. Office 203 W.

Ninth St Both, Phones 43, Navigation Co. 1 In; -I ist. NIAGARA TO TMF CPA 1 im fan Kamd? islands. Electric Power The following real oBtate transfers were filed for record In, -tb office of tha register of deeds: Furnished by D.

B. Getty, abstractor. Martha Magnusen to John Ij. Mag-nusen, lots 13, 14 blk 12 University add. $1.00.

A. Zetlit? 3Jldw.f tOi Schoene-man, lot 5 and hf 4 blk 7 Bennett's 1st add to H. F. 1 3. H.

Fernyhough and wf to Julius Klclnpell, lots 1, 2, 3. 10, 11, 12 blk 17, Hunters' add to S. F. $50.00. Ellen Bennett et al to J.

H. TVrny-hougli, lots 13, 14 blk 12, Summit add. S. F. $200.00.

Knudt O. Tveflt to Lewis Gunder-son. 34'i a in "hf fiw 14-104-51. $1,800. Knudt O.

Tvdt to Slver Ki Grlnde, 40 a In hfnw. $1,850. Kuute O. Tvdt to Jno. Andrews, 1 a.

In-n hf nw.44-104-51. $50.00.. EDITORS On the Blood Money of Ss- loon Yicte 1 All honor to the consistent editors over the state who are not willing to clamor for the rights of the saloon-rights ignored by our Supreme Courts, that maintains "That it does not inhere in citizenship to sell intoxicating liquors at If. you clamor for a gambling den or for a saloon or brothel, to be conslntsnt. you should be willing to fill up ranks by giving a son or' a On the other hand, we deprecate the methods that are used in this campaign, by a part of the public press, to defeat the will of the people by a square and honest presentation ot the case We are unable to distinguish between those miserable creatures who put a price upon human ftesh in the white slave traffic, from those who advertise it for a price.

We are unable to distinguish, between the gambler who fleeces the unwary of. their fortunes, from the owner of the press who advertises him and'nrakcs it possible for so many dollars. Neither are we al'le to distinguish between the saloon keepor in his white apron, from the proprietor of a subsidized paper who for a little currency, dripping with the heart's hlnod, Into the shambles to be ruined or damned at nn editor's price. Pity have we for the losthesomsness lor 1 the gambler, scorn iw 1 Keeper but for the editor supported by ehi stian people who prostitutes h.s columns to the use of the viper out- law. our righteous indignation.

1 -SENTENCED, AWAITING EX ECUTION. In spite of the press of the country, ought with blood the townsmen and farmers will both write the words high UP Ahrlr own i -Sentenced, Awa.tmg f-f liquor traffic has haJ iti meney, and now it has to go. TherTi. no argue agam.t JoTnTy no need to wjrk it, no need to put up a doomed business the Un.tsd Ststes.

i VOTE "YES" VOTE "YES" FATTENNG Hear the "Little Giant Dr. C. G. Jordor) "The Billy Sunday of the East" Nov. 1st At the Auditorium Meeting: for Men only "A Car of Sunday, at 3 p.

m. Subje6c Steers" -W3 Mass Meeting for Everybody DfA I The last gun In the fight for County Option tm tmr mKtnM "SMatt. twii. hm tat. Traor.

Iowa. 4a. (Advertisem*nt).

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Author: Lidia Grady

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Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.