Gutfeld! : FOXNEWSW : July 23, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2025)

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so thank you. thank you.thank yo thank you, chuck. . >> thank you for the cardse and flowers. >> happy monday, everyone. so joe biden has dropped outn ha of the presidential race and we're being told that at the end oud of his term, he'll r go directly to the disney hall w of presidentils exhibition.entse >>xh that's pretty good. biden staffers reportedly found out he resigned an ax. >> but to be fair, so did he. >> true. joe tweeted out his resignation letter there was no press conference or even a still photr o. rence >> but a white house spokesperson said joe could still be reached by ouija boar a stid board.

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>> earlier today, kamala harris gave her first public remarks since biden dropped out of the race. t pu and in response, democrats started planning for 2028. >> and bill and hillary clinton have already endorsed kamalalary for president. although hillary hasn't ruled out steppingnton if something happens to her. >> but this is nice to help hel out. >> bill has already offered to start interviewing internp s at. oddly, president biden hasn't made a public in five days.arane the only people who have seen hi im are these guys. >> now that all of the democratic party's hopes are riding on the vp. vp onc

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once again, they're saying that mispronouncing her name is racis areayint. remember, it's not kamala. it's idiot. lause] the only question that remains t now for the biden familythat is this does dementia mean that hunter can ask jill out? he's always there. and it's been pointed outs been that biden dropped out on national ice crea outm. >> even more ironic, it's also s national pants day. all right, let's doologue our monologue. >> so it's weird. ird, >> biden hasn't been seen since they tossed this carcass from car force one last wednesday. >> can we at least get proof of life, maybe have him pose holding a copy of today's paper ? but then again, we've been

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day' life from lif joe for years. got nothine fromg. so after years of watching him deteriorate in years, the medita democrat complex covering it up. joe admits he's not up to the demands of campaigning like traveling, speaking and not dyinitg. elling >> but now they're in a pickle. if joe too far gone to campaign, how can he remain commander in chiefr gone until january 20th? shouldn't they put him on like an ice floin-chiefe and give ite before his addled brain starts? >> world war three? but if joe can still do the job job, then didn't we justo th witness a coup, orchestrate aided by obama? clooney the big coastal donors and the medicoup oa who just red a candidate simply because he was polling below who trump.e which, according to dems, means he was literally polling belowb . but talk about elect shouldwas i interfere. bout >> it's someone get joe scarborough on the phone,

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but don't call a landline. >> he pulled the cable fromot the wall to make a noose. >> look, biden won delegates and that means he's the nominee. and likee delegates. toy fire t, you can't take it away from him because it's his. well, i guess you could take ita away from him because they just frd. look, trump got the nomination beinr tested. in fact, there was quite in fe, on their debate stag although half that crowd was chris christie. >>although half of but guy, my got the nomination and no one could take it from him. no but not so on the just ask bernie who the dems checked out of ae presidential primary victory twicats e and for a man his age, a broken hip could be fatal. >> so was polling that got biden out. a bunch of nameles s number crunchers just anointed a new candidate. it wasn't, at. inte >> biden's iq dropped lower than his body temperaturwe

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. >> i hf that was the standard, how can this woman be the replacemenis t? michael, what do you want to know? no, that's the laugh of a woman who loves school buses. shorte >> the shorter the better. . >> so they got by now because it looked like it was goinotg bn to lose. that's antidemocratic. there's the rub. if they say it wasn't becauseno biden was going to lose, but because of his impairment bf that he has to resign because then he's unfit to run. and ho nt that w the can you handle foreign policy when he's loopy? >> then dems should be sayinndg the same words i hear at an ugly man convention. they shoayinout of here.

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>> but if they say is fit to bei president, then why drop out of the rac be? >> see? they painted themselves into a corner hav and of all places, the oval office. >> the is delegates nominate a candidate, not delegatess dela a candidate until he doesn't look like he's going to win. >> that's an attacks an on democracy. they're overwriting the voters. if that had the standard in the right, trump would have been oustedt in 2016 and we likely e would have gotten four years of hillary and me. sted ijesse would have been foud in the trunk of a car. >> now, there coulde be something else going on here. trun caris there more to joe drg out than we know? does it have something is there to do with butler, pennsylvania? sos sot suggesting the dem tried to have trump killed, of course. collary's retire thed and she can't climb a slanted roof without twisting a kango l. >> but remember secret services

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director cheeto was on joe biden's security detail. joe reportedlykimberas on th pur cheadle to get that top job. they're a perfect pair. the higher gets you shot than a phony doctor can give yout an a fake first aid. >> but what if, when resources are allotted favorites are played with experience and manpower i? d manp it's pretty clear the white house didn't take threats to trump seriously. o >> could could this have been negligence by derangement? a shared antipathy for trump?byr so it lookans like the are embracing kamala who joe has endorsed. although at this stageh at he mistakes her for oprah. >> right. but cam faces a dilemma. she can't possibly pick a vps more competent than she is. she can't afford to be overshadowed. so where is she going to find a politicianford who's even more clueless and incompetent than she is? oliticiais someone worse out th? >> oh, wait a minute. i've an idea. kamala.

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joe, just tradere?e places. let's welcome tonight's guests. . he won a golden glove for his exams. chief patient, observer of the wellness company, dr. drew pinskyw pinsky heard red meat i. kosher. >> dead zone boxing reporter emily osei. she's a backseat driver. according to arrestingg to a officers. "new york times" best selling author advises contributor captairrng off sellinn. and he's like this salvationtioa army. elderly women keep handing their clothes to new york times bestselling author, comedian es besand former top tyrus musto to you first, because i'm dying to hear from you. we have not talkedt beca since c before the assassination. yes, that was correct. >> gyes, that was. what have you to say about these events? e ev >> you leave for two weeks and all breaks loosou leavee.

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yes. i don't even know what what the ? i doi meanit's like seven. remember where you were moments? yes. ityou. i guess since you want to talkan about kamala, we can do. but let's have it for later, okay? yeah talk about joe and trump. >> i agree with. i agree you 1,000% with the there's no path to victory. so00 i quit. quit that's basically what that is. there's no path to victory. you don' is that like i said, e saw a scientific history made during attempted assassination of president trump. ithistor was the first time i in recorded history that we've seen a bullet bleed. >> yeah,recorded that was bulleo on his ear. and then shortly after that, i think the speech from chuck norris was particularly touching as. he stepped down as the world's e he gave youass and h that title to president trump. so all now, all chuc k jokes, nor you take chuck out. you put president trums yop in.p >> that's how it works.

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>> and so everyone knows that was that was bipartisan. everybody worked together for that. so it's pretty exciting.pretty but that in itself was crazy. i was on tour at the tim e. i was afraid. i was in oklahoma whens in the assassination happened.reamd i screamed blood by murder because at the bodyguards and again, everyone keeps talking about their heroes talki in this. you can be the bravest hero in the world, but yongu genetically never should have been in that position ever. t geneti cannot bodyguard you're smaller than. thnnby that iconic picture of tp with his fist up will beat a statue. mm-hmm. guaranteed somewhere. someday. but in the bodyguardst g communy ,that is the worst picture i've ever seen. >>tht pi all right. it is because, again, seeing this. >> yeah. made me think of, like, if greg was protecting me, where b

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he would be like this. and it's on my way, going to be like. and then cat runs in. i got you. yeah.d like and the two of them are like this. and my thigh have yous could nott be be safer. but unfortunately, my major organs are up here. but your femoral arterrtunatelye be protected. yes. so iedt the worst. it was shocking because wae president was tot iso strong for the people holding him down. he should have never t got up here. and as awesome as that was, hetten b should have got back up on the stage. that's the hotbox. when you're in danger, grab.d >> can i get my shoes? no, no.t my go. ab from that perspective, it was absolutely horrible. >> dr. drew, what do you make y theory that the dems theor have put themselves in a box that if they they they say biden is is incompetent,

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he can't be president? >> right. but if they say he's competent, then it was a coup. yeahent bu i , you have you spelled it out exactly accurately. i just want to make one more comment of what tyra so saying, though, i immediately thought of cat trying to protect you.heu >> she would she would die.ld but i do my best. you intend by pushing you in c a car, right? she would literally, if they were driving cars wer, woud have gave me the i my arm would just snap off. >> exactly. talking about and so i agree. they were in a box. n a box. you know, i was looking to the 25th amendment today. do you realize it just takes the v.p. and a single cabinet member to invoke the 25th amendment? so i wass to myself, the vp seems to be motivated to want to activate. >> this would have been a threat. i wonder i this. f. r if it was a threat and i wonder if they gave him some positive sort of strokes like you do. see what nancy pelosi said. do it the easyyou no way or thed way. you can imagine the easy way as well. you know, we'll forgiveyou cae . >> we'll do all these thingsth the hard way. god only knows what that would have been like. t evenrd, that's true.

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it is interesting. they probably gave him a golden wo.>> gree that he's going to have a beautiful libraryin right. >> yeah. with that, he can get lost in emily. can we trust anything about this story? do we really know what happened with. i'm talking about the biden stuff. there's so many things i know. i know. i mean w kno, honestly, what sts as a joe biden issue, which was obviously his cognitive disability to run a country, ultimately escalated intointo s something so much bigger. so it started off, okay, he's not capableomo much, but te gaslighting that we've seen not only from the democratic party but from the mediat lying to us repeatedly that he's what they say, a sharp as iaa and he can run this country and lead it. now we see wass a lie. s now the debate was merely the straw that broke the camel' merels back. and the reality is this lies been going on for years. so tha now. are we're left with this sense of dishonesty from the democratic party that we cannotwith them.rty that and honestly, i think dave portnoy said it best. he sai trust t

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d biden's not running again because of the illness. d thatit's because the american people now found out about theon illnesly bs and can't hide it fm us anymore. and now trump has handed this brokenanym that's never been more polarized, and now it's going to be his burden to fix it. >> o media can be trusted, except thi s show. >> yeah. exact pat.>> gre >> do you think kamala is thinking that if performs worse than joe biden, they could pull a similar trick on her. like if her polling doesn't actually improveperforms the situation they're going to have an open convention or they're going to do it anywaif >> well, there was some other really big news, you know, overn the weekend that i'm surprised you did not include in your ame what, the finale>> the of love island. >> oale of lh, i heard everybod? watching it. okay, well, it's over no w. t my i'm like, no, what i'm going to do with my time to think about this, though.

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it's the finale of love island was this weekend . what a >> what, a six weeks to be locked away in a villa in fiji j without your phone. oh, yeah, that's true. i mean, likewithouhone, just go, like, what do you tell them first? do you think they were news g junkies? i was, but yes. okay. and it's. dude, okay, first of all, you ca l yon the cast of love islandf that's like very on brand for you. you habut regardless, i feel lie the assassination of a former president attempt of attempted assassination, even he was actually shoprt. and then also biden dropping out of the race. i mean, what would you even tell theutf th im? ? and like, did they start laughing? i think there'rt laughing?s no y how would they have thought like, would they have been like, you can't possiblye been a six weeks. >> you gave me an idea fora sixg a great realitavy show where you put people separated and thengrea lie to them when te they come out. >> but it's also it's not overwh yeent. you go. no, you go. they come out and you go, oh, you wouldn't believe >> g andd half of thee united states has been disappeared.

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i don' what hast know how you could get crazier than this. >> and also, i remember when after the debatenow u ca, i remr when biden was, you know, going to do the press conference. people are saying he's not wasou to drop out because if he was going to drop out, it would be like an oval office address ,be more formal. >> their dude drops out on twitter. yeah, no, they they drop down for like, it's like you can't predict. >> i mean, it's also crazy and it's crazy in ways that none of us can expect. i mean, where is he? you know, to that point, the fact that they've given us such a little information po so many things causing conspiracy theories to just flourish over the place. and what do they expect? i mean, this is so bizarre t fr that from the secret service to the white house, i believe it's asecret it's a clear path e secret service. >> i'm sorry. i know i've been gone on vacatio tthservicn getting u. there's no one not paying attention. but how trying this is presidentt i'm biden that hs to be reminded every morning that he lost his job. he goes to bed every joden th he's the president. he wakes up in the morning, edre outut like, oh, and all they doing, greg, is this like a really bad all you can eate do buffetin that's making everybody

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sick instead of getting new food, they just put a sign undeverybodyk insteagettinr, ne. >> yeah, it's the samep .th and that's all kamala is, wes must move on dot org. up next, why no democrat is keen on challenging that cackling. if you'll be in the new york area. i'm like tickets to see gutfeld go to >>d and click on the link to join our studio on the link to join our studio audience. ♪ for more than a decade, fauci has been trusted again and again and again, taken ask your doctor about fauci. >> want the effects of but faster. meet rose sparks. they contain sildenafil and tadalafil, but sparks dissolve under the tongue dissolvable work faster than old school pills. see if sparks are right for you at rocco's la sparks lunch

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>> tomorrow, donald and j.d. vance, hostages in russia. >> we're going kick of

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confidence. circle is the effortless energy that gets you in the zone. >> circle available at walmart. drink circle icon a story in five words who will run against karma. >> okay, drew, this is an thteresting obama did not endorse kamala said saying dems would pick an unnamed outstanding nominee or alwyn. >> i.

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>> i think he is worried about the legality of all this. i mean, the guy is a constitutional academic and he keeps saying things like uncharted waters. they need to come up with a procedure for this. he's right. they're doing things without the constitutional authority to just do these things. ithe i seems to me now i that's what it looks like he's worrying about to m te i could be wrong, but maybe i'm reading it too much. >> no, i don't know. maybk he's i think there might be some bad blood as well between the first black president and the fir possibly first black female press. >> she's going to want bill clinton. doesn't like kamalblack female e nicely done.g: all right. >> what do you think, emily?. do you think they can afford can you think the democratic party can afford to bypass kamala for someone else? because that sends a message that goes against their overall messagat sendse of identity.

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>> oh, because their messagesti are so honestyt. i mean, i think you're giving obama way too much credit for worrying about the legality of all.k we givin of this. i think they've lost their moral compass long, long agbout ti thino. l comp personally, i know, i know shea endorsed kamala, but i really i think the only person that can stick with the pat thinkh of let resistance in this fight will be hillary clinton. now, everyone disagrees, disagr because of her endorsement, but i think because she's already been down this roadee she's already campaigned against him. now, i don't think she stands sh a chanceim, but i think it'llit be the least embarrassing path that the democrats can take. now, why obama hasn't said anything. i think within itself sendsn an a message of uncertainty that can you blame him? uncets. i mean, i can name more of you what michelle obama has done as first lady than what kamala has done as a vice president. she was assignedhe one task. get the border under control. could she have butcheredh is that more than she has? and secondly, maybe obama isn't saying anythinmoreheg because he might be chirping in michelle's ear, hey, maybe this is your time to run, whicia

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really don't even think. >> is that far-fetched? no, i don't think he wants that. he's got nottched. d a good lif. >> exactly. that's that's true. he's a he's say what you will about obama. he's a incredibly skilled politiciansay wh. and that's exactly what he's doing here. he said, i have extraordinary confidenceng in the leadersf ou of our party will be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges . and he sounds amazing while saying nothing. yeahs. he sou, that's what i what i yes strive for. >> also to. but he. okay. >> maybe. maybe not so much people who watch this channel. but overal maybe nchl people lo. >> people. he's very popular. why would he get involved in the nuts and bolts and thefih doubts of this fight when he could just chill, sit back, continue to be the dude? everybody, and count his netflix money? i meanidered t, i don't think ig he's lying. i'm not getting involved. why w alsowould he knoetting inv from a black perspective. mm-hmm. when you see a bunch of crimesfs going on around you and you don't want to be connected,

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goind yo things like, hey, i'm sure the best person won because i'm not involved in this, nor am i open anyonm s. in because this this is unconstitutional. and probably people can end up in jail because of this. so i'm sure the best will, the most legaljail bec way to he somebody in there. and that's just code black forho my name's been it and i'm not bg in it to leave for him to sit this one out though it's like they dragged him back in. he's like a guy who's a week away from retirementgged taking one last case. >> all he did was tweet something. you're acting like you showed upa at the oval office with his notebook, like, all right, where do i put my stuff? >>e oval i was part of him. >> white males were on her list for potential runnin g. ook at >> look at her husband. mm-hmm. you know what they say? once you go white, you can't hu. go. >> wait. >> hthey don't say that, cyrusye . >> shen't alssao named all of potential opponents as potential vp, that is. >> you know what? that's.lso na called scott adamn it's got us thinking pastitreg:y the saouy they're going to salesman when you're looking

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at a car and he starts telling you this is great for a familyaa road trip. so you've already put in your head that you're buying the ca a re buyi . she was picking her potential running mates. so those people would think, on ,i'll be vp instead of i'm going to run against her. i think she did that. yeah again. he so that was very sharp on her part. yeah, very surprisinr partg. skm >> you ask me and you did ask me or you wouldn't be here, would you? what's that voice telling me? kill dr. drew. r drew >> no, it says go to go to commercial. oh, go to commercial. okay. up nex coml.t, answers were dem, but she was less than candid. >> i'm out here telling people how they can save money with experience. do you have a lot of subscriptions like of subscriptions like the streaming services i do lot. and probably like six or seven around there? i do. i have a lot. what if there a place where what if there a place where you ca ex that. and cancel the ones you don' like all in one place? experian has that. oh, well, i love it. i need that. and you can save $270 a year making adulting so easy.

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serector kimberly cheatle wa more elusive than a racehorse at a slaughterhouse. trying hard nor kimbert answer questions about the attempted assassination of former president donalddonalt trump. >> and nine days after the attack on trump, she had zero answersnineafte. >> were your guests in her line when you said you didn't turn down requestere you s? president trump's detail. neither there were sufficienequt resources. >> what you just said were given to. did you just say there were sufficient>> neithresouru sa reu i don't have the full content e. ihat his searches wer i don't have an answer. again, i don't have those specific timelines. agai i'm not going to providet a name. i believe that the fbi is still lookinprovide a g that onlookin their investigation. i don't have all of the answergf on the timelines. not to my knowledge. i'm not certain. i'm not certai the then. >> all right. here we go. i'm certain. i don't know. i'm not covering up. >> g'm if only donald trump was as guarded as. she was. oh, a little play on word fords you kids who are interested

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in the english language at home . keep score or don't. hey, so, emily, she didn't comen off as trustworthy to me. >> yeah. no, now she'd be in charge ife e she knows nothing. >> honestly, right after this trial, the way she just embarrassed hersel f. really disgraceful that she didn't resign immediately. and they waited for what wasdrs signatures to try to force her to resign. >> it's just embarrassing to thean y to american people, erican embarrassing to her own reputation. but more importantly , you know, the only silver lining and it's horrible to evenorribl see thist loud was what happened was soay outrageousing th that it wass bipartisan that every democrat and republican that wait was bsn hearing today could agree that this was almost too outrageous to have been an accident. now, i've been called a conspiracy theorist all day over io outragtoaccidentt, but f events that occurred that day are fa dayr too negligent for anyone to believe that these were all coincidences, accidents. it was maybe coordinated al and, but somebody

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to take accountability for it. and her lack of answers. i thinnegligy needk, points dire answer that she needs to, e for it. take tru >> i mean, it's really amazing. it's a very unique event that gets aoc to sound like an adult. that was blowing to me. but of course, it receded to leave. i think it was or i think it was her. so went off on gun control, be bh was hysterical at i think you would be better at this job than she would without any prior experience thib . >> yeah. t you know, got to be good at that job. barely. yeah. at first i was like, man, if i i i were her and i was in that were would be freaking out wayng more than she is freaking out. like, i'd be so nervou s she's so chill. but then i realized that i'm actually wrong in thinking that becausenervous. it's becaue i don't work for the secret service. i work in the private sector . . meaning i actually have the possibility of facing consequences for my behavior. hmm. doesn't really happen in the government very ofte y behavin. i mean, think about it. you can't even. it was such a greatment illustration vbout of why therey

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accountability. like, well, she like people like, try to ge.t her sas who's responsible. >> she's like, people. yeahesponsib, people. i don't want to name people. and you can't name it that you n can't fire the person. so it's likenot name. s >> it's like she's chill because of why would she resign? becausl because that's the deceg to do. since when has anybody cared about that in the government? i was when i was listening to her. tarant? it just reminded meed m of every counter person i've encountered at a rental car company. >> yeah. like, you know, i said to convertrental c. i >> might have been whered. they got her from. yeah.. , i want to f ing car f ing now. yeah. now and then. well, you're effed. yeah. so it's. - >> you're either stupid or complacent. mm-hmm. either way, you can't do the job. yeah, but again, this is the dyo . i.nnot the biggest questions that should be thereb. is theggs coincidences that are just too ridiculous to ignore.

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hmm. drthat are. president suddenly d on the day that the president ay former president who just kicked their in every phase kice needed more detail on her jus on the day that just so happens that a lone gunmanne, a a sl wall that wasn't covered. >> i mea n, i said one thing. i'm honest. i think we all need to shu it up and start stop talking about our opinions and just le w it play just watch the video from the people out there. watch the squirm. e watch the thing. she has no idea what it was. you think someone would. when you say d, we have to be consistent. g that when you put a guy in that position, they're just there to be thereny . they don't make the decisions. she has no clue becaus ne. that's not if i. i if something happened on my bodyguard watc mh has happened.c i know everything from. everybody. every one of my guys would be sitting in that table with a

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light on. write down everything that happened. what did you have for breakfast? how many timeswod you ?haveo we i would know everything. so when i go. because you need to know everythinguld everye you ne. it could have been his break.ld that was the reason why somebody got shot. i would really come downshot there and be like, here's this. this is my man. i don'so this t how this happent i'm dealing with this this fire, this prepared because. you care. but we've watched for the last eight years all these martyrs, whether they're on msnbc. nbc. first of all, we should be calling for the resignation of everybody all who sat theree and said, oh, is this is thisid a fake flag? there is a dead father. we're forgetting about a man who lost his life. >> mm-hmm. just off that alone. where was that? where'st off te s the remorse. where's the hurt? because there it's a higher power. its break a few eggs. few and that's been this administration's whole thing. so and , again, i'm not making it. i don't have to. anybody with hale anf a brain cn lay it out to play it out. but this shouldn't take but 60 years. >> that it? yeah. no, she can't play anything out. she doesn' shes t anythingso g.

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>> and that's what wee get because she's not a real player watching her, dr. drew. w >> you know, you're a bec psychologist some >> well, go some say that you're a psychologist. >> okay. yeah, that's trusome saye. thati i think you're as psychologist and a therapist. it struck me how ambivalentow as as tara's point, how ambivalent she was. was that like, she's not going to be sued? she has this immunit not gy, i d say. >> why is she so ambivalent? yeah. i woulis something wrong there? >> i thought she was, like, dissociating and numb. i really thought they went at her. so hard. she just numbed up and sort of was not really fully present. kahe numbet saying how difficule to take that, but i'm not sure she was all there during it. am and the reality is there were t a couple of comments made. one,ha you just brought upts that hillary got excuse me, that jilonl got 12 agents from the pittsburgh office while trump got four. i believe those the numbers,

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which is bizarre. the other somebody else brought bit we wy weren' having press conferences every day updating us? >> what do you do know exactly press c ? what is it that you know exactly and i know nothing doehs inspire confidence that nine days out it is discussed and they use the word disgusting repeatedly. >> and i thought, that's how i go. don't know. oror who. ordered afghanistan. it's the same person dr.. president joe. istan's e sameit's just like thn people. >> yes. >> well, they know it was definitely people yes. >>d fake to to all the squirrels that were sweating bullets and clear thank goodness. yeah. they've narrowed it down. people. >> yeah. yep. all right, she's got to go. coming up, will it be a hero ri >> she went camping, sir. v.p. so don't let that ship spoil your trade. >> happy? is that a trip? that happens a lot, but safe flight could have helped.

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vp's who and must not outshine them. but is there a way around a that kind of like the what what obama did with biden?t ob >> iamt was like young black old white man here, young black, old, white. hillary clinton. she she could like over this, o this, this thing and helpve kamala across the finish line.a what say you oacf my theory? >> well, that's really tough tha because i disagree with it. but i love your sistert is. but it's like trump old white boys love them. yeah, i'm like, son here. she's like, we didn't focus itts on the show, people. so i don't want to, like, besmirch your sister's sake. ifpeople your take. s >> i don't like all right, pretend it's my take . pretend it's okay. then i disagree. okay. why do you disagretakee? because i mean, hillary. i mean, she's probably she's probably trying for it, but i mean, have we not learned lean that the brand doesn't work

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very well. >> i think honestly, i think i mean, tigress and i weret this talking about this in the break, but i think if she chooses somebody who is more moderatn i thine i think tt could actually be somethineg that get independents interested because i think for democratacs, for republicans to, i think that a lot of people it doesn't really matter who's anss it's like team red, team blue. i i mean, this is what my next book is about. this is alsoea how this happened in the first place. in my opinion, the only way we got to this positionplace in was unacceptable for democrats, for whatever reason, to say, hey, that man doesn't loo possk. he's okay. even though anybody could see that that ma okay. n was not okay.s not >> mhm. so i think it just, you knowok ,a lo i for a lot of people does it p matter. but if you get a moderate in there, moderneople,s no tyruh you have any suggestions to helerp miss harris. >> yeah, kid rock would be good . >> oh. oh. call gave me phenomenal.k hogan yeah, he's available. kevihow about a swarthy

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kevin sorbo? >> you? i think she needs to stick with the crerbo?w. o shir maybe buttigieg buttigieg she needs someone. or if they were smart, they' be calling yang going. you know, we need a numbers guy. we need someone who know wouldbs our stuff that i honestly, i talk about this all the time. i'm just going to say it, we i don't know how to play with the league we were so this going to be a game changer and we need to be aware of that. and thisthis we is not a time to frolic and high five and we got it in the bag. you need to pay closo e attentin because she's got 1100y they delegates already. so they're all falling in line. they're going to they're going to g a alll theyo for rock star. they're going to go for somebody that's going to get attention going, can challenge and run. jd or hillary. noe ann at jd., because the onee learned and again, this is coming from a misogynistic, toxic male, one thing i have, the one thing i have learned when it comes to womenbuou you don't go from queen b to b, this doesn't happen. >> yeanot gom queeh, she's not r president and then being vp. but that's just not what they would have. they struck a deal.

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what ife, but now, see, that is disgusting. >> what a strong christian english name. i likeat i. h dr. drew. i don't think any vp is goingk t to help her unless it's like a name. >> i agreep will with you compl. but that's why i kind of. i'm kind of with tyra. she might come u witlyp with somebody, right? that i. this is going to seem seem maybbody, ri m mae silly, but i do understand the art of cave is taken a certain of the populace. why doesn't somebody cozy up to him? pest why it seems like that woud be interesting, but is he too far away from her platform? i think so, yeah. yeah, i think that's an interesting. i didn't conside o. r that because it doesn't fall into my it's hillary right right or it's or it's michelle like michelle'ary. not happening someone who's running for president is go oh you know what? >> i'll be v.p.. prin, right. >> yeah. he's i think bobby's too presidential for that. anyway. anywctuall be vpy the most senst of every other democrat i've seen. but andrew yang is ver they popr

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. >> he's very likable. i'm very surprised he's added that out. right. i mean, i'm hoping for a partyaw that prides itself on diversity. i wouldn't call that list, you know, so diverse. i amprisedbut greg, at this poi i cannot think of one name that's goinghet there. allow thm this election. like, i don't know who they need to convince. they don't have to win. yeah, that's true. it's just that, like i said earlier, losers, it's the least resistance and least that i miss. robert downey jr. everyone loved him in iron man. exactlreance andy no less.s he >> and trump already had to select great guy for the assassinatio an attempt. he already had it in the back. he was after the assassination attempt. this trump's election. so at this point, it doesn'ts tr matter who they put. they've lost this electionum. >> i wouldn't be so confident. i am verthey hy so glad you yous got to listen to tyrus. conft play with the lead, act like we're losing. >> act like you're losing greg: because remember two words, the red wave a jesse every daya. we're going to get guys where to kick and you wake up, wak

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story dems mocked trump as too old tyrus. so now that biden's out, dems are now finally focusing on age . >> what a surprise. suddenly now it's bad to be olso ddemocr . >> sayat and pretend you are a democrat pundit. okay, and tell the truth about my mother. that's my fault. that's my fault. >> t. lause] that's my fault. that's my fault. ask me the question. all right. so are you surprised? i'll see you on two weeks. >> pretend he asked the question. yes. hey, tyra, says greg. >> he's too old to run. yeah. bulletproof. bullet yeah, that's true. spine bulletproo p f. yeah. understand? he got shot in the ear by,

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his brain, and would have finished his speech ifld hv bodyguards were this much >>orter. ka gt, it does me.i do i don't think this age thing is going to work unles ts they n strictly visually put cam up i against trump. but other than that, when he talks, there's no difference . he is old, right? but he is hes n he's quite old,i actually. and that's something someone goes look that that's the number iquit of his age like what do you want like really like, what do you want me to deo about that? exactly. so, you know, and republicansd n spend a lot of time focusing on it. and i said forever. for me, with biden, it was lot ofwa never the age it was because he what he was not. >> he was an olds lady one, h right? >> i mean, it wasn't about that number. there's somethin an oldg cognitivelynumber wrong has neurodegenerative disorder as a reminder. so if he had two brain surgeries also they can predisposeeurodeged that. >> so that is different that'ss aging and a neuro degenerative b

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disorder. >> and trump is a 30 nine year old waiting in the wings foetweenenerativmpr behind also. >> but again, it's theresa's point getting and being okay definitely inspires confidence shot. he was bodied to the floor. biden alone. >> that impact probably would have died. trump got that. ohy to no. yeah. with those little tiny, little, tiny bodyguards, he'd have been fine. >> he would have caught them there. they would have tripped on. they would have been able to knock biden on the ground. >> they've been like, okay, well, let actually go. hey, long lead. >> and then imagine getting back up. ba he'd be so stiff. oh, hey, you need to be a secret service agentck ud . i know it's a good idea for a movie called little st. ittle bo i'm going to be honest with you. >>when i was one of my dreams wt to make it financially enough to where i could hire a little tine of my bodyguards i to walk around me. >> and we're getting close. it'l canhirel happen. >> i could use him as, like, you know, protective things. ouen somebody is coming at you just lift one of them up. >> well, i'm always worried about my kneesus, so i need the.

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>> sure. just protect the knees. that's it. because you knowsomebodyprotec,. >> trump is as sharp as he has been. yeah. so i'm just goin as hhag to be a it's. it's going to be great to watch that complete turn now that now it's okay to be a just. >> well, you accuse me of being a psychologist. let's use a psychologica l terma which is projection. boy they have perfected projectionychologi. ected pr >> anything they're going to do, they will accuse you of that's as i watched psychoanalysts say this once. whene said, whenever somebody with narcissistic tendencies says you are, i want you to hearmebody . i am. >> i am. you are very. i am. i will smack't c hayou you don't go away.ever hayou you don't go away.ever >> we'll be right back!. thisi'm isn't sherman no wonder i don't feel as clean. >> hurry up, dad i told. ultra >> you've been in there forever. f is too thin. i told you not to get the other toilet paper. >> here's charmin, ultra strong.

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