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Auto Insurance Rate Increases In County Range from $4 to $11 lied or injured In New Jersey NEW YORK CITT—New automobile liability Insurance rates for uring 1991 as compared with 33,New Jersey were announced this 99 during 1950, an increase of 11 week by the National Bureau of er cent;. Casualty Underwriters, effective "Out of all of this, however, there immediately. This revision is part merges one fact that should have of a country-wide movement to very sobering effect on all motorbring rates for this form of In- its and their driving habits. It surance Into line with the current simply that automobile liability accident frequency and cost of isurance rates don't have to rise claims incurred by insured motorthe motorists themselves don't ists, the bureau said. ant them to. No amount of inlation can affect the accident that The revisions apply to rates for basic limits coverage, which means oesn't happen. Neither court nor protection up to $5,000 for bodily ury can hand down an excessive injury for one person, up to $10,000 .ward for the liability claim that for bodily injury resulting from oesn't exist. And exorbitant reone accident and up to 95,000 for al r costs can't possibly be charged property damage. against the car that isn't damaged. The rate changes are not uni- ~o it all boils down to sane driving form throughout the state but vary .nd fewer accidents. The insurance companies don't by territory, depending upon the loss record of each sflch territory. ike to have to seek higher rates. Tiey would prefer it If they could For private passenger cars the re visions result In rate increases eep rates down, because that ould mean fewer accidents and ranging from a minimum of $2 to a maximum of $23 for bodily in- ewer claims to be, affected by Injury and property damage com- 'atlonary costs, Proof of this is bined, according to the bureau. For uickly found in the fact that since most commercial cars affected by 946, when rates began to rise, the higher rates, the Increases for bod- itock companies' underwriting lossily injury and property damage es from automobile liability incombined range from a minimum .urar.ee have reached a total $200,300,000. In 1951, when stock comof $3 to a maximum of $23. pany losses amounted to $100,000,Reason: Accidents, Claims DOO, accidents caused by insured William Leslie, general manger motorists cost the companies that of the National Bureau of Casualty much more money ,In incurred lossUnderwriters, made the following es and expenses than they received statement in explanation of revised in premiums for automobile liability rates; nsurance. However, the companies "The rate Increase are made nec- will welcome the opportunity to essary by mounting accident fre- roduce rates whenever and wherequency and increasing claim cosU. ivcr improved experience permits As to the latter, there has been a them to do so." steady upward riser.in the average New Bates Listed cost of claims with no evidenc , of any apparent leveling off In th In giving the new and old rates,' foreseeable future. Claims settled the National Bureau explained that In 1951, for instance, on a country there are three classes of private wide average basis were 70 per cen passenger cars, as follows: above the 1941 level for bodily in Class 1—car for non-business use jury, and 150 per cent above fo: and no operator under 25 years •: property damage. of age. v "This adverse trend In automoClass 2—car for both business - bile liability experience is -the re and non-business use and with an suit of the economic inflationary operator under 25 years of age. spiralling, the effects of which- an Class 3—car individually-owned, . continuing to inflate the cost o: for business and non-business use, automobile .liability claims. De and no operator under 25 years of spite the continued rise that has age; also cars owned by corporataken place in the last few yean tion^ co-partnerships and unincorin automobile liability rates, It 1. porated' associations, regardless of still a fact that such rates have no age of operator. increased as rapidly or to the sanu Two common classifications of degree as the increases in the cosl of practically everything that a commercial cars, the National Burfects such rates. A new automobile eau explained, are:' Class 4CA—Vehicles u s e d by for Instance, costs approxlmatel; -136 per cent more than it did 1:. tov/el and linen supply services, bottled beverage distributors, clean< 1939, repair costs are up '134 per cent, and hospital cost? 135 pe ers and dyers, frozen food discent. Add to all of this the shock tributors, gasoline and oil dealers, ing increase In the frequency o grocers and butchers, laundries, - ., • motor vehicle' accidents and th wholesale distributors, uetc. Class 5CA^Vehioles (Tised by resteady upward trend of court.am jury awards in liability cases, am tail stores, department stores, conyou have a general explanation o tratcors, electric light and power why insurance companies requln companies, etc. The following are the old and hlghor premiums for protectln, neW baste limits rates for bodily motorists against the disastrous e onomlc results of their automobi] injury and property damage combined for the classes of car describaccidents in these days. ed above for all of Monmouth county except townships of Millstone Deathi, Injuries Increase "The toll of deaths and injurie; and Upper Freehold: from automobile accidents conti Class 1 v $52 $56 ues to Increase. According to rt. 15.. p e -said - no- tickets, oun.cU-'for. Jheir co-operation in ed.. In lar.acl. Is spons Tuni«mo by irour own doslor biforo onttr. I.OIII Alus food distribution. During the ods of equipment and plant main- guidance and operation of the Sherman's Charles Yakow, Mrs. Gilbert White, owners," a report of the board ear an inclusive study was made tenance. The manager of the cafe- school system. Some points inHome Decorators Mrs. Hattie Weigel and Miss Viola of education here adopted at a reg- if cafeteria needs by the board of teria and her assistant also are cluded in these policies arc: A 45 BROAD STREET RED BANK of the philosophy-a! the urtia. Other guests were Mrs. An- ular meeting in mid-August. "A education. Our recommendations granted funds to attend courses at statement operation have prevented a loss Rutgers university regarding im- educational program, duties of perhony Harmon, Mrs. Edgar Allen, limited panorama of the many ap- for sonnel, salary schedules, the atwas being sustained, have provements and new developments Mrs. Joseph Albrecht, Mrs. John proaches to learning," the report that tendance progi-am, and uses of the greatly improved the appearance their respective jobs. ohnston and Mrs. Alan White. was made to provide an aid to bet- of the room, and have kept down inTeachers building and equipment. The basic find economic conditer understanding of the borough's the cost of operation to & minimum- tions trying, due to a constant rise reason for written policy Is that a knowledge of established public schools, Art, Music n living costs and long-standing with policy, progress can be made by Oceanport The report, signed by Mrs. Edna A great disappointment to all of n&dequate salaries compared to evolution rather than revolution. ;hose received for professional servMr. and Mrs. Harold Schnabolk McTague, board president; Richard us was the change in our plans ccs in other fields, Our faculty and Also foremost In our deliberation f Rlverview ave. had as week-end Bennett, vice president, and Mrs. concerning an art program. Due the the plan of thn state aid school board of education constructed is cost of living increases commission authorized by joint ;uests Mr. and Mrs. William Ianuz- Margaret Conover, Robert Earle, to-continued to thwart the loss of teachers a salary guide that is progressive, resolution of the New Jersey state 'A and'son Tommy of Cliff side and Leonard Hofman, Joseph McVey, and other schools, money appropri- equitable and within the scope of legislature. Voting delegates from Mr. and Mrs. Garry Goracci and Frank Siegfried, George Weis and to ated for the art course had to be this borough's financial ability.' board have attended all meetson Buddy of Rochelle park, Sun- Mrs. Anna VanNote, reviews un- echanneled, We fully intend to Present conditions make it neces- our ings at Trenton. Several members lay Mr. and Mrs. Tanuzzi cele- dertakings .and accomplishments, provide It next year and sincerely sary that our Atlantic Highlands have attended county meetings and brated their 12th wedding annivers- and indicates future plans for the regret having to take this action teachers have a salary schedule with our board members was a rcpcommensurate with their profes- esentatlve of our borough council. this year. ary at a party at the Schnabolk schools. sional status on a level with A citizens' .state aid committeo has The school was equipped with a schedules home. Present were Mr. and Mrs. The school board's report follows! flne set up in nearby com- been formed comprising three memSteinway grand piano last parable communities, Groracci and son, Buddy; Mr. and and in acboard of education is pleased year and we have had great satisof our community to work Mrs. Irving Marcus of New York toThe cord with recent legislation. There- bers present a report to the people faction from its performance. In ity and Little Silver; Mr. and Mrs. of Atlantic Highlands. Although a order to care for it properly, we fore, the teachers are being placed with us on this significant and highly important problem. Edward Wlseup of-Portaupeck; Mr. limited panorama of the many ap- have protected it with a canvas on the proper step of the salary and Mrs. Frank Callahan of this proaches to learning, this report cover and a piano truck to facili- schedule on the basis of training We arc constantly working to obplace; Mr, and Mrs. Harold Gold- is intended as an aid to a better tate moving it. Our muaic program and experience over a six-year per- tain all the benefits possible for berg of Red Bank, and Charles understanding of the Atlantic has been revised to include more iod of adjustment. Commendation our school children and our comHighlands public schools. Schnabolk of Brooklyn. students in both schools. Your was received upon our salary plan munity; we are constantly working Our schools are a vital factor. In board of education feels that every from several sources, one of which to obtain the greatest value for Miss Carolyn Uzdilla of Herbert giving our boys and girls a back- course offered must perform ths was an article In a. recent issue of every dollar given lo as in our • IDIDSKIII RIP l i n i . 1 . pi., Portaupeck, returned to her ground for understanding t h e greatest good for the greatest num- the New Jersey Educational Re- budget. There arc many problems confronting us that gl times seem position Monday with the United American way, of life. Good schools ber. Therefore, we are planning to view. Insurmountable. We earnestly soStates Golf association, New York are developed through the active extend the program more into the Interest and Aid licit your help and sugKeslion.s. co-operation of the board of edu- elementary grades/ and to make city, after two weeks' vacation. Once again, we reiterate our apOur board meetings nre your board the school staff, parents and greater use of organized class vo- preciation of the fine co-operative The first aid squad will meet cation, meetings. cal instruction and music appreciother citizens of the community. next Monday at the Oceanport Are spirit given when local agencies By respectfully submitting this have been fortunate In having ation. An instance of excellent Fabrico E-Z Fit house. The meeting, originally We this co-operation. As a result, there community co-operation for the have been called upon for assist- report to you, we hope our efforts scheduled for Monday of this week, has b,cen excellent progress in benefit of the school was the work ance. The Atlantic Highlands Gar- measure up to you/ expectations. was postponed because of Labor many areas. The school year of of the Civic Band committee. This den club was asked by the board education to consider the reday. 1982-53 will present an improved group of untiring folk Initiated of Civil Defense planning ia 'for landscaping of our entrances and The Oceanport hook and ladder educational program and will be many events that provided the mon- terrace and to submit suggestions your protection. Do your part by ies to purchase 12 instruments, caps capable of yielding rich returns company will meet tomorrow night its improvement. A program knowing the ABC's of sclf-sullland other equipment for our band. for when reports on the recent firewas developed under the profes- clency. Beginners Their accrued collections ran into sional guidance of Harry Donoghue men's fair will be given. A beginners' class was started four figures and all of it was given Mlllbrook greenhouses, New • FOR WOOD WINDOWS in Sept. 1951, after considerable to the school. This included a of Monmouth, an eye to economy planning with our administrators, large donation by the Atlantic as well aswith • F O R METAL CASEMENTS beauty. Considerable New Monmouth and faculty, and with the assist- Highlands Lions club. Students, time and great care were given ance of Miss Ann Hppak, assistant teachers and thn administration this project as was Flip On or Off-Instantlu! evidenced in Miss Annie Walling and Miss in the elementary division of the are deeply grateful to them. the plan offered to the board. We Evelyn Walling were hostesses 'at state department of education, who are very appreciative of their efAll forms of Audio-Visual Aid a family party Tuesday night of met with us and discussed this isand lavish in our praise of Wool Window* last week. Guests were Mr. and sue thoroughly. A meeting with Our school district Is a member forts «r r furnbhrd their ability. Life-Casualty-Rre wltli new Ad* Mrs. Herbert Burrowes of Keyport, parents was held in June to ex- of the Manmouth County Audio jlmlilile Hangar* who recently returned from Europe; plain this innovation. Booklets, Visual Aids association. It costs Two, other local companies made and C 1 o I u r r compiled by our elementary school 40 cents per pupil and we receive surveys. The New Jersey Natural Insurance • Channel. per* Mrs, Horace Burrowes, Mr. and milting raiy In* were distributed to par a delivery service on requested film Gas company presented detailed Mrs. Robert James and family of personnel, _ ilallatlon and ents of all beginners. They conthroughout the entire year. Our plans for the renovation and modadjustmcnl In Real Estate Asbury Park, Mr. and Mrs. Harold tained an explanation of the pur eachers were called upon to se- ernization of the domestic science • any xtanctard Allen of Plandome, L. I., Mr. and pose of the new class and some lect dim to become part of the room. The Jersey Central Power h - l j h l window. 300 River Road Red Bank, V. 3. Mrs. Harold Stout and Miss Peggy suggestions for parents to help county film library. From all re- & Light company surveyed the Stout of Red Bank, Mrs. Elizabeth them In co-operating with the ports, our students and faculty are lighting problem in this room as . Standard and BE 6-4971 Schenck, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Wall- school. Considerable new equipment very satisfied with this progressive well as other Important areas in ; Custom Sites the school and made comprehensive Ing, Miss Joane Walling and Fitz- of the kindergarten-primary type aid to education. was purchased so that Ihe needs IOW COST • UOMWEIOHT Wailtng. Motion pictures of tours of smaller children could be filled Curriculum, Plant NON.STAINING • EASIIY INSTAUED in Europe and parts of this coun- more adequately. We are planning This 1952-53 school year we hope NEED NO PAINTING try were shown at the party. to add more of this type of equip- will be a fuller, richer, more satImtalled or Removed from Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Serbe were ment to our beginners' class this sfying one for all of our students. Some courses have been revised holiday week-end guests of Mr. and year. Inside House and there are new courses to be • i e N a. • SEE YOUR LUMBER DEALER* Mrs. John Kolida of Islip, L. I. The result of these efforts' has included in the curriculum such as Rev. and Mrs. Earl McCullough been very satisfactory. Our chil- speech, human relations, public Free Literature. Write Dipt. RR and family of Haworth were guests dren in this beginners' class were speaking, debating and student FABRICO, Box 31, this week of Mr. and Mrs. Howard happy, well adjusted1 and grew In work projects. A continuous planNorth Bergen, N. J. readiness for their new experience ning, revision and modification of Roberts. in the first grade. the curriculum to meet the needs of students to keep them interested Reports, Health Another change in the lower in and satisfied with their school grades has been made after con- program la our most Important siderable research by our superin- goal. tendent, principal and teachers: re- In regard to the school plant, the porting to parents. This study re- grounds were covered with black vealed that great benefits were de- topping to avoid an unusual amount rived from parent conferences with of dirt tracked into the school and teachers at scheduled times and ex- dust blown Into the basement. This plained a more satisfactory mark- year, we continued the black toping system. More detailed informa- ping 400 square yards farther back tion will be distributed in the near to make a more effective job. The trees on the Washington ave. side future. All students were given telebi- of the school were removed after nocular examinations under the su- being reported as hazardous by the pervision of Dr. Saul Rubin, who shade tree commission. Many paroffered his assistance. This service ents, teachers and our custodians was performed by a volunteer have noted their approval. Having group of mothers. Such co-opcra- appropriated money In the budget, tlon from the people of our com- we are in a position to erect a munity to build a better school fence on the north side of the health program is very gratifying. school grounds as a protective We, the board of education, hepe measure for the children. This to see more of this community in- open area has long been of great concern to the board of education. terest and participation, The yearly tuberculosis testing One of our objectives is to keep program and the follow-up X-ray the school in good repair and In a service provided In our health plan highly presentable condition. If a for each student and all personnel school building is well maintained, will be continued. This service, how- and kept in repair it is more ecoever, will be held In the Atlantic nomical to operate, it Is easier to Remember! THREE DAYS ONLY Highlands school instead of the heat and to keep clean, It adds past arrangement of transporting to teacher and pupil morale and It creates respect and admiration on pupils to Leonardo. The cafeteria service, offered to the part of the public for the school We have assembled from our own stock, together all students and employees is an- system. After regular-interval Inother Important part of the health spections, we feel that our janitorwith suits from our other four stores . . . . Colyer* program. We attempt to offer bal- ial staff la to be commended for the

Entertains Friends At Breakfast Party

In Bed Bank If • SHERMAN'S for

Atlantic Highlands School Board Submits 'Account to the Owners'

For Comfort and Health All Aluminum







School of Ballet



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Slacks and Shirts for olatsfoom and campus



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Vise Four

Th» rectory, according t o Rev. Mr. Snyder, will be used by Suffragan Bishop A'lfred L. Banyard as an office and summer home. LONG BRANCH — The rectory Rev. Mr. Snyder will remain vicar Unwanted Hair Removed of tb« Church of President* on of the church, Flans to send a delegation of FREEHOLD — Anthony A. Auer, A movement w a j started recently more than 100 scouU and explorers Ocean »ve., .Elberon, has been Forever president of tho Democratic club of to make the church a museum. Beturned over to Biehop Wallace J. 1AFELY ' *CIENTIFICALLY to the 1953 national jamboree next Monmouth county, and Stephen J. Gardner of the Episcopal diocese hind the movement Is a. group head- July at Santa Ana, Cal., already Mr. Stanley at . P.emsen, Democratic Freeholder of New Jersey, according to Rev.ed by Edgar Dinkelsplel of Elhave been launched by Monmouth candidate, have announced a sched Vincent's Beauty Salon Christopher H. Snyder of Fair Ha- beron. county council. More than 50,000 lie of campaign meetings for toOCEAN GROVE—The 83d camp tight and tomorrow, 12 Llrnlcn PI. RE t.JilO ven, vicar of the church the past Bon firs «bl» to rank* poek«t tnoner scouts from the United States and by telling The flejlitcr.—Advsrtuement. other countries will attend the jam- meeting in Ocean Grove auditorAir Coiidltl*iw4 f»r V»Br Comfort 20 year*. Mr. Remsen last night was guest boree on the Irvine ranch July 1T- ium was concluded Sunday night if the Wall Township Democratic when 10,478 persons filled the hall 23. club at an outing and meeting at Kendall Lee of Aabury Park, to hear Evangelist Billy Graham Oak Tree tavern in Glendola. chairman of the council's jamboree preach. The Freeholder candidate will Camp meeting officials said the committee, said county scouts will apeak tonight at Memorial hall, make up a special train with scouts total attendance for the ten-day Crawford's Corner, This campaign from Ocean county, Trenton and meeting was the largest in the hisilly has been scheduled by the Camden, The jamboree, third In tory of the association. In other appearances here, Mr. newly-formed Democratlo Club of scouting history, • wll) be patterned Holmdel township. on the 1850 camp at Valley Forge, Graham, youngest college president Mayor White to Speak Pa. ScouU will be grouped In in the country, attracted 10,000 perTomorrow night a meeting has troops of 32 members each with sons Thursday night, a large crowd BOYS' HEAVYWEIGHT four eight-man patrols. They will Friday night and 8,171 more Sun- been arranged at the Molly Pitcher hotel In Red Bank. Mayor Katherdo their own cooking and sleep In day' afternoon, ine Elkus White will (peak. The tent*. Democratlo candidates for the Red Mr. Lee said the jamboree will Hadassah to Give Bank borough council are expected charge a $50 fee with transportato attend. County campaign plans tion costs varying -with . different Book to Library Hollywood modri. Washable U oz. rayon-gabartours planned for the trip across Members of Red Bank chapter will b» discussed, The Friday meetthe continent. Tentative tour plans of Hadassah, at their opening fall ing Is sponsored by the Democratic dlnc J'ull cut, pleated front, zipper fly, deep were made at a meeting of eight meeting Tuesday at the Jewish Club of Monmouth County. The pockets. Brown, blue, grey, green. Sizes S to 18. New Jersey councils with railroad Community Center, will give to the public Is Invited to attend. officials late last month at Medford. Rtfd Bank library Its first bopk on 3.98 VALUE Each scout troop and Explorer Jewish affairs. Chapter members Recent Luncheon unit Is entitled to one reservation chose a copy of "Mission to Israel", for the jamboree, J. Fred Blllctt, by James MacDonald a s their gift For Bride-Elect scout executive, said this week, The Ivan Kaimen and tore Heyman EATONTOWN .Miss Stella council will provide equipment dhd who studied in Israel this summer Levitan of Washington it., Red training, and provide leadership under the sponsorship of the joint Bank, was a guest at a luncheon for the expedition, but individual youth commission of Hadassah, last Thursday at Crystal Brook Heavy thickset qualify. Sizes A to 10, In brown, costs will be borne by the scouts. Ladies' Hebrew society and Congre- Inn, given by her co-workers at gation Bnai Israel, will tell of their the Squler Signal laboratory at green, navy, maroon. Zipper fly. visit to the Jewish National home- Fort Monmouth. Miss Levitan will land and their studies there. This section of tho program has been ar- be married Saturday to Paul Leeds, ranged in observance of Youth All- who is an engineer at Watson laboratories. BOYS' GIRLS' KEYPORT — Tho Institute of yah, which is one of Hadasaah's Luncheon guests were Roslna dl projects aiding youth of the -world. Management and Labor Relations Franco, Mary Berner, Nita Smith, o£ Rutgers university will sponsor HEAVY RUBBER Joan, Lloyd Helen Graves, Marge an eight-session course, "QettlnR Mrs. Norman Mciizel BLUE DENIM Green, Helen Berry, Betty O'ConAlong With People On the Jon," nor, Genevieve Williams, Marguerat the high school horc beginning Honored at'Sliower ite Galeani, Peggy Salmon, Dorothy Wednesday, Oct. 1. Harold A. ZanLively, Barbara Gambrel, Frances FAIR HAVEN — A stork showe tow, personnel director of the Pascal, Minnie Breslow, Virginia Franklin Baker division o.' Gen-was given recently for Mrs, Noreral Foods corporation, Hobokcn, man Menzel of East Sunset ave Gorman, Virginia Rusclo, Mayc will be Instructor of the course, Red Bank, by Mrs. Waller Polifki Binder, Hazel Pierce, Alice Johnwhich will meet Wednesdays be- and Mrs. E. J. Eyles, a^ Mrs, Eylcs' ston, Anne . Pray, Lillian Vaskin and Grace Turney. home on Park ave. Reg. 3.98 tween 7:30 and 9 p. m. Sanforized shrunk Guests were Mra. Harry W. E s The course Is "part of the stateblue denim with DBIVEBS UNHURT Double back, deep telle, Mrs. William Johnson, Mrs. wide program of our Institute to LoRoy Croft, Mrs. A u g u s t u zipper side - nnpFAIR HAVEN — Both drivers roomy pockets bring about, among manngoniont, were unhurt Tuesday when a car pcr riveted and Imr includlne Inside labor and the public, a better Schmidt, Mi's. John Wldger an< driven by Mrs. Eugene Bush, Sailtacked nt points of understanding of tholr mutual Misses Leila Jobcs, Carol Schloes1 pocket /or books, problems and obligations," accord- ser, Mary Pagano, Edith and Win- ers way , Rumson, ran Into the rear strain. Sizes 7 to Sites 4 t o 16, In Ing t o Hamilton Stlllwolt, chair- nlo Duncan, Dorothy Korr and Di- of a car driven by Honry J. Nerl 14. blncV or yellow. man of the Institute's public pro- ane Wldger, all of Red Bank; Mrs of Point rd,, Little Silver, on River gram. Questions to be answered Richard Esoh and Mrs. George rd. According to police, Mr. Nerl during the course will include: Springsteen, New Shrewsbury; Mrs. said he slowed down to avoid hitWhat are some of the ways to get Harry K. Estdlo, Shrewsbury; Mrs. ting a cardboard box In the middle along with or supervise one's fel- Thomas Brereton Freehold; Miss of the street, Mrs. Bush, according low workers? How can communica- June Keating, Eatontown, and Miss to police, said Mr. Nerl failed to give a hand signal. ' tions affect employee-employer re- Elvira Clttadino, Long Branch. lations? What makes for good Diamond cutting -was first deThe necklace Is believed t o b e morale on the job? Can a worker tho oldest form of jewelry. successfully manage dual loyalty— veloped in ancient India, to both the union and employer?

Scouts Launch Plan for National Jamboree Next July in California

Bishop Take* Over Elberon Rectory


Remsen Here Tomorrow Night

Preacher Draws Record Crowds






Rutgers to Hold Relations Cour§e

Rain Coats Dungarees WITH HELMETS







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merican Home

Registration for the course can be completed at the high school here Monday through Friday, Sept. 22-26, between 9 a. m. and 3 p. m., or by writing or telephoning ICarlo Whitney, director of- this borough's adult education program. Fee for the eight-session course Is $2.


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FETBD AT BIKTIIDAV SUPPER HK1HLAND8 - Walter B, Behr•IU, Sr,, of Miller st., observed his birthday Friday at a family sup. per party at 1il« home. Quests Included M n , Bohrons, Mlaac* Rloanor and Dorothy Bchront, Charles and Walter E. Behrons, Jr., Minn Patricia Shechan, Richard Van Kirk and Herbert Vnushan, Jr.


You are cordially Invited

MATAWAN-Mr. and Mrs. William C. Ludl and children, Mary Barbara nnd William, Jr., were the guests of honor at a family supper Monday in the Marlboro fire house. The affair had been planned a s an outdoor picnic in Charlie's White Birch Grove in Robertavllle, but due to weather the party was held Indoors. Tho committee In charge of arrangements were Mrs. Thomas M. Anderson, Keyport; Mrs. John L. Chamberlain, Mrs. Peter Read nnd Mrs. A. Edgar Palm. The Ludis will leave Wednesday for Afrlcn due to the transfer of Mr, Ludl by the Esso company.

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Repair & Remodel Now! Convert your front porch Into • room, Give your home mare living space, more comfort and added beauty. Increase the valuation with a minimum of cost,



Farewetl Supper Giveii For Africa-Bound Ludis

Present were Mr. and Mrs. W. Rulon Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ludewlg and children David and Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Claus and children Janet Ann, Karen, Ktirl, Jr., And Marsha, Mr. nnd Mrs. Oharles E . Sprlnghorn, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Chamberlain and daughters, Peggy and Ann, Mr. and Mrs. Viotor FrcddU and son Victor, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Peter Read and daughter Peggy Ann, Mr. and Mrs, A. Edgar Palm and children Peggy and Robert, Miss Jane Pengel, Mrs. Lydia Walling, Mrs. C. William Ludl nnd Mrs. J. Carle Anderson of Matawan; Mr. nnd Mrs, Thomas M. Anderson and children Jane and William, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey C. Hartman nnd daughter Gall, Mr. and Mrs. John O. Hartzler and son Paul, Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Bjurrowes and daughters, Marlby, Catherine and Susan, and Mrs, Horace S. Burrowes of Keyport, and Mr. and Mrs, Roland Loog and


For flhop at Horns N«r*lce l're» Kitlmalut

SHERMAN'S Horn ntMHtirt « Brntd Ri IU4 Hub



ZIPPER BINDER • 1- of ).»lni -ilk loaiUr



Fintit Quality CoHon Hotel NylonReinforced TOM and H.elil Ant. Sm.rt Wilti-Fii» OoilfMl .. . ^


G.nuint LEATHER i



Slidt-in Top i l Combinolion SKorpanir

& 6 inch Rulerl

Csnlaitii i Poncilt I




Sturdy, Waterproof i



Cellophai% Wrapped





Values to 65c a pair! '


SACCHARIN ;.::.'„::."». Bottle ol I.OOO



p tolm. Ck.U. i l eli






Heavy Canvas Covered


Lumint'lVlt'l Swtap StisnJ Hine*!

Quakers to Hold Peace Testimony Day SHREWSBURY—The Religious Society of Friends, Quakers, will hold its annual "Peace Testimony Day" Sunday at 3- p. m. at the meeting house at Broad st. and Sycampre ave. George Hardln will speak on "The Search for National Security." He is executive secretary of the Friends' Peace committee of the Philadelphia yearly meetings. Among the questions he will attempt to answer are: "How can we fell less compelled to rely on war to solve our problems?" "How can we solve our International problems peaceably?" "What can a citizen do to help create an atmosphere which can gain security?" The meeting la open to the public.

• • - % R«». • 77c I V.lua

Tuesday, September 9th 10)80 A, M.

,500 INVENTORY $8,500


on the premlnei »t

Bradley Beach, N. J.




[ •< M|ll, lil'/i kl.l



» • v.i., AlhM.J C.I.,,






H,Ht » • • • " ' '

2- and 3-Hole FILLERS ! COMPOSITION BOOK 40 P«|* Sin






' 12-Inch RULER



! WAX CRAYONS ART-GUH ERASER Pill It With Wattrl Writ* With INKI

i nil tl« til Lin M M II II yea '










LAUNDRY CART • Tubular Aluminum • HtivyMutllnMy Wl|(,CI«lhii»inPe«Ut^ • II9 Rubber Wha.li

taw > I M H \

• I >ea. lath *i 4«!allt

)K )iKitw.



4-COLOR (mm

WATER PEN Mtlitelua.elttk inl tram wilir, er

Regular M

.aterman's Price Slash! f a ^ . A

Amuing MARVIN]

, Mull Ink lirifMii CklllH Witir I I latl |

9C 9e

{8»10> ir 6x9*tneh tin - A C I IHOLLAND LINEN T A B L E T ^


Mtehanloil ,

p|, in, .tat WHOLI > ( > • • • Ciihanl t Ivy ft a w aotf

PKO. OF 2 i r J HOLE

INK TABLET WIRE BOUND MEMUUUOK At ; Okilei ol End or SUt Opening * *

25c Value!

90 Pound Value






i RULED i r PUIH. Each «nly



III Win '•"• | l i I COMPOSITION I f f



BUSINESS SCHOOL OPENING The Red Bank Business Institute at" 128 Broad st., will open for the fall term Monday, Sept. 22. Mri. Florence N. O'Shea, school director, is interviewing prospective students for registration for the fall term, *

I, the undersigned, will sell at absolute public auction on

EACH ONLY tram 1




• • f i l l ! UlkMtMl I «««l M f i i»ir i t i i

' hit oalr I

Li« mill IMII. Im N««l



Entire atock of new Matticiici, Bedi, Pillows '





SunRauDrugs BROAD


1104 Main Slrcel,


• n i l -r-T-w e pan

Club Attends Funeral Of Arthur A. Turner LINCROFT —' Several member: of the Lincroft-Holmdel Klwani; club attended the funeral las Thursday night in Newark of Ar thur A. Turner, secretary-treasur er of the club. The meeting in tin chapel was curtailed to permit thi members to make the trip. The club was- host to the presl dents of tho clubs of division foui for the purpose of attending thi nominating conference for the si lection of a candidate for the offlc of lieutenant governor of the d vision. Lieut. Governor Walter Van Scholck of Farmlngdale was nomi nated for re-election. Past Governor Edward Keougi of Pitman was to have been th guest speaker, but cancelled h talk because of Mr. Turner's fu ncral. Mr. Kcough presided at thi nominating conference of the clu presidents. Members of the club were honoi ary bearers at Mr. Turner's burl service Friday noon at the Holmdi cemetery. Harry Pitcher, pa! president-was in" charge of ai rangements. Stanley Stilwell, th club's chaplain, conducted the Kl wants services and John Turnei a nephew of the deceased and clerical student at Maryknoll co lege, conducted the family servlci





50 Hollywood Btdi, Rollawiy Btdi, Slnvlt tnd DouWi Bidi, Coll tnd Box Sprlnji (Slngli and rfoubl*.),, 500 Plllowi, O i l Revngii, Urgi lot of miioriltntoui Furniture, You may buy ont or u many of any Him you ,w»nt. Thi offir* Ingi may bi vlawid any tlmi during builnm houn. All morohandli* muat bi rtmovod from thi prnmliti within 41 hour* aftor tho idle, u promlm must he vaoatad, Thi undinlgnid and Auotionur ihtll not hi rieponilbli In thi ivini of aeoldtnt or Injury to any nirion or pinon* in. on or tbout ihi primiiM,

by Order of i MORRIS KOEGEL n, O. OOATf and, OIIARMM M. WOOUJSV, Auollnniwri Monti Long Branth M5M.





I'2,00 ORIAMi

Imni ||f|



«•» i • Sun Riv S I M M (hi Mirkil to



Ihni UtneJtd Ml«f, fWa ihid* I wuppir tle,arl. Slle|h» 'llwl aj| H\ ItiMn tmailnt) lUliur*, N t blHn|l Hell tlniri* Irt h««aj U male i' '



Paee Six

RED BANK REGISTER 40-42 Bro.d Street. Red B»k, N. J. Subwrlption Prlcai in Advance. On* rear IS.00; six Booths, 18.00. Siogli cop;, at oountir. 10 etnta. limed Weekly, entered «« Second Clan MstUr «t the Poitoffice at Red Bant, M. J.. under the Act of March ». 1879.

nil the others. What is the solution? It, ras necessary to appeal for state aid when lie teachers asked for more pay. Will that e the eventual solution for other public orkers? And will that eventually mean lie substitution of home rule for dftminaion by the bureaucrats in Washington'.' t's a serious matter for all.




Fifty Tears Ago. Ethel Robinson, an employee of Benjamin John Parker,' collector the hospital, collected the most PROGRESSIVE PARTY, of taxes of Shrewsbury township, money. reported that of $100,000 io be col- John W. Boyland of River Plaza, Long Branch Chapter a letter to The Register whereTHURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1852 Aug. 26, 1952. lected for the current year, only sent in he viBioned the future of Red $175 remained unpaid. > To the Editor: Bank, u he said he saw it in a Open letter to Mayor Katharine E. Assistant Postmaster Fred Cul- dream. Just Three Weeks lington, and letter carrier Harry Salaries and Taxes White and Borough Council Lefetra went on their annual va- Five adjoining business buildings As of now, today, there are just three of Red Bank, at Campbell's Junction, near Belcations. The recent resignation of three members recks in" which any IS'ew Jersey citizen not Enclosed are petitions containing Benjamin H. Crate and Benjamin ford, were bought by Charles Cohen of the Red Bank police department' and o\v registered can qualify to vote iii the 105 signatures of Red Bank citizens Allen Parker were the judges at from Herman Labrecque for $25,urging that rent control be con- a.cake-walk held at Navcsink which 000. About the same time the stores the circulation of petitions b.v members of 'ig election three months hence. That's all tinued. were sold, Mr. Labrecque bought . On behalf of the Red Bank mem- was won by a couple from the a plot diagonally across the street the local 1'atroliuen's Benevolent associa- here is, three weeks, '21 days., And after bers of the Progressive party I Highlands hotel. from George Morris for $5,000. tion to have Hie question of a 15 per cent hat you'll iicifr them, by the dozen, those am writing to urge you to pass Miss Ada Keeler, daughter of Althe resolution required to continue bert Keeler of Bank st., and Wil- School reopened at Tinton Falls increase in salaries of all members of the >eople who'll say they wanted to register Federal Rent Control in Red Bank liam Soffel of Locust avc., were with James R. Johnson of Oakuntil Apr. 30. 1953. police department placed on the November 'lit they just didn't know about the deadmarried at New York. The' cere- hurst as principal, succeeding Mrs, Following are some of the rea- mony was witnessed by Millie Kee- Anna Ottcrson of Farmlngdale. ballot are matters of deep concern to the ine. With some, tbc idea they had to regissons for our belief that it would er, a slater of the bride, and James A Block dance was held on Broad, be contrary to tho public interest officials and citizens of this borough. The er by Sept. 25 just won't register because KJngsbury, also a relative of the st., under the auspices of Shrewsnot to extend rent control: bury Post, American Legion. The primary reason back of both, according to hey aren't paying attention to what's being (1) It Is our belief that the ma- bride. profits went Into a fund which the jority of residents of Red Bank are The Daughters of Liberty lodge Legion kept for sick and invalid members of the department, is the increase laid in The Register, And, count them, those renters, It would be difficult to ){ Fair Haven netted $80 by a veterans. Alvln Murray was chairustlfy an action which would bene- three-day fair under the general in the cost of 'living. )eople will be among those who'll complain fit only a minority and cause hard- management of Mrs. W. Nelson man of the affair: ship to the others. And even as- who was assisted by Mrs. Jamef Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Dennis Police Chief Frank Keuther states he he loudest about how the election turns out. suming that all owners of rental Van Brunt, Mrs. Charles Van of South st., announced value cf another diamond of like tlxe? Then and warty other puzzling question* are made clear to all who tee this diamond evaluation exhibit-hero in our window for x>ne week only. Thli diamond story Is more than Just interesting- li Is valuable!' Ft dlipels many of the misconceptions about diamond valuci, It thows how today's scientific instruments In the trained hands of our Keglitered Jeweler of the American Cem Society, preciicly measures all the elusive elements that establish genvvalue... how each slight degree of color-tone lowers value. ' . can deprive an individual of subtion of livestock. * Just to enjoy a very unusual exhibition of beautiful Antiques. .Through the years these esti- stantial future sums. For that mates have been quite accurate. reason It Is Important1 to have all Complimentary tickets at your local Antique.Dealer or at all stores .displaying Greater aoouracyls possible when ther facts leylewed by a social sefarmers fill out and'return their curity office first so that determina. . our blue Poster. questionnaires promptly, Dr. Beok tion may be made for the best By: FRANK HtlSCIA, Mgr. says, In short, the greater the par- interests of the individual, declares ticipation'by farmers the more ac- Mr. Reid, curate and timely orop reports can be. Belford Thomas Bourquc, son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Bourque, celebrated his second birthday, Aug. 27 with a family party. Among those attending were Mr. and Mrs, Fred Bauer and Miss Rae Lyons of Water Wltoh. Mr. and Mr«. •Walter Frlgault of Providence, R. I., are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Domlnlck Mullaney. Miss Elaine Steele of Clayton, N. J. and Miss Patricia Wright of Sea Isle City, college friends of Miss Wllma Meyer, spent the holiday week-end at her homo. Mrs, Bossle Bannon and Mr. and Mrs. E. Leslie Bannon of Rosette Park spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Copoland. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Shandraw of Bridgeport, Conn, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert MacDonald of Forest Hills, L. I. were guests for the week-end and Labor day of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Conien. Miss Carol Bernas of Union City and Miss Dorothy Dundorf of West New York visited Miss Lois CompToday my daughter, who is seven years old, started to school as usual. She wore a dark ton one day this week. Both are blue dress with a white collar. She had on black shoes and wore blue gloves. Her cocker-spaniel, college classmates of Miss Compton's, whose name is "Scoot," sat on the front porch and whined his canine belief in the folly of educa« Mr. and Mrs. James Kelly of tion as she waved "goodbye" and started off to the halls of learning. Washington, D, C, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kelly. Mrs. Thomas Orr and daughter* of Kingston, N. Y., are visiting Mr. and Mrs, Luther Walling and sons. Tonight we talked about school. She told me about the Mr. and MM. Walling have named their Infant «on Relgh Allen Walgirl who sits in front of her—the girl with yellow curls—and ling, the boy across the aisle who makes funny faces. She told me Arthur Hurley and Normon Colabout her teacher, who has eyes in the back of her head—and son spent three days thU week In Now York city and attended sovabout the trees in the school yard—and about the big girl who •ral shows, doesn't believe in Santa Claus, We talked about a lot of things Mr. and Mrs. Dirk Hofnun and family have been spending part of —tremendously vital, unimportant things; then we studied the summer at Toms River, spelling, reading and 'rltlimctic—and then to bed. Mr. and Mn. Andrew Btkanioh and Mn Leonard of Rldgefleld Park and Mr. and Mn. John Sambataro and sons John and Jamos of New York city were (tu««ts this week at the home of Mr, and Mn, Frank She's back there now—back In the nursery—sound asleep, with "Princess Elizabeth" (that's Paaylowskl, A do.ll) cuddled in her right arm, You guys wouldn't hurt her-would you? You see, I'm her daddy. Mr. and Mn, Donald Wlnani, Mr, and lire, Roy Wlnans, Br,, Mr, and When her doll Is broken, or her finger Is cut, or her head gets bumped, I can fix it—but when she Mia, Hoy Wlnans, Jr., John Pelriok stnrts to school, when she walks across the street, then she's In your hands. and I'»ul Bpt*n«i all of Lyndhtirat, vliltid Mr. and MM, H, A, Inue, the the registration books •will Notice of change of residence or ap- plication for transfer of registration til after the forthcoming General Elec- Election District No. 5 and Election Dis- plication plication fcr transfer of registration grandchildren, Charlyn Mae Reinpoint or place of beginning. for transfer of registration trict No. 1, to Mill Brook; thence (2) be made either by written request shall be made cither by written request The polling place for the Eighth Elec tion to be held on Tuesday, November Easterly, along Mill Brook to Chapel shall bo made cither by written request shall furt, Donald Reinfurt and Freder forwarded to the Municipal Clerk or the 4, 1952. forwarded to the Municipal Clerk or the tion District Is at Fred Maddalena's, 108 forwarded to the Municipal Clerk or the Notice of change of residence or ap- Hill Rood thence (3) Northerly, along County Board of Elections on forma County 'Board of Electiona on forms County Board of Elections on forma Ick Reinfurt. The rest goes to hit Shrewsbury avenue. ._ plicntion for transfer of registration Chapel Hill Road, to Mountain Hill provided by said Municipal Clerk or provided by said Municipal Clerk children, Rev. Frederick W. Reinprovided by said Municipal Clerk or Ninth Election District Board or by calling in person1 at the shall he made either by written request Road; thence (4) Continuing Northerly or by calling in person at the furt and Doris Donovan. Beginning in the center line of Locust fnrwnrdcd.to the Municipal Clerk or the In a straight line to Park Avenue; thence Board or by culling in person at the office of the 1 Municipal. Clerk oi .Board office of the Municipal Clerk or office of the Municipal Clerk or avenue at high water line of the North County Board of Elections en forma (f>) Easterly, along Park Avenue, to f County Board ot Elections up to and in' County Board of Elections up to and in- Minnie E. Ruck of Middletown, Shrewsbury river, thence easterly along provided by said Municipal Clerk or private road leading through the 'HOB- County Board of Freeholders to and In- eluding September 25, 1952. ' cluding September 26, 1952, who died Aug. 10, willed his estate center line of Locuat avenue to the Board or by calling in person at the tord property; thence (6) Southerly, cluding September 25, 1952. The following is a description of. the center line of Shrewsbury avenue; thenci office of the Municipal Clerk or County along the private road leading through The following is a description of the to. his sons, Jean P. Ruck and AlThe following la a description ot the southerly along center line of Shrews, Board of Elections up to and including the Uosfnt'd property, to Mountain Hill Election Districts in the Borough ot Election Districts in the Borough of Eat- election districts in the Borough of Little bert C. Ruck. eluding September 56, 195*. bury avenue to the center line of Chest September 25, 1052. Road; thence (7) Easterly, to the Fair Haven and the polling places In ontown and the polling places in same, Silver and the polling places In the John A. Soehl of Matawan, who vis: same, viz: The following Is a complete descrip- nut street; thence easterly along centel s The following is B description of the boundary line nf Election Diiitrict No, Bame, vis: died Aug. 13, willed $5,000 to a tion of the Election Districts in he .'Ine of Chestnut street to the center line Election Districts in the township of 2: thence (8) Southerly, along Election First Election District First Election District First Election District Election District Ore Is hereby defined C o u g h of Red Bank and the location of right of way of the New York & Long iddletown and the polling places in the District No. 2 to- the Nnvenlnk or Election District No, 1 is hereby de- daughter, Harriet Soehl Toward, Election District 1 Is hereby defined Shrewsbury Riven thence (9) Westerly, and ot polling places for each of the said Branch railroad; thence southeasterly ame, vlt.: The rest goes to the widow. as follows: Containing all and described as that section and terri- fined and described ai follows: along the snld river to the point or place that described tory ot the Borough lying east of a line along center Jine of right of way of New districts. part of the Borough lying west of District, Commonly Known n t Electloi All that portion of tho Borough of to Park Avenue; thence (2) Easterly, a line which .begins at a point where the designated as follows: Rebecca J. Layton of Wall townYork k Long Branch railroad to the First Election District as the Middletown District. Little Sliver, situate between the center along Park Avenue, to Hosford Avenue; BEGINNING at the point where center Beginning- at a Point on the shore of center line of River street (produced): Tho boundaries of the earns arc as thence (3) Northerly, nlong Hosford center line of Bucna Vista Avenue if ex- line of the State Highway intersects La- of Rumson road from Hance road due ship, who died Apr. 19, willed his the North Shrewsbury River directly be- thence westerly along ths center line ot tended would intersect the Shrewsbury Avrnue, tn the New Monmouth and At- river; thence running south along the fetra's' Brook; thence along ,the center west to Branch 'avenue, thence south to house in Manasquan to a nephew, illows, viz.: tween the properties owned by the Mon- North Shrewsbury river; thence northWillard H. Nock. Other bequests Highlands Ronil; thence (4) East- center line of Bucna Vista Avenue to line ot the State Highway to the point and including White road. BEGINNING at the Keansburg Gate- lantic along mouth Boat Club and_ the property erly along high water line of North AveShrewsbury river to the center' line of erly, along snid saitl road, road, to to Leonnrd Leonard Aveay on State Highway Route No. 35 and erly, Polling place for Ihia district Is the include $300 each to nieces, Jennie thenco (5) Northerly, nlong Leon- that point where the center line of Buena where South street' Intersects with the Locust avenue, the point or place of bem thence t u n g (1) Southerly, Southrly, along a g nue; om running aril Avenue, tn Raritan or Sandy Hook Vista Avenue intersects the Rumson Bor- State Highway: thence.along center line Borough Hall, Prospect avenue. Miller and Caroline Cook; $200 ginning. he boundary line off the b d li th Township T h i off Second Election District thence (6) Westerly,- along Raritan ouKh line; thence west along the RumsOn to South street to the.point where the each to Georgo D. Nock and Frank The polling place ot the Ninth Elec- M i d d l t n and the Township of Holm- Bay: or Sandy Hook Bay, to the point or Hovouuh line to a point where the said center line if Richardson avenue. InterElection District No, 2 Is hereby detion District is Union 1'lrt House, el tn the Red Hill Ronil, thence (2) A. Nock; $150 to Pearl Curtis; $200 center line of Mechanic street, thence line intersects the center line of Fair Ha- sects the center line of South street, fined and described as follows: astd'ly, following th« Red Hill Road, place of Beginning. eastwardly along the center line of Me- Shrewsbury avenue. thence in a straight line to the interven road; thence north along the center to Harriet M. Nock, and $1 to May The polling place for'the Ninth Elec> the Bam Hollow Road, .thence (3) that portion of the Borough north chanic street to the end of Mechanic Tent* Election District tion District Is the Community Fire line of Fair Haven road to the Shrews- section of Hope road and Cranberry of All White. The rest will be shared bv ionjr. the Bam Hollow Road easterly to District. No. 1. street, thence along the center line of brook. Housc.Appleton Avcituc, Leonardo, N. J. bury river. Beginning in the center line of River te Kew York and Long Branch RailFence Line to the curved boundary line street at high water line of North Polling place for Ihis district Is the those representatives, except May of Beginning The polling place for the First ElecPlace *of meeting ot Board of Election of he Borough of Red Bank thence Shrewsbury river, thence easterly along oad right of way; thence (4) Northerly, White. The polling place for the Eighth Elecpolling place for the First Election Fire House on Church street. northeastwardly and northwardly fol- center line ot River atrcet (produced) to ilonx* the New York and Long Branch tion District is the Fire House of Middle- tion District is at Willow Street School. and District is Borough Hall. • FRED L. AYERS. .ilroad right of way to Mlil Brook; Sarah Marian Tierney of Union Second Election District lowing the curved boundary lino of the the center line nf right ot way of the tnwn Fire Company No. 1, State HighBorough Clerk. Election District 2 is hereby defined Borough of Red Bank to the shore of the New York & Long Branch railroad; hence (Ii) Easterly, along Mill Brook way, Hcaddcn's Corner, N. J, Beach, who died.'July 1, willed her Second Election District the Chapel Hill Road: thence (6) February 18, 1952, as follows: Containing all that part of North Shrewsbury river: thence south- thence southeasterly along the center Election District Two Is hereby deestate to a granddaughter, Helen orthcrly; along ths Chapel Hill Road Ninth Election District westwardly and westwardly along the line of right of way of New York & the Borough lying west of the westerly nned and described as that lection and Mould. • h e r e o f the North Shrewsbury river to Long Branch railroad to a point distant i the Mountain Hill Road; thence (?) The boundaries of the same are as line of Election District 1 and east of a territory of the Borough lying west of RECISTRY AND ELECTION 'ontlnulnjr In a straight line still norththe point above mentioned at the shore 794 feet from the southerly side ot Berline bounded and described aa follows: the line as set forth above. Catherine Thompson of Brlelli, follows, vh,: . NOTICE line of the Hid fiver directly between gen place measured at rlgh angles rly along the Mountain Hill Road lu BEGINNING at thl! mouth of Ware Ucitlnnlns at a point where the center who died Aug. 8, willed her estate the properties owned by the Monmouth thereto; thence westerly and parallel 'ark Avenue; thence (S) Westerly, along Creek and Sandy Hook or Raritnn litid of Hance Road intersects the Place of meeting of Board of Election TOWNSHIPOF HOLMDEL, N. J. 'ark Avenue, to the County road, runBoat Club and property known ai the with West Bergen place to the center Notice, is hereby given that District to Mrs. Angela M. Baggitt. liny, an>i from thehec running (1) Shrewsbury River; thence running south and polling place of the Second Election Red Bank Lyceum at the point or place line of right ot way ot C. R. It, ot K. J.; 'ng from Now Monmouth to Keyport, ai(t pun » a « 3 w>t\ «uo|« \ B'WAY, LONO BRANCH


Page Eleven

Semi-Annual Farm 47 Commissions Tour Will Visit Given at Post This Locality

FORT MONMOUTH — Comrolilons were presented to 47 officer candidates Thur«day as the Omcjr Candidate department hero gradAH Stops to Be uated class 13 at formal commencement exercises at theater one un In Monmouth Co.— the main post. Col. H. C. Miller, assistant denDinner to Follow uty chief of staff, G-4, was principal speaker. Diplomas to the newThe 15th annual farm tour under the auspices of -the New Jersey ly-commissioned second lieutenants State Chamber of Commerce will were presented by Col. T. J. Cody, be held on the afternoon and eve-assistant commandant of The Signal School. ning of Wednesday, Sept. 10, The semi-annual Farm-Industry Graduation of class 13 hrought tout's are sponsored jointly by the the number of men given reserve Chamber's Agriculture committee, commissions at The Signal Corps sf which Willard H. Allen, «ecre- Center to 806 since O. C. S. was retary of agriculture, U chairman, activated at Fort Monmouth last and the Industrial Development August. Presentation of gold bars committee, of which Hugh O. climaxed 22 weeks' Intensive techThueric, president of New Jersey nical and Held training in comPower * Light Co. U chairman. munication!. The purpose of thes» Farm-Indus- During the ceremonies, four cantry tours U to provide an opportun- didates were honored as distinity for representatives of agricul- guished graduates for having the ture and industry to become better highest mirks on academic and acquainted and to see at first hand field standards. some of the important operation* SELLS BROWN SWISS HULL in both farming and manufacturing. MJDpLETOWN TOWNSHIP QH thia occasion the tour will be Albert H..Gebharclt, a Brown Swiss wholly In Monmouth county—one cattle breeder and owner of Whistlol the leading agricultural counties ing Hl|l farm, Oakhiil id, recently of (he state. There are more than sold the bull, Whistling Hill Mon2,500 farms in Jtlonmouth county, tetuma, to Edwin A, Flower of ranging in size from 10 to 200 acres. Centreville, Md. Monmouth ia rated as the 89th county in the nation in gross cash farm income of $29,439,000. The program calls for those making the tour to assemble at the Bun Rise Turkey farm at Belfprd at 1:30 p, m. Sun Rise Is recogniied' as the most modern' turkey farm in the East, and raises annually 20 to 25,000 turkeys from day-old poults to maturity. In addition to inspecting the farm the visitors will be shown the operation of the most modern equipment for killing, dressing and freezing of turkeys. The party will next visit Shadow Isle farms in Mlddletown township, just west of Red Bank, scheduled to arrive at 3 p. m. On this farm, owned by Dr, Armand Hammer, president of Hammer Galleries, Inc., and also president of the United Distillers of America, Inc., they will see one of the most outstanding herds of Aberdeen-Angus cattle in the world. Shadow Isle farms is the home of the famous "Sunbeam" bulls, Including Prince M I what MM\[\j unfolds Eric, purchased by Dr. Hammer for with $100,000, and Gloomy Prince Sunbeam 249th, who became the world's most valuable bull, when half of hin\ was sold last August tp T. F. Murchlaon of San Antonio, Tex., for $100,000. Under sales terms, SlMMramid, Vlnyl-tov.r.d, "Modtrnfold" Gloomy Prince will spend six months at Shadow Isle farm and rioert fold Itkt an accordion lo asiurt more six months In Texas. room for living by lav/ng floor and waff ipact



21 Styles, value priced

RED BANK 6 4 3 3 0


At 4:30 p. m. the group is sched- waited by iwfogfaa doori. largir "Modtrnuled to be at Colt's Meek Orchards, fold" doon a n movabf* wotlt Ihql divide Colt's Neck. The orchards arc roomi oatlly, quickly and tconomlcally, owned and operated by Tunis Do Vinyl covering! aro flamo-rdlttant • . . Nlse. and his son Walter. There are 200 acres of fruit, including 100 oailly wathid with soap and w a l a r . . . will acres of bearing apples, 50 acres not crack, pool or fadt. Available In many of young" apples and 2i acres of peaches. In addition to viewing the lolort lo m««l any color ichtmt. frtcod le picking, sorting and crating of ap- lit your budgit. See or phono' vi today lor ples, the party wil also see the modern packing house and cold lull dtialli. Iho daon that storage facilities. laid like an accordion The tour will conclude with dinner at the Homestead restaurant at Spring Lake at 6 p. m. and an adjournment scheduled at 8:30p.m.

Refrigerators Lead In Appliances Sales



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ASBURT PARK—An increase of Monmoulh. Ocoan and Southern Middle2,300 domestic electric appliance i Countlti by sales were registered in June by 267 dealers in Jersey Central Power * Light company's co-operating dealers' program throughout its service territory, Fred I. Smith, sales manager for the local 'electric 25 Years of Continuous Servlc* company announced. 5 Shrewsbury Avc. R E 6-4888 Mr. Smith stated that In June of last year 4,451 domestic electric appliances were sold with thin year's total for the same month soaring to the 6,927 mark.' The sales manager pointed out that refrigerator* lad the field with 2,218 sales, 8M over last yoar'i total for the month. Television receiver* held leoond plaoo with 2,250 sales..as compared with 8S4 last year/ Other atatlitlct ihowid ranges, 41S; water heaters, 839; automatlo wuhori, Ml) wnaheri, SlTi Ironori, 112; dlshwaahen, 104; cleaner*, SIT; and dryers, W. "Figurei on year to date ahowed 30,890 appliances sold for 1952 M compared with 27,828 In 1981,' Mr. Smith Mid.


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G.O.P. Campaign Chiefs Swing Into Action This Week at Trenton



Union Hotel, Local Landmark, to Be Restored as Businessmen's Center

If You Don't Register You Cannot Vote


Ray Smith Buys Old Union Hotel

TRENTON, (AP)—Labor day is i over and New Jersey Republicans Regatta Committee are preparing for their political debuts. -_ Appeals for Rooms An organization called' "New Jersey Citizens for Eisenhower and Bay E. Taylor, chairman of the Nixon" leads off the parade with National Sweepstakes r * g a t t a an opening today. The organization, headed by housing committee, again this freshman State Senator Malcolm week appealed to local residents Forbes (R-Somerset), is using a for rooms for the regatta weekjuite of rooms directly across the end scheduled next Saturday and Ray Smith, Rumson builder and .o 1930, when it was operated by street from Trcnton'B Stacy-Trent developer, has purchased the Un- the Snyder family. That was in the Sunday. hotel, where the Republican state ion hotel, Wharf ave.. from An- "heyday" of the Frick Lyceum, a Residents, having rooms availcommittee is headquartered. thony Bacigalupi, 95 East Front playhouse on the riverfront which There has been political gossip able for rent to contestants, ofSt., and currently Is directing a re- was one of the three major tryout that the citizens' group and the ficials and visitors are requested conditioning program there. stops for New York legitimate state committee weren't exactly Included in the sale is the ware- shows. Friclc Lyceum was built to telephone Bed Bank 6-5619— friendly, but this Is apparently all house and garage now leased 'o about 1906 and lasted 20 years bea special phone* set up to talta in the past. John Galatro, fruit and vegetable for decay and fire resulted In its The invitations to the opening reservations far rooms. Mr. Taydealer. Though the site is under- demolition. In later years, the large announced proudly that the guest lor said rooms are particularly going a complete renovation, Mr. building was used as a skating rink list includes John Dlckcrson, chair- desired on the riverfront and as Smith said the colonial atmosphere and for "fancy dress balls." man of the state committee, and —which dates back 141 years—wiM Actors, Farmers, Traveler* close to Bed Bank as possible. Webster Todd, chairman of the be retained. The period of the Snyder tenure state committee's campaign divisIncluded in the new owner's ion for Gen. Eisenhower. plans Is the conversion of the Ga- also Included vaudeville at the A spokesman at Republican headlatro warehouse Into a dining room Lyric theater which in later years quarters confirmed that Dickerson ! which will feature picture window.-) became the Palace and then the and Todd will attend, and he inoverlooking Marine park. A larse Hunting, the latter name being that sisted that all is now harmony. kitchen, to bo built on the lot to of Tony Hunting, now resident The apparent coolness between the rear of the warehouse, will he manager of tho Strand and Carlthe state committee and the citidesigned to service throe dining ton theaters hero. In those days, zens' committee came about berooms, with the roof providing a too, boats piled between New York the Red Bank dock, making cause . some G.O.P. regulars had patio. The present warehouse roof e Union a "natural" stop for vafeared that Forbes might use the will bo removed and replaced by a tloners and other travelers. In citizens' group as a springboard square top which will be used as Bennett Claims Davis to the governorship. He has anan outdoor restaurant in summer he summer, Monday, Wednesday nd Friday found the Union hotel nounced he will run against any months. Acted Without Consent heds on "The Greens" filled -with one'that the state organization may Bachelor Quarters iroduce from county farms. Farmput up next year. Of Rest of Board Mr. Smith Intends to operate the ;rs and their helpers who "cam* Maine Senator to Speak hotel as a businessmen's club, par- o market" also added to the exThe board' of education, apparThe gbate committee has iU debut ently shocked at an ultimatam laid tement which abounded at the Work has been started by Ray Smith, Rumson builder and tions. In addition, there will be 12 bedrooms for use as bache- ticularly entering to service and civic groups. Twelve bedrooms will nlon. next Wednesday when it takes over down by Thomas Phipps, who was lor quarters. Though the colonial atmosphere is to be retained, be available for rental as bachemost of the third floor of the Stacy- named football coach in June, that developer, to restore the Union hotel on Wharf ave. AnnounceOperating on the American and Trent for its campaign headquar- the only condition under which he ment was made this week of the sale of the hotel—along with the new owner's plans call for a full utilization of the scenic lors' quarters. Workers are now re- uropean plans, the Snyders—it pairing the rooms and installing ters. would accept the position was that view offered by Marine park and the Navesink river. One of modern new plumbing facilities, ho rate of $1 per day for three Senator Margaret Chase Smith he be .transferred to the high the warehouse and garage now occupied by John Salatro— eals and room—entertained such (R-Maine), will give a political pep school building, accepted the con- to Mr. Smith by Anthony Bacigalupi of 95 East Front st. Conthe dining rooms will be located in the warehouse shown at the which will provide six bathrooms. later-famous performers as Geor?« The basement of the building Urns, Ted Healy, Bob Burnj, talk while refreshments are being dition at a stormy session Satur- taiiiing Red Bank's first bar, part of the hotel was built 144 right in above photo. A favorite rendezvous for actors, farm- has been cleared and century-old, passed around. Gov. Drlseoll, who day morning. 'harlie Foy, Ken Murray, Frank has been vacationing in the Maine Mr. Phipps has been teacher of years ago. Mr. Smith intends to operate three diiiihg rooms, «r$ and travelers of four decades ago, the hotel has been oper- hand-howed logs which supporL tho nd Milt Britton and hosts of othbuilding' have been reinforced by woods, is also expected to be on physical education at the River oaterjng to local businessmen and service and civic organlia* rs who were In town on the vaude* ated by James Lang, present tenant, for the past 20 years. steel Jacks and cinder block col- •Ille circuit. Tho Snyder register hand. Street school. The board adopted umns. Future plans for tho use ilso contains the names of many The Republican candidate for the a motion to transfer Louis J. Jaof the basentent include the In- ither then-famous stage stars, now Senate, H. Alexander Smith of coubs to that school to replace Mr. stallation of steam rooms, barber amillar only to those of a couple Princeton opens his campaign Mon- Phipps. Mr. Jacoubs is former asshops and tho like. day with a press conference in the sistant football coach, and was an if generations back. same hotel. . ' Interesting in the history of th* applicant for the head coaching poThe hotel bar was the first In His opponent,, Archibald S. Alex- sition vacated last fall by Frank this borough. It dates back to the lotel, which was built In three dlfander of Bernardsville, has been Plrlgitore. He and Phipps had ap'erent stages, is that part of the MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP — tavern built by Barnes Smock in campalging all summer. plied for the job and Phipps was For the first time in 18 years, an ASBURY PARK — Construction LONG BRANCH— Twenty-three Pupils of Fairview school will no 1808 on the premises which was a Imbcr In the- present building official delegation of the New' JerA highlight of the Alexander given the nod by the board early dates back to old Monmouth Park sey Chamber of Commerce will vis- expenditures by Jersey Central tudents representing 11 communl- longer have to wait In line cafe- part of hla farm. Red Bank was race track, which closod its gates campaign was a rally at Spring this summer. teria fashion when the school not incorporated until 1870. The Power and Light company were the ies of Monmouth county will reIt this area next Wednesday when Lake, which brought a rousing po- In spite of the fact that several during the month of July elve diplomas tomorrow night at lunchroom opens Monday, accord- bar will be kept In its present lo- in 1893. After the race track closed, litical speech from Adlai Steven- months had elapsed since the ap- It will be conducted on tours of highest any other month in the com- he annual commencement cere- Ing to Parent-Teacher association cation, as will a 20 by 40-toot meet- part oC its timber wax used to build son, the Democratic Presidential pointment of Mr. Phipps, Saturday Barth Hockin's Sunrise turkey than cafeteria chairman, Mrs, Lionel ing room at the rear of the bar. In he Lyceum, which was located history. A total of $1,889,000 monies of the School ot . nominee, and more than (200,000 was plainly the first time'many of farm, Belford; Dr. Armand Ham- pany's Simon, Instead, hot lunches will all, there will be 2,795 foet of din- about whero the borough tennis was spent for expansion of service mer's Shadow Isle farm, River from party members, who bought the board members had heard of t Monmouth Memorial hospital in be Raiting at the tables when the ing aroa. The first section ot the courts aro now, the former site of facilities,. the local electric comPlaza; and the Colt's Neck or$50-a-plate dinners. Long Branch high school auditor- hungry children hurry in. the John W. Stout tomato canning the condition under which he would hotel was built In 1829. i The Republican campaign de- accept the post. Edmund J. Can- chards of Tunis:. Denise and his pany reported. factory. When the Lyceum "came • The'- report'- stated that by com' ium. Bertram H. Borden of Bum- "Twenty minutes Is an awtully son, Walter Dirilse.; Bacigalupi In Seller veloped an interesting sidelight at down," part of the lumber found p zona, board president,, said after son, chairman of the board of short lunch' period for growing Mr. Bacigalupi purchased th Its way "up the hill" for an additi IIn N t with ith the meeting, he was'Tatuhnedwhen Delegation members will witness parison the company Bpent.for tho governors, will preside, and Dr. children," explained Mrs. Simon, a meeting New Y Y k i•.city-; of 1946 approximately hotel and adjacent property o killing and dressing turkeys in the entire year in oori Gen. Eisenhower. Nineteen" r New he heard it. " Robert A. MacKenzle, Asbury 'but that is all the schedulo al- July 1, 1920, from tho estate o: tion to the Union. for electric construction. Jersey's 2r county G.O.P. chair- Dr. M. Gregg Hlbbsu superinte'ffa- Sunrise farm's new viscerating $1,489,470 In describing his plans, Mr. increase In expenditures i j Park, president ot tho hospital lows, because of crowded condi- James M. Atkins, who bonght it men were present and they decided ent of schools, requested the meet- plant at 1:30 p. m. They will tour The attributed to the expansion of fa- medical board, will greet the class. tions." Having observed procedures in 1850 from Mr. 'and Mrs. Johr Smith sail it is his hops to revive to resurrect the Republican County ing because he said he had been the Angus breeding farm at 3 cilities to keep ahead of the elec- Virginia M. Dunbar, dean of on field trips to other school lunch- C. Porter and Mr. and Mrs. David the social activity which in oldsr Chairmen's association. rooms, Mrs. Simon feels sure hot called earlier in the week by Ralph o'clock and the orchards at 4:30. tric'needs of customers In all or made what now is Marine) Bosidoa tho hotel and ware- days Farley For Ike . Davis, chairman of the' athletic The delegation will dine at the portions of the ten counties served Cornell University-New York hos- lunches can be served at the ta- Swan. park tho hub of local affairs. Tho The surprise came when they committee. He a'dded he had been Homestead restaurant, Spring Lake, by , the ' company In tho rapidly pital School of Nursing, will be bles, Riving the children n bit more house, that sale Included propcrt renovation is designed to make the the speaker. Miss Dunbar, who as- time to digest thoir meal, without northward on Wharf ave. to Ma greatest use of the scenic value elected State Senator Frank S. Far- told by Mr. Davis that the majority at 6 o'clock. growing, section of New Jersey. rine park which Mr. Bacigalupi ley (R-Atlantlc), as chairman. At of the board approved the transfer. Census figures for 1950 showed sumed her present position in 1946, increasing the cafeteria staff of subsequently sold to the borough, offered by the river and Marine the G.O.P. national convention in The superintendent said he. had for the bedrooms and that in the past ten years tho por- served In England for three years two paid workers and a volunteer Current history on the hotel In- park, both Chicago Farley headed that section asked tor the meeting because, alhalls. It Is also Mr. Smith's tion of the state served by J.C.P.- during World War II directing the from tho P.T.A. cludes its operation by Louis Stein' dining of the New Jersey delegation though he had been, told by Mr. intention to offer special service! Mrs. Simon has been active In American Red Cross nursing ser&L. had a 36 per cent Increase in borg, who leased It in 1900; Fred which fought for Senator Robert Davis to go ahead with the transpopulation as compared to 16 per vice in that country. She served us the school hot lunch program sine; Luther, who came on a few year; to boat and yacht skippers and A. Taft. fer, he wanted official action by the ( cent for the rest of the state as assistant director ot the American Its beginning four years ago, when later; William P. Snydcr, who others taking advantage ot Red a whole. However, Farley said thte was all board on the matter and that he Red Cross nursing service from P.T.A. members took turns at heat- leased it in 1911, and James Lang, Bank's beautified park. wanted the action entered on the Operation of the bar eontlnuei The electric company stated tha 1936 to 1945, becoming Its director ing soup on an electric grill in who has operated the hotel thi in the past and that the associaExaminations will be given applitho tenchers' room and carrying past 20 years. under tho management of Mr. with the influx of new residents, ill 1945. tion would campaign actively for minutes. cants fop appointment as patrolcup» of It to classrooms whero tha Lang. The Oalatros are expected businesses and Industries into the all Republican candidates In New Bennett Objects men with the Red Bank police Graduates to receive diplomas In- pupils ate their lunch. Since then1 Tho Union was a favorite o: to move from the premises in about Jersey, including Eisenhower. William L. Bennett, chairman of department Tuesday, Oct. 21, ut area, it installed electric meters clude Lois June Inscoe and Audrey the Fairview P.T.A. has equipped "show people" for many years, pa a month, but the firm has not yet He also said it would play an the personnel committee, asked why Red Bank borough hall, it was an- last year at the rate of 1,000 pe Longstreet, Fair Haven; Barbara and staffed a cafeteria where pu ticularly 'In the period from 191 announced where It will rolocate. important role In the selection of the matter had been brought up nounced this week by Chief Frank month. Anne Allen, Carol Lorraine Bonk, pils may buy a low-cost hot meal a Republican organization candi- now, to which Mr. Davis replied, W. .Reuther. $50 Million by 19M Marilyn Frances Kloinkauf and partially subsidized by the state. date ior governor next year. Far- "Because I asked for it." Asked ley and Gov. Drlscoll have had by Mr. Bennett if he had acted The written examinations will be In keeping ahead of future an- Laura Mae Sharps, Belmar; Vir- Last year the cafeteria averaged their differences, and political ob- without action by the board, Mr. under the supervision of the New ticipated growth of its territory ginia Mary Barham, West End; 100 moals a day, served in three servers believe he may do his best Davis said he had. In answer to Jersey Patrolmen's Benevolent as- the company explained that it wll Margaret Justlna Lanzisera, Union shifts. Mrs. Robert Koch,' P.T.A, presito block Drlsooll's possible bid for another question by Mr. Bennott sociation. Application blanks may spend (90 million by 1954 for power Beach; Marjorle Kathryn Marks, Branch; Frances Mary Ma- dent, has announced the first board Vov a third term, as to what grounds he had acted bo obtained at- police headquarters plant. additions, substations, trans- Long and Leah Mario Todt, Keyport; meeting of tho year will bo held LITTLE SILVER—Mrs. Charles on, Mr. Davis replied he had acted in the borough hall;. The • two va- mission and 'distribution facilities rus Drop Track Applications FAIR HAVEN—A large numbir Carol Ann Marie' Pagano, Moncancies on the force were created and new services. . at the school next Tuesday night Edelmann, president of the ParcntThe New Jersey Raolng commis- as chairman of the athletic com- by the resignations of Isadore Caif entries by club members and mouth Beach; Gloria Ann Wilson, at 8 o'clock. Tcachcr association here, has anA new $12 million, 62,500-kllowaf mittee. sion has announced that all applitalano, Aug.-16, and Erntst Blake- turbo-generator addition Is noarln Laurence Harbor; Alice Panasuk, nounced her committee chairmen. ion-members have been received cations for new parl-mutuel races Mr. Bennett said he understood ly, Aug. 23. Included are program, Mr. and 'or the first flower show ot tha completion at tho company's Sout Robblnsville; Anna Laura Rcutter, have been withdrawn,' in the spring that the matter had Mrs. Carl Borgoson; hospitality, arden club of Fair Haven to ba Amboy electric generating station Lakewood; Norma Jean Rice, Applicants for the posts must be been settled and that tho two men Spring Lake Heights; Dorothy DlFive applications had been filed Mrs. Harry Webster; character and leld Saturday at the Episcopal between 21 and 30- years of aga. The new power unit will double the anno R|uth, Freehold; Ruth Elizabut the commission succeeded in in question would remain where They spiritual education, Mrs. Robert parish house on Church it, "Sumstation's production capacity. I must possess a high school they are—Jacoubs at the high . talking them out ot it, Mlllor; summer round-up, Mrs. B. mer Memories" will be the theme. education, must weigh between US 125,000-kllowatt unit, costing $2! beth Wallace, Manasquan. school and Phipps at the River The commission said It has "disUnder the direction ot Mrs. KenA. Shoemaker and Mrs. William Benha Louise Oassaway, Rahand 20O pounds and be not less million, is scheduled for the Rarl cussed with tho applicants the in- Street school. To this Mr. Glblon than live feet, eight Inches In' ean River power station at Sayre \vay;/Maura Pauline Mlcallef, Car- Flans for a membership meeting Marks; tolebinocular, Mrs. A. 3. leth Hahn, a special educational' added he had understood the asadvisability ot proceeding further height, Veterans will be given vllle. When both of these new untti ney's/ Point; Ruth Emily O'Connor, and the annual Monte Carlo night Hubschmann; lunch room tolo- ixhlbitlon, entitled "Blrdi ot Thli this year, and the applicants con- signments of tha two men would preference, according to ChUf are In operation, the company'; South Amboy; Elizabeth Ruth Car- ot the Ladles' Hebrow socloty nf phono, Mrs. Robert Basklnn; mem- Soctlon," owned by the Newark curred In the opinion of tho com- remain the same except that Phipps Reuther. • present system capacity will b tor/ Brunswick, Ga., and Alfreda Red Bank were mado Tuesday it bership, Mrs, Joseph Becker; pub- museum, will be held. mission that prevailing conditions would take over the coaching job. Cub Scouts of Fair Haven, dl* Stephanie Gadowskl, Staten Island. the Jewish Community Center, Mrs, lications, Mrs. M. Ruth; school edudoubled'. Mr. Bennett said he didn't see how In an advertisement elsewhere in wore not propitious for the considSamuel Raskin, president ot the cation, Charles Thompson; bulle- •ected by Mrs. Lewis E. Connor, one member of tho board could say this week's Register, patrolmen's eration of new racing permits at Northern New Jersoy Region of tin, Mrs. Benjamin Levin and Mrs. will give a conservation exhibit this time." The applicants had re- it was ttje opinion of tho majority benefit! aro Hated as having unithe Womon's League of tho United J. J. O'Brien; publicity, Mn. M. J. on wild flowers and other plant quested that harnoaa raolng ba per- at the board that the ohange be forms provided free, two weeks' Synagogues of America, spoke on Berdnhl; historian and founder*' life. Cuba working on the projeot mitted at tho Garden State track, made without consulting tho board, vacation with pay, tan weeks' stole the benefits of a Sisterhood auch day, Mra. Albert Lauber; honvs Include Phillips Carllng, Joiepb. He said he thought Mr>Davli was leave with pay, and retlrem«nt afthe Atlantlo City race traok, tho as the society, becoming affiliated room mothers representative, Mrs. Ralph, Sherman Hoyt, Jlmmle JoState Fair'ground* track and at trying to do tho work of the per- ter 26 years' service at half pay. with the tongue. Thomas Olassey; goals, Mrs. Ru« kubecy, Skip Connor and Dick Minimum age for retirement la 01 a propoied track In Burlington sonnel committee. Mrs. Iirael Brestow will be chair- sell Hathaway; library, MM, Ha."' Young. years. county, The fifth applicant had filed Dlssemlon Seen man of the membership meeting old F, Meyer; budget and finance, Membora of the Atlantio Highfor permission to operate a regu- Several members pointed to the Patrolmen atart at an annual KEANSBURG—Borough eourjcll ract on Loota, Harding and Sny- Tuesday evening, Oct. T. The pro- Mra, Robert Mayer; typing, Mrs, lands, Highlands and Naveilnk lar track In Hudson county, Just reoent dissension In tha athletic de- salary of $3,300, whloh la raise'! Tuesday night Introduced an ordi- der avei. Tha decision to adjourn gram will feature a fashion show, Harold Oelbhaue; child itudy Oardin clubs will exhibit in tha a few minutes from Times sq. nance to place the queitlon of a came after several resident! of tho AsalstlnK the chairman will bo Mm, group, Mrs, Israel Senetsky, and inter-club competition olaina. partment, Mr, Bennett, apparently to M.00O after a year's lervloe, ten per cent Inoreaie In salary for area told council that they had Molvln Lowemtoin and Mrs. Etl- International relationship, Mri. A. As a fund railing project, th* referring to Phipps and Jacoubs, police department members here tot attended a meeting of the at- ward Strauss. Tho society will G. Qrudln, club will offer as prlaea an oriental said "As long u both are In the leesment commission when the proon the ballot In the general elecaward a mink stole. painting In oil by Mn, W. system we'ro going to have trou- Magician to Entertain Executive hoard members aro floral tion Tuesday, Nov. 4. Public hoar- rated costs wero announced, Mayor W. Sommervllle, and a "driftwood Monte Carlo night will b/Nov. ble." Stanley Havlland, board memIng ot the ordinance was set for Brennan declared Tuesday night 20 ut the Community centor, Prlzo first vice president, Mrs, Benjamin creation" by Hllo Stelner, who la ber, asked "If Jaooubi itay* In the At Llncroft Pet Show council's next riguUr 'muting that eventually the "whole town book* are being distributor undnc Levin; tecond vice president, Mr«, a Fair Haven resident, high school and Phlppi at River will tie In" with the borough's tho direction of Mm. Philip Sha- Robort Miller; corresponding secTueiday, Sept.-18. I Btteei, It won't help Phlppa, li Prof. Xrleger, miglolsn and chilMembori (if olrelti ilx and seven Mn, Karl Jacobl; recordTha ordinance wai Introduced by lewer system beaauee ot the growand Mri, Moril" Wentorman, retary, o( thi Women's Anoolatlon of th* that what you moan!" Edmund J, dren's entertainer, will present a Counollman Leon A, Wfyltt, chair- ing unpopularity of veptlo tanks, piro Infc secretary, Mra. Reuben Taylor, Itcv. Marshall Mrs. Viator Slogcl and Mrs. Jaok and demomtratlon and an old* Bod Bank Presbyterian ohuroh Oamona Injected tha remark) "He maglo treoiurer, Mri. Lawrenco Plch Punch and Judy ihow at man of the police oomnMttee, Vot- Several residents of the tract toM Winters, benefit chairmen, will an< will b« hoitmti Monday after* certainly won't do anything to help fashioned The tint meeting will be a facul- On Vacation ing for tha moaiuri, Vtayor Felix counoll that, whin they bought tha nounce committee uldoi, about t p, m. at the pit ihow and Phlppa," noon, Sept, 98, at a doutrt card ty tea to which parents are ln< LITTLE SILVER - Rev. Jama* country fair at Mn, Lewl« 8, J, Brennsn tald the Borough "re- properties trom the Morrliey «nd Another speaker at the mooting 1 party and fashion ihow at West- Mr, Caniona, evidently pointing Thompson ! Brookdale (arm at •irvii the right to/priiint full walker rial citato aginoy, they Tueiday wai Mill Lori Heyman, n vltnl to become acquainted with w, .Marshall and family lift today mlnittr houai on Harding rd., atop at Jaooubi, said ona faotor li that Llncroft, tha teachen. wen under the Impression that faoti ot polloemen'i#«ay." Although on a two*wiik vaoatlon. During th* member of the senior Young JuTowir, hill. Fall ityloi will bo one man gave up the assistant third week of thli month, Rtv, Mr. ooaohlnt job became of lllniia. "Hi Th« profiMor, who uliota ehli- council will not take an offlolal thiy would not bi requlrid to daea group ot the Congregation ahown by wllhdmlnt Dobblni. TO ADDRKSS BOTAnY pay for tha icwer Installation!. on tha question, thi mayor Marahall will attind iiailoni of th* Bnat limel, who haa Juit returned dnn from the audience. to take stand Mrii Burton Moon li serving at suddenly got well and didn't get 1 1 aald aftir thi tneitlng, thi gov- Aotlne on tha recommendation Henry E. Roie, director of (he N, J, annual Mithodlat confereno* fashion ihow chairman, with Mm, the head ooaohlng job and la lore. ,' part In thi maglo aoti, h u inter- erning body will mall lettera *.o of tha board of fire commluloneri, from A two month! tour and etutly department and also a Philadelphia ana mlnpublic information Herbert B. Wernir and Mn. Wil- Mi added he wlihed the two men talned aome of the natlon'i moit ruldinta of tpi borough explain* counoll accepted dillviry of the oourae In Iirael, Mn, Benjamin of the New ofJeuey Au- liurlal confirenot, liam Floranoo ai tloktt ohalrmm. eould eeaeh together remarking famous children, Ha save a Dhow Ing the laMrlei ot department borough's new Biagravoa 7G0-gallon dreenwuld, preildmt, Introduced it thority, will be frueit Turnpike William Sawyir, lay liadir, will speaker at a Alio assisting are Mn, Harry Clay- "If they were crown mon they at Gloria Vandirbllt'i 14th birth, mimbiri In comperlion with other pumper quad Job, recently approv- new number, Mm, Hholdon Stern. meeting of tho Red Bank ftolniy conduct the morning wonhlp iirv* ton and Mn, Robort W, Bdmon* oould go out and ooaoh together." diy party and entertained for boroufh ipiployen'• piy. piy, Counolled by the board of flrmundirwrltclub at 1116 |i, m. today at thi lea here Bundey ana a member of itono, ohalrmin of olrolo ilx, and Or. Hlbbi aald the olaah In pirion* •mull fry In U, 8, Senator Hirbert man William Turnir, Jr., wii not i n Thi 199,000 rig will b« financed i hi Clldooni win bring thi maauga, Molly PitchiM- hotel. Mn, Charlii Maglll and Mn. Har- alltlei had bien going on ten yean, Lehman'* family when the aenator prmnt, / through a bond IIIUI to be authorCor Sipt, 11 and 91, Riv. William >n, pointing out the ap* wai New York ilati'i Lliuimant 5 Per Cent Price Booit old Biting, ohalrmtn of elrolo Mr, Olblon, Oouncvl'i action eami After Bor- lied In an ordinance ichidulid lor P, Miller will bring two miaaagaii polIntmint of the coich eoio waa made Oovirnor, ftl'.nVINCI IN KOrtEA ••vtn, FMCErlOLD-Th" pileei of nil ough OUrk niohard A, Jenih an, Introduction at next Widneiday'i "A Faith to Llvi By" and "1 Bi* Boaldti the onrd puny, there In June, Mkcd why the matter had Judge* roc thi morning nit show naunoid thit hi had eirtlfltd p«tl- adjourned union, Alio to bi In- Oullntnn rnrpni* luv» bien InPvt, l>>li< D, Vn'i'hln, Jr., of 13, llavo m Ood," Mr, Milter, a itudent up now—Mviral day* bifori will Inolude Mn, Thiron MeOamnwill alio bi a food lali in ohargo oomo ipenlni ftohoot, Kt added bill and Mn, Jamn Purdy of tloni 'lUbmttUd by thi police eoiv troduoid at next wnk'i muting I't'oantHl approximately five per cent, Brlilf* AV», rud Hank, )• nrvinit at Dr«w unlvinlty, I* a gradual* of MM. 0, A, Oiborni and Mn. tha 0!Phlppi ol it wu Announced thla week by A, with tho X corn* In Korea, Prior will be an amendment to thi Willis talnlng mori ilgnatum than thi of Indiana unlvtrilty, Riv. Mr. had never had any that Prattle F, Oroff, Othtri aMlitlnif auuranoe Mri, Rebirt DinOuden, nqulred SO par omt of thi num- Park traet tiwir ixtemlon ordl- It M, Knragheuilm, Ino, Both thi to muring the Army in S»pt,, 1M! Manhall ixpicti to riturn lunday, hi would ba tranifirrid, Holmdil, Include Mn, Lyman 0, Vmlnwi- Paul Yeuni, Albirt tmlth and Dr, Oiorii S, ber ft riglitind votiri In thi In' nanca to Incruie tha bond IIIUI open and oonlr&el llnN a n In- Pvt, Vtcchla w«t i itudint a lipt, 91 to begin hU fourth yttr oltrk, laid It son, In dhnrjp of prliiu MM. Lion had eomi to dlitrlot of Mlddlitown. Mill ganiral eleotlon, volved In the price hike, Ma ion Monmouth Junior tolligt, Lon ai paitor ot thi Melhodlit oaurshai trom 139,000 to 124,000, a hiad now biaauii •tivimon VanBrunt and Mri. Taut H, Reytr, athlttlo eontraoti Jtinno DuBoli announced today for (he Increase wu given ai high* •ranch, IWriitratlon hirt and at nunuon. had bun iint , Uwm Amaament dioorationii Mri. Oiell O, Craw> out lati, that aha will iceipt pott intrlu unir coiu of raw matirlal and opir* fard and Mri. William Dodgi, ta< til lOilfl a, m, Saturday, but madi Ojbunoll tdjournid until next Mr. Jiuin announaid that thi atlnf CMU, Wreuaki Ire* Olfu VeaiUm (IIRII Prlnclpali Oppoie Mova arc man pniiiuln, Wt h m Urn*!, tl* tl blast Mn, B, A. Biohtoldt and Mr*, an appul that all piU bi on thi WiMmiday night public hiarlnv boreufh elirk'i ofttoi will be open iy A k'tmli. I M kl»w«n, unit mtnt ol olh«i «i niitiitiln M MII •nM>nn fl 1 ' " !" Liven L l Ki Brrlekion, kllchiiu heavy, , .(Contlnuid on p u * *U ir lixlimlon In thi willli P u l 9a\ (or th* riglitntlon et votiri IW LU •...tl.-AcKtrimsHBl, •Mvi'tlMfMIl)

Workers Restoring Hostelry Where Famous Stars Slept

Board Approves Moving Pliipps And Jacoubs

State Chamber To "••"" Visit Farms ™

|jCP&L Spends 23 Complete $1,869,000 in July Nursing Course

Fairview Sets Up Cafeteria Change

Borough to Hold Police Exams

Mrs. Edelmann 'Many Entries Names Chairmen Flower SllOW

Hebrew Society Plans Monte Carlo

Council Approves Placing Question Of Police Salary Raise on Ballot

Women Set Date For Style Show




EMBURY METHODIST Little Silver At the 9:45 a. nj. service, William Sawyer, lay leader, will h a v e charge of the -worship. A member of the Gideons will bring the mornIng message. The choir, with Lewis R. Lowry as director, will sing Creswell's "My Jesua, I Love Thee." Mrs. George Ivlns, organist, will play "Morning Devotions" by Lorenz, and Adams'' "March Movement. The study group will meet at 8:30 p. m. Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Alice Thome, Kings highway, Mlddletown. Mrs. Louise Bowling will speak on her experiences of working with Dr. Frank Laubach in his work of relieving the problem of Illiteracy. Mrs. Bowling was born in China. Her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Fred Pyke, were missionaries there for 40 years. Mrs. Bowling's husband is chaplalti In Korea. The official board will meet at 8:30 p. m. next Thursday at the home of Miss Winona Darrah, 80 N. Sunnycrest dr.


ST. THOMAS EPISCOPAL .,-.. Red Bank Matins and sermon will be held at 9 a. m. in charge of ths> rector. Rev. K e n n e t h E. MacDonald. Church school meets at 10:30 a. m. Floreth Y. MacDonald, organist, will play "Largo," by Dvorak; "Prelude In D Flat," Kjerulf and "Glory of God," Beethoven. BEAUTIFUL ORNAMENTAL


HOLY TRINITY LUTHERAN j MADE AND INSTALLED PRESBYTERIAN METHODIST BAPTIST Red Bank .. Roynpr's Machine Shop • Red Bank Red Bank Bed Bank »J7 BROAD ST., SHREWSBURY Communion will be administered "Making the Most of Second At the 11 a. m. service Sunday, Morning worship will continue to RE • - S 2 I S — FREE ESTIMATES Hev. W. .Clinton Powers, pastor, be held at 9:40 a. m. until Sunday, at the 9:45 a. m. service Sunday by Best" is the sermon subject of Rev. will deliver a sermon on the sub- Sept. 28. There will be no service the pastor Rev, Harold Hornberger. Roger J. Squire for Sunday at ject, "Eternity in the Heart." Com- at 11 o'clock. Commencing Sept. This will be the final service in the 11 a. m. Herbert Burtls, guest ormunion will be administered. Miss 28 two services will be held at church's summer schedule and ganist from New York city, will A GOOL PLACE TO starting Sunday, Sept. 14, services direct the musical program to in-, will be soloist. Charles 9:30 and 11 a. m. Alice SHOP FOR YOUR Miller, Charles Smith, Vcrnon Loud At next Sunday morning's 8:40 will be heldl at the regular time, elude prelude "Pastorale," Mllhaud; offertory, "Interlude," Jacobl. Solo and Wellington W. Kennedy will service Rev. Charles S. Webster will 11 a. m. • Dresses • Corsets by Mrs, Frances Killmar, soprano. Rally day for children of ..the preich on the theme, "When Others be. ushers. Flowers will be given by • Girdles • Brassieres Postlude "Te Deum," Langlais. Sunday-school will be held at 9:45 Criticize." Philip Roy, tenor, will Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Bailey. • - Foundations • Underwear Church school meets at 9:45 a. be soloist and William H. Craw- a. m., Sunday, Sept. 14. During the This will be Rally day in the m. Baptist youth fellowship meets ford will preside at the organ con- school session, there will be instal- Sunday-school for classes of all ages, beginning with the three year sole. Usher* for tills service will lation of the teaching staff. at 7:30 p. m. Dr. Lawrence R, Burdgc, BAY SHORE COMMUNITY There will be a planning meet- olds. (Promotion Sunday, Sept. 14). (Opposite American Legion Home) 137-B Broad St. Rod Bank The annual church picnic will comprise Beach, Robert M. Close, ing for the Sunday-school teaching The Sacrament of Holy ComBast Keansburg be held Saturday of this week at Donald Kenneth O. Crltton, Howard J. munion will be administered at the staff Monday night at 8 o'clock. A Rev. John P. Euler, pastor, will HIGHWAY 35 EATONTOWN Winward beach, Metedeconk. All Dutcher, Jr., and Rogert E. Kolter. p. m. service Sunday. "The deliver a sermon, "Coming Events," families attending are requested to The welcoming committee will con- Him, "Teaching the Bible to Pri- 8Mighty Power of Faith" will be at the morning service at 11 bring picnic luncheons. There are sist of Dr. Craig Crenshaw and mary and Junior Children," will b« the communion meditation by our o'clock. Miss Ann Shaw, organist, shown. facilities at the beach for outdoor Norman C. Gardner. Senior choir practice will be re- minister. will accompany the choir in two cooking-. There will be a program Chancel choir rehearse at S anthems. Church'school and Bible or swimming and games. Lieut. Church school will not meet this sumed Wednesday night, Sept. 10, p. m. Friday, Sept.will New Jersey mixturej as recommended by Rutgers 12, in the chapel, Scott Galbrcath is in charge of Sunday. However, it will hold Its at 8 p. m. at s the parsonage on with organist John Ferris, Who class will meet at 10 a. m. University — beach games. Transportation may initial session in the nature of Wallace st. The opening fall meet- will serve the local church again METHODIST be arranged by calling the church "Registration day" Sunday, Sept. ing of the LadteB' Aid society will this year in the ministry of music N. J. # 1 in S 1b. lots 80c per Ife. office. In case of rnin, the picnic 14, at 9:30 a, m. in Westminster be held Sept. 10 at 2 p. m. Eatontown The official board will meet Tueshouse. All new students are inN. J. # 2 in 5 Tb. lots 90c per tb. will be held Saturday, Sept. 13. Sunday-school la at B:45 a. m, day at 8 p. m. with the minister REFORMED vited to enroll. Moreover, the Rev. and Mrs. William Hackett, Worship service is at 11 a. m. when N. J. # 3 in 5 Tb. lots 85c per Tb. presiding. Red Bank Issionarles of the church at Pao initial meeting of Westminster there will be a "Gideon" guest Thursday, Sept. 11, will be tho speaker. The evening preaching N. J. # 4 in 5 Tb. lots 85c per Tb. lural Christian Center at Taung- youth fellowship will not be held The Consistory will meet at the first fall meeting of the older adult until Sunday, Sept. 21, at 6:45 p. ;yi, Burma, will be at the church service Is at 7:30 o'clock. church tonight at 7:30 o'clock. SunALSO SCOTTS & LOFTS MIXTURES he week-end of Sept. 19-21. Ac- m. in Westminster house. day-school will be held at 9:30 fellowship in the chapel with Mrs. NOW BOOKING ORDERS METHODIST iompanying them will be Miss Tuesday, Sept. 9, cat 2 p. rn. a a. m. Sunday, with morning wor- Vincent B, Smith In charge. ilary Aye, a Burmese girl, who meeting of the executive committee ship at 10:45. Tinton Fallj FOR SALVATION ARMY ith Rev. and Mrs. Hackett, will of the Women's association will be he Women's Missionary society Worship service is at 9:45 a. m. MERION BLUE GRASS io a year of post-graduate study held in Westminster houso, Tues- will meet next Monday at the Reel Bank t Cornell university. Recently, day evening at 8 o'clock the month- church at 8 p. m. Mrs. Wallace Mrs. Capt. Robert Rightmlre will Mr. Hackett appeared on TV ly meeting of the board or trustees Rankln will be In charge of the be the speaker Sunday at 11 a. m, clling of his service in Burma. will be held In Westminster house devotions, Mrs. Thomas Paton will Her topic will be "It's Your Move. the chairmanship of Harold bo the topic leader, and hostesses At the 8 p. m. service Capt. Robert Rev. and Mrs, Hackett and Miss under With minor elements added to produce a well-balanced will be Mrs. Russell Clark and Mrs. Rightmlre will speak' on "Will Vye will speak at the first meeting F. Dowstra. 247 BROAD STREET RED BANK, N. J. God of Love Punish Sinners?" plant food as recommended by leading agricultural colleges. )f the Women's fellowship of the Wednesday, Sept. 10, at 8 p. m., Leon Pennlngton. Sunday-school at 9:45 a, m. will REV. ROGER J. SQUIRE, Pastor Confirmation class meets next a Joint meeting of the afternoon :hurch, Sept. 19. They will also 100 Tb. Bag $A.6O peak for the various departments and everilng circles of the Wom- Tuesday at the church at 6:30 p. m. be under the leadership of Treasif thn church school, Sept. 21. Rev. en's association will be held In Next Wednesdaj-, the Young Peo- urer William J. Chadwlck. At 6:30 Free Farm Book With Each Purchase * I I A . M . Guest Preacher - Rev. Harold H. Scarborough Mr. Hackott will deliver the ser- Westminster house, with. Mrs. Har- ple's society meets at the church Corps Cadet Florabel Blair will be mon at the 11 a. m. service, Sept. 21. ry R. Vogel, president, In charge. at 7:30 p. m., and the choir will in charge of the young people's Sermon Subject: "The Mission of Hie Church" service. The board of trustees will meet The guest speaker will be Senator rehearse at 7:30 p. m. Tuesday evening the Women's n the church office Monday at 8 Richard Stout from Monmouth. His 8 P.M. Chapel Worihip Service— CALVARY BAPTIST Home league will meet at 8 p. m. . m. Chancel choir rehearsal will theme will be "Christianity and All Steel (dehydrated) Politics." The devotional portion of This will be a rally night, and the ie held Wednesday, Sept. 10, at Red Bank A properly blended mixture One-piece solid pressed steel :30 p. m. Five circles of the Worn- the meeting will be led by Mrs. ALL WELCOME Rev. J. B. Gilchrist will deliver fellowship program theme will be of Cow and Poultry Manure trays, capacity 3 cubic feet. Members of the the sermon at the 11 a. m. service "The Little Red Schoolhousc." All n's fellowship will meet ThurS' Jarcd Kenyon. Designed for use. about the and real Moss, recommended day, Sept, 11, as follows: Circle evening circles will act as hos- on the subject, "Christian Bap* womon of the community have home, and garden —light in as an all organic fertilizer Colottx Interior Finish Products ean bt eonflntd to suit In* In wonhlp God In "iplrlt and Oosanport ifltr, • • «*ll, KIMIIUIIIII tliltt traditional at wttl at eonttmporary homos. truth" will find tha wonhlp »c Church school under th« direction "flvt" fi'RMfully without hlnHlhi l, —-kiipi you Inohlnir four illm of Osorgs C, D, Hurley, general au< Wt'll oitlmatt tho cost and advlst on application. Him hni, HurabU fnneh itintt'l Tha church la located on it, 38, psrlntsndent, will meet at 9:45 a litek far •»n«'lnn« »»>r, AiljuiiJust north of tha bualneai notion, m, Sunday, Ths Sunday wonhlp •tain ihoulilfr mmn, HimrlW Ml> ssrvlcs will he held at TISO n, m, PLVWOOD • U.S.G. INSULATION JlkXICJIOUS BOCIKTV Of Inriri from tint wni»n lluynl.T fll«. nev, Robert S, Judgs Is pastor! mtnt iT«|i«, l,iunrtn» hmuilfullv, MUBNDS (Quakiri) FOR THANSIT-M1X CONCRETE Whin tml J'lnk. Him 09 to iU, OMHMTIAN •OIKNCB SOCIETY Shrewsbury Atlantic HlihUndi The RhriWibury mutlni of III* CALL DEAL 7*9200 Ililoua Society of Prlondi (Qutk< A moating will be hold at 11 a m, when Sunday-school also wll fi'ti, meet* for woMhlp at 11 a, m, the Pint-day (Aunday) In the mill- meot at tha soolety's tiulldlnf, 8! ing hou»» At Broad at, and Byet> Ooean blvd, Testimony mooting wll moic ave,, prtotdtd at 10 a, m, by ba held Wednesday at 1:15 p, m, Btd BMk Only ihi Firtt*dsy sehool, Visitor* an Ths i >adlng room Is opsn Tuesdays bitwun 3 and 4 p, m < wileomi,










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3 Little Kittens Cat Food

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Potatoes USHp1 - 8ldl * lUl l0J! g 57c


California Oranges v.i.nci.. 5 b% 55c Fresh Carrots west.m bunch 10e Pascal Celery R.g.io br.nd ,i.M7c



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Members of the Gold Circle club of St. James Catholic church will open their fall activities with an informal dance Friday evening, Sept. 19, at the Rumson Boat club. Hart Webber's orchestra will play and there will be both square and ballroom dancing, Raymond McCue li general chairman of the committee, assisted by Mrs. SlcCue, Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Lauy, Mr, and Mrs. George Madden, Capt. and Mrs. Francis Nevue and Mr. and Mrs.' Roy Mortz.

The proverbial ton of bricki beearre actual tons of bricks here about noon Monday at the height of the Labor day storm. A car owned by Joseph Hanneken of 20 Wall tt. had itt front caved in from the weight of. bricks which were blown over from the Red Bank Lumber 'company yard. The bricks had been piled up against a fence which gave way, to the heavy rain and strong winds. The jolt of the cr ish flattened both front tires and forced the horn mechanism to pop out of the steering asienbly.

"Red Bank's Leading Electric Shop" 18 WHITE STREET — RED BANK





PARAMOUNT NOW Thru SAT, I V I , 1)30 P, M. • SAT, MAT, 2l30 ON T H I STA«I IN PIRSONII Tht ThMtr* CriilM Nttltiwl Com|Niny •»


•ALLY ind IT. AJ)N



Now Thru Saturday "UNTAMID PRONTIIR"


Sunday Thru Tutidoy Th« Wlnnlnr Ttwm

"3 far Mdroem C"


Salvation Army Bible School Graduation

J. LEO GODDU Quality







licrnwic werfon large volume, of hit nines* at n low profit iff. run provide hit/lili/ skilled Johns-] fit mi lie Iniiiictl mechnnicn to apph/ ilt>hii8:Uanvilli; producin at xiiri>ri.n:w roof, anbrnlon nidini/ or canihinntion nfrrrii, and tttorm windows, won't t/ou contact ux? Jnsulntion .t Siding Corp., !>0~> Main St., Anbury I'nrl; .?-,S.}r>7. (For your home "it pays to buy the best,'')





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i ib.

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Country Fresh Dairy Foods

^ 29 Cream Cheese 25 Cheese Spreads 33 Pimento Cheese k Cheddar Cheese «*'* * 33 Kraft's Cheese ™ « * » 37 2 .49 Cheese Food 65 Cheddar Cheese AH





- S k y l a r k B r e a d HONEY FLAVORED iOat



Ground Beef«««»*• 59« Beef Liver mm *• 85« Chuck Beef m S ' » 79. Sliced Bacon ' S "• 69«

Canned Foods




Niblets Corn

Flako Pie Crust 4



Page Seven




Cling Peaches

Apricot Nectar


Fancy | Sardines Lemonade NORWEGIAN IN OIL - PRINCE PAUL


v 4


Take Advantage Of These . . .






89c Split Peas SUNNY HILLS - GRtEN



Facial Tissue SWANEE - COLOR SOFT.

2 45c Fresh Coffee EDWARDS

Check These




2£ 29 46 oz. can

12 02. jar


Lima Beans Pickled Beets Tomato Paste wmo 3 '^J Bartlett Pears H A K S E t * . « Blended Juice WNO O- QOID 24*«.V; Pork & Beans CAMWBVI 2 !,'nb;23 Aero Liquid W a x WA»T$I« Octagon Soap ««•*'« 3 Clorox . "fMom llIACH" ' 2 SC 29e Bull Brand Ammonia «v**rt b7 pital for treatment. Lou Heller, Syhledt 8 A M pulled his punches when time was running out and the board ...-...— . 10 BIlloU. ta ? Rn ..190 Nino Sharabba, the GianU clipped Wanamatio halt hour after aunaet; other than .; $ rt.,, Quakertown, Pa,, took over as ofgot caught with its guard down. If the Buccaneer Institution Is Jl) Nusbaum. If '„', a (1 ..... » .285 the Wildcats, 6-3, to top the PAL. Highlands . a opening day, one-half hour before Wainer ficial starter for the remainder ot Thaler, l b . 3o .291) baseball league In a .championship Rumson \... i going to have Its athletic situation Ironed out, It better start „..,... 9 12 'icCua . . . . 4 sunrise to one-half hour after sunJofes, ef ; sn the evening, 10 Ironing soon, and the members know it as well as this writer. ^etera ! a Oakhunt ........... .................. 7 game Friday. Jonnaon, 3b .,, 2 fl M set, ,!0 laumirarth _ a So why not get the Iron hot!!! The restarted feature was won 6 Wsnner. c 2o Aschettlno led ths hitters of theLeonardo TRAPPING .IB 8 Condrup j '« rf 21 by Steve McGrath, Stamford, Conn., West Lone Branch ..... S Bill Bennett of the board ia certainly one wideawake member and Cold, Giants for the season with a big 'omphrey 2 a Bennett, 2 b .»'.'.'-".'". 1 II The season for trapping mink, for his third feature win at the _............... S i he sticks to his guns. He wouldn't vote for the transfer because he Fariello, p fat .684; batting average, while Fair Haven „ «..„..,...,„., 2 Q muskrat and otter on state-owned Dtimlnget Wall oval. Team Ave. -,SD9 ....,........._......._.„ 1 didn't like the way it was presented and stated: "I'm opposed to any Wright waa runnerup with a .063.Bclford public shooting and fishing grounds 21 1 2 The 25-lap stock' car feature was Sunday's Game* one or two board members making promises to any members of the The Wildcats marked, up a vicis Jan. to March IB. On other 00 0 1 0 1 taken by Dick Davis, Manasquan, staff without consulting the board." Do other schools have the same Long Island Yachtsmen Oakhurst at Bellord tory early Friday afternoon when lands of the state the season shall driving {the sportsman No, 102. Dick difficulty in their athletic setup? If they do 4t must be very mild comHighlands a t Wanamaata v trimming the Bucs, 13-6. ndenkergh. DPi Thaler (unaa. be from 6 p. m. Nov. 30 to Mar. IB, Spend Week-end Here VandMbirik.' DP*"Thaler"*^!!! pared to Red Bank's difficulty. Fair Haven at West Long Branch took the lead at the halt way mark Giant players were Rosen,. cf i s ftid). Struck out by by Conover No caga trap, metal box trap or ver J, Failand was nover headed, ' ello 4, Bases on balls ft A flotlla.ot seven oabln cruisers Atohetttno,' l b ; Sharabba, p! Wright Kumaon at Leonardo ' Co oft C Conovir 1. diving trap shall be permitted on Fariello 2, I Mldsets 3b; Rossi, If; Bresllh, se; Crlml, 0; SHORT SNOOT'S FROM SPOBTS-Blgaud B. Paine, manany of the state-owned public oach boat tarrying a party o( three Patton, 2b, and Broyles, rf. PlayFirst heat, 10 Up.—First, Steve Me. ager ol the Molly Pitcher hotel, recently oonducted the 19th shooting and fishing grounds, and or more members of the Bands Ing on the Wlldoats were Shea u; ""••th, Stamford, Conn,! second, Mike Marlll, Haddonaeldi third. Oharlle Mi... annual golf tournament of the New Jersey State Hotel a»iono trap of any kind shall be aet Point Taeht club of Long Island Ray SharaBba, 3b; Brenner, p; Koselmsn, Horrlstonn, Pa. Tlmei a 137.21, elation at the Baltuarol Golf club, Springfield, Blgaud W M ' anywhere on any of the state- sound, vialted Red Bank over the wchoke, If; Williams, l b ; Hoffman! Second hiat, 10 la|>s—Ftnt. Burt Sunday week-end, general chairman of the golf committee. Being a pretty good owned public shooting and fishing Brook* Vtrnon, Conn.i second, Jim Dt. 2b; Bernon, c; Bennett, cf, and G. All Gamw Postponed The yachtimen had been to Red golfer hlnwelf, he ran oB the play tor the hotelmen In machineMarco, QarfUtoi third, W«lt Fall, Al. grounds unless It boars a metal I Umberas. l«ntown, Pa. Tlmsi t u i . n . Monday . like precision to tend all participant, home chatting about the Inscribed with tha name.and . . . Bank before, and In ipetklng to a Third heat, 10 laps—Pirat. Nlek Fn. representative of The Register, wonderful time they had both on the links and at the dinner Final Standings All Garnet Postponed D George Kelly, skippering Serena, dreis of the owner ot the trap, No urn*' '.n£l"'J'' Conn. | leoond, Oharlle that followed. Miller, Allentown, Pa.i third, Dutch won the annual novice race for the trap ot any kind shall bo permitted they stated that not only wat the Giant* ..1 Standing trip to Red Bank up the pigBohatltei', Floral Park, U I. Time S 3 8 J 8 Miltenbergtr trophy Saturday when w ™ n > O h w l M O i t * r r l l U r ' A w t r i c " > M>« Canadian bike champion back In ht crossed tha finish Una by a 42 to remain tet on any property at tureique Navoslnk enjoyable, but WUdoati Manatquan HHIMIIIMH.IIHIH 14 1910, wa» a consistent vleltor at Ray Arend's Jane Logan shop, Rumeon, second margin to win ovor Roe the oloae of the trapping season. they always reoelvtd a royal Duct .„_,„ Hed Bank The proposed open soason for yachtsmen's welcome on.the vltlU Yanka ...„..„, 10 Charlie wai quite a rldar back in thosa dayi and participated In numer- Gordon, at the tlllor of Banihoe II. Whlteavllle trapping raccoon throughout the here. U ous event, around the globe Ha turnad pro In 1M0 when ,rlding In - ' Tha contest was enlivened conLeonardo w his h riding riding Is Is an an entirely entirely different letup'. ttate waa deleted from tho eode p Ha leftt the the Australia. Now 1 They had Intended returning aldarably by rain and a squall, Long Branch ..,, I Ii innii ff oo rr h yy M b t ( E yy h Em m ndd vva as Anally adopted, In llou thereof Pullan'i .harbor " " " t l IInInPPullani l l ' h.harbor b J n° i , iw "' * «atloiu Jill) Fatiri, Timef «iJ7. 4. Any firm croup or Individual to thi atopa In trrora from may apply dpi t h l wt two division for a of • laria group of folkt who wtrt tudt and aehltviminti, Aa hla Anal liyi oleanid and oondltloned and through ng dimenitratlon by our lh ott •t tht marlnt wharf Dining for rtuon for rttlgnlni, Mr, Paladino, hava thim In tip top ihapi tor thi d, on * . •• . . . a "soo" garni. "

Fish and Came Council Issues Regulations for 1952 Season

Campbell Wins Wall 50-Lapper

Mrs. Alfred F. King Tops Ladies' Day Golfers at Rumson Country Club

Monmouth B.C. Final Standings-

Stall Requests High at Camden

Matawan Loses To Englishtown

Wall Starter Injured Saturday

Rumson Firemen's Batting Averages ^ ^ A ' ; " *'" n

Firemen's Loop

Wildcats Annex P A L League

>^Mrf&wnT~rj3Zr."."-OoS oiL-5

Jersey Shore

Kelly Triumphs, In Novice Race

Paladino Quits Coaching Posts


fts: V.

°? ^l*" ? Awh*" "* «n* » • »•« Bank ? , t D'nowlfc «* • '«'»« Red Bank V «»"Wn| hjvi b u n obtalnid. Forty othir on thi lookout far then flih where, r i R I T POST 9 Pi M , AHBOV, NBW BRUNSWICK, bin of the prose—to lay nothing para wilt b i on hand /or thi r«gu- ever then experlmonte a n beln B§«t OevWe tieiei at M l TRENTON, B LIZA.UK T i l , about the mere ditalta of running lar raci card, carried on. MRMMII NIWAKX. ene of tho neatest tournament* of Alio co-operating In lhl< program HHwniMiun ! ! ! lie Ui kind, and At the aame time re- fflddU flunky, manigtr. of thiare thn K i m nnd Union county IHUM main cool, calm and collected Cardinal!, ha« u alio played playi with Niw park commissions, Certain lakei trough It all-rtqulrts thi ifforta York, Brookilyn, Boito loiton and Chi-under' thi Jurisdiction of th«« Ntw Jttuf'i Oufy l i r l Mvfiul TrtHfnf Trtik of a supiMnan, agenolei have, or will be sluoked cago In thi National lagui.

Timely Notes On The Great Outdoors


Kerr Advances In NJSI Tennis To Semi Finals

SHERWOOD'S Sporting Goods



Sweeps Committees Discuss Final Plans

Rumson Pounds Highlands, 12-7




State Division Removes Fin of Bass In Experiment in Stocking Lakes


LWATCHJ Reussille's




Crash Contest Slated at Wall




"VOTE """""i

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Starts New Development at Fair Haven

P I A N O LESSONS at Your Home Mrs. Hazel Henderson and Mrs. FREDERICK A . WOHLFORTH, B.S. Ed. Florence Hughes were co-hostesses at a stork shower at Mrs. Hughes' Pianist for dubs, Receptions, Etc. BE 6-S2S4-J. home last Thursday evening for Student Entrant* in Griffith Foundation Mrs. John Super, Vail.Homes. Gifts Hammond Organ Instruction were presented in a bassinet decorated in yellow and green. Present were Mrs. Helene Coleman, Mrs. Feme Mullins, Mrs. Elsie Kaimom, The Best in Miss Dorit Bennett, Mrs. Margaret Sandbach, Mrs. Shirley Thorpe of MEN'S FORMAL WEAR Neptune, Mrs. Gladys Emmons, Mrs. Ruth . Walker, Mrs. Evelyn Emmons, Mrs. Tanya Loughry, Mrs. Evelyn MacElroy, Mrs, Ann • LATEST • NEW MERCHANDISE Ramsey and Mrs. Edith Glasgow The carnival held on the grounds at St. Dorothea's church last • GUARANTEED PERFECT FIT Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings, because of bad weather, r ALL SIZES IN STOCK will be continued tomorrow end Saturday nights, rain or shine, in We fit anyone . • . the church basement. The king and queen of the costume contest held Thursday evening for the girls I and Friday for the boys will be crowned Saturday evening. The GROOM SHOP— queen is Roberta Mitchell who was dressed as Bo-Pcep. Runner up was Carol Nolan who was dressed as 220 Mrfin Sfc Asbury Park 1*0213 an Indian squaw with a papoose on her back. King is Albert Nolan, who was dressed as Mae West. Runner up' was Jeffrey Smock, Work has been buyers, The first is already under north of River rd. that will run OPEN MON., WED., FRI. EVES. ' T I L t dressed as a hoot owl. William started by William P. Scott, Red construction on Battin rd., to thebetween Battin rd. and Lewis lane. OR CALL FOR APPOINTMENT Scoles was master of ceremonies. rear of the lire house now being Judges Thursday evening were Bank contractor and developer, on built, and has been contracted for lane, on a lot that has 300 feet on Mayor F. Bliss Price and Council24-home development in the 12sale. The property extends from the river bank, Mr. Scott recently men Ralph L. Lewis and James N. acres of property formerly known River rd. to the Navesink river. completed a large, one-story home CONVENIENTLY LOCATED OPPOSITE Wolcott, Jr. On Friday evening as the Lewis and Mennen estates Bulldozers and other equipment Mr. and Mrs, R. ASBURY PARK RAILROAD STATION they were Pete Tomaino and CounKlelland df Montclair. The home, are working to cut through a street with a commanding view of the rivcilman Lewis and Wolcott. John north of River rd. er from Lewis' point, has four Cnllahan was in charge of the pie- The 12 acres of woodland is bo four baths, large living eating contest which was won ing divided Into half-acre lots by known as Lewis lane. It will run bedrooms, Thursday evening by Bobby Kautz rd. to the riverfront. room with a picture window overand Friday evening by James Hy- homes upward of $25,000 accord Mr. Scott is cutting looking the river, dining room, slop. Finals will be held this Satanother street one block kitchen and laundry, ing to his plans or those of the urday evening. Special awards were made last week to Mrs. B. L. Paters, a chest of silver; Mrs. Esther brothev-ln-law and sister, Mr. and may register in the afternoon he- ty by her mother, Mrs. Gerald Saling, a lace tablecloth; Leon B. Mrs. Walter Brada in Middlctown, | tween the hours of 2 and 3 p. m Smith. They then attended a perAlbert Cook, Jr., son of Mr. andformance at the Radio City Music Smock, Jr., a decorated cake. N. Y. Miss Ann Stochl recently Awards which will be made Sat- gave a party for herSunday- Irs. Albert Cook, Watson pi., isHall. urday evening are a custom made school class at her home. Present isiling his grandparents, Mr. and B. C. Mathews of Crystal Lake, rs. Jesse Warner in New Bostoi, II., was a Tuesday evening dinner hat, outdoor grill, basket of bev-were 'Llbby Norton, Jill Miller, erages, salad set and a full size Walter Layton, Bobby Mahnc, Earl hio. He will return home Sunday. guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey V. bicycle. Leadbeater, Patty Morgan and Harvey Lambertson of South nt. Holland. on two weeks' vacation from Master Bobby Stattel has returnClinton Lnyton. Miss Stochl was a surprise birthday party is position with the Boro Bus ed home after visiting his cousin, Pvt. Ralph LaParre, son of Mr.given Richard Ellingham at Skillman. ompany. 20 by her co-workers at the and Mrs. Frank LaParre, former Aug. Corps Electronic Warfare Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fllntzer of residents here and grandson of Signal Fort Monmouth, at her Trenton and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Marlboro Mrs. Edith Lewis, leaves tomorrow Center, home. V. Holland of this place were Satfor Germany. Mr. and Mrs. Horace N. Ruben- urday evening supper guests of Mr. Councilman Fred S. Morris and Phyllis and Carol Lawrence, itein and sons Leon and Norman and Mrs. William Flintzerof NepGene Cavanaugh attended the ten-daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Ken-notored to Monticello, N. Y, tune. nis matches Tuesday at tho Forest neth Lawrence, South st., wore" hursday morning, visiting rclaMiss Carol Ann Vanderveer of Hills Country club, Long Island, hostesses at a barbecue last Wed- Ives in the vicinity and returning Farmingdale was a Saturday afnesday evening in celebration of N, Y. ime Friday night. ternoon and supper guest of Miss their 15th birthday. Charades and Mr. and Mrs. William Vital, Clin- dancing Sunday visitors of the Ruben Bette Mancini. were enjoyed indoors ton ave., entertained at an outdoor Week-end guests of Mrs. Stella guests wore Anne Nelson, steins wore Mr. and Mrs. Luclen supper Friday evening for Mr. amiThoir Jean Howard, Gfirofalo Gilbert and Infant son Bernard o. Bissell and daughter Nancy were Mrs. James Meyers and children Cathy Rohrbaugh,Diane New York, cousins of Mr. RubenMr. and Mrs. Harold McCellan of Dennis Wchde Judy Ann and Jean of Leonardo, Jimmy Buwen, Charles Bloomfleld and Mr. and Mrs. AiRohrbaugh itein. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wllco of Dickie Roberts and Tony Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gann and mer Bissell of East Orange. Nemeth Sheppton, Pa., and Mr. and Mrs. ion Edward last week visited tho Master Dennis Bissell of FredBud Gabble of Hazelton, Pa. Tha Mrs. Arthur Dorhout and Rob-ihocolate factory at Hershey, Pa. hold was an overnight' guest MonWllcos and Gabbles remained to ert Pearson of Fairlawn visited Mr. and Mrs. George Cuchural spend the week-end with the Vitals. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Frost and nd children Valerlie and George, day of his grandmother, Mrs, Stella Bissell. Mr. and Mrs. William Wye, But-family, South st., last week. r., have returned home from Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tupper, Grant vacation at Lake Wlnnepasauki tonwood ave., are vacationing In "STRASBOURG"" . . , R O N D O " , , . "MCLROSV:* ave., are visiting Mr. and MrsJ. H. Virginia." •':• ••CHANTULY"* , East Kcansburg 111, 71 3)1.71111.7* L. S. Anthony at Ashaway, R. I Mr. and Mrs. Robert Magowan Mrs. Charles Dreyer,'Tlnton ave., The Ladies' auxiliary of the East Sgt. George Richards of Anchor- ind Mrs. Gcorgina Magowan las is now employed at the Fashion age, Keansburg fire company announced Alaska, who ia studying td the veek attended a performance o Cleaners. Electronics school In Chi- Kiss Me Kate" at the Neptuni at their recent meeting a profit of Start today to make your -wedding dreams come true by choosing Mr. and Mrs. George Winning, Army $700 on the annual fair held this one of Gorham's 16 timeless patterns, beautifully designed to excago, spent the week-end with his Music Circus. South st., and Mr. and Mrs". Charles mother, Mrs. Martha Melone, The music therapy departmen summer. Mrs. Elizabeth England press you. Stoneham, Reynolds dr., dined .at Thrqpkmorton and Mrs. Bertha Brunt were chairave. the Colt's Neck inn Monday In celethe state hospital, under th men of tho booth. The next meetMiss May Llndly of Brooklyn of Enjoy your own Gorrtam Sterling service new bration of the Stoneham's 14th was direction of Mi's. Hermina Brown a week-end guest of Mr. andpresented the Gilbert and Sull ing of the auxiliary will be held wedding anniversary. Sept. 23. Mrs. Francis Bruce, Maple ave. 7 par »ix-p!ec« plocnnlting (knife, fork, teaspoon, , •^Miss • Ruthf Dietz, Throckmortpn operetta "H.M.S. Pinafore' .The first meeting of the P.T.A. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Long ami Wednesday and Thursday evening. ' o n m soup- spow, »olad fork, ond butter tpr«od- r ave., spent the week-end visiting for the fall will be held at the sons Larry and David of Woods, This was done with an all-patlcn er) in most potterns shown hor«. Others to $ 110.00, friends in Manasquan. school Sept. 15. town were week-end guests of Mr cast and orchestra. Intl. Fed. Tax ~ . Last Saturday afternoon a meet- and Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Cruse Mrs. W. Lester Whitflcld, Clin ing of the Altar Guild of St. James ton ave. Dr. and Mrs. D. W. McCrelght spent part of last week with Mr. Memorial Episcopal church was and children Jimmy and Tullis Mrs. J. W, Stockdale, Collcgi were in Trenton a. week ago yes-and Mrs. Arthur Glfford of Osbornheld at the home of Rev. Carroll vlllo. ave, was hostess at a Stanley party M, Burck, Pinckney rd., Red Bank terday. Mr. and Mrs. George Hubert of when rules and regulations were last Wednesday evening. Dr. Arthur Wool^ey, chief dent- Orange have returned home after Mr. and Mrs. J. Ely Miller, South st at the state hospital, is spendmade and discussed. returned from a ten-day ng his vacation' on the West Coast spending six weeks with Mrs. John Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Hughes St., have 15 BROAD5T JEWELERS RED BANK trip to Nova Scotia and Now and is also visiting the Grand Blakoly of Sycamore ave. and children Tommy, Peggy and motor Canada. The Millers Ca'nyon. Chuck, College ave., recently vis- Brunswick, The road to better and bigger l u l l and daughter Jean and Peter Conadvertise in Tha Register regularly. > ESTABLISHED 69 YEARS ited the Gingerbread Castle at over left this morning to attend Richard Gordon, who enlisted in neia, Advertisement. Hamburg. Last Friday Mr. Hughes, tho state fair in Rutland, Vt. Jeai the Army in July, is stationed at along with Thomas Gulotta of has purchased a 1848 Ford car. Camp Plckett, Va. Long Branch and Charles JannaMembers and guests of the state Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Van Brunl hospital fire ^department enjoyed rone of Fair Haven,- visited the race track at Atlantic City. Mrs. Throckmorton avo., are havin a clam bake on the hospital Hughes entertained Mrs. Gulotta their houso shingled. grounds Thursday evening. The Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Cotgrcavi menu consisted of steamed clams, and daughter Noreen at dinner Irving pi., entertained Mrs, Co1fried chioken, tomatoes and salau. that day, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rowland, Jr, grcave's parents, Mr. and Mrs, H Martin Loftus and John Collins have moved from Broad st, toDonald Woolley of West Lon, were in charge. Branch, Monday. South st. Mr. and- Mrs, Horace N. RubenCapt. and Mrs. David R. Young High school children will repurl stein attended an evening performand children David and Ava ofat'the Eatontown public school to ance of "Kiss Me Kate" at the NepHuntlngton, W. Va., are now liv-day to receive bus passes and tul tune Music Circus last week. ing at 66 Clinton ave. Capt. Young tion cards. Registration Qf chl Wcek-ond guests of the Rubenhas just returned from Korea and dren who will enter kindergarte: steins were Dr. and Mrs. Bernard has his first assignment with the Monday will be held' tomorrow Ivker and children Davlda, Barry Signal Corps Unit Survey agency the school between the hours and Mary-Ellon, of Wynnefleld, 9:30 a, m. to noon. Only chtldre; Philadelphia. at Fort Monmouth. Mrs. B. M. Matthews, the former who will reach the age of five b Mrs. Gerald Smith spent a few Carla Stoohl of Tinton ave., is nowNov. 1 may register. They mu days last week visiting her mother, employed as private secretary to have their vaccination and 1mMrs. John W&nzer of Foughkeepeie, Thomas Irving Brown, publisher of munlzatton certificates. Schoo N. Y. The Register. opens Monday, Sept, 8, at 9 a, Miss Marjorie Smith returned Mr. and Mrs, Charles Stochl and I There will be no' registration home Tuesday after (pending the son Charles, Tlnton ave,, spent tho |, .pupils . that. morning_ but those wh summer at Poughkeepsle, N. Y. week-end visiting Mr. Stochl'a were unable to register Friday Miss Smith was met in New York

6 - 3 3 < O



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MARATHON GOODAEAR New, with d«p«ndabl« Marothom prletd to lew thtre'i no longtr any m«d Alio quality reeapplnq te rltk riding on worn, un* •oft llrn. Comt In today done In our own (eetory, and get n t w , safer We loan you tlrei at no Ooodytar T[ret ' ' extra eoit while yeun ire reeeppedi


71 Whiti St, Rtd lank . PHONI 4*0414

It Pays to Advertise in The Register

sewing machine stitchesand finishes


TALENT THE WAY FALL CUSSES NOW FORMING ENROLL NOW!, Clatics now forming for Fall Term beginning Sept. 8th, in Ballet, Tan, Toe and Voice. Careful grading of all age group* • beginners, intermediate' and advanced itudenti. Watch for MacLcvy itudenti on Television WOR, Channel 9, Daily 6-6130 P. M., starting Sept. 8th • WPIX Channel 13, Sept. 21, 4t30 P. M., Saturdays. Special evening classes In Ballet for adults.



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IS WORTH MONEY! Consumers TV will make you the following allowances for your old tube. Check listings for your size tube.




10" 12" 14" 15" 16" 17"

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7.00 9.00 8.00 9.00 16.00 16.00 14.00 14.00


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Installed free with one year warranty. If your picture tube is good at the present time, call or write and we will tell you. how to register with ; us so you may take advantage of these low prices. There is no charge for registering.


CONSUMERS TELEVISION CO. 274 Port Monmouth Rd. East Keansburg SALES & SERVICE TEL. KEANSBURG 6-0033 ' We reserve the right to withdraw the above allowances on your old picture tube at any tlmo.



Atlantic Appliance Contest Closes

A Democratic rally will be held In the Holmdel township memorial hall tonight at 8 o'clock. The candidates for the coming election, will ASBURY PARK — Following a be the speakers. custom of several years' standing, The New York and Long Branch the Atlantic Appliance company railroad is erecting a shelter for of Railroad ave., marked its anni- commuters at Hazlet. The station versary with a sales and recipe was closed several months ago. contest. The joint events which Mr. and Mrs. John H. Bahrenmarked the firm's fifth anniversary, burg, Jr., and sons John and Nell opened Aug. 13 and closed Sunday. qf Beers st., have returned from -vn Preliminary judging In the reci- utomoblle trip to Washington, pe contest starts tomorrow. First ). C prize, currently on display at the P.F.C. Eugene Wilson, who was firm's Asbury Park store is a com- atloned at Kecsler Air Base in pletely automatic electric kitchen, [Isslssippi, after spending a furworth $2,500. The kitchen includes iugh with his parents, Mr, and a Frlgldalrc cyclamatlc refrigera- Mrs. Leo Wallace, Bethany rd., has tor, Westlnghouse a u t o m a t i c sported at Perrin Air Base in clothes dryer, Hotpoint deluxe Texas. pushbutton range, Philco freezer, Mrs. Walter D, Brown, Jr., of automatic Youngstown dishwasher ighway 35, attended a wedding and a 66-Inch, twin deluxe Youngsa relative- In Brooklyn Saturday. town sink, There will be 19 other fMr. and Mrs. J. Carlton Cherry prizes, and a Youngatown dish- ,nd children and Nancy washer for each of Atlantic's eight lave returned Russell from a two weeks' stores. •acatlon spent in Sloatsburg, N. Y. The Arm will have a recipe book Miss Sally Cogglns of Lubec, Me., printed for distribution. spent a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Jed Cogglns of Holmdel rd. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Ackerson Colt's Neck ave returned home from a visit Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Freeman •lth their son and daughter-inof Manor rd. have returned from law, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth T. Aca visit to Mrs. Raymond Freeman kerson of East Aurora, N. Y. Bennett Dissents of Fultonvllle, N. Y., and an auto- A group of people gathered .it When a vote on the proposal was mobile trip through New York and he home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred taken Mr. Bennett was the only Vermont. Mlddlebury college at ^. Dean on Bethany rd., last dissenter. After the vote, he slated Middlebury, Vt., was among the 'hursday evening to witness the jpenlng of two large night bloomhe was ppposed to any one or two points of interest. members of the board making Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Richens of ing cereus. When the blooms openthey measured from eight to ten promises to a staff member with- WadBWorth, Ohio, ,were weok-ond out consulting the board as a guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lester nehes across. Pictures were taken whole. Richens and family of Colt's Neck if the blooniB, which die as soon they are In full bloom. The high school fellowship of the asMr. Mr. Davis asked who had made and Mrs. Edwin R. Peseux any promises adding, "The finger Colt's Neck Reformed church wll nd daughters Marion L. and Doris is being pointed at me." Mr. Davis meet tonight at 7 o'clock at the J. Peseux of Hillcrest rd., have resaid he had never told Mr. Phipps church. urned home from a week's autoThe Reformed church will re mobile the transfer would be made but trip to New York state and merely that he would work on It. open Sunday at 11 a. m. F. How Pennsylvania. They visited relaMr. Giblon said he didn't think Mr. ard Lloyd will deliver the sermon, tives in Utica and Mt. Pocono. Davis had intentionally deceived Mrs. A. Gemmell of Ansonin, the rest of the board but felt the Conn., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. IrvPvt. Edward C. Weigand of chairman of the athletic commit- ing Gemmell and family of Van- Camp Kilmer spent the week-end tee should have brought the matter deiburg. Miss Druscilla Gemmell, with his parents, Mr. and MM. before the entire board. her granddaughter, who has been J. Frank Welgand. her guest in Ansonla the past few Mr. and Mrs. Llndrord Hartel weeks, returned to her home in and children Eleanor, Carroll and Keausburg Vandcrburg with her grandmother, Ronald, after spending a vacation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hcslin 0! with Mrs. Hartel's aunt and unThe ladies' auxiliary of the West Keansburg fire department Wed- Now York city visited Mr. am1 cle, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rathnesday night of last week discussed Mis. James P. Desmond the pas bone, have returned to their home in Waynesboro, Pa. plans for an afternoon card paity week. Mr. and Mrs. William' Stirlem The League for Service of thi Thursday, Sept. 18. Mrs. Jean Werthweln is chairman, assisted Reformed church will resume Its and family recently visited at Stone *< by Mrs. Emma Devine. Members meetings after the summer vaca- Harbor. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Evans rvf will parade in uniform In Trenton. tion, Monday night, Sept. 15 at { p. m., at the home of Mrs. MattLong Island w«re week-end guests Mrs. Adolph Berger, Mrs. Devine and Mrs. Warthwoin wore guests land Cain at Phalanx. Mrs. Wil- of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Latham. of honor at e birthday party held liam Miles will be co-hostess. Then Mr. and Mrs. James Neldlng3r after the meeting. Hostesses were will be a guest speaker. of Beers st., spent' the week-end Mr's. Camilla Lutz and Mrs. Agnes in Lavalette. Mr. and Mrs. Zeno Kanetzky 0 Czarkowskl. Others present were Trl Angle farm, entertained thi Mrs. Florence Murphy, Mrs. Agnes following guests Sunday: Mr. am Highlands Thome, Mrs. Marjorle McCarthy, Mrs. Alex S. Bonda and daughtei Mrs. Alice Dowd, Mrs. France 01- Donna of Revere Beach, Mass., am Stephen H. Faller, Edward Patbrys, Mrs. Olga Perno, Mrs. Marie Walter Laudanskl and son Tuff: terson and Henry Snyder repreGemmell and Mrs. Joseph Malley. of New York city. Mr. and Mr. sented Twinllght post, American Corbett and children of Tor- Legion, at the national convention Mrs. Russell Smith was hostess Paul onto, Canada, Mrs. Corbett of the last week in New York city. at a demonstration of houshold Bronx, d Mrs. Rusakowich, Raymond Dempsey, son of Mr. wares Wednesday night of last Bronx, N.a nY., were Monday guests and Mrs. Raymond Dempsey, celeweek In the rectory of St. Mdrk's Mr, and Mrs. Edward Meehan, brated his second birthday at a Episcopal church. She was assisted 1 by Mrs. Betty Tevlin. Mrs. Elsie formerly of Red Bank, have bough party at his home. Guests Included Thorne was demonstrator. Attend- and moved into the Prelm honv James Homlak, Michael Homlak, ing were Mrs. Martin Foley, Mrs. on Creamery rd., Colt's Neck, wit! Jessica McGrail, Martin McGrall, Henry Guenthcr, Mrs. Harry Snv- their children, the past week-one Nora Ann Bailey, Richard Bailey, der, Mrsv Clement" Coppoll, Mrs. The, Atlantic township P. T. A Anna May Dempsey, Ray Dempsey Catherine Biersack, Mrs. Ida Mor- will resume meetings Wcdnesda; and Paul Dempsey. Other guests ton, Mrs. Virginia Herzog, Mrs. night, Sept. 10, at the townsh were Mr. and Mrs. Andrew HoFrieda Krayle, Mrs. William Wentz, •school in Colt's Neck at S p. m, miak, Mrs. Mae Dempsey, Mr. and Miss Mary Carr, Mrs.' Annie Carr with the new president, Gcorgi Mrs. Martin McGrall and Miss Peggy Bailoy. and Miss Carola Wollyung. Handzo, presiding. •

(Continued from page 1) the superintendent had stated it wajB the opinion of Frank Hurley, high school principal; William Pazicky. River Street school principal, and himself that while it would be advantageous to have the football coach teaching at the high school, • they felt the entire physical education program could be better carried on If the men remained where they were. Dr. Hlbbs pointed out Mr. Phlpps j1is certificated for certain things which Mr. Jacoubs is not and that | therefore he felt the education program in general could be better carried on If Phlpps were to stay at River Street, and Jacoubs at the high school. In a final effort to solve the problem the board called Mr. Phlpps into the meeting. He told the board he had been assured by Mr. Davis the transfer would be made. Mr. Giblon, remarking that Mr. Phlpps had been placed in an embarrassing p o s i t i o n , added Fhipps had been promised the transfer by the athletic committee and that now the board owed him an obligation. He. added he understood Mr. Phippa would be given the coaching job without any strings attached to it.








EA 3-1470


















(Jmt off Broad St.) OWN FRIDAY NlftHT TILL flOO

2/0x6/8 1% Ii-g. gum 2/6x6/8 1% p.g.p.m


8.00 8.50 UNPAINTID




Deluxe Trellis I * 6 9 DOOR LOCKS PAMA9I I Aft Fan Trellis J / 9 5 SITI • ««»


9 5







Page Twelve





RED BANK 6-5688



Motorist Fined $25 in Local Court


Mirarchi Music Studios «4« •RIOHTON AVENUC NEAR NORWOOD AVI.



SPECIALIZING IN Martin Narzyaiuki of Union Beach wai fined $25 in court here PIANO' • ACCORDION yesterday by Magistrate John V. Crowell on a charge of disorderly FALL TERM BEGINS SEPTEMBER 15TH conduct. Charges against NarzyanREGISTER NOW! ski of driving without a driver's license and refusal to show his car I t u d . n t i miy h i v . loan of Accordion for homi practice registration were dismissed. Studio cliood «v.ry Wtdnasday Margaret M. Mirarchi, Mui. Bach,; Mus. Ma».; St. Cecilia Conservator", According to Deputy Chief Rom«, Italy. Member 1. P. T. A. George Clayton, who made the complaint, he was driving a police car Monday night when he passed close to a car he claimed was driven by Narzynaski, Sitting in the front-seat with Narzynaski was Allen Dale, according to the deputy chief, Dale'pleaded guilty to a charge of disorderly conduct Tuesday morning and was' fined $25, Deputy Chief Clayton testified the Narzynski car almost, hit the police car at the intersection of Broad and Front, st*,, and that Narzynski STARTING SEPT, 16, 1952 yelled something at him, Clayton For information call . said he ordered Narzynski to pull over and the defendant told him, "I'll take care of you." Narzynaski, he added, refused to, show him his driver's license or car registration, and put up an agrument. Deputy OPEN FRIDAY 'TIL 9 Chief Clayton further testified he left the scene to get Patrolman William Patterson, who was on duty in the area, and when they returned Narzynaski and' Dale were coming out of the Silver bar. Both, he said, put up a fight when he and Patterson tried to arrest them. In the hearing of the motor vehicle charges against Narzynaski Clayton again testified the defendant was driving and Sale was sitting on the seat beside him. He added he could not see anyone in the back seat. Denies Charge Narzynaski said Miss Helen Oswald of Union Beach was driving and he was sitting beside her on the front seat. Dale, he said, and Wondrous O r i o n * another young woman wore in the suit with the flatterback scat. Dale, who backed up ing curved hip . . . the testimony, said he was going and a slim-line skirt to marry the unidentified young with an Inverted woman next week, and it stood to kick pleat for back reason if he were going to marry interest! her he wouldn't have been sitting Perfect to wear now in the front seat with Narzynaski and on through tho while she was sitting in the back year in the best of .. seat. Both women testified it was fashion! Fully lined Miss Oswald civho was driving and and exquisitely tainot Narzynaski, lored, P r i c e d to p l e a s e , too! In In dismissing the motor vehicle black, brown and charges Judge Crowell said he grey. Sizes 10 to 20, could see no reason why a police officer would testify a man was 7 to 17. driving it he were not. On the other hand, he said, Narzynaski would have good reason to say he wasn't driving. Narzynaski had admitted at the hearing that his driver's blooked off for the affair. Vlci it., snriwtbury townihlp, w u •* land, Martin Craig or Niwarki and Tomorrow ninny with high of M. mori than an hour. Tht rtar o primlum g u from M,( to 14.1. Mr, mllli, "Orooiry itoria tran't htm* hold, Third alternate la Burton I. Commander Michael Stavola It granted a divorce from Oiorio T. William D. Ray, a loldlir ttitlantd Modiritt northwtit wlndt today, tht houifwaiioorihtd, DtFulo, who oontindi thi ittta ptnd In tdvanialng thilr |oodt." MtbMtnm, «on of Mr, tnd Mn. chairman, Thi Bwiepittku com* Lynch of tho aarflild-Orinl twill. at Fort Xinooclc, paid II and II bosoming gmtlo wnfcrly tonight Thi ear wai ewntd by lUri.Kary law li unionitltutlonal, li calling ttld Mr, Otrailo. adding "Why ,lonph. A. Llabianun of Sradlty mlttee will IAIIU the Li|lon In Long Bianch, Beth dlvoiou w i n ooata aaoh lor iftiotflng. Md •outhwiit tomorrow, o»latfii4 en grouadi ol d w i t l i b Itwn, conducting thi dance, •arbir, polUi riported, OB othir iftdipiBtfint itttlgn opa;. ihould wi bir<

Hands-Off Policy Taken by County On Rent Controls

Little Silver Woman Charged With Slaying Her Husband

Two Principals Retire After Long Service

Army, Air Force Local Council Takes No Action Take 40 Enlistees After Forum on Rent Control

Railroad Union Honors Eastmond

Head-on Crash Injures Three

Court Calendar Lists 576 Suits

Church Group Has Pot Luck' Supper

Young GOP to Fete Catholic Schools Senator Smith Enroll 1,288

Auchincloss Picks Little Silver Boy

Cuts Gas Prices as Protest; Compares Driscoll lo Truman

RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 4, 1952 ed the Army's bomb reconnalsance Driver Fined $ 1 0 0 ; PERSONALS COUNTY BIRTHS school. The report brought from Mr, and Mrs. Morgan B. Elteu Ignored 1951 Summons Mayor Beadleston praise for the Mr. and Mr*. Charles Goodllnc Jr, left this week for San Diego, "12 men in Civil Defense who are of Passaic st,, Keamburg, are parATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — ApCal., where Mr. Eilcrt has taken a doing t job for everyone's benefit." prehended on a banch warrant ents of a daughter, born last position with the Consolidated VulCouncil accepted from James A. when he failed to appear in mag- Thursday at Monmouth Memorial Curley a section of Bcechwood dr. JTINTON FALLS—Representing Older children will be those using tee Aircraft corporation. A con of istrate's court here after a sum- hospital. Mr. and Mrs.'Morgan B. Ellert, Sr, south from White st. mons for driving without a license Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hendrlcks past increases in enrollment, money downstairs rooms. of 71 Maple ave, Br. Ellert was Mrs. VanVllet said that Mrs. Tswas issued to him in Oct. 1951,of West Lincoln ave., Atlantic aid given the Shrewsbury town- Prompting the planning of anew placed On active duty by the Navy. abel Parker's report showed that ship school district for the 1952-53 school are. estimates of ever-higher Highlands, arc parents of a son, Robert Meddler of Belford, an emCampaign to Begin He served four years In the subResidents Request .tax collection* to date for the curployee of the J. Howard Smith born Friday at Monmouth Memor- school year .will be raised over enrollments and ' the eventual marine branch of the "Navy and rent year .are 65 per cent. Mrs. previous contributions, according abandonment off basement classial hospital. plant at Port Monmouth, was fined Sept. 12 at Dinner saw service patroling the waters Curbing on Street VanVHet called It .an excellent re$100 and $3 costs of court Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. George Brucker of to estimates by Louis A. Stelnmul- rooms. There also is a desire by off Japan. Until last month port for this time of year. ler, school board president. the school board to have schools Eaton pi, Eatontown, are parents night by In $125,000 Home Magistrate Irving E. he was stationed at the Navy's As Local Assessment Mrs. VanVllet said she will be :it of a daughter, born Saturday at At Tuesday night's school board in sections of the district where submarine base at New London, Zeichner, home from 7 to 9 p. m. Sept. 23. 24 John Warren, Jr., general chairMonmouth Memorial hospital. meeting Mr. Steinmuller' did not they will be most convenient to Conn. Mrs. Ellert is the former SHREWSBURY— Announcement The magistrate fined Daniel Geiwas made Tuesday night that th1? and 25 to register residents for man for the $23,498 campaign fund rity of Atlantic ave., Highlands, and Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Cassone figure the amounts Involved in the the biggest centers of ^population. Miss Joan Wozeh of Middletown Concerning the, basement rooms, township. borough will seek financial aid voting purposes. Those not perma- M The Salvation Army today an- Edward Bahr of T East Lincoln of Seeley avc, Kcanaburg, are pending increases, But George C. from the state to "grade and re- nently registered by Sept. 25 can- nounced that the Northeastern ave, here $100 each for taking a parents of a daughter, born Sat- Malone, supervising principal, said all have now been put into excelRev. Herbert J. Smith of 103 not vote in the November general iMonmouth county appeal will be surface Patterson avc. without the owner's permission. urday ut Monmouth Memorial hos- higher expenses -would tend to ab- lent shape—their floors covered Maple ave, is attending the orelection. In addition, Mrs. VanVliot launched at a kLckoff dinner at t car sorb the new benefits. . with asphalt tile and their walls pital, • • ' . . . . ' • ... • Mayor Alfred N. flendloston said, Gerrlty also was fined $60 for drivganization meeting of the Methcan register at other p. m. Friday, Sept. 12. The cam- ing without a license. For one thing, district enroll- freshly repainted. Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy of made the disclosure after reporting timesresidents odist Board of Missions at Lake by telephoning her in ad- paign, to be conducted in 38 comthat James W. Bly expects to have Mr, Zclchner fined John E. Cave Hunting lane, Fair Haven, are par- ments have reached an all-time Junaluska, N. C. of their visit so that she munities, will end Oct. IS. a petition signed by at tout 80 vance of Bayslde dr. $50 and $3 coats and ents of a son, .born Wednesday of high, of about 600 pupils. Too, the $112,014 Federal Funds will be sure to he at home. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hundley faculty is larger with 23 teachers per cent of P&ttcrson avp. property The affair will be held at the George Johnson of Plum st., New last week at Rlvervlew hospital. of Westside ave. are parents of a owners requesting the installation new $125,000 Salvation Army home Shrewsbury, $10 for disorderly conMr.' and Mrs. Arnold Rehberg of and a part-time music instructor • (Continued from page 1) of curbing. Washington ave., Atlantic High- on the staff this year, compared ture construction of a general pur- daughter, born last Thursday at in Red Bank. The dinner will be duct, , lands, are parents of a daughter, with 21 and a music assistant in pose room—such as an auditorium Monmouth Memorial hospital. prepared and served by the womTho state rejected a similar re- Two Principals Retire Mies Carol KlaUUy, daughter el born last Thursday at Riverview 1951-B2. en's fellowship of the Red Bank quest last year'. Since local resi(Continued from page 1) —and eight more classrooms. Such Mr. and Mrs. Harry Klatsky of hospital. ' Baptist church, under the chairdents are willing to pay for the Helps Check Taxes utilities as heating and plumbing Harding rd, and Miss Sandra Sie- VJ a coveted trachinfr position at the manship of Mrs. Elmer Cottrell. Mr, and Mrs. Edward Cogan of curbs, however, the mayor said he M In the ten-room, building will be gel, daughter of Mrs. Jesse Slegel Park lane, Fair Haven,'are parents Government money has been adequate thinks the state may take a dif- Lime for it was not unusual for an Mrs. Lillian Tucker of Eatontown to care for future conof Drummond pi, are among the working to check the climb of the irate parent to vent his or her of a daughter, born last Thursday will be in charge of floral decoraferont view on the question. local school tax rate, although the struction, he explained,,which wl' nine Monmouth county young womat Monmouth Memorial hospital. Last year's estimate for the job spleen on the teacher and principal tions and the speakers' table. en admitted to the freshman class Additional enlistments announced Mr. and Mrs. James A. Harper rate has been raised considerably— result In eventual saving. was $11,700, of which the borough by tossing a brick through, the at J>few Jersey College for Women from $44 per $1,000 of assessment Long Range Plan would pay $1,300. That figure is schoolhouso window or otherwise by Mr, Warren -on his campaign FIRST RAOE— 24-25 Class Trot. Cond. of 210 East 73d st, New York city, in the 1960-61 school year to $48 at New Brunswick. Both glrls-wern are parents of a daughter, Deborah, exclusive of curbing, for which threatening physical harm to the committee include clubs and socie- 1 daih i t 1 3 / 1 6 mile, Actually, this borough's "cost per ;graduated from Red Bank high Mcrning born Wednesday of last weak at last year and to $52.10 for the bonds would be issued. An assess- instructor. ties: Thomas Irving Brown, chairline Columbia pp. Post 2:00 current 1952-53 school year. In classroom" will be $18,468, provided school in June. Presbyterian Medical ment board then will levy costs Miss Brasch steadily gained the man; campaign treasurer: Harry Aa—Animation K.I (A. Bennett) federal approval of plans Is gained. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Kaell of against affected property owners. 3-1 Center, New York city. Mrs. Harp- that period the total school budrcipcct and admiration of the pu- C. Barnard. Jr.; newspapers: James U—Sally Up (M. Umb) 4-1 er is the. former Mai Duane, daugh- get went up from $149,213 in 1950- In neighboring Shrewsbury, a ten- North Bridge ave., are parents of MlirTit (T. Dun, Jr) Councilman David W. Russell pils and parents of Ccntcrvlllc and L. Brown, chairman; steering com' 0—Volg» S-2 1—Shallmar Vly (lloldlgci) 51 to $170,735 last year and to clasBroom school will" cost about a son, born Saturday at Riverview said he believes sidewalks should won a place in the hearts of the mlttee: Edward J. MacWln, chair- !!—Miracle Curd (H. Dancer) 12-1 ter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. $187,815 for the current year. $20,000 per classroom, provided feJ- hospital. bo Installed along with the curbs residents of that place, which to- man; national firms: Theodore D. 3— Guy Yello Brook IF. Fapp) e-i Duane of Locust. Express t Hammer) Mrs. Dayton Wilson returned 15-1 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Maher of Among reasons (or this were the eral approval of their plans is as a safety precaution for children day boasts more prosperous truck Parsons, chairman; women's div- 1—A'osrtaen Jim (R. Wilson) 20-1 Miriam dr., Matawan, are parents construction and operation of the granted. Shrewsbury's voters ap- Friday from a month's vacation in vt-alklng to school. The mayor sai'l, farmers than perhaps any other ision: Mrs. Ursula. Nielsen, chair- 8—Sheriff 'lao eligible proved a referendum of $265,000 for $130,000 addition to Tinton Falls Canada and at Atlantic City, to her of a daughter, born Thursday at however, that the residents now section of the county. man, and public relations: J. RusMartha Return (Dufford) school that opened last year, and that project, the federal govern- homo, 26 Kecklcsa pl. She accomSECOND RAOE—30 Clan, Face, one- Riverview hospital. are asking tjnly for curbing. Ho sell Garvln, chairman. Miss Brasch never missed one giving tentative approval of panied her' brother and sister-indash. Poat 2:22. ' said if a request is made for side- day of school through illness, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pettlgrew other coat increases, including the ment Military chairmen: Fort Mon- mile i—Royal Brev (E. Myor) 15-1 higher salaries and payments on $65,000 for. the work. law, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mcwalks, they could then be installed. I—Homestretch Marv (Simmons) 6-1 of Third st. Fair Haven, are pardid not experience any serious dis- mouth, Gen. Klrke B. Lawton; I—Cardinal Samuel Howard, chairman of the Grath of Storrs, Conn., and Dr. bonded indebtedness. Grate (B. Morris) S-l ents of a son, born Saturday at ciplinary problems. The second Earlc Naval Depot, Armstrong 3—Homestretch Pen Wee (Royal 12-1 Riverview hospital. transportation* committee, said and Mrs. William • Mltchard of To Meet Si'hool Board State aid, alwayri based upon the and Fort Hancock, Col. 5—Call Rohemla (R. Brcccc) , 4-1 parents are not- aware. that Brooklyn. At the suggestion of Councilmen teacher was added at Centervlllc Harmon, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Porter of average daily attendance during many J. Woods. 6—Dan GrofT U . Henry) 8-1" fourth grade pupils will.be transJohn Hawkins and Herbert Schild, in 1920, and a new $40,000 brick Fred Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Page of 5-2 Higsland ave., Matawan, are par-,the school year two years prior to Community c h a i r m e n : Sea 7—lies HI Li (RoedlBtr) ported to Oecahport, this year. The Newman Springs rd., are parents the mayor appointed them and school building was erected In 1938. Bright, Chief (Garafoln) 20-1 cr.ts of a son, born Saturday at the one In which aid is received, Mrs, Wiltshire BigglC S—Salem board is renting two classrooms in Councilman William D. Layton, Many of Miss Brasch'a pupils Kcansburg, Also eligible. has gone up as local enrollment of a'son, born Monday at RiverRiverview hospital; Walter J. George; Lo Ginger Crusiiilor (J. Wtldon) chairman of the police committee, went on from Ccntervillc to suc- cust, Malcolm •. » Mr. and Mrs. Perry C'ampanelU grew bigger. It stood at $53,237 in the Oceanport school which will view hospital. D. Severance; CounTHIRD RACE—22.J1 Puce, Cond. t.house about 70 fourth grade ' pu- Rudolph Bublln of West st. Is to a special committee which is '.o cessful business careers. Because of try Club Estates, 1840-60, was $57,270 in 1950-51, $65,mile dash. Post 2 : i 4 . of Central ave. Union Beach, are Mrs. Mitchell meet with the school board rela- the interest she manifested in her Colker; Leonardo, Irving Harrison I—Vicky Boy (E. Myer) 12-1 parents of a son, born Saturday at 742 in 1951-52, and is anticipated pils. Mr. Howard, aald he will on two weeks' vacation from his tive to police problems. »•! Riverview hospital. at over $10,000 this year. Other attempt to notify all parents th»t position with the Boro Bus.compupils' families, she found herself Port Monmouth, Richard E. Burke; 6—Fnxj Bliwkstonc ( 4 . Slmtr) 8—King's, Image (Alexander) 15-1 will leave the local school pany; .. , . As he did at the last meeting, doing a community job in sociol- New Shrewsbury, Stanley K. 1—Colby Eden (Lohner) Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Day of Wash- income has been represented In buses i-l grounds at 8:45 a. m. Monday (or Mr. and Mrs. L. C. P.lchardson of the mayor said he cannot under- ogy. She helped many residents ob- Downs; Belford, Mrs. Dora Hoop; 2—Mlsiy N. (Camdcr,) 3-1 ington st, Keyport, are parents of payments the federal government 20-1 a daughter born Tuesday at Mon- makes in lieu of taxes for the edu- Oceanport. 72 Riverside avo. have returned stand why the hours of arrivals tain their citizenship papers and Eatontown, Mrs. Spencer Patter- 3 — Huble (Wcldon) Giattan (H. Dancer) 5-2 mouth Memorial hospital. cation, of children of parents re- Mr. Howard added that no addi- from a vacation at "Green Acres," and dismissals could not be better acted as councilor in most family son and Peter Edwardsen, eo- 6—Ensign 7—1,'icVy G. (To be announced) arranged. Two policemen now have problems. Mr. and Mrs. Watson Sicdierckl siding at the Alfred Vail homes tional transportation will be need- near Canton, Me. FOURTH RACE— 24-26 Class Trot. chairmon; River Plaza, iMr.i, W. I . Mrs. Daisy Slayton of Bergen to spend about seven hours a day She has traveled to various parts Alexander; Fair Haven, Col. Ches- Cond., onc-mllc dash. Post 3tQ6.' of rt. 34, Atlantic township, are development, now ranging above ed this year, except if a high registration requires the second grade pl., spent the week-end with her 2—Animation (A. Bennett) 8-1 parents of a son born yesterday at $18,000 a year. at school crossings. In order fMlBJv Hoptr (J. Borlnit) dren, Clarice and Albert DeAnglis, ents of a. daughter, born Saturday of federally-employed persons. (Brennan) 3-1 at Fitkln hospital. Like state aid, this money is apintroduced for the wost side of schools of education. She has also tion, in the vacant spot on the i-rBarula'.Guy Jr, of Miami, Fla., are guests of Enrollment Problem) Harvester (Wagner) 20-1 Broad st. Mr. Russell said a spe- taken courses at the University of board of commissioners, failed 5—Candy Mr. and Mrs. Fayo Akers of portioned to eligible districts acMrs. DeAnglis' brother and,sister6—ADrll,-D»y (Hudson) 12-1 Miss Margaret Vetter, principal, cording to school enrollments two Tuesday, The vacancy occurred cial policeman at the Patterson ave. New Hampshire and Newark stale in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Mazza . . Also eligible Pearce ave,, Eatontown, are parsaid many problems will not be of Monmpnth st. years prior to payment. Because ; Jane. Majesty Henderson. crossing costs about $1,800 a year, teachers' college. In addition to when Commissioner Joseph J. To' . , ents of a' daughter, born. Monday '.SIXTH RACE—18 Class Trot. Cond. at Monmouth Memorial hospital. local attendance has been growing, solved until after- tomorrow's regwhich he said could be saved by being qualified as a teacher and maini died June 3. P. F. C. Robert B. Wyman, husistration. If enrollment is highnr' ash a t o n e mile. Post 3 : 6 . ont.dash 3:60. having sidewalks on both sides of supervisor in grades from one to Mayor Alexander Vlneburg va- , ^'^'"Monmouth Mr. and Mrs."Ronald Earley tf so will the amount of aid received than anticipated, extra provisions band of Mrs. Lena Wyman of Farm Day" M oMonmouth n m o u t h County Fa D the street 1~-Flowlnit l Chuck C h k (Breece) ( B ) 4-1 New st., Sea Bright, are parents from this fund. eight, she holds a B, S, equivalent cated his chair to second the nomi- 2—Eddie have to be made for trans- Bridge ave.,. was recently graduVoid (Belceria) 6-1 But for budget-drafting purposes, will The mayor said the cost of side- in education. nation by Commissioner Raymond of a daughter;' born Sunday at portation and teachers. She said ated from the Seventh Army NonPliovjstme) 12-1 it was explained, the Law 874 M, Brown of Mr. Wo'qJ)fly,3^ll,: 4 g J o e ds:a l eMtBhtatStokcs) walks there has been estimated at 8-1 Hazard hospital. • Mra. Rose O'Donriell of this place Commisslnhed Officers' school in She began her teaching career at three are Republicans. But,the two $14,500, part of which tho borpadlEtawalflHammer) 115-1 i Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Reilly of money cannot be anticipated In ad- will be available If an extra kin- Munich, Germany. Ballya Glnuor Jule-,i Jule,i (Jennings) S-22 Lorlllard ave. Union Beach, are vance of payment. Rather, the dergarten teacher is needed. An ough would have to pay. He said the old Middletown village public Democratio commissioners, Paul B-VBally'a Mr. and Mra. Frank Mieloch and school, now the Middletown townJ0-1 7 7-r-Clean C l e a U» (E'Myer) (E.'-Myer) J 0 1 money is received and; then, for the Klernan and Rocco N. Bonforte, a bond issue of that amount would . 3-1 parents of a son, born Tuesday at next yoar,. Its total. Is. subtracted extra seventh grade teacher may family of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., S—Linda Rosecroft (To be An) ba difficult because the borough's ship hall, under the late Miss Cath- voted against the resolution, causformerly of Red Bank, have been Riverview hospital.- • ' ' ft*laoe1lKH>« ft*l1lHl«'*>- • ; • £ be needed, too,' she said. borrowing power already is ex- erine Stout, principal. After six ing a 2-2 deadlock. ."qiamondf Un • .(Roedltcer) ig, Mr, Mieloch's parents, pn, Mr. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Sulger of from the amount the'board esti- •Registration will be.held^.t the vistting. years' work, she resigned to get SEVENTH RACE—W-l» Class, Pace, Middletown arc parents of a daugh- mates it will; need for all budget school tomorrow from- 9:30'^a. m. and: Mrs. Stanley Mieloch of Oak ceeded. purposes, The result is a reduced to noon. School will open Mon- hill rd., Middletown township, Mr, married, returning to work In 1922 Cond., one dash «-t one rfille, Fast 4:12. ter, born Tuesday at Rivorvlew Police Due for Pay Hike 5—Bubby Dale (B. Brennan) 8-5 budget. ' at River Plaza, She was a teacher Red Bank Lions Heat* day for a half-day session. Regular and Mrs. Mieloch have been mak2—Safety Man (E. Shllei) 16-1 hospital, While on the subject ol pollcj, there with the added duties of . School economists handling Law sessions are expected to begin ing, their home in Florida for the 1—Dusty Harmony (E. Myer) 4-1 Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Jollne of 18 the mayor said residents should .principal. Like Centervllle this was Travcrg Neidlinger 3—Sir Mel. Capo (Sims) 6-2 871 funds gave original estimates . ' . ' , ' past five years. Mrs. Mieloch Is prepare to face the prospect of a a difficult post at the time, She Prince IB. Wagner) 20-1 Vought ave. Freehold, are parents as to how much money they be- Tuesday. Travera.Neidlinger, account ex- 4—Our former Miss Jean Cicato of 6—Clinton' D. (H. Camden) 10-1 .of a daughter born this morning at four-man police department. Listed went to River Plaza "just to help ecutive On the recommendation of Ken- the lieved each of the nation's defense for British Woollens, inc., 7—Lastllne (To be An) 6-1 Bank. Riverview hospital. for early consideration by council, out," and made such a success ol was guest *peaker at Tuesday neth Hampton, the board approved Red EIGHTH RACE— JO-25 Class.' pace, area districts were entitled to reGeorge Notterman and Walter Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, Madi- ceive. Added together, these were the hiring of Adrian F. Heffner of the mayor said, Is the appointment the job she stayed on for 30 years. night's meeting of the Red Bank Cond., one dash at 1 1/10 mile. son avc,, Highlands, are parents of Post. 4:84 ,y of a chief of police and for "ade- She Is highly regarded In teaching Lions club. Jersey City, a. 25-year-old war vet- Boskey,' employees of the Red Bank 7—Curette Hanover (H. Dancer) I - ! a son born yesterday at Monmouth higher than the total sum Congress postpfflce, attended the 23d.'bienquately paid" policemen. Praising circles, and her school for years appropriated for the Whole fund eran, as a seventh grade teacher nial „ „ Ethyl, cor8-1 => „. w l _ •3—Princess Alway (Carton) W. J. Rusher of the convention of the National asMemorial hospital. the work of Raymond Mass, proba4—Valeric Volo IH. StokM) «•! So last year each district aided got at $2,900 a year, A* graduate of the sociation has fcetd a top rating among public poration will be the club's gueat of Letter Carriers', this Mr, and Mrs. Hervey Purcell of 1—Candy Harvester (B. Wagner) S0-1 tionary patrolman; John W. Park- schools in the county. Jersey City Teachers college, Mr. only 86 per cent of the amount (Boring) 1S-1 Steffen avc., Highlands, are parent* Tuesday night and will demonstrate 2—Mlu Hope (Boring er, special officer, and Mr. HouniIt had been scheduled to receive. Heffner taught one year at the Lin- week in New York city. 5—April bay (T. Hud!ison) 12-1 some of the Improvements which Organized P. X A. of a son born yestorday at Mon- The government reports that this coln school In East Orange. Mr, Irene Eagle of Branch ave,, has han, Mayor Beadleston hinted that Guy (B. Brennan) a-i have been made in gasoline in re- I—Bardla 8—Jackie Castle iSpencer) a police pay boost is-in the offing. year shares will be cut to 90 per Hampton said he Is now working returned from a vacation spent in 4-1 mouth Memorial hospital. She organized the River Plaza cent years, Also eligible ' Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bartlett cent of original estimates. Even for a master's degree in English. Miami, Fla. The mayor, who retires from office Parent-Teacher association, and is Jane Majesty (Henderson) of Birch ave., Little' Sliver, are Mrs. Leon VanBrunt of Lea GerHe will be asked to handle—as an Dee. 31 to devote full time to his serving this year as program chairNINTH RACE—10 Class, Trot, Cond. parents of a son born this morning so, and again because of larger loseat in the state assembly, told the man, She Is a paat president of the Jersey Central Lines cal enrollments, Mr. Steinmuller extracurricular duty—an athletic trude apartments, Broad st, has reOne tilth at 1 1/16 mils, Post 4:56. in 1—Flowing Chuck (Breece) 4-1 at Monmouth Memorial hospital. councilmen they must consider the River Plaza Woman's dub, and said the sum . of the township's program. Re-htred as attendance turned home from a vacation v 8—Sally's Ginger Julep Uennlng) S-l officer, at (300 a year, was Mrs. Maine. question of police pay In December saa been civics chairman for years. Promotes Freehold Man a—Eddie Volcl (Bckerii) 6-1 hare will be up. Howard Cook. Mr. Hampton asked Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Critton of —budget preparation time, She l.i a vice president of the 1-5-8 FREEHOLD—W. E. Smythe of i—Linda Rosecroft (To be An) 3-1 Complaint Filed that the board adopt a policy in Arthur \pl. are parents of a son Might, IH. Slokm) 8-1 Amount was Overpaid Councilman Harold McCormicU Women's Republican club o! Mid-this place has been promoted to 4—Efcll. pud *"' Etavrah (Hammer) 13-1 On Variance Ruling regard to hiring, teachers. born Tuesday at Riverview hospital, reported that a recent test of a dletown township, and last year the position of auditor Qf general 5—rSl e—c!;l«n _ Up (E, Myer) For 1951-52 the district collected 30-1 Police Clerk Frederick Olseh and new lire siren for the northern sec- served as publicity chairman of the accounts by the Central Railroad 1—Joseiials' pilot 'it. Sims) 12-1 FREEHOLD—Eighteen residents 13,161 In Law 874 money, But The board granted a request by Patrolman WUllatn Brooks, Sr., reAlso eligible tion of the borough was "satisfac- Middletown Township Teachers' as- of New Jersey and the Central R. W. Branln of 19 Campbell dr. and the Second Reformed church David H. McEuen, chief of the turned to their duties with the Red Dismond Up (Roedlger) tory." He said the complete, coat sociation. She is a life member of Railroad company of Pennsylvania. here filed a complaint this week school assistance section, Federal far his daughter to continue her Bank police Pate, TENTH RACE—14-19 Class, department this week of the siren has not been deter- the River Plaza P. T. A., a member A native of Freehold, Mr. Smythe Cond. I dash at 1 1/16 mile. Fosl 3:18 in Superior court requesting that a Security agency at Washington, In- schooling at. Red Bank high school mined, although the unit Itself is of Garden club R, F. D. of Holm- has been associated with the rail- 4—Bubby Dale (Brtnnan) 8-5 zoning variance granted, by the ormed the board by letter the gov- for physical reasons. The approval after two weekB' vacation. 6-1 la for one year, provided Mr. Branlisted for $800. Extra costs will ac- del, a member of the New Jersey road company since 1916 when he 5—Ustllne (To be An) INVESTIGATING ENTRY Harmony (E. Myer) 4-1 local board of adjustment to per- irnment, through error, overpaid crue for installation, wiring and Elementary Principals' association was a messenger at the line's 2—Dusty I — S i f e u Man parents of River motor when he caught his hand Mies Vetter said she will attempt Two rival gangs of Newark and earlier this yoar pralaed as sound, Offlee of the Clerk, Borough CastU. •treet. Plaza pupils appeared before the between the casing and the pulley; Jackie to get member's of'the same fam- Hall, Rumion. Borough N, J., during " bualneas 6, Flowing Chuck, Eddlt Void, Joie- Jeney City' teen agers aligned particularly under tho Inflationary Ralph Lewis, 2T, of 330 Shrewsbury hours, ily attending sohool on the aamo school board last Thursday night themselves for a final and decisive pressures' now being faced by No East End Path M Bids will be received by the aald \.... aohedule, In this dleouaslon, Mr, to commend Mrs. Brasch for her ave. Red Bank, cut right toreurm, Dale, Safely Man, Duity battle to dotarmlno the roughneok ichool districts everywhoro. on the 21th day of September, Mrs. Joaeph T. Gauss of Park record. Tho board decided to adopt fell in a driveway; Barbara Jean Harmony, Howard suggested that an alpha- Council championship at Idea.! Beaoh on 1055. at or by SilO I', m. Many rooall that Law 874 money a. Curette Hanover, Prlncan Alave, end three other residents af a resolution at Its next regular West, 1 South st. Sea Bright, condie system of. all sohoot All bids must t e made on Iho jiroLabor day eve. . , Valerie fVo o. came to the township district large- betlcal that section agreed with Mr, Haw- meeting, expressing thanks to Mrs, cussion, fell, and Richard Morgan, ly.••.Wowing be set up. He added that posal forma and accompanied by a ring Cl Chuck, Sally* Olnger JuThis Is an annual affair and In ly because school board members pupils kltu, Mn. Gauss said «lu wou'.-l Brasch for her many years of serv- 0, of 464 River rd,, Fair Haven, . Volel. Mlia Vetter needs aeoretarlat children walking along Syca- sentative of • tho photo produoU clpal of Oi-a.ee Chrlitltn high Bergen pi,, hit a utility pole and and alleys of theae two gang-ridden Thi township board, looking lUU only leveril donatloni w i n rtcelvBII irrigate of the County of M o n . more ave. division, E, t, Oupont de 'Nomoui'i school, Manila, Philippines, will be finally came to a etop on n lawn, o!tle« converge for one l u t melto further for n way to hold down ed. She added that If the board Kmldliv mouth, thli day mtda, on the applisallon wae fined $16 here yeetorday by at tho quiet little beaoh east of Mrs, Oauan later complained that and company, as guost lecturer. Mr, the gutsl speaker, of, U13 undersigns,! Albert 8, Mnxion, wlahia to continue the project, offuturi taxoi, haa applied to WashM l e ' l M o u M r - o f the oatate ef the said trucki are using Park ave, to dump DtLono will dlscust variable conRov, Mf. 8p»hr will tell the story Magistrate John V, Crowell, The Ktatuhutg, Shoattn' Iron*. s,rt Ubu ington for a grant of $240,000 from fer* have bien.made to buy new Blmer 0 , Ma»son, Deceased, notice Is and wken one young hoodlum wai tree ilump« In a vacant lot and trast paper and will demonstrate, of thl« Christian school which now acoldent ooourred Aug. 33. toy*, Mr, Carting laid It It not hereby t o tthe, creditors o( o( laid laid reby given g i e n to h , credito to take dirt from tht lot, Mayor using a portable darkroom, the ust enroll* over 400 itudenU, About 90 IMIte Osleoky wai fined }10 tor aeen to be carrying two g«.U he another fund Congroia hai ait up hla desire to1 have roildenti make ile«e»»fj present to t ,lh« lh« klil l l tola t l ile«e»»fij to to present Boadlenton Mid It It a violation of this paper, The moiling will bo pec cent of ihe c>upll« are Chlncie eareleie driving and 13 each on wai charged with a yellow atreak, for dofinie areai, iuoh donation!, Hi mid he had t h l In large measure thU money U of th* borough ordinance- lo eithtr hild at t, p, m, at the. airfield- who may become future mlulon- counts of driving without having He defiantly toaaad one of thi guna for ua In projected construc- hoped to colleet toyi whloh other*dump them or to conduot the buil< Grant hotel, arloa, The talk will be Itluntrated her drlver'a lloenie or oar reglatra- to an adversary across tht atraat alatid wlie would have bom dlaoardid, _ .. MAXSQN, and darad him to plok It up and tion et a new sohool In the north- but that It would not bt proper MM of idling dirt, H« liked thi tlon In her poaaoaalon. with colored picture* taken on the .iel Muln . jrt Monmoulh, N. J. shoot It out, No dloe, Bothi fan fungi ern part of thi dlitrlct, plant for to lollclt oaih contribution!, Hi Rebirti. Iliburry, Carton a Screnion, reildinU to cooptrat* with police Thi olub riomlly accepted a gill field. Others flnod yeatorday wero Oar* pfekita whloh a n itlll Iq thi talking atage, complimented thi olub for Hi if- Atlantic llhlirndi, N, J, by ilgnlng complaints against of- ot a mimeograph michln* from MThere will he refreshment In rle Bell iMoore, Middletown twp,, had armed thimaelvia with p'ok. Attorneyi birt Tutor, of Rumion, a momber lending contractor*, torn from tha fence of a rial ci- Mr. Malone laid that hecauii ot $1,10 and advanced amnteur photogra- the social loom utter the service, Anirolci Soalao, 10 Wcat it, nod tato oflloi and when thfoppoiln* tho lummer raoou by federal offl- forta, but aald thi kindergarten Bank, and Pat Amhroila, 63 Linden teacher should riquliltlon actual B8T Borough Attorney Leon Riuulllt pher for many ynnra. B8TATI OP OIOmiB T, DOWMAN, ol«li, nothing yet hai been heard riaulnminti, foron wen about to converge %nt 1 pl,, Red Bank, |3 each for improWM «»k*d (or »n opinion on thi l'INICl) AT UNION BEACH deterdete • ' annihilate, eaoh other thi o*r u from thi government about thi re* per parking, lonlni ordinance relttlvt to thi 0IP UNION BEACH - Three persona thi Middletown townahtp polio queat, But, he laid, now ifforta On Ml» Vittir'a recommenda. outdoor dliplny of merclinndlio, Itulilici- Worker* Start were fined (S each last night by Nolle* li hereby ill yen that tha aie ioon will bi made to git thi money. tion, thi milk program at tha cnm« •creamlnif to thi taint. Thi Thi rnnuoat for tht opinion w«i Suzanne Stephen* of the iutiicrllifr, RH«tu\or nl M axltral xl'tl John Applniatr on , ml In Plain Location ot a new lohool ri* nohool will bi dlaeontlnuid, MUa founts young thug* had Uarmd, »• did mid* by tha «onlna; hoard of ml- SU'lkc nl M the eitale. charges, driving, fined To Study Plivilcnl Kd g of thalr fathora before them, that a malm undoolded, although put dU- Vittar explained that ailllng milk Jualmint, which complained About LONO BRANCH — A itrlka -if H l TUlt fl, Snmnpljon, TUiltan Middletown cop la a different prop auulon h u Indicated It would ha at the nohool-whloh la done >>y Incremlnir numhtr*. of UM4 eir United Tluhhnr Worker*, C.1,0,, were Hi\n« loin in th* borough, Th« board wai atari id Tueiday when cm- lown«hlpi Domenlco Hnvlno, Flor- MTTLK 81LVEn-MI«s Buatnnt oiltlon from thi kid flova city flat' In aom« area northout of Tinton eighth grade boyi-orlglnally wn« Mkid for *n ordlninc* nm»ndm«nt, ployea picketed the Martin rtuhtiur ence live,, Union Beach, and Jjouls fl, Btcphins. will begin hir profit' fool, They lerimmid. Peace, It' Fs.Hi, It would laki th V, Crowni on a charge ef biln yiar'a i l u i u . Howivir, two bail* Counollmtn lUwklni report id taut week thi ilatt mediation in the United lliatu U now more oollen, (hit Ihrf* rtollc* r»i»rv»i In Ihi sarvlen atl'mptid In rueonrlie the Hun oo yean greater than it w u phem, daughter of Councilman and drunk and dliordirly, Hi WM ar-mint elaairoomi In thi oldtr part Fir* produiid all artlnelal IlluMra, Charles vv, BUj>h«ni, It rulfd lut night by 8|t. F u n of Tinton m i * aehoot rimaln In mination until itHtrlt light wai Olvtl Dttenit WUB«U h»vi tcmplo miuir, but wtt umucoeului, UM 4AU yaar, itld Mr. Alitoai. introdutri is tht llth Omlury. , |r«4utta of p i 4 Sink high lOhML M u u .

Borough to Ask For State Aid 0i| Patterson Ave

State, U. S. School Aid Money Due to Rise, Steinmuller Says

Salvation Army Fund Workers Named byWarren

Today's Entries At Raceway

Picks for Today At Freehold





t tt



_l «.«„


.. - I


1 *


Army Officer's Bride



Pooro TiiMJt


Bride of George Koff

SMITH—PETERSEN RANDALL—MARSDEN BELFORD—Sunday afternoon at At Trinity Episcopal church SatJelford Methodist church, Miss urday, Miss Elizabeth Taylor RanYvonne Herndon Engaged dall, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. AlIva R. Smith, daughter of Mr. and Eleanor Behrens Mrs. Ray G. Smith of Walling ave., lan B. Randall of Hubbard Park, To Graduate Student became the bride of Arthur B. Pe» Becomes Engaged became the bride of George Peterersen, son of Arthur P. Petersen son Marsden, son of Roger MarsSHELL BEACH, Cal.—Mr. and HIGHLANDS — Mr. and Mrs. of Bralnard, Minn. Rev. R. L. den of Rockville, Md., and the Blackman performed the ceremony, Walter E. Behrens of Miller St., Mrs. James H. Miller of Shell ate Mrs. Marsden. Rev. Norman which was followed by a recep- announce the engagement of their Beach, formerly of Rumson, an- Plttlnger of the New York Theotion at the home of the bride's daughter, Miss Eleanor ' Behrens, nounce the engagement of Mrs. logical seminary, anting rector, perMiller's daughter, Miss Yvonns formed the ceremony. to Herbert W. Vaughan, Jr., son parents. of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W. Herndon, to Alfred Rene Corso, Mr. Smith gave his daughter in Vaughan of Miller st. A winter son of Mr. and Mrs. Rene Corso The bride was given in marmarriage, and her gown wai wedding is planned. riage by her father. Her gown of of Philadelphia. Chantilly lace and net over slipper white organdy was trimmed with satin. She wore a tiara of pearls embroidered daisies on the bodico and rhinestones, and carried a and on the apron front of the full colonial bouquet of roses and bouffant skirt. She wore a cap of gladioli. ' embroidered organdy daisies and carried sprays of eucharls lilies, Mrs. George Poole of Belford was stephanotis and ivy. The bouquet matron of honor for her sister, and was tied with Brussels lace, carer yellow gown was made with ried In bride's bouquets for four a lace bodice and a net skirt. Her generations of the bride's family, colonial bouquet was of talisman Mrs, C. A. Griffiths of Huntroses, Bridesmaids were Mrs. Stanington, L. I., was matron of honor. ley Camlo of Port Monmouth and Miss Sally Randall of Glen Ridge, Mra. Louis Mebus of East Keansthe bride's cousin, was maid of burg, and their gowns were blue honor. The two were dressed aliko lace and net, and their flowers, in white organdy. The stoles worn yellow roses. with the gowns and the bodices of George Poole of Belford was best the dresses and the skirts were man, Stanley Camlc of Port Monembroidered with blue flowers. mouth and Louis Mebus of East They carried rubram lilies and Ivy Keansburg, ushered. leaves, and wore sprays of lilies The bride's mother was dressed and ivy in their hair. n a navy blue taffeta dress, with blue and white accessories. Her Jessie and Virginia Drew, twin corsage was of red roses. daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome For her wedding trip to New B. Drew of Little Sliver and "York city, the bride wore a light cousins of the bride, were flower blue suit with navy blue accesories/ girls. Their frocks were white orThe bride was graduated from gandy trimmed with ruffles and Middletown township high school tied at the waist with blue ribbon Miss Yvonne Herndon and Is employed by the Simmons sashes. They wore floral headpieces Plumbing company at Newark. The carried old-fashioned nosegay Miss Herndon is the daughter of and bridegroom has just completed four Both Miss Behrens and her fiance bouquets. are graduates of Atlantic High- the late Preston K. Herndon. Sho years' service with the Army. James Marsden of Hagerstown, lands high school, Miss Behrens is was graduated from Rumson high secretary to Howard W. Roberts of school and Connecticut Junior col Md., was best man for his brother. SMITH—WILSON Jesse Taylor Randall of Red Ban*, the law firm of Roberts, Pillsbury, lege. Her (lance was graduated BELFORD — Miss Eva Smith, Carton and Sorenson of Atlantic from the University of Bridge- the bride's brother; Robert Marsden, Cincinnati, Ohio, the brldedaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray G. Highlands. Mr. Vaughan conducts port, and is doing graduate study oom's brother; Rodney Mercker. Smith of Walling ave., and Walter his own newspaper delivery busi- at Columbia university. ewport, R. I.; Lieut. Chauncy Wilson, son of Austin Wilson of ness In Highlands. odds, U. S. Marine Corps, Camp Everett, were married Sunday at Dorothy IVill Engaged ,ejeune, N. C, and S. Allyn Orth Belford Methodist church by the Syracuse, N. Y., were ushers. Mary Raleigh Engaged pastor. Rev. R. L. Blackman. To George H. Lange, Jr. A reception followed at the home The bride chose a gown of Chan- To Korean Veteran Mn. Joe Henry Whatley the bride's parents. Both Mr. MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP — tilly lace and net over slipper satin nd Mrs. Marsden were graduated RUMSON—Mr. and Mrs. M. F,Mr. and Mrs, Frank E. White of Miss Mary Agnes Bottagaro, lace, with matching .pink feather and wore a headpiece of pearls and June, 1951, from Syracuse unidaughter of Mr. and lira. Charles hat, and her bouquet was made ol rhinestones. Given In marriage by Raleigh of Washington si., an-Country Club Estates announce the ersity. The bride, also a Red Bank Bottagaro of Hope rd. New cerise colored gladioli. Lieut, Her- her father, she carried a colonial nounce the engagement of their engagement of their daughtor, lgh school graduate, was until reShrewsbury, and Lieut. Joe Henry bert Rodell of New York city was bouquet of white roses and gladioli. daughter, Miss Mary Margaret Ra- Miss Dorothy Anne Nill, to George ntly employed as a micro-bloloMiss Claudia Smith of Belford, leigh, to Cedric G. Hooper of Red H. Lange, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. ;lst for Merck and company at Whatley, son of Mr. and Mrs,. J. L. best man. ' . Mrs. George Kofi Bank,' son of Mr. and Mrs. L. O. George H. Lange, Sr., of 47 Peters who was maid of honor, was atWhatley of Jena, La., -were married Mrs. Bottagaro, the bride' tahway. pi., Red Bank. Saturday at St. James Catholic rec- mother, was. dressed in a brow tired In a yellow gown, styled with Hooper of Hallowell, Me. Mr. Marsden is serving In tho A nuptial mass followed the wed- rape, and a heart shaped plctur* tory by Msgr, Joseph T. Casey, who and whlto print dross with whltt a Iaco bodice and a net skirt, Her ilr Force, stationed at Boiling ding of Miss Jean Douglas of 62hat of nylon tulle. Her flowers Weri performed a double-ring ceremony. accessories. Her corsage was o: colonial styled bouquet was Talisfield, Washington, D, C, whoro tho A reception was held at Glbbs hall, whlto gladioli. The bridegroom1; man roses. Mrs. Harold Woodward Fred Richards of River Plaza, iouple will live. At Syracuse, the daughtor of Mrs. Celina Douglas of 10 Fort Monmouth Officers' club at mother wore a plum colored suit of Belford and Mrs, Virginia Morbridegroom's brother-in-law, iridegroom majored In fine arts. Eatontown. with melon colored accessories an gan of Scobeyville were bridesv was best man. William Kunkel of Jersey City, and George Koff, son Their gowns were blue lace Valhalla, N. Y., was an usher. Mr. Bottagaro gave his daughter hat, and a corsage of briar roses. maids. Cedar ave East Keansburg, Sat- A wedding breakfast for the lmin marriage. Her wedding gown' The couple, left for a weddlni and net. Yellow roses were used ledtate family followed at the urday at was white nylon tulle and lace, de- trip to Texas. They will make thei: for the colonial bouquets. William E. Wilson of Cranbury home in San Antonio, where thi signed with a picture neckline, and church. Msgr. Joseph T. Casey of- home of Mrs. Richards on Carpenter st., River Plaza. A reception a bouffant ballerina length skirt. bridegroom is stationed. The brid' was best man. Ushers were Harold She wore a small matching cap is a graduate -of Red Bank high C. Woodward of Belford and Rob Tho bride wore a ballerina length was held in tile afternoon at the with a shoulder length tulle veil, school. The bridegroom was grad- ert Wilson of River Plaza. gown of white*Chantilly lace and Willowbrook, Fair Haven, for 75 tests. uated from Louisiana Polytechnic A reception followed at the home and carried a bouquet of sprays of Dr. and Mrs. Warren D. Fowler nylon, over blue satin. Her shoul- Tho mother of the bride wore Institute, and was studying for h of the bride's parents. white orchids and white gladioli. der length veil was attached to a f Broad' st. observed their 30th Mrs. Smith was dressed In a an off-the-shoulder styled dress of Mrs. George Gill of New Shrews- master's degree at Louisiana Stat eddlng anniversary Tuesday, half styled bonnet of Chantilly lace gold and white, with black accesnavy blue taffeta drcss.with matchbury was matron of honor for her university when he was recalled over satin and she carried tlonday they entertained at buffetthe service. ing accessories and a corsage of sister, She was dressed in pink bouquet of whito gladioli and blue sories. Her corsage consisted ot upper for more than 40 guests at stephanotis. red roses. orchids. The bridegroom's mother heir home to mark the occasion. For her wedding trip the bride chose blue crepe with black accesMrs. Fred .Richards Dr. and Mrs. Fowler wore mar- Plaza, the bridegroom's sister, was sories. Her corsage also was, of wore a suit of blue-gray, with blue led at Emory Methodist church, and white accessories. Both Mr. and matron of honor. Her dress was orchids. Fersey City. Mrs. William O'Brien yellow, styled with a strapless bod- The couple will live In their new Mrs. Wilson are graduates of Midf Kew Gardens, N. Y., tho former ice and a ballerina length skirt, home at 62 Statesir pi., Riverside dletown Township high school. The Miss Floronce Gootzee of Jersey Sho wore a matching shoulder Heights. bride Is employed with the SimCity, and Harold Philecke of Crawmons Plumbing company at Neword were tho attendants. Mrs, ark. 'Brlen was one of the guests at Fair Haven Woman THOMPSON—POST he party Monday. Miss Dorothy A. Nill Miss Mary M. Raleigh Mrs. Fowler Is a native of Jer- Flies to Texas SUSSEX—Miss Margaret Elizaiey City, daughter of the late Mr. beth Thompson of Road's End The bride-elect was graduated FAIR HAVEN — Mrs. Raymond Miss Nill was graduated from ind Mrs. Robert A. Nimmo of that farm, daughter of Mrs. John Lloyd- from Red Bank Catholic high Middletown township high school place. Dr. Fowler is a native of W. Trucx, Jr., and her children, Mi•Butler of Rancho Santa Clara Del school, and Is employed at the Watson chael and Patricia of DeNormandle Members of the auxiliary of the' and la employed by the Helena, Mont. The couple have Norte, Satlcey, Cal,, and the late ave., left by plane Saturday for Monmouth-Ocean chapter of ProDr. William P. Thompson, became Progressive Life Insurance com- laboratories at Fort Monmouth. been Red Bank residents the past Texas to Join First Lieut. Raymond fessional Engineers will be hostMr. Lange was graduated from 23 years and aro the parents of a tho bride Saturday of Second Lieut. pany. Mr. Hooper is a graduate of Hal- Red Bank high school, and served on, Warren D. Fowler, Jr., also of W. Truex, Jr., Army Signal Corps. esses Saturday at the chapter's John Egbert Post, U. S. Air Force, with the Marine Corps two years. Broad St., and two grandchildren, Lieut. Truex Is on temporary duty annual shore dinner at tho Wanason of Mr. and Mrs. John O. Post of lowell high school, and attended Sussex, at Road's End farm. The the Massachusetts Institute of He is employed by the telephone Janls Lynn and Craig Hazzard at San Marcos Air Force base un- massa Country club. Plans for the company. Fowler, til Nov. 1, and then he will go toevent were announced this week Technology and the University «f bride is a granddaughter of Mrs. ay Mrs. Kenneth Fox of Fair HaA February wedding is planned. Both Dr. and Mrs. Fowler are Fort Sill, Okla. Lewis S. Thompson, Sr., of Brook- New Hampshire. Ho is a veteran of World War II, and also servoi members of the Red Bank Baptist dale farm, Llncroft. Tuesday of last week several of ven, president, and Mrs. Leonard, Grasser, Asbury Park, chairman hurch. Mrs. Fowler Is a member Mrs. Truex's friends entertained Rev. James F. Martin of St.In tho Korean war. Ho is presently Ruth DcBcrnardi the Mary Mount chapter, World for her at a luncheon at Joseph's of auxiliary activities connected James church, New York, per- employed by Eatontown Radio and Engagement Told (Vide Guild of the church. Dr. Fow- at West Long Branch. Guests were with the dinner. formed the ceremony, which was Television company. er is a member of tho Red Bank Carl Glersch and Mrs. Henry Officers who will serve the auxfollowed by a reception. The bride BELFORD—Announcement has Rotary club and president of the Mrs. A. Pope, Jr., of Red Bank, Miss iliary this year Include Mrs. Frank p was given, in marriage by herRowan—Neale boen made of the engagement of New N J t t Chi Jeanne Hail of Fair Haven and Prlebe of Fair Haven, secretary; brother, William P. Thompson, Jr., Miss Ruth Ann DcBcrnardi of East society.Jersey State Chiropractic Mrs. Jacob Schnoor of Belford. Mrs. Clarence Gale, Red Bank, and had Mrs. Theodore Post as Engagement Told rd., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Armatron of honor, Theodore Post, Mrs. Truex is the former Rita reasurer; Mrs. Leo K. McKee, Red. DoBernardl, to Edward PrusMONMOUTH BEACH—Mrs. Al- thur Slattory, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Bank; Mrs. Otis R. Seaman, West the bridegroom's twin brother, was klewicz of Bayonnc, The wedding Bridal Shower fred Gerald Rowan of Ocean ave., Arthur E. Slattery of Wallace st., ~iong Branch, and Mrs. Charles best man. Trafford, Manasquan, trustees, and announced the engagement of will take placo Nov. 15. Rod Bank. Gowned In silk satin the bride has For May Weaver her daughter, Miss El'zabelh Mnalso wore an Illusion veil arranged rle'Rowan, to F. Brent Neale of Llout, Trucx was recalled to du Mrs. Paul Austin, Toms River, naMiss Gail Stoothoff of Molly from a small crown of seed pearls. Nutloy. ty In Sept. 1951, He Is a former ional representative to the new Pitcher village, Branch ave., andRegister national auxiliary ot the National She carried small white orchids and newsboy. Miss Harriet Reuter were hostMiss Rowan Is the daughter of Society of Professional Engineers. stephanotis. esses Tuesday night at a bridal late Alfred Gerald Rowan nf During the summer, officers of The brido was graduated from tho shower for Miss May Weaver. Tho Monmouth Beach, formerly of Now he auxiliary met with the nation*! the Brearley and Dwlght schools, York 'olty, 3ho in a graduate «f Neptune Woman party was held at Miss Stoothoff'.i auxiliary secretary, Mrs, Charlee Fitfeh Junior college and Florida tho Convent of the Sacred Heart lome. Allen of Corpus Christ!, Tex,, to Honored at Picnic State university. Lieut, Post Is a of New York city. Miss Weaver's gifts were piled exchange views regarding chapter graduate of Sussex high school and COLT'S NECK—Mr, and Mrs. beneath a yellow and whlto umactivities, and make plans for local Mr, Neale.is the son of Mr. and Rutgers university, and will soon Arthur G. Freer of Hemlock Glen brella, covered with white streamand national programs. Mrs. 0. Brent Neale of Nutley and be assigned to duty In Korea. ers. Buffet-supper was servod by entertained at an outdoor picnic Md. He Is a graduate if The couple are on a wedding LaPlat'a, the hostesses, Guests woro Mrs,and birthday party Friday lor Mrs. Peter's Preparatory school, and trip to Colorado and California. St. Maybell Weaver, Mrs. Hazel Zim- Anno Knco of Neptune. attended St, Peter's college, and Is merman, Mrs. Albert Stoothoff, employed with the firm of Carl M. Guests were Robert and Calvin FODERARO—WIT1IEY Mrs. Dorothy Hancock, Mrs. Mar- Knee, Mrs, Ensloy Lemlng, LawLoeb, Rhoadea and company, injorle Orndorff and Misses Audrey rence and Kenneth Leming, Mrs, WEST LONG BRANCH-Mr. vestment associate! of New York, Brink, Elvcra Morris, Alice Dlx,Honry Schroedor, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Rocco Foderaro of Broad- Mr, Neale Is vice president of tha Joyce Jlnoch, Prudy Stono, Peggy Waller Manor, Waltor Planer, Jr., Way announoe the marriage ' of Maryland Society of New York. Molnar, Joyco Crawford, Salty Mrs, Edward Hazier, Richard Haz- RUMSON—Mn, Charlee Sully l i their daughter, MIM Maria Ann In World War II, he served with Brooks, Elinor Wllklns, Jnnct Ma- ier, Mrs, Lillian Daly, Terence and general chairman ot the fifth anFoderaro to Robert Arthur Wlthey, the First division of the Army, free, Gloria Weaver, Ada Toscano, Madeline Daly, Judith Cramer, Mrs. nual card party and fashion ehow eon of Mr. and Mrs, 0. W. Wlthey winning tho Bronze Star and Purof the local Women's club to be Phyllis Antenorl, Rosa Tnlorlco, Charlotte of Long Braneh. The oeremony plo Heart medals, Carol Woolley, held Monday night. Sept. 39. at Wll-' Gladys Lindner, Irene Hoffman Mra, Roy Woolloy, took plaoe Aug. 16 at the Sacred Boothc, Robert Brower lowbrook in Fair Havon. The Nanand Joan Smld, Heart ohurch rectory In New and Joseph Paduano, all of Nep- C-Jon shop of Fair Haven will Bruniwlok. A double-ring oere- Engagement Told tune, and Mre, Henry Blolfeldt, Mra. show fall clothes and acceaeorlee. mony waa performed by Rev. Eu- At Dinner Party Arthur G, Freer and Barbara and Mrs, Raymond MeCue li chair* gene Davti. A reception for the September Brlde*Elcct Poggy Froor of Colt's Neck. man of the fashion show; Mre, Mill Ruth A, DeBernardi Immediate family followed at Wood At a dinner party at their home Honored at Shower Alice Felker, cards and tablii Lawn, New Jeriey College for Sunday, Mr. and Mre, Frank Trooprlieii Mre. John Ryan, special Women Alumnae Houee at Newohla of Cheitnut at., announoed the •Miss DeBernardi Is a gradual FAIR HAVEN Mlu Barharn Program Committee awards; Mre, William Olaen, ad* Bruniwlok, engagement of their daughter, Mlii of Middletown townehlp hlgl Samuelaon of River rd. and Mian mlttnnoe awards; Mra. Richard J. and le omployed In the Koy Chrli Thorell of New York city Plans PTA Work The bride w u given In marriage Lena Trocohla, to Bruno Sama, aohool Rogere, Jr., and Mn. Vernon Paul*, offloos of the New Jeraej were hosteiiei Friday at a ahower by her father, and had ai her only •on of Mr, and Mre, Nick Sama port eon, refreehmente, and Mre. Nor*' Member* of tho program commitNatural Oae company, Mr, Prui of Pearl it, for MIM Carol Joan Rleman ol too of Oakland Street Parent- man Armbruet, ticket*. Final plane attendant Mlae Joan MoLean of MIH Troeehln attended Red klewlci wai graduated from Bay Rlverlawn, The party wan held at Rldgewood, Harold McKay of Teacher association met hut week for the benefit will be made at a Fords waa beat man, After a .wed- Brink aohooH, and la employed by onno Technical high lohool and Is Mlaa Hamuelion'a homo, at the home of Mre, Roiooe Angle olub meeting Monday night at th* Mr. and J i n . Ohartee I* LsVailoy ding trip to New England the cou- Video Produoti corporation. Mr. employed by Kraft Corrugated Ci Mile Rleman la thn daughter of on Waverly pi. to make plane for Oceania Are house hero, Sama li foreman for the Bergen at Bayonne, ple will live In Metuehen, Oounoltman and Mre, Arthur H, XDLKHART, IND,-Mr, and Mn. low. Both attindanti oarrlid noee* 10B2-B3 year, Mre, Angle and Sportiwear oorporatlon of Rid Rleman of Rlverlawn, She will be- tha George F. Chaplin, Jr., of Prlnoi* •ay faouqueti of blui and yillow Mn, Wlthey wai graduated from Sink, In World War II, hi nrved B, M, Hoffman are program come the bride Sept. 14 of Oeorge Mn, Runuon high aohool and New Jer* Beverly Benowllz Excoutive Board Plans ton blvd., announce th* marriage oarnatlom. with the Fifth Army In North Afrl. Warner of Brooklyn, Qlfti for the ohalrmen. i*y Oolloge for Women, She li a of their daughter, Mil* Donna Irli Rogir LiValliy of Red Bank wai loolal worker employed at Middle* ea and In Italy. AI10 attending the eeielon were Opening P.T.A. Meeting To Wed David Rude brlde-eleet wore arranged under 1 Chaplin of Naihvllle, Tenn., to Ho. be«t man .for hie brother. John and white parniol, Ouoiti Mn, John Oarruto, prealdent, and Chattee Lawrinoi LeValley, ion of Italay of1 aikhart and Hirold itx General hotpltal In New ASBURY PARK-Mr. and Mrepink Mre. Theodore Warner, Mre, Mlia Mary MoCue, ichool principal. UNCROFT - Th* exeoutlv* Mr, and Mn. Lawrinoi LeValley Bruoi of Laliewood, N, J,, uihirid. Bruniwlok, Mr. Wlthey, a graduate Pat and Mike Clay Samuel Bonowlti of Seoond ave, were H, Rleman, Mm, Philip Pe< The P.T.A, will hold Iti flret meet- board of tho Unoroft-tCvirett Par. of Monroe ave,, Ihrawibuiy, Thi A rioeptlon wai hild at the homo of Long Branoh high lohool and have unnouncod the engagement 01 Arthur Ing Tuesday, Sept. !I3. The flnt tnt*T*aehar aieoolatlon Tuesday ooupl* wen married Aug. « at of thi brldi'i parent*. Mr, andRutgen unlvenlty, aohool of edu- Celebrate Birthdays their daughter, MI11 Beverly Beno< ten, Mre, Joseph Seaman, Mn. mooting of the exeoutlve board night heard Mn, M, Harold Kelly Slmpion Memorial Mtthodlit Mn, LeValley weri among the out* cation, will teaeh loolal etudlci end LITTLE SILVER - P a t r i c k wlti, to David Ruda, ion of Mn Thomu Deimond, Mn, Rlohard will be Monday at thi ichool. of thli place, program chairman, church, Hlkhart, by Rev, Kenneth of-town IUUIJ at the wedding and aiJlit In ooaehlng at Metuohen Stephen Clay, 1, and Robert Ml- Nathan Ruda of Leonard at,, Red dale, Mra. Hanken Bamueleon and outline plan* for the 10S3-SS lohool Mleiei Virginia Peten, Jean high ichool, Smith, paitor, Bank. A November wedding reception, Mn. LeValley won a year at a muting at th* flr* ohael Clay, 3,10m of Mr. and Mn. planned, Denlee, Mary Hendereen, Barbara nRIVINO MTCST Thi bride w u attired In a whlti pati blui laoe dnai with navy blue home her*. Robert H, Olay of Hamilton rd,, Little) and Oenevleve Owene, wtln gown, ityled with a equere aooeiiorln, The brlde't mother JEHOVAH OROUPS TO MKET Betontown, celebrated their birth* MI11 Benowlti wai graduate The Ant regular meeting of th* H1OHLANDB - Donald Brad iweilheart nioKlIni, trimmed with won a blaek iheir orepe and white ' Fifty memben of the Red Bank day« lut week at thi home of their from Aebury Park high lohool, an ahnw, ion of Mr. and Mn, Robert aiioolatlon will bt held next Tuti* AOCEPTINO MARRIED MEN teed pearli, and ton* pointed aflfliMorlei, eongregatlon of Jehovah'i Wit* grandparent!, Mr, and Mn, Samuel attended Monmouth Junior college Bradehaw o( 930 Bay ave, hero, day at th* lohool. The group'a ilieve*. Mir fingertip length veil Following a wedding trip to New neiiee will attend the annual dli- White, 118 Willow dr, •he U employed at Coin Sign ASBURY PARK-Tho Marine and Michael Olnkoekl of Atlantlo budget for th* yiar will b* pr*« fill from a tull* and teed piarl Jeriey, Mri, LeValley returned to trlot ammbly tomorrow, Saturday OunU w i n Sharon Tobln and1laboratories Oorpa li aaogptlng a limited num- Highland* left Friday morning by tinted, Hoitiiiii will be Mn. Altiara, and ihi tarried a white Bible Naihvilli, when i h i U employed and Sunday at Allentown, Pa, Tin BIlly Whlti, Mr, and Mn. William Mr. Ruda U a oirtlflid publl ber of married men for onlUtment oar for San Ditto, Cal,, where they fred Wllllame, Mre. Arthur New* oovered with orohldi. aa a reglitired num. Ihi It a iieiloni, whloh will bi held on tho Whit* and MM, Klliaheth Tobln, aeoountnnt, practicing In Freehol In tho Marine Oorpa Rciorve for will attend an R, O, T, 0, oollege, mler, Mn, Jeeeph Mendru and gi If, Ghiplln, NI,, «»• Ul graduate of Nuihvlllo Onnirsl hot- Allentown fair groundu, will he forKatnntnwni nanny, Pat, Jimmy where he li a partnir In thi firm Immedlato iMlgnment tn artlvr Hrnriihftw WM gueit of honor al Mn. H, n, Huhharil, Othirn pr*a> Id of pltat Sohool of NunlDg. , Bible Inilruotlon and Ooipsl and Roiemary Calandrlello and of Rumir and Ruda, Hi wai grai duty, aoeordlng to Stair Bit, B,11 family parly ln«t Thursday nlghl •nt at Tueeday'i meeting w i n Mn, ir>ln-law, w a i ma! . OO art expect. Mr. and MM. Daniel Oalandrlello,. uatiid (rom Rid Bank high tohoo* * lalil, non-oommlelomd officer In when he celebrated hie 11th birth Bdward ruide, Mn. Harry Jam* honor, and hir town wai light and Pfo, LeVatliy h u returned to preaching, .About TO dark blui nylon. Frederleka phap* fort Campbell, Ky,, where he le a ed to hear O, Quaokanbuih of New Atlantis HI,inland. 1 Freddie David* attended Rutgen unlverilly, an LlCa . i«n, Mn. K, D, Brandt, Mn. Paul: lln, Iht brldi'i ilitir, wai a junior paratroopir with (hi 11th Alrbornt rork,olty ipeak Sunday on "World ehirgi of the Marine recruiting day, He and Clnkoikl are Jun Stryker, Mn. Harold Morgu a i d ilace, an< ion, thti place, and Mr. and tin. li a graduatt of New York un brlduoiald and her gow.B wai yiU dlvliloo. m thi poitofflei building graduate* Blfb lohooliof Atlantlo Highland* Jin, Una Clark, principal — *| itatlon her*.. In i....

owlers Observe 10th Anniversary

Married, in Indiana

Auxiliary to Help At Shore Dinner

Women's Club Party Sept. 29

Security^, n Juit »fcmmr«™ Jib.rtI ***• — 1 _


# • • !l _ _ l _ - - .


,W.rt siiS ••>•




** '


Page tour Honor Theresa Healy At Pre-Bridal Shower


Alleged Kidnaper Pleads Not Guilty

Strict 'Crackdown'

A SINCERE. FRIENDLY SALESMAN Mrs. Ortrude C. VanVIIet, borOn Highway Speeders ough clerk, will be at her SyceMUST BE SELF-STARTER MIDDLETOWN — Mayor Law-, Miss Theresa Healy of Harding more ave. home from 7 to 9 p. m. The Healing Uenage ol rd. was tendered a shower las'. Sept. 23, 24 and 25 to register vo- FREEHOLD—A former Neptune rence A. Carton, Jr., has announced'1 I naad a aall-ttartar for my ••Ubllihad, protaetad Had Bank tarritory. week at the home of Mrs. Harry ters. At Tuesday night's mayor man, John A. Williams, 42, pleaded that the township would start an Rapaatlnf account! muit b« anrvlcad now. My company, KamperVThomas in Hit new and btautiful J. Jackson, Sr., on John «t.( by and council meeting, Councilman not guilty yesterday before County Immediate enforcement program o( Cincinnati, ii in its 70th ytar aa manufacturer of buiinaaa gltit, and the young women who will be at- Herbert Schlld suggested that a Judge J. Edward Knight after be- against motor vehicle violators and, Every Sunday on Your Radio •till tha iaatait growing. AAA.-1 rating, lariaat Una In i n field, nationally tendants at her coming wedding. special effort be made to register ing indicted on charges of kid- also told of a plan that would be SlSO P. M. . WJZ DUI 770 advartliad,' Evaryona In bualnaaa a proapaot. I will train and halp you set Prlsee Comparable With Ordinary used In an attempt to reduce acThe bride-elect, daughter of Mr. those residents who have not pre- naping and attempted kidnaping. F l n t Sunday el the Month itartad. You oan earn more wtth. our liberal commlaalon and bonua plan. Black and Whllt Albumi cidents. | and Mrs. Edward T. Healy,. Sr., viously voted here. Mrs, VanVliet •ISO A- M. WNBC piel e«0 Weakly checks against coramUalOna. Fraa 16,000 Ufa Insurance policy SAMPLES SHOWN ON H I Q U I I T will be married at St. James Cath- said she had previously planned to The defendant is accused of makMr. Carton said there would be 1 Flrat and Third Sunday without examination, after you qualify* If you own car and want to build olic church, Sept. 27, to Albert B. spent the three night* for that pur- ing off with Walter Czerwinskl, a strict "crackdown" on violators lllOS A. M. WOXR Dial tSeO son of Mr. and of the 60-mile-an hour speed limit. your own buelnoeft without inveitment, phont ma "collect" Sunday or Lecture Broadcast • ad Saturday Vanderhoof of Allenhurst. pose. In addition, Mn. VanVIIet three-month-old Mrs. Chester Czerwlnskl, 604 Pine Monday after . P.M. Ur detail* and we'll make a date,. Gua Hayum, SlOS P. M. WQXR Dial 1560 Hostesses were Miss Patricia said, residents may register at any St., Aabury Perk, who had been He also announced that the townAFTIK SiaO P, M. Newark Sale. Manager, phone ORange 5-1786, Llvlngaton, N. J. Erary Tuee. . Monltm Broadcast Harklns, who will be maid of hon- other time before those dales. She left in his carriage outside an As- ship has ordered large signs to be 1143 P. M. WJZ Dial 770 or, and Mrs. George Zimmerman, suggested, however, that tbey con- bury Park food market while his posted at the entrances to the township orl rts. 36 and 36 and at telephone to assure that mother shopped. sister of the bride-elect; Mrs. Ed- tact her by intermediate points Indicating the h will ill be by at ph win Osten, sister of the bride, she home, The Incident occurred June 10 speed limit. groom-elect, and Miss Ellen Lynch, Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Swenson, and' the boy was found 20 minutes The announcement came shortly who will be bridesmaids at the Beechwood dr.,., recently ly entere later, lying on the grass along Wesafter Lewis Cornwell, 82, Chapel coming nuptials. tained Mr. and Mrs. P Peter Su'eca t S' ley Lake, only a few feet from Hill rd., was struck by a car on rt. | Other guests were Mrs. Harry of Brooklyn. where Williams was lying. Police Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gerhold, paid Williams, who has a. criminal 35 at Headdens Corner. Jackson, Sr., Mrs. James J. Qulnn, REGISTER NOW AND THRU NEXT WEEK Mrs. Healy, Jr., Mrs. Albert B. Van- Garden rd., entertained ' Saturday record, had been drinking. It pay. to Advartli. In The tbsitter. derhoof, Mrs. Chester B. Opdyko, evening for Mri and Mra, Jamea Another defendant Indicted yesBailer, Toe, Tap, Acrobatic, Character, Scotch and Ballroom Mrs. Robert Kent, Mrs. S. Wilson Staples, Mr. and Mra, Walter Bouf- terday and arraigned Immediately Laird, Sr., Mrs. John A. Petlllo, fard and Mr. and Mrs. John Kozac. was Robert Churchill, 20, Central It's good to have such a nice couple as TEACHERS YOUR CHOICE Mrs. Patrick J. Harklni, Mrs. Har- Mr. and Mr*. John VanHovllgen ave., Red Bank. He pleaded not CLAIR SMITH—Advanud •allet and Tap Mr, and Mra, William F. Clayton ry J. Jackson, Jr., Mrs. Catherine and children Nancy and Craig of guilty to atrocious assault with a JESSIE KIRIV—Children's Work and Atrebatle Dey, Mrs, Edward T. Healy, Sr., Radburn were recent guests at the penknife on John Wade, River St., Your choice of Insur* choose Applebrook. Farm EVELYN WEBB—Authentic Scotch and Misses Martina and Ella Healy, home of Mr. and Mra. Jamea Sta- Red Bank, June 20,' MARION CUFtUY—Arthur Murray C.rtlfleated, •allratm ance agent is just as i for their new home. Amelia Ohlweller, Rose Marie ples, Beechwood dr. Acerra and Rosemary McAuliffe. Capt. and Mrs. Alfred MacKrllle We know, they'll have many happy times p 31 Rector Place Phone Red Bank 6-2011 important as your Schroeder—Hughes and children Beth, ' Marion and In thla lovely village. Lynnt, Corn la., have returned Nuptials Sept, 20 choice of doctor or. Eatontown frem a month's visit with'Mrs. MacSHORT HILLS — Miss Carol lawyer. Jacob R. V. U. Lefferia The W. S. C. S. met Tuesday at Krille's mother, Mrs, Franklin Vanthe home of Mrs. Harry Dennis, Valkenburgh of Cornado, Cal.,. and Marie Schroeder, daughter of Mr. Your entire financial Ohavlea T. Eilcomina ' Lewi's st. There were 21 members with friends in Los Angeles. They and Mrs. Carl W. Schroeder of Rtructure may some d»y Great Oak dr., and William E. nnd one guest, Mrs. Raymond Etch- made the trip by plane. depend on hnw well ha Applebrook Farm Hughes, son of Mr. and Mrs. EdU. Col. and Mrs. Jack K. Sun fold, present. Mrs. Ardcn Miller r e has performed hi. |ob. ported she hnd sent the quarterly and son pichard of Washington, D. ward A. Hushes of Belmont, Mass,, Route 30 conferences to the district and an- C, were week-end guests of Mr. have * completed plans for their Juat north of Naval' nounced there would be a New and Mrs. George Blair, Buttonwood marriage, Sept. 20. The ceremony will take place at -a nuptial mass Brunswick district fall seminar dr. Underpass t 11 a. m. in Our Lady of Sorrows Mr. and Mrs. William DeLorenzo Oct. 23 at the Methodist church In Broad & Mechanic StB. lathollc church, South Orange, and Ulddletown Township, Asbury Park at 10:30 a. m. and a and son Nell of Hackensack were Red Bank, N. J. box luncheon. Mrs. Fred Steelman week-end guests of Mr., and Mrs, ill be performed by Rev. Edward New Jersey received donations for the Homo Frederic Messina, Buttonwood dr. V. Hughes of St. James Catholic Teh RE 6-2100 Mr. and Mrs. Payson W. Lyman, ihurch, Red Bank, Mr. Hughes' for the Aged linen shower. The Harvest Home Aug. 20 was reported Borden st., entertained Mr. Lyman's irother, A •'•eceptlon will follow at rfayfalr farms, West Orange. to have been a huge success, net- brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Adting $265. At the missionary party dlson Lyman'of Willow Grove, Pa., Miss Barbara Jean Schroeder will be her sister's maid of honor, MIRACLE WEDGE* last week, there were 33 children for the week-end. 13 adults present. The study • Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Tlllotson and ind the bridal attendants will be Weafherfighl C/oiura and group will meet at the parsonage ohildrcn Diane and David, Park illsscs Patricia Haws of Union and To a Man in the • Beautify your home), old or . . . _ a-ppay < T I C | * Sept. 10. Mrs. Howard Montgomery ave., were guests Sunday evening Mary Ellen Ti'oendle, Newark, and will lead. The fourth annual elec- of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. White of Maryann Kollmar, Union, t h e Mw,w(lh.thti qu«l!ty-built, «x »AIT 5FRAT STHL ride's cousin.' Hclene Schroeder tion day dinner will be held Tues- Mkldletown. Investment or Brokerage ••rtly inttalUd garage) door that Trockf arid Herdwan day, Nov. 4, both at noon and eve- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Clayton, will be her sister's junior bridesmaid. operate), smoothly, qulotly and White st., have returned from ning. Mrs. George Whltfleld preBusiness who 'wants to \ Paul Hughes of Boston will be sided. Mrs, Montgomery and Mrs. tour of Florida. •ailly for many years. Quality „ T""" Mar* best man for his brother, and trtree Joy Ann Hoefler of Dayton, Ohio, Charles Dowen were in charge of tuH cottt. been visiting Mr. . and other brothers, John, Joseph and h has h b iiti devotions and program. The next who We are looking for an experienced securities man to join the staff of our convemeeting will -be at the home of Mrs. Mrs. Fred Bruno, Obre ,pi, left Thomas Hughes of Belmont, and MAtlON-WlDE SaJes-lnsiailatlon-iervic* Robert McLoud and Edward J. yesterday for home. niently located office in Asbury Park. This is a year-round office which receives Raymond Bennett, Irving pi. Mr. and Mrs, Anthony Plccola Culhane of Cambridge, Mass., will • A family 'reunion and farewell the full benefits of our membership in the New York Stock Exchange and other be ushers. Obre pi, held a family dinner Laparty was held Monday at Mayers leading exchanges. We would prefer to have a man who knows the Red Bank Miss Schroeder was graduated tavern, Rumson, In honor of Thom- bor day. Present were their chil25 YEARS OF CONTINUOUS SERVICE as Snyder and Johnny Roberts. dren Anthony, Virginia, Eleanor from the College of St. Elizabeth, area well; he will be given broad latitude in developing new business and in 465 SHREWSBURY AVE. RE 6-4888 RED BANK Present wore Mr, and Mrs. James and Carol Ann, Antonio Gualtler and is In the advertising promotion serving his present clients in the area. He will enjoy pleasant working conditions Kearneyy and son James, Mrs. and children Hose and' John, Mr. department of Life magazine. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lucia and daugh- Hughes was graduated from Beland have congenial companions in our organization. i l l h i P Mary Conover of Philadelphia, Pa., ter Janet all of Bed Bank, Mr. and mont, Mass., high school, and BosIf you would like to arrange an interview in complete confidence,' we invite and Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Snyder. Mrs. Jnmes 'Bruno and sons An ton college. He is employed by the Tommy, Johnny and Billy McStudy, thpny, James, Jr., and Richard oL U. S. government In Washington. you to write or telephone Robert E. McDonnell, our resident partner. who joined the Navy, received their Little Silver, Mr. and Mrs. Charles He served with the Marine Corps •ventage Call M. •••014 orders Tuesday to report to Baln- Gualtleri and children Anthony, in World War II. brldge, Md. bl Mary Lou and Barbara, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Swanson Atlantic Highlands and children' Peggy and' SSusan of Mrs. Fred." Bruno and children East . Patcrson were week-end James and .Patrick, Louis Piccola Guy Hendrlcks, 71 Mount ave., guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Leo, and Joy Ann Hoefler of Dayton, purchased the latest model Cadatllc * StrUbllahed 1906 Ohio." •;; Irving pi. .'•••' this week. Mr. and Mra. Hendrlcks MembeiB New York Stock Exchange Mr. and Mrs. James Frangella ' Mr. and .Mrs. Thomas Hartnett, were guests of the Howland B. are vacationing In Bermuda.'.They .formerly ;;6f Bnglewood, are now Jones Cadalllc agency at the open• Color Lift in 30 Minutes • ' '• ' sailed aboard the Queea'"of' Ber""" '" new home on Beech- Ing of Its new showrooms at Red PRESS PLAZA ASBURY PARK, N. J. A MUST F O B SON DULLED HAIR . . . muda, . •'• •••-' ; Bank Saturday. Telephone: ASbury Park 2-8431 Mrs. Arthur Styles.of Montclair, A MUST F O B GRAYING H A I R . . . Mr. and Mrs. Allan Carman were her son-inrecltallst. and. soloist, respectively, who hag^ been, visiting A MUST F O B GLAMOROUS BEDDISH G A S T S . . . 1 •—jiSunday .a^'thi ' organ"'dedication law" arid -daughter,' MiC'and Mrs? A MUST F O B YOUTHFUL HAIR AGAIN . . . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Behlef and 'service In ^the Methodist church at George Glfford of Sixth ave., has family have returned home after WllllamsvlIIe, Vt. The past week, returned home. Mr. and Mrs,'GlfComplete Color Lift $5.00 Entire Head spending two weeks with Mr. and the Carmana have been appearing ford drove Mrs. Styles to her North Mrs. B. S. Behler of Lafayette, Ind. in "Dark of the Moon," current of- Jersey home last week and the MB. JOHN ZBRBO, Advisory Technician for Leading Hair Color Mrs. Edna Thorne, Mrs. DeWitt fering of the, Peterborough, N. H., group had dinner at the WedgeInstitutes, will consult with you on your Individual needs, gratis. Heyer and Miss Roberta Reilly vis- professional summer theater. Mr, wood restaurant In Montclair. Mrs. ited Mrs. Thome's son, William Carman has been choral dlrectoi Florence Gifford of Long Branch Beautiful Permanent Curls and Waves . . . Machine - MachlneThorne, over the week-end at Bain- for the revival scene. and her sister, Mrs. Anna Valleau bridge, Md., where he is training Ieas - Cold Waves — One price only S15.00. of Red Bank, are now guests with in the Navy. Fair Haven Mr. and Mrs. Gifford. Mrs. Glfford CALL RE 6-0646 for Appointment Mr. and Mrs. Louis Balland of Theodore J, Labrecque, son n. is Mr. Glfford's mother. Newark were guests this week of Mr. and Mra. Theodore J. LaMiss Mollle Helfetz of Fourth ave. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Borger of Main brecque of 99 Grange ave, and a Is one of the nine Monmouth counst. student at Vlllanova college, is par- ty girls admitted to the freshman Miss Emma Snowflack of Jersey ticipating In the Navy's Caribbean class at New Jersey College for City visited Mr. and Mrs. William Naval Reaerve Officers Training Women. Miss Helfetz was gradu1 6 WHITE ST. ' RED BANK Meyer and daughter for three days, corps cruise aboard the heavy ated from Linden Hall at Lltitz, Pa. Mrs. Herman Granderath o f orulser, Pittsburgh. The ship will MR. NUNZIE, Manager During 1952 a total of 10,350,000 Paltnep ave. was hostess Wednes- visit Colon, Panama Canal Zone, Member: International Forum of Hair Design. proof gallons of Scotch whiskey will day of last week at a home pro- and Guantanamo bay, Cuba. be exported overseas, according to ducts demonstration party. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Julian Tuzlk o: Ruth Glfford of Atlantic Highlands Church st. left Tuesday mornlm the Scottish Whiskey association. Cullitan carpeting le known for laitlng beauty, eupirb »tylln», was the demonstrator. Prizes were for two weeks' vacation In Main NEWS FILLERS and long aarvlea. Tha Guliitan Una oomprliaa 20 qualities In awarded to Mrs, Earl Grob, Mrs. and Canada. Frank Vincent!, Mrs. Dorothy tha moit popular waavee and eolora Including aneh national!/ Mr. and Mrs, M. Floyd Smith Brower and Mrs. Elva Townsend. of River rd.- returned home Friday famotu naraaa ae Rentleianee, Symphonitte, Clolionne, Fairfax, Also attending were Mrs. Steven after a week's vacation to Niagara Trianon and Tweed In the TYIltom—Frl«ieM« and Qravletta ara Greeley, Mrs. Alfred Lloyd, Mrs. Falls and Canada. Tuesday Mr, Clarence Colmorgen and Miss Mar- Smith returned to his position na among the Aneit In hard Twiita, aome up to 18 ft. wide— lon Dabney, . borough olerk. Greandiar, Fenhnrat In the Axmlnater. iteavaa, Hera at HeKelvay'a Mr. and Mrs. Robert Matthewi When a Merchants Trust Oullitan ihowtoomi Ten can aae them all. All ara regular at'ock of Willow St., have returned homi (no teoonda) and baoked by the. Tamoua Gullatan label and FHA Title 1 Home In* after spending a.week's vacatloi INSTALLED & REPAIRED at McKelvey'e Low Cub Prices, We itock thouianda of yarda In Canada. ' provement Loan Can for Immediate delivery. Carpet prleei ara advanolng, but for • Mra. Viola Sickles of DeNorman die ave, local superintendent o( limited time our prlpei will remain the earnt on atook on hand. Help You Make Needed schools, has recovered from h«i An early aeleetlon It Bdvliabla In tha wld« wldthi, atpeolally A COMPLETE HOUSE OF FIXIllness. KENNETH COAKLEY Repairs Right Now! TURES FOR LESS THAN $20.00 12 li., 15 ft., 18 ft. I- Fair Haven rd, north of Rlyei 636 River Rd. Fair Havtn FRONT OR HEAR rd. and Haggers lane, were without electric power for about four GULISTAN TEXTURED hour* Monday night aa the result SCULPTURED WILTON BROADLOOM Solid Copp.r of a 4,800-volt power line blown U. L. Approval) WILTON down on Fair Haven rd. by atrong SPECIAL SQ. YD $ 10.95 ONLY A olaitlc, aeioll pattern, heavy qual> li Ity designed for period or modern School! In the borough will rei MADE BY GULISTAN OF I0OV. VIRGIN WOOL roomi, Made ot all wool pile to latt open next Monday morning. I(V i for ytari. Glowing decorator eolor B Jack Dlxon, ion of Mr. and Mra, In 9 ft,, 12 ft. and 16 ft, wldthi, i This Is our finest grade «{ Broadloom—known everywhere for ' * " " J I H _ A. C, Dlxon of ESS River rd,, la • • quality, style and beauty. In July, 1151, w« wera sailing this Blue, Pink, While. T a • ^ touring New England, Quebec and CARVED WILTON U. L, the Qaape peninsula by automobile, very same carpet for | l t . T 5 per sq. yd. and this n«ure was far Approvad BROADLOOM 100% WOOL He Is aoeompanbd by Stephen Mrbelow retail prlcti prevailing alsiwhere at that tlms, Today A dlitlnotlv* pattern woven In today'a ot ot Merlden, Conn, a college most popular coin™, A deep>plle curwe offer you many room elita plus part and full rolls of 21", chum, pet that will enhance either modern



Christian Science



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>eni ftty fttoi In.lte i . fell rats Trim, Re rein, Ytllew, U. U Asprtvid


Our flneit quality AxmlnsUr Carpsti noted for long wear and extra styling. ttylln _.IMon«s Some, a n ths ever-popular.. selMonns •r-othsra a n attraotlya " •aetlyi' florals. " To* day's p.P.S, celling is 111,95—our tilt price It only $$8.96 i q . yd.


Belmar Electric Co. LMMF 110IMT., MMAR. N.J, Oi.« rrltfiy l«t,



511.95 A


sq, yd.

BROADLOOM $£.95 £.95 j

Made by Oullitan of all wool yam. In S.ft. and la.ft. wldlhs, Several deilgns In moit popular deoorator salon, A nut value worthy of your attention, Our sale

MANY SMALL ROOM-SIZE RUGS and RUNNERS, ate., Now BOV. OFF We Ship Ruga All Over United States — Free Deliver!/ Within 60 Miles



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Entrance Fixture



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21 WEST MAIN ST., FREEHOLD, N, J. •ellltllt

ttort Houru Monday thru Saturday 1/00 A.M. to ItiO P.M. m



NM» Ovr start $t,u,

• I


Page Five

Madure Home From Korea Cpl. Joseph t. Madui-e, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Madure of 29 Riverside ave., Red Bank, arrived home Sunday alter almost a year in Korea, where he terved with a machine gun outfit on the main resistance line, Cpl. Madure was with the First Marine division, Fifth Marines.





"it\\r"\W\^r Cpl. Joseph F. Madure A graduate ot Red Bank Catholic high school in June, 1950, Cpl. Madure was awarded an athletic scholarship to Holy Cross college. He enlisted in the Marines in Mar., 1951, and went to Korea in Aug., . 1951. x Cpl. Madure arrived in San Fran'. Cisco Aug. 25, and came east. by plane, landing Sunday at LaGuardla field. He will report for duty Oct. 3 at Yorktown, Va.

Middletown Members of Christ Episcopal church will meet tomorrow night at Leeds hall to plan for the special celebration marking the 250th anniversary of the founding of the church. The observance will be Oct. 11 and 12. The Ladies' Aid society of the Reformed church will meet Tuesday. The Community Nursery school, of which Mrs, Reginald Wood Is the director, opens Monday ai Leeds hall. Mrs. Henry Starke and.Mr. and Mrs. George Hartman were weekend guests of Rev. and Mrs. George W. Young of Factoryville, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Christian DjetV. spent the week-end at Rome, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beck spent the week-end with friends on their yacht, making a trip up the Hudson river to Kingston, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Thorne and sons Garret and Peter spent the holiday week-end in Maine. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Babcock and family returned this week after enjoying a vacation at Square Pond, Me. Robert Park spent the week-end at Basking Ridge, a guest of Bob. kock, son of Dr. and Mrs. Winston E. Kock, former Middletown village residents here. Monday, Dr. and Mrs. Kock and' their family, visited here. Mr. and Mrs. James Swackhamer and family of White House spent the week-end with Mr. Swackhamer's mother, Mrs. Ruth Swackhamer. Saturday night Mrs. James Swackhamer's mother, Mjs. Field Mount, entertained at a supper par' ty at her home for the couple. Philip Gargan, who la serving with the Navy, is on a cruise on his ship, the Aircraft Carrier Franklin D. RooBevelt, to England, Scotland and Denmark. Ho Is expected home in December, There will bo traditional American square dancing, along with English county dances, progressive two steps, Dutch foursome and the European dances, Wlndmueller and La Russe, Saturday night at Leeds hall, sponsored by the local folk , dance group. Beginners and newcomers are welcome. Ruth and Harry Hollander are the Instructors.




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•>. , day morning at 10 o'clock at St. served funds for the proposed heard. A nursery Is conducted dur Red Bank 60 years and had lived attending the church'servlce Satur- 34 Fulton st. She was born In Italy, James Catholic church, when a school, Ing the service. Sunday-school will make last rites a thing of at 44 Wallace st. Her husband, John day acted as honorary bearers. daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. requiem mass will be offered by The attorney said the approval of meet at 9:45 a. m. William Holmstedt, who died in Mr. Fowler is survived by his the federal agency must come bebeauty and also give solace 1931, was custodian of the MeSebastian Pandala, and was a Joseph T. Casey, pastor. In- fore bids are awarded on the school Members of the Women's Society, wife, Mrs, Katie W. Sickles Fowler; member of St. Joseph's Catholic Msgr. terment under the direction of W, contracts of Christian Service will mee chanic Street school, Red Bank. three daughters, Mrs, Paul T. Kelly for the project to be -ellto the living. H. Freeman of Freehold will be gible for Inclusion In the disburse- Tuesday at 2 p. m. and the official Mrs. Holmstedt was a member of of Shrowsbury, Mrs. Calvin Carhart church. the Red Bank Methodist church of Mechanic St., and Miss Edna L. Surviving, besides her husband, In Mount Olivet cemetery. ment of the allocated monies. Ap- board ot the church at 8 p. m. The are two sons, Samuel Septen of and the Royal Neighbors lodge of Fowler, living at home; two sons, proval is expected to take several Methodist Men's club will meet DANIEL SCOTT i Keyport and John Septen of Atlantic Highlands. She leaves sev- John C. Fowlor, Llncroft, and Wilweeks, Mr. Carton said, and he wll! Wednesday at 8:15 p. m. and th eral nieces and nephews Including liam H. Fowlor, Shrewsbury; seven Keansburg; two daughters, Miss The funeral of Daniel Scott, 71, advise the board to postpone th choirs will hold the following rea nephew, Joseph Patterson, with grandchildren, seven sisters and Vlnece Septen, who .lives, at home, of 101 WcBt Bergen pi,, who died awarding of bids for a month. He hcarsals next Thursday: Junior at and Mrs. Rose Levlno ot Keyport; Friday at his home, was held yes- said he will confer with Aylin Fler- 6:45 p. m., girls' at 7:30 p. m. and Whom she lived before moving to flvo brothers, a brother and two sisters, who terday afternoon at the F. Leon son of Plerson and MacWUllam of senior at 8:15 p. m. Highlands. live in Italy, and another sister, Harris funeral home. Services Metuchen, architects to the board, The funeral was held yesterday MRS. EMMA D. 8CHENK Nancy Vllardo of Spring Lake, were conducted by Rev. Thomas and District Clark James W. Da85 Riverside Avenue BAPTIST afternoon at the Worden funeral FAIR HAVEN — Mrs, Emma D. Mm. Your Expression of Goode, a retired minister, and in- vldheisor In the preparation of th home, with Rov. Roger J. Squire, Schcnk, 72, died last Thursday and nine grandchildren. Leonardo Phone 6-0332 Red Bank pastor of the Red Bank Methodist night at her home, 90 Woodland The funeral will be held Satur- terment was In White Ridge came- revised application for the allocatChurch ichool will meet at 9:45 Keyport Branch—861 Maple PL church, True Remembrance day morning at g o'clock at her ed funds. They will be advised by a. m. Richard P. Young will, deofficiating. Burial was In dr., after a short illness. tery. late home and, at 9 o'clock, Rev. Telephone 7-1352 Fair View cemetery. Scott Is survived by two representatives of the Communities liver a sermon at the morning No other act ot a normal Mr. Born in Hoboken, Mrs. Schenk Cornelius J. Kane, pastor, will ot- sons, William Scott of Cliffwood, Facilities service, a field office of service at 11 o'clock. Mr. Youn Bearers were Joseph Patterson, was man's Ufa gives him more Non-Sectarian a daughter of the late Wil- fer a high mass of requiem at St. and Jeff Scott of New York city; the federal office of education, he again will deliver a sermon at th Harry Patterson, William Thomas liam eomplett soul satisfaction and J o h a n n a Osterndorf Joseph's church. Burial, under the a daughter, Mrs. Queen Adams of said. Lady Attendant and Harry Parker. evening service at 8. than tht building of a MemTiencke. She had' been a resident direction of the Day funeral home, Red Bank i two brothers, Ralph orial to his loved ones who The ordination of Mr. Young wll! of tills place the past four years will be in St. Joseph's cemetery. Tank Specifications' Scott of Louisville, Ga.; Robert have gone on. be held Tuesday at 8 p. m. Praise, prior to which she lived in HoScott of Orlando, Fla., and two Mr. Carton also' said that he wl prayer and Bible study meeting boken. Mrs. Schenk was a member CHARLES J. DELANEY Our select Barre Memorials sisters, Mrs. Caroline White and advise the board to Inform An- will be held Wednesday at 8 p. m of Caroline lodge, Order of the KEYFQRT—Charles J. Delaney, iMrs. bear the Guild mark of apRachel Davis, both of Louis- thony's Plumbing and Heating Co Members of the Ladles' aid society Eastern Star of .Hoboken, proval, your guarantee of a 68, of 64 Church St., husband of vll'le. He also leaves 11 grandchil- ot Red Bank that it it expected tc will meet next Thursday afternoon Surviving are a son, Arthur H. the late Sellna Meyer Dolancy and dren, and five great-grandchildren. comply with the specifications of finer Memorial at no extra at 2 o'clock. Schenk, and a granddaughter, Miss a retired electrician of the Central cost Visit our showroom bid submitted by the firm for Dorothea Schenk, both living at Railroad of Now Jersey, died Sat- MRS, ISAAC B. VAN DERVEER five-sixteenths, 8,000-gallon tank 1 and see our displays ot these Twonty-two states now prohlb home. ' . ' urday at Monmouth Memorial hoscertified memorials. FREEHOLD — Mrs. Derua C, a contract awarded by the boar the diversion of motor vehicle feu Tho funeral was held Monday pital. He was born in New Tork VanDerveer, wife of Isaac B. Van- for t,he conversion of Middletow and taxes to non-highway purposes, night at the late residence, with city. of the Marlboro-Freehold school from a coal furnace to a says the Automobile club of Ne Rev. Christopher H, Snyder, vicar Surviving are a son, Bernard J. Derveer died Tuesday at Fitkln hos- oil burner. After the contract was York. of the Chapel ot the Holy Com- Delaney, with wham he made his rd., awarded, the firm delivered a tank pital. munion, officiating. Burial, under Naxt to ML Ollv.% Cemalerr Every citizen owes himself, h! of one-quarter Inch thickness t home; two daughters, Mrs. Ann 80-32 Hudson Are. Red Bank the direction of the Worden fu- Jackson of Atlanta, Ga., and Mrs. Mrs. VanDerveer was born In the site of the conversion. Thf neighborhood and his community Holmdel, daughter of the late Mr. Phone Red Bank 6-0319 neral home, was In Flower Hill Florence Schcrff of.Daytona, Fla.; prompted the objection of Henrj a few minutes study of Civil Dfr PHONE RED BANK 6-2406 cemetery, North Bergen, Tuesday four grandchildren and two great- and Mrs. George Jones, Besides her Putsch of Port Monmouth, an un fense warnings and rules tor sur- R. F. D. Box 108 Red Bank husband she Is survived by a morning. grandchildren. daughter-in-law, Mrs. Mary Van- successful bidder on the contract vival. The funeral waa hold Tuesday Derveer, and a granddaughter. A special meeting of, the baari JOHN E. LAYTON morning at the Bedle funeral Miss Mary Jo VanDerveer of Wash- of education last Thursday nigh disclosed that the contract listed HIGHLANDS—John E. Layton, home, with Rev. David A. Wilson, ington, D. C. 88, of Fifth St., husband of the Jr., pastor of Calvary Methodist Funeral services will be held to- a tank ot one-quarter inch thicklate Emma Frazler Layton and a church, officiating. Burial was in morrow afternoon at the W. H. ness, an Insertion apparently mad! in good faith, the attorney said, oi resident here since early youth, Oedarwood cemetery. Freeman and Son Funeral home, in the contract signed previously b; COMPANY died early Saturday morning at charge of Rev. Warren Henseler, Copeland, president of th' PERCY S. CRAWFORD the home of his daughter, Mrs, pastor of the Freehold Reformed Harold MORTICIAN board. The board president acts Henrietta Johnson, 492 JoUne ave,, Percy s. Crawford, 68, former church. Interment will be in MaHeadden's Corner, Middletown, Route 35 only In these Instances as an agen Long Branch, where he had been of Middletown, who died plewood cometery. of the board, the attorney said, Church' Street, Belford, N. J. 111 for five days. He was born at resident JAMES J . HURLEY, Manager Aug. 13 at his home at Hampton, and the fact of the board preslLakewood, son of the late Anthony Conn., Is survived by a dau'ghter, ALBERT NEIDINGER dont's signature alone would not and Ida VanDyke Layton, and was Mrs. M»rlon Crawford Weyd of AIR CONDITIONED a retired fisherman. Mr. Layton New Brunswick; a son, Howard KEYPORT — Albert Neldlnger, indicate a right to alter the speciPHONE RED BANK 6-3810 was an exempt member of the fire L. Crawford of Mllltowh, and two 89, of Main and Monroe sta., here, fications of the bid, husband of tho late Hannah SwenPhone Keaniburg 6-0333 department here. Long Branch 6 4 9 7 8 • Day or Night grandchildren, Robert Crawford son Neidlnger and a retired baker, Architects' Fee $35,000 Surviving, besides his daughter, Weyd, serving in the U. S. Air died Sunday at Hazard hospital. Is another daughter, Mrs. Hazel Force, and Charles Wcyd, Jr., of Surviving are a son, William A, The board last Thursday night Krautter of Irvington, and several New Brunswick, Neidlnger of Keyport, three grand- directed Mr, Carton to Include a grandchildren and great-grand- The names of these survivors children and four great-grandchil- clause in a contract with the architects excluding architects' fees on children. were not included among the sur- dren, DISTINCTIVE The funeral was hold Tuesday af- vivors llatod in an obituary notice The funeral was held Tuesday lockers to be installed In the New ternoon at the Posten funeral which appeared In the Aug. 21 night at the Bodle funeral home, Monmouth central school. Mr, had Indicated to the board Established 1865 home, with Rev. Roger W. Kusche, Issue of The Register. with Rev. James A. Guswellor, rec- Pierson he expected that his overall seven pastor of the Methodist church, tor of St. Mary's Episcopal church, per cent tee on the total construcofficiating. Burial was in Bay View JOHN 0. MAHONEY officiating. Burial yesterday morn- tion Perfection of Material and would Include' lockers, an cemetery. ing, waa In Maple Grove cemetery, addedcosts Workmanship In Beautiful $1,050. The board's action FARMINGDALE - John C. Ma- Kew Gardens, L. I, came after Francis W. Lawlcy, a honey, 72, a retired engineer of the EDWIN R. STRICKLAND New Designs board member, said that he had railroad, died TuesJAMES CROZIER FREEHOLD—Edwin R. Strick- Pennsylvania determined that the Rtd Hank day at Fltkln hospital. He was land, 64, husband of Beulah F. Cur- born- at Farmingdale, son ot the ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS-Jamet board of education will not pay an Our memorial! are manufacFrederic K. Adams, Mgr. ley Striokland, died Monday at his late Daniel and Nancy McCarthy Crozler, 78, of Navealnk eve,, di«d architect's fee on lockeri. The tured by skilled artisans In'our homo, 47 Broadway, He was born Mahoncy. yesterday whllt working in hii board adopted a resolution authorwell equipped plant at West at Keyport, snn of the late George ising the payment of an additional W. and Jennie Dunsby Strickland, He Is survived by two slaters, yard. He lived here for about $10,000 to tha architects on their Long Branch. FUNERAL DIRECTORS and was employed as a baker by Miss Margaret ?lahonoy and Mrs. eight years, Anne Daley, both of Farmingdale, A retired New York city police contract. This brought.to $27,500 tho Strand bakery here. The funeral will be held tomor- officer, Mr. Crozier la survived by the sum paid the architects to datt. Surviving, besides his wife, are row morning at 8 o'clock at his his wife, Mrs, Lucy Rothaujt The total fee will be about $35,000, two sons, William Strickland and board members said. 310 Broad Street home, and at 9 o'clock at St. Cath- Crozier. Red Bank, N. J . Edwin R. Strickland, Jr., and two Catholic church, whore a The body was removed to New Dr. Wylle G. Pate, superintendent daughters, Mrs, Ernest Vesolls and erine's requiem mass will be offered by York, where tht funeral will be of school, told the board that an Mrs. Joseph Murphy, of Freehold; Rev. Wall St. Tel. LO 6-3567 West Long Branch Brto«owskl, Inter- held Saturday. ' Increase In enrollment, from 2,948 a slater, Mrs. Minnie Wilson of ment, Joseph, directed by W. H. Freeman The Posten funeral home was In to 3,371 pupils necessitated the esCilffwood, eight grandchildren and and Son, SEND FOB ILLUSTRATED OATAtOOOB will be In St. Roso of charge of local arrangamonts, tablishment ot 16 double-dais sesa great-grandchild. Lima cometory, Freehold. sions In tho township's ten elementThe funeral will be held this ary schools, Basod on a supple*Y OR SYNOPSjS.pr.tMtl.AypjT REPORT OF afternoon at 2 o'clock, at the FreeWILLIAM A. N. HAAQ CHURCH_NEWS REQUIRED BY R, S, 40l4-2 mtntary enrollment Wedneiday ot man funeral home, with Rev. RobE BALANCE SHEET COMBINED COMP, KEANSBURG William A, N, last week. Dr. Pate'a report led to ert B, Rose, pastor of the Baptist ITS I'HESBYTERIAN tils observation that the opening of Die.aii toil Dac.31,1010 ehureh, officiating. Burial will b« In Haag, 50, husband of Isabella Kath.....,» «ao,85 | «,OQQ,00 erlns Oorard Haag and former rtAtlantio Highlands school would be "chaotic." He said Maplewood cemetery, 104.00 101,41 ......,...,.,.,. corder here, died early thlt morn- Church (chool will mett at 10 there are 478 new pupils tn the sy«- Taxes Receivable 100,(10 Ing at hit home, 143 Maplt avo, a. m. Rev. Elmtr T. Sohlok, pai- torn this,year, with first grade en, Deferred Charm to Succeeding Veer's Revenue . ALSON D. FRIAR • 8,088,08 Ht had been undergoing treatment tor, will deliver a, itrmon,' "On rollment, Inoludlng pre-prlmary KEANSBURO-Alson D. Friar, tor a htart condition tor many Learning to Accept," at tho morn- olaiiei, increased from 683 to 750 • Mi4,(IT I 1,101,41 TOTAL ABBOTS 77, husband ot May Pott Friar and yeara, Ho waa born In Newark, aon Ing service at 11 o'clock. pupils, Tha high sohool enroll* LIABILITIES, RBS1RVE5 AND SURPLUS a resident hers uven years, diet] of the late Albey and Augusta Her- Tho ohuroh school faculty will mont, of a total 3,371, Ii now sot at Appronrlnllon Iteurvai SI 8.34 „. ,,...,,, \A7hen tht tarvicM of a Monday nt his homo, is Euclid av«, rick Haag, and WAS a rcsldont there meet Monday at 8 p. m, Membtta 128, while last year'i avoraga ,wai ttoitrvi for Ctrltln A m u Rcetlvablt 104,011 lOMt , 4,ioi,ia 1,000,00 He was born at Cntildll, N. Y., son Surplut Revenue moat of hit lite. Ho was proprietor 750. ' ' f u n • r a 1 firm art reof tho late Fred and Sarah Over- of a. wallpaper buiinois in Newark, of the Udle»' aid sooltty will hold TOTAL LIABILITIES, RKMRVBS AND SURPLUS,.! 8,484.07 I !,J0S,4t quired, there we a peat many hiugh Friar, and was * retired A rial eitali broUcr htra tor 38 a birthday luncheon Tuesday at Dr, Pate reported the followbargeman for tht Laekawanna yuan /im! recorder tor 15 ytan, 13:30. Choir rehearsal will bt hald Ing tentative part-time aohedule COMPARATIVE STATi LTION AND SURPLUS detalli to be handled and many Wtdnatday at 7t80 p, m. A Joint for oluieii Belford,. beginning . railroad, Mr. Haag was r. mombtr ot tht Year M i l YiirlMO arrangement! to be made, The o tht ht Odors O and n truitoti olaai (which Inoludoi pro-primary Surviving, beildes his wife, art Red Bank lodga o( Hlka and St. meetingg o( ill b hld t T h d b« held n«xt Thunday at and ftrit grade), IA and part of fev»mi»—• two lont, dearie Friar ot Hoboktn Ann's Holy Nam8 loclcty, family it, naturally, emotionRevenueJrem Am I 1,000.00 leoond grade) Bait Koaiuburg, be- Burplut Rivenui 1.UI.4T and Alton D. Friar, Jr,, of South Surviving, besides hli wife, !• a 7:80 p, m, ally uptet, and does not wiih 991,16 ginning, IA and leoond 'gradtt Qurrent Btvtnue Arnboyi a daughter, Mn, Sthel •later, Mn, J, j , Kolter of KeaniCOMMUNITY Fair Vlow, beginning, IA and "a Wldmer of Kianiburr, two grand- burg, to be further burdened by thwe I 1,000,00 Total Revtnut lew ot tht aeoond grade" i LeoLlnoroft ohlldrtn and four ireat-irand- Tht Ryan funorol homi Ii raatteri, We will aiiume re. Stanley Stllwell, lay prtaohir, nardo, beginning, IA and part of In ohltdren, 1,100,00 I ,-«i »••" I will deliver a sermon, "The Ntoen- second grade, and Port Mon- 'AppronrlitloniBudlit. ipomlblllty for handling each Tht funarat wi« held yuterday charge ot arrangomonti, 100,00 slty of rjomradiihlp," at the 11 mouth, beginning, He laid regis- RKiisnillturi Without Aupropristlpn MDI.47 mornlnu at tht Scott funeral homi, JOHN iiiMMicir detail and making every arDeferrtin Onstrii Iniurred Ourrenllr , tration at Fair Vlow school Ii 114,1ft with nov. nuaadi A. Smith, vicar KBYPORT — John Hendrleh, II, a, m, worship nrvloi, Sunday- "vory heavy," tidtat Stjtaot T»K , .„„,...,„...„„„„„ .,.„ 70.U school will ro-opon at 10 a, ii, rangement, if that ii the fam* nf HI, Mark's Eplioopnl church, of* Countv Tan •...,,.,..««>• ••••••...M. •••.,. husband of neglna Klein Hendrleh Trusted* of tho church will hold The board ncccptcd the reilgnaflclatlnp;, Burial wn in HackonTotal Sapendltuni .„„ T.llD.li KIMM.MMIMIMIIMM. H/i wiih. and a retired faim or, died Satur- a ipoclal moiling Widnaiday tlon ot Mn. Mary flruchi.who Ii lack comtltry. •., I MBTVII .. day at hli home, 04 Stcoml »t. Ho retiring fli tiachlng-prlnolpal ot ptltelt from npirillnn „,, waa born In Hungary. Surviving, ,,,,, l,.0l,ll Tllvir riaia. ichool, A reiolutlo Ueiium Uiblmiti Oineiilid WADB"IAOK»ON htildei hi* wife, art two toni oommindlng Mn. Bruoh for ho ""ilflMJ MATAWAN-Wsda Jackion, 78, John Hendrlchh of U n i fho r m Pa,, lHARWa.«JAM.5A,»fcOB.&U numion P 100,00 many yian of service will bi b u n UiftpriiJ d|{aViVsMln''A1B»vil¥ii'B''i'ii'J'l't.i''.i''!',!!'.*iii! who formorly livid it 34 Church it, and Joitph Hindrloh of Clnolnnntl, (Ineurnd Currently) Sunday mrvlom will Include Holy adopted by thi board at Id nixt here, died Friday, Hi w u born In O,, and three daughters, Mn, Annn Oommunlon S a, m, and Holy rttular mtttlng. A group of parSub Total (Dentil) Alahimn, ion or tho lilt Mr, and WMorl and Mrs, Anna Hoiflir of Communion at a itrmon i t 11 itui o( Itlvir Plan puplli appiartd Mrs, John Jackson, He wni Ihe this piato and Mm, BIlMbeth a, m, Them with it Revenue— at tha mtatlng to commend thi will hi no OilO a.-m, i, /tnuirr lit liunlwnd of tho lite Hortha Men- Schneider o( Now Ynrli clly. linohir lor nor record, The board lot vice Hept. 7 or Htpt. U, i|]|iro|irlaiid In Current Oudiet,. drlokinn Jnomon, Thirt i n no 00 C.PRONT IT. RID BANK N.J. approved Dr. Patt'n racomminda* Tha funeral wai hold Tuesday Hundtiy-aolujul will rtiume Sept. known luvvlvon, lilinic, Oieimliir Hit « I 4,101,11 tlon that Mn, Rita Quail bi trainafternoon at the Bodln funonl 21, I 1,000,00 Thi funirnl wn. hold Tuotdny af. homo, with nnv, David A, Wllien, Rev. Norman Plttengn' will hi tarred from Port Monmouth lehool ibAVt lummsrr lummirr tr sr iinenile m i ppajurie prtnini)1 'rim. frnm thai lh» ra|>art «f audit »t iha Thaa ihAVt iwnuon at Ihp Botllp tuntral homi, Ji1,, tiaitor of Calvary Mithodlnl gum Sunday, Muilo will to Uiohlng principal at Klvu Tew hlD ef Ihnwibury, »! Oi. linuM el Manmeulh, Itr ihe MIMIIF mi ill"' Burial wai in Union I'ruipict corn- church, oflifllatlne;, Burial was In Tneludemlnlitni' fl, report of IU4II, lutonlKia ar {tilth J, ieirnin, Ii en (ill «t thi teVai "Arloio," Bach, "Kyrli," Plata, Or, Pata laid thli walk l * ' eimiltry, Willan | "Itnetui," .Wlllim "Ave that MM. .Quail U a graduate o iilp iik i CMII and m r i t I s i t i i i i l ir lay lituttifjruiiai. ANN1 0, IWITIK, Oltiti

FBANK C. COOPER Frank C. Cooper, 81, who made faU home with his brother, Alexander D. Cooper, at 38 Peters pi., died Sunday at Riverview hospitalHe wa» bom in Middletown township, son of the late Jehu P. and Catherine Kerr Cooper, at his family1* home, then located just across Cooper's bridge. Husband of the late Gertrude Prlngle Cooper, he was a retired pharmacist. A resident of this area most of his life, Mr. Cooper had lived :n Chicago about 80 years. Before taking up his residence in the West he w u for many years prescription clerk for his brother, the late James Cooper, Jr., at his drug store at Broad and White streets here. . Surviving, besides his brother, are a daughter, Mrs. Charlotte WeigheU of Freehold; a sister, Miss Mary K. Cooper, who also makes her home with her brother, and two grandchildren. The funeral was held yesterday afternoon at the Clayton funeral home, Adelphia, with Rev. George Horn, pastor of the Freehold Presbyterian church, officiating. Burial •was In Maplewood cemetery, Freehold.

Deaths in Red Bank and Vicinity

Township to Apply For $264,922 Federal Grant


John E. Day Funeral Home




H* Laurence Scott




The Mount Memorial Home





ODtrJktrliiTlMrscf-Dependable.Economical Service"



A.D.A. Appeals to Washington Mrs. Samuel Lewis, Jr., was » week-end guest of her sister, Mrs. A. W. Crosi, at her horn* on High- To Continue Controls on Rents land ave. Mrs. Lewis suffered inTUff BUIIOH — (all t o d i n j with thli Scetli graulood aimrei colorful and vigorous growth. f i t d MOO iq II • J2.SO, 10,000 iq ft • |7.ouglas Electric Co., 88 East Front St., sonable. 61 Forest ave., Keansburg.* in Mew Jersey, New York* and Convlior on imsll assemblies, ExSE 2-0079 or BE 6-4700 any time, I: any advertisement it re.erved by light stand, turned legs, 88; droplcaf nalcs; cropped, ted Bank. Phone RE 6-0128. docked, inoculated; MRS. BARKER'S ANTKJUti SHOP—Vic1937 PACKARD, perfect running condinecticut. We require young execucellent opportunity for advanceThe Register. ible, 110; early four-drawer chest, solid IKC registered; show material; Interv 'HOTO FINISHING—Eight enlarged torian chairs, genuine Imported Dutch tion ; two .now tires, Life Guard safeWo will not be responsible for nd, pine, cleaned, sanded: ox yoke, latlonal champron Dorien Bon Martentive talent sow and will taqulra In album folder 40c, 12 exp. ment and top ratt to the right'inty tubes, radio, heater, new battery I :opper, delft blue Limoge crystal, All "alter Mahns, Jr., 45 Throckmorton loff line. Pick ot a litter of nine. Lt. rollprint. errors unless they are detected be* more In the future. He mutt be 66c, 16 exposures 70c, Send film, dividual. A. Haselman, Communica190, Phone RU 1-0382-M.' it the right prices. Hulse rd., off rt. •e,, Eatontown, EA 8-0787. fore the second insertion Col, K.I>, Guy, Quarters No, I, Russell and coin to Monti Photos, Montlcello, able to sell and he must like 1-4. Lakewood 6-1S05-J-2. P. O, adtion Product. Company, Inc., Marl1948 CHRYSLER convertible; low mileNo cancellations will be. accepted IANO, ~SMAEti studio upright; full N, Y, dress. R. F. D. 1, Farmingdsle. age; excelent condition. RE 6-5822.* clothes, but experience in this line boro. FR 8-1880. er changes mads In advertisements keyboard; dark mahogany finish, Ex- 2~TCHICKEHS, some'laTing; roll chTc PAINTERT" , DECORATOR ana pap«rDUCKS, MUSCOVEV—Whlt«, from two 1949 FRENCHRENAULT, motor just li not necenary. Apply In p/rson. on* hour after receipt at office, ellent condition and fine tone; 1800. wire, feed, all for 140 i sickness. LO hangeri Interior and eitertor; tt weeks old to year and » halt. Sunny overhauled; In good condition; 5350, hone RE 6-2686-M. 6-0815-J. J. Krldcl, BE 6-5300. ' DEADLINE: years' experience. Estimates cheerfully COUPLE—Hlghe.t references. Small esBrook Farm, Wyckoff rd., Eatontown. or best offer. Call KE 6-0704-W. tate, inside and outside work. Write, 'HAYEK BABY CARRIAGE. KE 6- 987-38-39 FORD V8 radiator, used, given. Lout. Ca.ssn' 448 Shrewsbury EA 3-0822 after 6:30 P. M. Real Estate: Tuesday Noon, PONTIAC "6" 1947 Torpedo, coupe; 'Inside." Box 811. Bed Bank. • guaranteed; $14.95. Red Bank Radive.. Red Bank. Phone RE 6-4344-M, 0443." BALERS, COMBINES, tractors, rakes, clean, fuly equipped; $825. See It at All Others: g p. ni. Wednesday. tor Works, 115 West Front st. RE 6-COMPETENT ELECTRICAL CONTRAC JAN—To work on dairy farm. Must GIRLS WANTED to work In laundry dtmowers, twine, pickers. Most makes, ' partment. Donald's Laundry, 44'Maray Kay Atlantic Service station. West BURROUGHS MODERN cash regisTOR—All type, of house wiring and be able to milk and drive tractor. Call lon st.. Bed Bank, lew or used, Delivery any state, big •'ront st, and Maple ave.. Red Bank,* Call Classified Small or large jobs. 24 RE 8-O51Q.R-1. OAT HERD—Pure bred Toggenburgi,' tpalrlng. savings. Several Farmall A. AV C. N. ter, rings up to 14,99; will sacriMANAGER F6R RfcSTAURANT In Red 1951 CHEVllOLEf walk'-ln panel, purCall Caruso Bros.. EA complete with electric fence, cream ttiur service. M, Ford, John Deere M, MT, B. O. A. fice for only S10B. Three-piece livchased new In April; 12,000 miles. Bank; knowledge of making homeRed Bank 6-0013 1-0489-M or LO 6-4686-R. leparator and butter churn, Call MI tractors. New Holland, John Deere RADIO TECHNICIAN—For developKE 6made ice cream helpful, Write E, F.Sacrifice, $1,900, cost $2,500. ing room sofa bed set, good condi0384-W-2,* EMIL SALANDRA—Used cars bought lalers, New Idea pickers, new corn ment projects in connection with 0169-R. Sidney, General Delivery. Red Bank.* and sold. Corner West Front st. and binders. Most other makes. Buy and tion, $89; small site refrigerator, LADY'S FINE WINTER coat, crey, site 1949 FORD CUSTOM club coupe, sixtelevision transmitter components. GENERAL HOUSEWORKER fof partsell Henry 3 . K&lsers, Write, phone, 20, with genuine blatk Persian trim. Maple ave. RE 6-0128. $49, etc, Ruscll's, 25 East Front st, LOST AND FOUND tlme in apartment, Call after 5 P, M. cylinder; excellent condition; radio, visit or order, Financing available, Work Involves VKF and UKF labPrice $30, Perfect condition. Write EXPERT DRIVING Instruction., Learn leater, slipcovers. Must sell immediateRE 6-4794 "Winter Coat." Box 611, Red Bank. in safety, to drive safely, Look for oratory measurements. A high rated LOST—Blond Cocker Spaniel. Answers to 'hil Gardiner, 10 acres machinery, Muly. RE 6-4120-J, HAFF SEWING machine. Ask to seeANTIQUE~SHOP—Oval marble top ta- the car with two steering wheels, PionCOMPETENT WAITRESS, e i r Hop"! nsrae of "Dusty." Right leg crooked. lica Hill. N. J. Phone 6-4831. Also connection with attractive future dial demonstration, Mae's Yard Stick, ONT1A0 8-cyllnder, 1047; good con. ' steady work. Apply Flicka's Drivebles. chests, Victorian sofas, $20; oil eer. In auto driving instructions since About five rears old. Reward. AT will buv 1-A Monmouth st., Red Bank.* dltlon. Private .owner. Will finance; In, highway 38, near Middletown Five 1938. Easy Method Auto Driver Trainin commercial work Is offered. RePOST AMD RAIL fencing sold a i d amp $1, captain's desk $10, etc. Next 1-U25-M, )«60, Phone RE 6-1846-R.* Corners MI 6.0257. EW SEASONED material for double to nre house, Main St., Port Monmouth, Ing School, 51 East Front at, RE 6- vile, held In strict confidence, Mr, erected. No charge for estimates, BE STRAYED IS' River Oaks, Fair Haven, 1838. . 1946'OrIRYSLER "New Yorker," fourBEAUTICIAN—Good opportunity. Ap•4142-R-2. garage, KE 6-0096-J. Call any time, lally, Sundays.* • tortoise shell young cat with bandage. A, Haielman, Communication Prodply Star Beauty Salon, 297 Main it., door ledan: $000, 56 Seventh ave., Finder pleaEe telephone RE 6-4107-J. 1OD—J.7 per hundred sq. ft. Cut, ready FRUIT, HAND-CARVED furniture, for JED BANKCATHOLIC high school unl- PAINTERS AND DECORATORS. »S ucts Company, Ins., Marlboro, FR Keanaburg, or call KB 6-10Z2," Atlantic Highlands. AT 1-1527. large estate or hunting lodge; also years experience In metropolitan area. to load. Delivery extra, Joseph form, brand new, size 14; hat, two Reward. __ . sewood with Ivory inlay; all items .louses; $10. AT 1-0443-M,* Interior and exterior work, plastering 8-1880. WOMAN FOR GENERAL housework; 1987 PAGKARD COUPETexcelient conulick. Mi S-059J-J. LOST—LADY'S wrist watch. Hamilton, and glailng. Raphael Silas, SO Shrewa. vcr 100 jears old. Also other kinds ot dltlon. Must sell. Best offer. Call . . amall adult family; five-day* week, exJENTLETIIDING HORSE, also Western nury ave., Highlands. Phone HI 8-1421. between Linden pi, and Mechanic St., iVOOD - ~ Fireplace, stove, kindling. Must. have references. RE 6-4970.* Charles H. Wilson's wood yard. 39 .ntiqurs in furniture, lamps, glassware aaddle and bridle. RE 6-5192. HOUSEWORKKR—Able to cook. Must cellent salary. Red Bank Reward. Wilbur's, 15 Broad nd all other Items, J ft J Century Call between 7 and 9 any evening, . RE 'THE FARMERS'" insurance, or "the VACUUM cleaners repaired any mnke, each st.. New Boro Shrewsbury, Phone have experience working out. Excellent St., Red Bank.* '6-1105. lhop, Keyport, Highway 85, near Six IMALL ANIMAL clipper (olter). two Allen Electric Shop, 18 White St., Sed ealary for right girl. working man's" Insurance. I wonder RE 6-1846. KE 6-0116. blades, Ilka new; cost $87, sell for !orners, f you know which auto insurance fits 18. Vanessa Kennels, phone MI £•Bank. ANTIQUE BISQUE FtOUftES, Crown BOY—To work in retail store after PART-TIME Bcrvlce station attendant; that description 7 Let me show you how FOR SALE iEAGLES-ONE MAfE, one female: mornings. No experience necessary. CARPENTER—Chris D. Kluln, Roofing S47-R, Derby, Canton, Worcester, French ichool and Saturdays, Write. Box Int. Cha. Johnson's Fancy Klntr and Write or apply In person. Station Easo Allstate Insurance Company has earned and aiding, general repairs. Phone RE 205. Red Bank.* china, vases, pattern glass, Vienna dish .QUARIUMS $1,85 up: bargains In used 6-1881-M. 'oby Girl (I C. D.; Inoculated, AKC regService. 47 Shrewsbury ave.. Red Bank. Its name—It may save you a day's FAN BELTS AND PULLEYS for elec- set, complete glassware set Including ttered; 10 weeks. Home raised. HI 3- aquariums; heater-thermostat eombi- GENERAL CONTRACTOR. Landscaping, wages. D, E. Assy, 45 Salem lane, Littric motors in atock. Douglas Elec- finger bowls, Wedgwood,- Belleck. misatlons from $3.95 up. Almost 100 vaSALESLADY — Women's apparel. 096 tie Silver. RE 6-0046, tric Co. 35 East Front it. Phone RE cellaneous Items. MEN 18-40—SAFEWAY Stores, Inc. Alice Sand, RE 6grading, top soil, fill dirt, cinders, letlci of tropical fish at lowest prices. Must hava experience. Steady 'HKEE-PIECE living room set with cov- jarge selection of aquarium plants. gravel, manure, cesspools and dry wells 6-0128. 193S CHEVROLET rack body truck. 5233. has an opening in their store, in ers. Call atter 6 P. M-. KE 6-0747-R. Caruso's Esuo SUlon, highway 36, AtUSED TIRES — All sizes, reasonable ANTtQUES^-Three-piec. Victorian fu7work, App.ly Simon "Nice Things." Everything for your aquarium at Helen milt; driveways repaired, Lionel Simon, \ Red Bank and Atlantic Highlands antic Highlands. prices. Recapping and repairing, all TEUtVlSlbS''with table and Miller's, one of the oldest "Flah Bugs" Phone RE 6-0581. nlture, marble top table, six-leg cher58 Broad St., Red Bank, for a food clerk. Some experience work guaranteed. Dwycr's Sky-Trak Ser- ry drop-leaf table. Many fine pieces ot magnifier. Works perfectly. Call RE In the hobby. On Highway 85. six miles PLOWING AND BALING—Also mowing '49 MERCUKY, 28,000 miles; $1,400, vice Station, Highway 35, near Five decorative old china wares. Evenings 64187-W, Call between 6 nnd 7 P. M. north of Red Bank. Open daily and preferred. Will consider young Hnd raking. w uCall RE 6-1318-K-l. SECRETARY — Legal experience prev^fltu taniHK, u 4i>4^e u ' l i Corners, Middletown. until 10, Saturdays and Sundays too, HOT"XlR~" FURNACE~and hot water Sundays until 9 P. M. Closed Wedncs1980 FOUR-DOOR dark green Mercury; alert beginners. Full pay while J U N K I J U N K I JUWKY - - _ . . . . _ _ ferred, but not essential. Call RE WEAR KNAPP Aeotred shoes tor com- ilarion Thomas, 3S6 Main St., South Am. boiler, SO-gallon. W. Wilson, Main days. Ml 6-0349,* original owner. Best otter. After 6 dealer We pay best price for rags, 6-2000. training, Salary range, $48.76 . to fort, quality and long service. Made it.. Bclford. KE B-0369-J,' y. South Amboy 1-0978. t . o'clock. HO 9-8031-* EBRA FINCHES $8,98 pair, parakeets, iron, paper and mattresses. Call RE ;OUPLE, WHITE, man as handyman on with buiit-in arches and cushion inner $74.76. Experience determines •JGLISH SPRlNGgn spaniel pupple.. ANTIQUE ORGAN —American Smith, female canaries, puppies, hamsters; 6-326B-J IF YOU HAVE a car In good condition, acre premises, woman as general loull. Priced from $9.96 and up. Call non-electrified, perfect condition. $100: •Hies $4,60 up, Fresh, clean seed mixBred tor hunting, disposition, appeal, 1940 or 'better', your car plus the balstarting salary. Paid vacations and louseworker; own room ahd batn; two 0. J. Clayton. LO 6-1160-M. and quality. You are invited to see iigh back arm chair, hand-made, necdle- tures for parakeets or canarieB, 10 lbs., IRON RAILINGS for porches, stairance of my loan $1,300 will buy a 19uL holidays, seven automatic salary ini family, modern conveniences, State NEW TlRES; unconditionally guaran- and choose from this fine litter, Leutt- lolnt back and scat, perfect condition, talser deluxe four-door scdnn; radio, 2, All pet supplies at lowest prices, ge, where Unt employed, minimum ways, etc. Made to order by Seecreases, hospitallzatlon group insurteed! size 6.00x16; 110.SS plus tax and Ernn. R. I). 1, Freehold. HO 9-S584. 150; antique walnut double bed, $20; heater, defroster, directional:, hydraHelen Miller's Pet Shop, largest on the rases expected, phone for Interview, old recappable tire. Time payments. 'ocker, solid rock maple, $25; two re-shore. On Highway 35, six miles north dort Company, 24 years at 9 Welt matlc drive, white wull low • pressure ance, pension plan and other benet c , in first letter; replies confidential, Strauss Stores, 15 White »t. RE 6-5340. ot.ddrcsj rlgcrctors, (25 each; various knlck. of Red Bank. Open daily and Sundays tires, slip covers. Car worth $2,100. St., Red Bank. Phone RE 6-2189. BUILDING MATERIALS. Mason "Christian Couple," Box 511, fits available. Apply 362 Broad St., Add.~.,u — macks, KU 1-1267.' 3an finance. 49 Oarnsey pi., Betford.* WE BUY ANYTHING and everything until 9 P, M. Closed Wednesdays. MI supplies. National Lumbar Co., Red Bank, or 118 First ave., Atlan. Red Bank," and give the best prices. Call Swartx MAPLE CRIB and spring, in good con- "0849." 1948 DODGE, half-ton pickup. Call RE I UUI AND SELL second-hand clottea. South Seventh ave., at the railroad. HOUSEWORKER, white, living In Red tic Highlands. . Furniture. Highway 86. RE 6-8213. dltlon, ( 6 ; mapln tingle bed andH O R S E M E A T , 6-8421. J JTeTK JTo^S;ieW: Must be In good condition. Korber. Phone LO 6-2400. prlng, in good condition, S10. 49 Garnchopped, 2 lbs, 35; chunks, 6 lbs., $1. tailor .hop, 209 Shrewsbury a v e . Red Bank or-immediate vicinity; two in 1981 "A ROADSTER, 6x16 tlrc» Bust family; modern conveniences, Steady, DISCONTINUED washable and sunrac, brass, copper, primitives and col- 2744. bassinet 16, carriage, folding type, Wilson, 39 Peach St.. New Boro Shrews- owner can be seen at Central ave., West 69 Broad st.. Red Bank. RE 6-0260. Sacco's Pants Shop, 20 West Front St., " " y 0 " " ' ^ ' ' O^'and at. RE 6-1420, lectors' Items. We buy and sell. The bury. phone RE 6.1846.' Kean.burg, any day between 8 P, M. URNISHED — Seven-room bungalow. Red Bsnk excellent condition, 116,50, RusWNER MuflT SiSLt lovely ranch type Matthews, 115 Broadway, Keyport. KE AN WITH ROTOTTILLER for hire. PORTER Little Silver. Tiled bath and kitchen, DRTER FOR GENERAL store work; and 8 P. M. KE 6-1496.R. DIAMOND RING—Valued at (350. Sell home containing six rooms (three cll's, i s East Front st, Fall lawns made, gardens tilled, e t c must have drLver's license, Good .al- L-tOHfNl'HG-No.~ 1189. Complete with oil heat; two-car garage. Information, bedrooms and tile bath); full basement, tor $170. Bought at reliable Jeweler, Free estimates. RE 6-2798-M. ary, ' Permanent po'sltion; Apply J. oil heat, copper plumbing: plaater walls, ZEISS 'PRE-WAR Swiss-made blnocularV, KE_6-0S56-M.* ..111, blue nylon spinnaker and trail- call 134 Maple ave,, Red Bank, Phont T< MODEHN =All.purposo"" mower, and Yanko. 30 Broad St., Red Bank. DINETTE set; Dutch cabinet automatic washer, refrigerator and many _ _ ! _ _ with leather case: also boy's bicycle er. Racing record. In good condition. RE 0-0630-M,' IF YOU WISH to save money on tele WALNUT Modern . rotary power mower parts, DOMESTIC WORKER s experienced gen- Call Perth Amboy 4-1441. table and four chairs. RE 6-8798. S3!1.!!« V 1 " 1 " 11 *' 8 occupancy. Price and three-way portable Phllco radio. COZY FOUR.ROOM cottage. Bath, oil vision repair work, TV picture tubes, uo i i f e r u i rnnavr *»-i•**•».. See your dealer or call factory agent, tMHiuiiiitj. ••' i_-1——JL •••— heat; on %-acrc. nice shady grounds, eral housework: family of thrte; 5Vi ,LIGHTNING 1 aee our ad in another part of the paper. SHOTGUN, 16-QAUGE Stevens, double 118,500. Joseph L. Carlone, Realtor, 86 rargalnfor hlghestb[dder. LO (-1471. SE 2-0079 or RE 6-4700 any time. 4778—Beaton, built 1960. barrel; 28-inch barrels, recoil pad; In- Bridge ave,, corner Oakland «t; RE 6lovely garden and fruit trees. Completely days. Sleep In or out. Reference.. RU Consumers, TV, 274 Port Monmouth rd., One suit .alls, nylon spinnaker; trall- furnished; $100 monthly. Lease required. side barrels excellent, full and modified Raymond Hyer, 48 Neptune" p " East ESTELLB DECORATING CONTRACTOR 1-1808 • Ea«t Keansburg. KE 6 - r - " chokes, |_ u " ! _'P» cl0 "* three-bed BULLDOZER SERVlCt, excavating, land luxe model. Priced right for quick sale, office, Wednesday, or Saturdays; exhome: complete, $40, Phone LO 6RDMSON-MobEkH, conveniently "Io: BE EAGLE AGLE PPUU P PPI P E SS— AAKO KO registered, Iravand. HI 8.1259. registered, clearing, drivewaya built and repaired perienced at cleaning and waxing rub' — I E 6-3862 * " cated bungalow; living room, fireW h l d July Whelped J l 11, 11 1 1952. 9 5 2 Reasonable. R b l 4608.J.' 12-FOOT CHRIS CRAFT outboard runfill dirt, sand, gravel, top .oil and cln< ber-tlle floors. Call RE 6-8264-W. CHILD'S NURSERY SET—Honey blrc Call RE 6-0469-J. place, large kitchen) two bedrooms, tiled MAHOGANY breakfront secretary; Shefl den. Tree, and stump, removed, Grad< about and VA Evlnrude motor; both crib, with mattress and matchlm BUS BOYS WANiJtib—40-hour week, new this year. Motor has been used for. bath; floored attic (Insulated): steam X e n t bu!r P h o n e A T wardrob. chest of drawers ;#excslltn aaUE#fl6URY -'Attractive bungaloS 1.H62 A'*'*' * " " ' paid vacation and tick Itave, retireON SPECIAL SALE this w e e k 80 hour.. Call RB 6-0274-M after oil heat; garage. May be leased unfur. condition. Call RE 6-4664 fine location; contains living room ---.—-.-, _-- r bj!RS. In oopper or gal- ment benefits. Apply In person. Bldg. about nlshed at $125: tastefuly furnished at MARUN 22-8 mtif clip repeater, two Trunks $4.80, two coffee tablet vanlied. Call us (or an utimate on 563. Post Exch.nga, Fort Monmouth, o P.' Mt,TAME WHlfi! BUNNlES, s'tx weeks old, fireplace, kitchen: two bedrooms, til, 8150, or purchased at $15,000, Minugh years old; shells and cleaning kit In16-FOOT CLINKER built outboard ikltT. Agency, phone RU 1-0716.* any sheet metal work. J. V. Bwart, 78 N. J. at 13.50 each, filing cabinet 122,60, Ideal pets; $1,60 each. RE 6-2524-W, bath; expansion attic, cellar: oil heat eluded: 816. Phone BU 1.Q362-M.* attached garage. Price 812,760 Frank Foster st. River Plaza. Red Bank. Phont 77 Little Silver parkway; Little Sllve man's bike 110, vanity and bench UAa STATION ATTENDANT. Apply In Wb-BEDRbOM Bungalow, automat!, CXSIT HEGtWEH, "National," $50; good RE 6-8837 , SEED RYE—James H. Ackerson, Holm hot water heat. Rufu. N, Parsons. 116.50, three-pica walnut bedroom MRdlUon. lUon. Rings up to IIt t. . Innulre CARPENTER—Screena and doori ln^ person 3 Fort Monmouth Exchange, KOHSOW —Two-story home: excellen' 148 Monmouth MUST SELL Immediately, 24-foot sea " I Q i ' M i ave.. West End. LO 6-0559* del rd. Haslet, KE 7-0641.R. *!!!?•-1*' ' .*?"* M°nmouth. N. J. onmouth n n, , B dB k ' Bed Bank.' suite, with spring and Innersprlng •tailed. Hade-to.order; carpenter work, WOMEN SALES CLERKS, for part-time, condition; contains living room, fire skiff: good conditiont In water; Chrys- THREE-ROOM house to let on Highway COMBINATION 61L-0AS cooking" stove, AUTOMATIC CiAS'hot water heater 280. painting, paperhanglntr, odd joba done. mattress, 169, etc, Ruscll's, 25 East evening! and Saturday or Sunday. Ap- ler motor. For Information call RE 6- 83, Jerieyvllle. FR 8-1542-W.2, Also "Andes:" white porcelain, with col Place, dining room, kitchen, three bid' gallon capacity; good ai new, mid Front st. ply Bids,,563, Fort Monmouth Exchange, 2103-M. for not water: chrome piping, Ferfed rooms, bath. Basement, automatic heat: only one year. W. f. Jone.. RE «.'»«.. RB 6-0485. £ " • » • • . Asking $10,700. Franklyn CHAIR CANING and ruin work. Wli. Fort Monmouth. N, J, condition. Sacrifice. RB 6.8219.J. V U L W E I L (uTnished •'home, tor but Ivlns. 19 West Suniat avt. Phont GENERAL H O U S W O R K E K ; ltvt In; MOLDED MAHOGANY runabout. 18.8, LJTTLG SILVER CHABMS—Attractive SOFA, GREEN, good condition. Plfce Havlland. Broker. RE 8-1888 with 28 h, p. Evlnrude outboard morent from .now until June 1st. Marl, RE 6-4388-R. fivi-room brick house, practically new. iJ!*™1 c x , e * " " l t «ondllloni gray col open for reasonable offer. Call RE I'AIB HAVEN-Spacious bunealow, coV- i own room and bath; three school-age l 0 ' i V i . ' J F 1 1 ••»•'•»« wheel, remote o x ^ g ^ c o m s n c h . dr.. Port-auBunny Bet Oootes with charm; plaster walls: gatalnlno; ]lvln« room, dining room, laplible carriage, mattress, HOOVER CtEANBUB repaired, brushes 1 children Must have good references, controls, lights; good condition I reaaonrage. Immediate oeeupancyj excellent 6*8162. kitchen; four bedrooms, bsth, Bate- car bed matlresi, Infant , swinw, wickrebrlstled. Allen Eectrlo Shop, II Call RE 6-6287. »ble. 11 AtUntle Way, S.a Bright, SE fllCE SIX-R06M "house, with all ' W «r stroller. All reasonable. RU 1.1425.* White st, location, Won't last long—sacrifice. st. Phone RB 6-0612 GREAT SELECTION! New, vied, ff.',!!!' °.', . h 2t- w * lU r. *•?«• LV««..PI»J EXPERIENCED WAITRESS wanted Ap 8"00alt modirn itrvlct elati r l iii m d lc eelation, l t i , FFrank k JoJUrskates, » ! s e j . KB 6.0477.M.* tractors, Seversl largt outbuTtdlngi, frointi, AUE—STUDIO Hv ng room, klfch. or sale with proptrty «f«n«n stovt, lultabl. for reataurant," en and rron . *t. t . Rid TjnreETKftJMS or^eautlful new~fu7nE tnuit itll on account Thru heusu on Rumion estate to bt srgt of atotlon work In pocket making Van Sycklt, Ul Wilt rront t tti - er »••»••» wvj" f t i a w svervvme tiitavtaiiivj OPvT* Bank, wilt o ( mapli ate. apot, i 31 110> llln t u n for 1298, This wiilc only, At OULlSTAN KUU. U x l J i beautiful rU dtmollih,d, For Inintetlon, os.il Joitph Bk ( l Phone h RB phone r.v.n*m| |.'. f°rSm tl R. l d >. WarfhvuM (n«ii nt Valiiif rd,, d lllrna.l, tr I d,, llnlrna ID, finaoilli Mfdnltlnwi tlrnali, piik.up Ilikt, Wiuf lit qulik nnt fl.liirdir d > HO I l liirdir orH Hunda> I-1 fleen. a lk> aale,. Call III M U l l , eat, 4, Aik hi K-Pirl.ll l.ll.il>, lt • ' • » ' A U i IVI |B| UMI1 " " '" " "' {.'oil.' '*"' " "" ' "" «i«w«»« •• itrouih Wldif tt ill i phhm .m • •Ink """ " leaien. Mr, Maraijti, I to 1 f, M, wieludarii


TEN-PIECE MAHOGANY dining room .950 G E REFRIGERATOR—Excellent condition: six cu, ft,, left-handed door, suite. Excellent condition, Must bi seen t o be appreciated, Phone RE 6- B 6-8238-J after 7 P. M. 479.* ABY CARRIAGE, imported English S I A E S E kittens, k n , $15 U p LDO D O R A B U SIAMESE up. make, "Silver Cross;" excellent condiM i m e , 64 Shrewsbury ave. BE C- ion, almost like new. Sacrifice. RE 6-



! • ! • !


I l l l



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?'r' gnrngo "ear by desirable; two pro200x200 or larger; good roads, ich'ooli. Ing room, drn, dining room, kitchen, heat. All utilities! excellent soil and r and oil heat, Veteran $1,500 stored colonial on one acre; contains fefislonnl gentlemen; yearly rental. Call month. Rolston Watcrbury. Realtor and Within 20 minutes commuting distance two bedrooms, bath, Second flutir, fuur tcood neighborhood. Stream, large barn 825,000. . Ray Van Horn, Fair Halnsuror. 16 West Front st. RE 6-3500.' of MM Bonk: 16 minutes of Matawan bedrooms, bath: gnrage: corner plot; which necdn repair; few smaller out- three bedrooms, one bath, through o u - lown, $67 carrying rharicea per month, RE G-2264-W after 6:30 P. M.* ven. RE 6.(100.' Ideal SALE—OFFICE bulldlngi,' approximate" and ten minutes of Hailet, Located In $20,000, GrostiiiBc-r 6 Heller, Hroad and bulldlnics. Randolph Jncobien, 1 Tatter- ter hall, living room with Areplace, din- illlfhtly more for non-veteran. Ing room, modern kitchen, card or game ocallnn, fitorgr W. Jlray, « E 6-5003, ly 16,000 ! IIANK^Slx.rnnm resilience. Fire- WE~HAVB""EiSfEn a siwoom house" three-car garage with overhead doors Park. Schwarti-Maoklln, 8 Whlto st. aient. place, automatio heat; detached uaRIVER RIGHTS —Attractive six. one acre of ground, situated on a and targe loft; oil-Ared hot water heat: RE 6-8121. . . RED BANK HOME In urowint busiFINE RIDGE — Beautiful secluded M- rage: excellent condition: $14,00(1. (.ros- hill: excellent neighborhood. Need fully landscaped ground)!. Offered at HIGHEST VR1CES for your ehinawaie, room colonial; aluminum storm acre lot In this Ane residential area singer & Heller, Brund nnd Mcchnnlc piilrs but still an outstanding buy at 828.S0O. William H Hlntelmann I Firm), ness tone, ldfil for resilience glassware, antiques, fine linens, furniwindows; insulation: double garaxe, of Rumson. AT 1-0605.R, sts. RE 6.2100, HE 6-1632 $6.S00. Randolph Jacobsen, I l'attcr- Realtors, Rumson. Phone RU 1-0000, ture, lamps, statues, silverware, brlc-awith a store put in front. Act fast. APARTMENTS secluded patio; $23,000. Rsy Van BUILDING U5T # 8 1 , Center at.. Glen- St)S8TANTIAL~TlTfLR"SILVER clght- aonave^ Shrewsbury. RE 6-8867, brae, paintings, jewelry For, one piece Asking only 111,500, Walker * t o n SALE OR RENT, six-room, bungamary Park. Mlddletown Call W. T. room home. Large living room, fire- FIVB-BEDROOD home In Little Silver Horn, Fair Haven. RE 6-4100.' or many Alice Sand. BE 6-5888. low; bath, electricity, gaa, plpeless Walker, Realtors, Shrewsbury RE place; breakfast nook, four bedrooms; attached studio apurtment which heater. 32 S»ward ave.. Atlantic HlghANTIQUES—Best prices paid! ehlna,. RUMSON—Three rooms, utilities, »70, Jones RE «-HiS, 6-5212. Open seven days. December 1st ooeupancy. Ses Mr. FRANKLYN D; HAVILAND, broker. two-car garage; hot water heat: $17,r>00. rents for $5r> per month; garage and lands. Mrs. Nettle C, Wright. glassware, pictures, statutes, Jiwelry, 1 Residential, acreage, farms .and com- Crossinger & Keller, Broad and Mechanic almost nn acre of loud; oil heat, Lo 66 River rd., Rumson. RumBon. . lamps, old revolvers, silver, Una furni- Pryor, 66 taxes ($112.30 in 1952): low priced > RIVER FRONT colonial: marina ture, Monmouth county books, mapl. FIVE LAKGE ROOM apartment. Resided mercial iiropertlos. Listings solicited. 75 Its. RBB^lOO, RE 6-1632. MIDDLETOWN — Ranch house, exH 5,500. Randolph Jacobsen. I PatterOilman. 32 Spring st, RS 6-0145-M. COUNTRY S E T T I N G — S y p C o t!al location, Near school and trans- McLaren at., Red Bank. RE 6-1820. panorama: extensive river frontSHREWSBURY —Caps Cod, with traordinary; pine panelling, nrePlANOS—HIGHEST prices paid. H. portation. Call AT 1-0826-R after 7 two acres i brook, pine paneled living son HVe,, Slirpwsbury. RE 6.3867 as*; Nnveiinlt River rd.; seven place; three bedrooms, two tile plaster walls: llvlnir room with room, fireplace, den, kitchen, three bed- EATONTOWN—Corner Lewis and Main Tenter, 306 Main St., Lr.kewood, Phone P. M. WILLIS CONOVER—Realtor. Comrooms: 2H baths; oil heat; barn. rooms, 114 baths, laundry; two-car gaSt.: property 60x134 t Further infor baths; two-car attached garage; pafireplace: three bedrooms, tile bHth; plete real estate service. As near THREE ROOMS—Furnished. Private bath rage: $23,000. Grosslngcr * Heller, mntlon iall KEi 6-.oan3-h.' Asking $12,000. Ray Van Horn, OLb^'guVNltURE, antiques china, tio. Extensive views; 4U rolling and kitchen, all utilities; $73 monthfull cellar. Owner being transas your phone to serve you, 75 Rroad and Mechanic sts. RE 6-2100, RE glassware, art objects and bric-a-brac. ly. Adults. Call 8 A. M. to 5 P. M., Fair Haven. RE 6.1100.' acres. Eatate area: $37,300. Chal. 6-1632. ferred, Make offer. Asking $14,. West Front st. RE 6-6141. FAIR HAVEN Dutch colonial, In Immediate cash for anything and every- AT 1-0780. HUME FOB GROWING ].'AMILY-=EKr7e H. Tindall Agency, 19 East Front 500. Walkir * Walker, Realtor!, thing. Kuscll's 25 East Front st,, phone excellent condition; living room, 1H TO 4 % -ROOM apartments. Furnished llring room, ftrcnlncc; dining room, A Y ^ T L I A N , REALTOR, Large St., RB 6-9039. Shrewsbury. RE 6-5212. Open fireplace, dining room, kitchen, aun or unfurnished, all modern Improveparking space for your convenience. kitchen, five bedrooms, 114 batha, four ANTIQUES, BOOKS, maps and lampi". ROLLING ACRE—Tall evergreens! seven days, roomi on third floor: new hcntlng room; thrca bedrooms and bath on Best prlcea paid, Bring to the Hudson ments. In fine residential section. Six State Highway 35,' Shrewsbury; all extra Spacious six.room ranch houae! of properties throughout Mon- system; $13,500. Grosslngcr &. Heller, second floor. Full dry basement! Shop, 137 Broad it,, Red Bank, RE (• 8d ave,, Atlantlo Highlands AT ' 1- types VERY ATTRACTIVE home In 0686-J. • . mouth county; farms, town and country Broad and Mechanic sts, RE 6-2100, two tiled hatht, ten closeti: doubl* one-cHr garage. Oil hot water heat. RE 6-1632 houses waterfront properties; business Shrewsbury. Living room with garage. Oil heat: $21,000. Ray SHREWSBURY BORO — Excellent NftgR SEWlNG MACHINES wanted. TWO-BEDROOM FURNISHED apart- opportunities. Call, write your require$19,500 Allaire * Son Agency, ment. Ideal for two couples. Con- ments. Large and competent staff to RED BANK—Six-room house. Bath, sunto to U 8 5 rash; also typewriters, fireplace, dining room, one bedVan Horn, Fair Haven, RE 6-4100.' home with many extras: living Inc., RE 6-3-toO, porch, rilpdeas heat. HF, 6-S7II3.* adders, offlct equipment, « i h registers, venient to Fort Monmouth and Fort Han- servo you RE 6-8111. room, modern kitchen and tile room, kitchen, two hedrooms and rug!, Spinet pianos to »SOp. Write, cock; $85. includea heat and hot water. bath. Upstairs partly finished; hot LOCUST AREA—Outiundtllg Modbath: large attic almost finished; Roberts, 1101 Second avi.. Albury Paik. Also other winter rentals available. Ella YCoTrvcnlcntiy locate PROPERTIES OF ALL KINDS for air circulating heat, oil fired, AtPhone AS 2-8037. _ _ _ _ _ _ Wiltshire Agency, Realtors, Phone RE ern five-room bungalow, Bath, living room, fireplace, dining room, beautiful grounds, Screens and SLATE-ROOFED river front nine. sale. 'Listings. wanted. Insurance J2 HORNET—With or without seope, 6.3806 or BE 2-0004. Open week-ends, tached Rarage, electric range; beaukitchen and den on the first floor; three Areplace, hot water oil heat: shad•atorm sash, fully insulated. Let ua room residence: three tiled baths! Must be In good condition. KE 6- BEAUTIFUL THREE-ROOM furnished all kinds. Mortgage loans,' Apply bedrooms and bath on second floor. tifully landscaped. This Is an exed !i-acre plot; near bus, school; extensive landscaping: privacy: ofshow you this Ana buy. Wsikcr * Asking $15,500. Allaire A Son Agency, 0832-J apartment; private kitchen, Frlgldalre, R. V. R. H, Stout, 77-78 Broad St., ceptionally well-kept home, Full $0,000. Mlnugh Agency, Rumson ~nc, RE 6-3460. fers Invited. Asking 160,000. Ray Walker, Realtors, Shrewsbury. RE lTfT-0B 1942 CADILLAC < 3 6 W B - l n bath, heat and light supplied. Clean, Red Bank. Phone RE 6-5141. dry ceflar. Asking $14,000, Chss, rd. Phone RU 1-0716.' condition.O i lKB 6-0882-J. quiet atmosphere. Adults; $S5 per Van Horn, Fair Haven. RE «• 6-3212. Open seven days. KOOQ CUIlUlllUll, w-vuwea-sr, If, Tindall Agency, 19 East Front MOVE IN WITHOUT even sweep7JLD" BUILDINGS to wreck, by experl- month. LO 6-1639. 4100.' RUNDOWN ESTATE — 12 rooms, Ave it,, BE 6-9030. ing the floor. Nice River Plaxa enced house wrecker, J, J. Bennett THREE ROOMS and bath; hot water, Five-room baths, and extra building with ga- FA IB HAVEN—Kivervlew. A Son Wrecking Co., Belford, Phone bungalow; fireplace, tiled bath, aulocation. Living room, dining room,. electric supplied; rent $40. KE 6- rage and chauffcur'a quarters above.. BUILDING LOT in Shrewsbury heat. electric dishwasher. Riverfront property; $10,000. By ap- tomatic 1425-R. , kitchen, screened porch on the.first Boro: fine aildress. A good buy JftfeP." Low mileage. RE 8-4662-M. pointment only. One - six-room house Plenty of shade: attached garage; dinRUMSON—TALL oaks; classical coTHREE-BEDROOM home in ShrewsTWO NICELY furnished Avc-room floor; 8M- bedrooms and'bath on Mlnugh Agency. USED with bath ..$6,600; one six-room house Inn terrace; $17,500 jJSS FARM I M ; iTRACTOR, R / ' . r ' ' •in good• conol'1 at $1,000. Walker ft Walker, Reallonial; four bedrooms; two tiled bur;; living room with fireplace, the second floor, Full basement, tlon; also a Oletrac tractor, model . apartments: Immediate occupancy to with bath $6,000. Phone Bowman £ Phone RU 1-0716.' tors, Shrewsbury. RE 6-52 12. June 16. Rufus N . Parsons, 617 Ocean baths; fireplace: GE dishwasher: oil 12-W for parts. Franklin S, Anderson, Axelscn. SB 2-0147. • _ RUMSON — Excellent dining room, tile bath, modern Oil steam heat. ' Garage, A good neighborhood. Wllion rd., Box 881, R. D, 1, Mata- ave., West End. LO 6-0669. heat; garage; 823,500, Ray Van Eight large rooms (4 bedronms), l i t kitchen; one-oar attached garage, A COMPLETE LISTING of better type buy at $13,000. Allaire * Son ADULTS—PERMANENTS tenants: four ' nomea. Selling and listing exchange tiled batha, mald'a room nnd bath, hot Horn, Fair Haven. RE 6-4100.' electric range, full dry cellar. ComAgency, Inc. RE 6-8460, large rooms, beautifully decorated; service. Amolt Hoaglirnd, Broker, Phone water oil heat: full dry cellar; two-car GOOD HOME and small'amount of cash IN LITTLE SILVER—Flnt example bination storm sash and screens, for quiet saddle horse, Phone MI 6- two baths, $130: three large rooms, $95, K. Dlonlsl. RU 1-0749. garage: %-acro landscaped plot: $23,of Old Colonial ennatruetlon; new kitchen units, electric refrigerators screened porch. A good offering at 500. Mlnugh Agency RU 1-0710.* VERY WELL KEPT five-room expanthree bedrooms and bath on second FAIR HAVEN—Rambling six-room 6 6 A R D ANtl ROOM wanted tor-mother two small apartments, light housckeep. L6UUST—LLvely modernized center hall, $14,500. Chas. H, Tindall Agency, MARIE COX AGENCY, realtors and sion attic home In Fair Haven, on a Ing, one person. RE 6-0761. floor: living room, dining room and and two Infants, Hava some furnieight-room colonial dwelling. Fire- nicely landscnped 75x196 plot; living ranch houae; breezeway; oil heat, 19" East Front st,, RE 6-9030, * Inaurors, Sales yearly and sumture. Yedlin, BB O-1103-J. 48 Oak- RUMSON — Delightful three-room furplace, hot water oil heat: breeieway; room with fireplace, entrance foyer, dinkitchen on Arst floor. Extra large pine den; xarage; fireplace: 112x150 mer rentals. Comanche dr., Portwood rd., Belmar. thice-car garage! garage; landscaped acre plot; ing room, kitchen, two bedrooms, bath, nished apartment; adults preferred; plot of ground, about ',i acre. plot; J18.S0O. Ray Van Horn, Fair aupeck. Phone LO (-1602, . $23,500 Mlnugh ,gh Agency. Rumson rd. stairway to expansion attic. Oll-nre.d water and heat Included; immediate- ocWalker * Walker. Realtors, ShrewsHIGHWAY PROPERTY on Route hot water bent. Basement Is full sited, Phone RU 1-0716. oupancy. Rent $80 per month. Dennis Haven. RE 6-4100.' very dry and very clean, with' plastered K; Byrne, Realtors. Phone RU 1-11SO.'. RIVEK PLAZA-Bungalow. Four yeara SEA BRIGHT VILLAGE— fllverfront. bury, RE 1-5212. Open seven 86, with five acres of land, threeSITUATIONS WANTED walls. The grounds, are. fenced, nicely old. Four rooms down, one partly findays, bedroom house in good condition: Five-room bungalow (three bedrooms), planted, beautiful lawn and shade maTHREE-ROOM furnished apartment; two ished up* garage! corner plot; lake ATTENTIONI—Doctors, hospitals.. Can bedrooms, kitchen; near bus line. RE privilege! Reasonable RK l - l l l t - J . . bath, three additional rooms finished In ples. Complete with screens and atorm Immediate ocoupancy. For quick VAN HORN REALTORS—Comfort. your patients use services of lady with 6-1187-J after 5 P. M, 27 South at., attic; nipeless coal heat, complete Insula- sash: $14,000. Allaire * Son Agency, sale take $14,000. Chas. H. Tinable and spacious; excellent location, screens, some storm sash: $9,950. Inc., RE 6-3460. nursing experience part time dally aa Red Bank.* . '__ INCOME PROPERTY In Little Sil"GUNNISON HOMES" — Amazingly dall Agency, 19 East Front st., RE John Mlnugh Agency. Phone BU 1-0716. tion; fireplace; hot water oil heaU visiting companion, LO 8-0215-M beFOUR-ROOM furnished apartment; tile RUMSON—Substantial six-room dwelling ver; large home with studio apartfore 10, after 5. little maintenance. Leaves you 8-9080, Asking $U,000. Ray Van Horn, beautiful view*, close to town. SPACIOUS RED BANK colonial, ax* LADY WANTS to do home laundry. Ex- ATbath; ment. House contains large living (three bedrooms), modern bath, porch, more money and free time. Ranch, 1-1655. Fair Haven. RE 1-4100." cellently located! living room, perlenced. Miss Sarah Brown, 25 full dry cellar, automatic heat: garago; room with Araplsce, dining room colonial, or new L-shaped homes i BAST KEANSBURG — Three-bedroom 50x150 lot: taxes only $60. Excellent KEANSBURG—Furnished apartment, 86 fireplace, dining room, kitchen, large and kitchen: sun porch: five bedhouse; modern: garage, Near school $7,200 t o $11,700 complete on your value at $10,700. Mlnugh Agency, Phone Seeley ave., three airy rooms, gas fNTEXCfGE"NT~V§Ulte"lady In thTFflei THOMPSON AGENCY — Living room, tun room; four bedrooms and three (7.6110. KE H-0707-M. rooms and bath; three-car garage. Couple RU 1-0716 lot, Everett K. Thome, Kings Highdrivel own car. seeks employment, full heat, Frlgtdatret year round. kitchen; two bedrooms, tils bath, eeNCOMR PROPERTY In country, near bathl on th« second floor! basement, er part-time as companion to elderly or preferred, Inquire Apartment 2. Large plot of ground. New hot THOMPSON AGENCY—Rumson. Seven dar eloaets; automatic heat; expansion war. MI 5-0052. Red Bank; Ane road: eight-acre farm One-car attached garage; hot water •lck person, Would also be Interested In TWO ROOMS, furnished! Frlgldaire, attic, cellar: $10,600. 81 East Front roomi and bath, powder room, maid'a water heating system, Including lomc, six rooms, Improvements. Extra •ales work In itore or tome other -buiSt.. RS 6-0700.* heat. 827,500. Allaire * Son kitchenette, private entrance; parking NINE-ROOM HOUSE—Plus four rooms room, oil heat: plot 110x184; double radiators, copier pipes and holler house, four rooms, attached one-car ga< patio: $26,500, 81 East Front Ineis. Write, "Position, Box 511,. Bed apace. Utilities included In rent. Do Agency, Inc., RE 6-8460, and bath for summer use, Automatic garage: THOMPSON AGENCY—Fair Haven corage, bar, two-car garage. All foi and oil burner. Heating sjritem Bank everything 1 can to make It pleasant. oil heat, Corner lot with large plot, it. RE 6-O70O. lonial home; five rooms, tile bath. 25,000. Ilee Agency, RE 6-0121.' MOWING, YARD CLEANING—Hay ridei Call EA 3-U78. alone cost $2,500. Walker t WalkLocated near beaohes, stores, church, THOMPSON AGENCY—New slx.rbom, Plot 75x190. Oil heat: expansion attic I ONE ACRE, four rooma, bath, brass leclallty. RE 6-3086-J.* two-bath ranch house. Fireplace, RED BANK—Convenient location; llv er, Realtors, Shrewsbury. RE I$14.000. HI Kait Front st.. RE 6-0700.' plumbing, car port; 112,500: new, THREE-ROOM apartment, attractively school and bus line. Reasonable See breeieway; double garago; cellar, Conthfr room; dining room, large modern HAN WISHES position on private place 6212, Open siven days, furnished! modern kitchen; all utili- Bowtell, real estate agent, Atlantic One acre, six rooms, new: good buy, THOMPSON AGENCY —Seven rooms, to schools, stores, bus: 119,500. kitchen and powder room on first floor; • • venient as gardener or general caretaker: must ties. Near bus Una, 65 Matilda terrace, Highlands. 15,1100. Reed Agency, Sycamore ave, 81 3'A bedrooms and bath on'the second flreplace, sun room breakfast nook, Ba't Front st, t, RE 6.0700.'' 0700 have living facilities. Will alsTeonsId near West E n i , ' ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS •— Rooming tE 1-0181.' floor; full busement, two-ear -garage. tile hath: hot water heat: twn.car gaS T I l i l . . a Job on _ farm with a house Two-bedroom Bungalow. bouse. Ineomn $4,000 yearly: plus STIljuiiBTOWl*, RANCH-TYPE home, Park ava., rage: 118,500. 81 East Front it, KB eluded. Write "Gardener," Box 511, LOVELY FOUR-ROOM furnished apart- itx rooma for owner.- llln-sis forces Sturdily built and constructed. Plaster Asking $12,500. Allaire * Son Agency, NEW, BARGA1NI BARGAINI Bargalnl Belford; four spacious- rooms am Inc. RB 6-3450. 6-0700.' . ment! nice quiet street, close to buses, sale, Bed Bank. For Information, call AT 1 walla, tiled kitchen, tiled bath; corner bath; living room, two bedrooms, kttch 8Vi acres of desirable land, 100plot 80x118, Finished playroom in baseTHOMPSON AGENCY—Convanlently loWORKING MOTHER—I will cart for traini and shopping district. Immediate 07801 8 A. M, to 5 P. M. en-dlnette; oak floors, automatic ga EXCELLENT Little Sliver ranch ment with piaatered celling. Hot water, your child; 2-6 years age group, Call occupancy. AT 1-0482-R. foot frontage on hard aurfactd road. cated. Red Bank: very good condition. heat, copper plumbing and flashing; Ave LOOKING F0R A desirable new home? oil burner; low taxes: one-car detached MI 6-0154-R.' home on over an acre plot, with Six rooms, breakfast nook; modern bath. HAZLET — GARAGE apartment, three eloaets. Cabinets and work tables In Nice location for home or small Ask the J, H, MacCray Agency. Couldn't be duplicated neat our Taxea $&0. Quick possession; $8,250. WOMAN WISHES position aa cook; no rooms and bath; electric, hot water; Mortgage obtainable For appointment, garage. ;ltchen; large patio. Many other fea large shade trees; living room with truck farm: $8,800. Walker ft price of SI2,500, Joseph G. McCue 81 B u t Front st. RE 6-0700,' objection to other work; willing and unfurnished. KB 7-09B4.W. turei; $8,900. For appointment call KE , EA U.0643. stone nreulace, dining room, kitchen, Agency. Realtors. RU 1-0444. Walker. Realtors. Shrewsbury. RE obliging: sleep In. Call RE 6-5670.* 6-0861-J.' FOUR-ROOM furnished apartment; all LARGE CORNER PLOT—Living room, UANCH HOUSE!—Excellent value on V4- two bedrooms and bath. Endoaed 6-5212. Open seven dais. l'YPIST DESIKES full or part-time poUtilities supplied. Call AT 1-0647-R. combination kltchen-dinettt; kltchln PAUL P. STRYKER. Realtor. Farms LAST HOUSE IN established developacre plot. Seven spacious rooms, inbreeteway, full basement, two.car sition In Red Bank area. General of. and bath are tiled; two nice bedrooms. ment. Builder will sacrifice. Every ONE-BEDROOM apartment, first floor; and farm estates, State Highcluding three bedrooms, tile bath and flee experience. RU 1-1535-J.' attached garage. Hot water heat. Stairs to expansion attic. Full cellar: thing modern. Beautiful kitchen, load new building! Monmouth Hills section, tile powder mom, basement, oil heat, way 84, Holmdel, Phone HO »• oil heat. Combination screen! and COOK APPLYING for sleep-In position Individual heat control, Private estate, of cabinets; oak floors alr-condltlonei Plaster walls and celling; (21,000. carpeting. 100% insulated. Unusual G, I.'l, ATTENTION—1900 will buy storm sash: patio: post and rail fence. with grandchild 13, in private home in Marina view; 16 minutes Red Bank n a 6601. teat,; full dry cellar. Room on second closet space, Garage, Ideal and convenAllaire & Son Agency, Inc., HF, 6this two-bedroom home. Ali.i Only $9,500, Rorus Agency, Fair HaRed Bank. Will pay board ot child. tion. floor for two more bedrooms. Ideal loient section: $28,500, Joseph O, McCue 8450, ven. RE e-MSt. Write or phone, Mrs, Maude Brown, 918 cation for young lamlly. Veteran can UNt) UF THE BEST locations in Red Agency. Realign. RU 1.0444. eontslns living room, junior dining Asbury ave., Asbury Park. AS 2-10174.° FIVE-ROOM FURNISHED apartment; purchase as iow as $250 down and apBank, Ripe for development, Ownroom, kitchen snd bath. Full cellar, FAIR HAVEN—Only tw» rears aid! three-room furnished apartment. er will take half cash, balance mort- RUMSON—90-foot proximately $70 per month, For non RETIRED MIDDLE-AGED gentleman 41also riverfront. Frame clean and well cared for. Living room Spring at., Red Bank. LOVELY LITTLE SILVER ranch home veteran down payment Is slightly high one-car garage. Corner lot, about rcslden wants work. Real estate, construction gage, J. H, MacCray Agency, EA »-' dence. Five bedrooms, two baths, with fireplace. Combination kitchendose to schools, shopping and trans- er. No brokers. Apply direct to build UNFURMShfcl) ¥ K A E E R O 6 M apartand legal background, Writ* "Retired," 0643. 76x125*. Walker ft Walktr, Real'atcr oil heat: deep plot) two-oar portatlon, dinette! threa large bedroomi, plus amSpacious living room with ment | Broad i t . , Red Bank, RE 0HI! Nnwman Springs rd,. Red Bank. Box 511. Red Bank.' FAIR HAVEN—Two-story, seven-room detsched garase, Good water and bulk- fireplace, dining room, very nles klteh* ple atorage. Many attractive featurea. tors, Shrewsbury. RB 6-5212. Open 1229 or RE 6-1575. CARETAKERS POSITION — Retired dwelling. Sunporch and laundry head. Convenient neighborhood. Ulllicult en. three large bedrooms, two tile baths Attached garage. Automatic heat! $18,seven days, FOUR ROOMS anil bath, partly furHISTORIC COLONIAL — Three Swedish couple wishes job In exchange equipped with Thor Automatic wuher, value lo duplicate: 816,000. Joseph G. extra large breexeway; two-car garage 650. Bonn Al'ency, Fair Haven, RE niihed, or unfurnished, Can be seen 11 cu, ft. O, E. treeier; oil heat. Large McCue Agency, Realtors. RU 1-0444. for apartment. Will do light cleaning S-4.-.32. Full basement; hot water heat,. Beau* acres, eight lovely rooms; four W, J. corner plot) garage. and minor repairs, Reliable. Best ref- after 6 P, M, er week-end). Near bus and RED BANK—Fine residential area, Near tlfully decorated: wall-to-wall carpeting bedroomi; wide pine floors; autoPOULTRY FARM —1,000 eggs dally Ooom, Seventh and Hillside avei., Atbus. Living: and dining rooms, den, throughout, ONLY ONCE—A home perfect Inside erences. Call RE 6-1864 after 7 P. M.» school. No agents! $U,t00, RB 6Electric range and dlsh< average: modern laying and brooder lantlo Hlghlsndi. powder room and kitchen, four bed- washer; $26,800. Allaire * Son Agen and out is rare. We have It. Top matio heat. Large screened' ter2798-M. • YOUNG MOTHER will entertain and suhouses; bungalow-type home, four Fair Haven location; built just pre-war, rooms, bath! two-car detached garage, :VBK FRONT FKONtT apartment, fully fur- AULDWOOD LANG, race, barbecue, barn, garden, Near pervlse small group of children Avt RIVER ANG, Rumson, Rumson 1W sorts, overhead doors, Deep plot, nicely plant- cy, Inc., RE 6-3450. rooms, bath, oil heat; egg cellar: lovely rooms, bath, oil h ; gg Six lovely rooms (three bedrooms)! nlshedl suitable for buslntsa couplet days a week! $40 pir month. RE (• Flnt home lt lte, C Call l l owner, B Bilmar quaint village; $16,000, Stanley K. tti ls to city city markets: l ed and landscaped. Asking $17,000, Josrurall setting, close to markts: tiled bath: full cellar. Steam, oil, Atbedroom, living room, complete kitchen, 6-708Q.W or 1earny 9-0985 46S3.' BUILDING ACREAGE —Excellently r u t e , deep tached garan. Lovely grounds. Askeph G, MeCue Agency, Realtors. RU 1$27,500, includes stock, egg route, Downs, Realtor, Shriwsbury, RE bath; private entrance; overlook river, g-iuv«>ii «r n o r ) / gn i«v»n rnomi, two •indi. p r v a t t b a l h , In m w homi, i l l Spring 1,500 down) Mr montl ninelleil Illirarr,. hllthim. four lirnni tnrl Itorm iisihi 111,100, onth Iiniftir, h f t ) four m i l l rlriplnil rliluKi kltihin, ran*!, n> 11l.soo " >wn bathl, n i and t i h ii ft l» y t a n r IH.40 Ru •-"•• fireplace, Irtplaoi, l hot - watir •heat, • nil " i hiilronmi, twn MQVB RIOHT IN Ihli ittnetlv. Wilt uurri im HtioMBf—Wllh pnvatt liltthin, Flvt« l ll ll ltissitorm p lilt batha. . . . . . . r room I wo full full, tilt lhf* orua iwottar i t r a i i i lil.ooo, InipioUon frlttratori two U r n btdroomi, tilt — if homi In u y m t n p . rfonlhjjr IIS Un» tranih homii four bid roomi, minute walk to *'o'l..H»Pl"o>"tn... fort .ante i Agine*. rhont l»u room with till htlhl halh I full ( ."!!>iH nlr< rnnmi Knur hrilroemil, Iwn ,n hiis line, l Wall, at lirijrnnmii Iwn Ilia haihl, lirn W i n aiffaiili,. l,(f l.floa. ha|h|. • larit lornlhy (Kuril of Hwarli halhi, l.l'lm Mum with nrriiliifi flUN'IAMfYYlmmiil|al» on. M ll.nnii or gj) j|.nnn4, ay, dniibIf a1 HdliMIIBli AnBA-nlfludiil, nktur- M .l.lvlnii r oum, r"iltehni, •• ruimnc) tilvlnn In M i n t |4 t,»tr\ hot air hial. nil, Allaih'il illO'lte, iwn brrlroomi. lilt hilri, n . IU»I IIW luur.reom miilirn •arMf, Hani*, rifrl«aritar anil Aindli 'Imann I irml, nialton •runjii farmhotiM partially modtrnliiil am II i"*iWfii rAiiminn homt, wllh living rnnm, IIIIK mlhl toiivinltnt lo bus lln.an. airy roomi, nrlvatt hnlh, Krliltfalri n Middiiio-n, liamlnii attlf, imrl ally (l lili«ili full r»l. Two ktdrnoi •- ttlonlal atmniphim nlm rtonu, all ln» room,c bilh wllh ihonrri full rrllir, rniluilsil, ruFI> ImulaiM, ,\skin» lljl^ . Will 10; ii rhni anil •utirli .Matt, Aim lhr>r.room lar, hut waltr oil htll 11 a,SOD, KA • h, naVflrid W air h i m l«l Btrui A n n o , Kalr llavm, H i hot water heat, til Arad, aa'IlK, Clnit lfl! g I" 'ft Vh".»li l/hnol Hid bus, Prlft •00, , — AIIKA—r/fw hlllilili ranfi lm|irnv»minln ."on parlmsnli nrlvtut hath anil WlilfUlri, afli.Miiklln, I wTilit II, llsilll __VlllHlnni| 110,000, R u Rllll. Afthef, Itellt »!• lilt«n«ri«ilsi iin,fon_ KIH Wlluhl^ liiMim mi half a t r r i rontalni vi.,,,.,,, lll ••'• - ' '•-•' I I M , Mnnmouth rd: DlliVRN- Hn Hnnrl h.w h i m i l lullab • Inp htiilfn inn, Phnm llll I'lldi or IB 3-ooot. Lini.B DlliVRN Buiir.li. for business woman or l o u p t i i.)TTI,B IILVRR-HiMlrrnUeil nni llvlim rniifii wllh flrrplarr, illnlni rnorn, four ti«rirtit>tni, ri tilt htthii iwit ai nalhli a d old /armhouia, Llvlnir rnnm, ;| liricr kll'hsn, i h n * mailer heilronm lll.Y AMHnil'ANTYrH fnur.berlrui.rn , nrnt noon li'hn »•"•». Walklni illilinfi i t t«n full lilt balhil twfi.cir itlarhril is m e n IJAIUIff FIIUNT fyrnliHirl rnomi I ---.-. — — — —• w-— . «f-... - * i , i n r us iir" paint,•tKnM'YiT'jJirtn I « i r m 10 minutes r u t 191,01 f«»t u> 11 i u . i l tk«w« m t»«innlmr M«ln

r i k«ft\.K2 tfi. *•?»""•» joint! »nd fren M M»J . North 1 d«rrMi ft minvtM



rVfrljr nil W i . ..»»fer, »y.dl«l d.l.ii Mat I, | , 1.(47;

fl Aurju j ft, votoorr, ll


Now ! your chance to avoid all that canning-time "toil and trouble" . . . I've got more bargains in eaty-ai-pie canning nipplies than witches have broomtticlnt Jars, jars, and more jari .' . , from one-half pint right on up to one-half gallon (ixei. Topi, too—Zinc topi, glan topi, two-piece tops . . . Jar tongs, jar wrenches, freezer jars—the whole works. Everything you need to make this year's canning, as easy as rolling off a pressure cooker! So before you get that kettle to boiling, be sure and itop in Prown's b a s e m e n t . . . No need to carry all those bulky supplies all over creation, either • . . Free delivery—Just ask utt

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Good Luck Jar Rubbers k

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17c pkg. ..,89c doi. 8c pkg.


Aluminum Colandin Coffee J«r Lids Jelly Olau Udi

80o 17c doi. 2 for Bo

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Page Eleven


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AND NEW-LOOKING AGAIN! Tou can't beat our super finishing on blankets, bedspreads •nd curtains. Wo use only the finest detergents and flnlsh all difficult pieces by hand, l o w prices . . . quick service. Call 6-0203 for prompt pick-up.


Bed Bank

Save 20°/o On Your Laundry Cash and Carry


{study to get the remaining- credits River Plaza they require. Miss Rita Quail, a former teacher ate* Lack of Teacher* A bulletin from the State De- at Port Monmouth school, will bepartment of Education disclosed gin the school year here at the that its division of certification has public school as principal. Mrs.- Warren DeBrown of Sunlisted 2,907 teachers In the state with less than the required num- set dr., was given a surprise bon ber of credits, an increase of over voyage tea Tuesday afternoon at 300 more than used provisional, the borne of Mrs. Anthony PerrotBoard Praises Work emergency or temporary certifica- ta on Alexander dr. Mrs. DeBrown sailing today for Venezuela with Done by Kouiny and tion last year. It told of a continu- Is ing lack of iully trained teachers her sister-in-law, Mrs. John Henry, for elementary grades and also on Jr., and her- three children, with Scott This Summer a state-wide basis, a shortage of whom she will visit for two months. TINTON FALLS—£ all-time school buildings. The state depart- Quests were Mrs. Sam Grlearner, record number of some 600 children ment said over S61 million had who assisted ai hostess, Mrs. Leonyesterday began their year's studies been spent for school construction ard Reede, Mrs. Douglas Ring, in the freshly redecorated Tlnton from Jan. 1, 1946, to Jan. 1, 19S2,Mrs. Frederick Gill, Mrs. Theodore Falls school and its Vail Homes and that 1,280 districts already had Maiko, Mrs. C. F. Grieamer, Mrs. pre-primary annex. All found reached the legal limit of their John Henry, Sr., Mrs, Elwood everything "shipshape and ready borrowing capacity, although "there Searlei, Mrs. Aubrey L. Smith, Mrs. still is a great shortage of school T. Rodney Wilson, Mrs. John Henfor business." The obvious 'causa is ry, Jr. and Mrs. William Olien. Louis A. Stelnmuller, president, buildings." The River Plaza Woman's Club and Joseph E. Wardcll, veteran rising populations. member, of the Shrewsbury town- The board meeting was delayed la holding its first meeting of the season at the home of Mra. John ship board of education, said they over an hour owing to the absence Partrlck of Carpenter st. this evecould not remember whon the Tin-of a >quorum members. Mr. ning. ton Falls building ever looked more Stelnmuller, inotthe business, attractive. They and other board apologized for gettingegg The 4H club held a meeting at in late. He members Tuesday night congratu- had been busy- culling chickens, he the Lincroft fire house Tuesday lated Joseph A; Koutny, janitor, said, and the job took longer than evening. Bette Ann Holsey of Linand his aide, James Scott, for tho he thought it would. There are croft gave a report on the 4-H sumwork they had done, some 3,500 chickens on his place, mer camp. Joyce Francisco reported George C. Malone, supervising and lining them up is quite a job, on 4-H clubs. Attending from this principal, and Mr, Koutny proud- The board rehlred Dr. Nonrmn area were Mary Elizabeth Scarles, ly led the board on a tour of the Thedford of Batontown as its Katherine Ring, Margaret Ring, building following the board meet- school physician for another year. Jen* Gill, Phyllis Bott, Cathie Pierce ing. Everything looked fine—the It alto authorized the hiring of and Carry Boland. freshly painted corridors, scrubbed Mrs. Shenk, It arranged for the ad- T. Rodney Wilson of Alexander and .polished floors, new shades in vertising for bids for the year's dr, is back, Irom the hospital and the windows, new paint on the supply of oil—about 20,000 gallons improving. building's exterior trim, stacks of —and for Mr. Malone to purchase Miss Mary Elizabeth Roberts of new books atop the desks, improved whatever additional supplies he New Haven, Conn., and Yale Unirest room facilities and shiny, now needs in the way of books and oth- versity research laboratories visited lire extinguishers in the halls. A er materials. over Labor day week-end with her look in tho cafeteria refrigerator cousin, Sam Grlesmer, and family. showed heaps of big motions and Greatest satisfaction was ex- Arrangements are being made to peaches and tomatoes. Board mem- pressed by all with accomplish- show a short film by the State bers beamed with pleasure, and ments that had been made through Highway commission on the Garso did Mr. Malone and Mr. Koutny. the summer to Improve the school den State Parkway at the October property. In addition to all of the painting and cleaning that was meeting of the P. T. A.,This film (Broader School Standards to present how the parkway will Just as good as -what could be done, the driveway has been re- is relieve congestion In the North seen on the surface, Mr. Malone graveled and the playground re- Jersey area. seeded, new bookcases have been assured a reporter, would be the Installed and a new projector and Mr. and Mrs. William Hoffman, scope of education in the schools two record players purchased for Jr., formerly of Park pi. have this year. an expansion of the audio-visual moved to their new home in RumTho principal said a Tuesday aids program. son. conference with his faculty gave The newly-formed Brownie Scout Audio-Visual Progress Noted him the assurance that all its members were going to do the kind Word from Joseph' E, Clayton, troop recently attended an outdoor of a job that "will give us a fine county superintendent of schools picnic and wiener roast at the record in the county this year." and secretary of • the Monmouth home of the assistant leader, Mrs. Ho said an emphasis will be'placed County Educational Audio-Visual Raymond VanGlahn. Games were upon Improving students' interest Aids commlsion, told of how the played.. Brownies present were Mrs. in good citizenship and upon in- Freehold commission center had Clifford Smith, scout leader; Kathy dividual character building. So all progressed in the past year. Its Beke, Eileen Poling, Barbara Ann teachers will guide their classes In library includes 1T2 films and 1,200Brlller, Morgan Keen, Bonnie Lecka similar pattern of progress, a fllmstrips available for us: in mem- llkner, Ann Toop, Carol Smith, Gall handbook of school policies is be- ber schools this year, Services in- Spaflord, Margy Cosentlno, Betsy Castleman, Irene Felss, Joan and ing prepared for them to follow. clude weekly delivery and pick- Patricia Citarella and Linda GrlesJust as the pupil enrollment is up of the Alms at the schools, pur- mer. Also present were Phyllis the biggest over, so is the faculty. chase of new ones to meet teacher Smith, Bonnie VanGlahn a n d There are 23 teachers in the dis-recommendations and repair work Elaine Jepson. trict this year, plus one part-time, when needed, Miss Joyce M. Clarke of Ravine music teacher—a gain of two teach- T,wenty-flix districts now are ers over last year. will start her freshman year at members of the commlsion which dr. Jersey College for Women last year distributed 2,197 films and New New Staff Members fllmstrips to school districts this month. She Is a Matawan high New to the staff are Mrs. Flor- 1,302 school graduate. that paid only an average 40 cents ence Brown of Bed Bank, first .per pupil for the service that has grade teacher; Mrs. Laura Vanwide commendation by pupils Freedom and responsibility go Note, Colt's Neck, fourth grade; won and teachers alike. hand in hand. Civil Defense is Mrs. Dorothy Harrison, Middleresponsibility—not just the town township, fourth grade; Mil- Mrs. Randolph C. Hallct said she your ton Hughes, Jr., Wilkos-Barrc, Pa., was sure the school cafeteria pro- 'other fellow's." sixth grade';'Miss Joan Chupka, gram would have a successful year. Plttston, Fa., seventh and eighth While last year there was a deficit grades; Leroy Slocum, Neptune, in operating revenue, she said she seventh and eighth grade social believed this would be overcome by studies; Francis J. Finnan, Avoca, a new policy of charging 21 cents, Pa., seventh and eighth grade instead of 20, for each school lunch arithmetic, and Mrs. Bette Shenk served, and continuing the sale of of Shadow Lake, school secretary. milk at five cents a bottle. Mr.' Malone, secretary of the The cafeteria will continue in Monouth County Educational as- charge of Mrs. Margaret Bradley, sociation, said that his and all oth- assisted this year by Mra. Adeline er schools In the county would Rose, Mrs, Anna Oaterina and Mrs. participate In a "tremendous cele- Anita Morris. bration" this year of the 100 anniversary of the New Jersey EduHURT IN COLLISION cational association (N. J. E. A.). Made up of professional teachers v Mrs. Rose Cammarario of 146 and school administrators, N, J. Chestnut at,, suffered bruises of E. A., is one of the oldest organ! the right elbow Monday when a zatlons of its kind in the nation. car driven by her husband, Gus Because they lack a few edu-Cammarano was In collision with cational credits necessary to state a car driven by Anthony Ballatlco certification, two of the teachers of Perth Amboy .at the Intersection will be working under emergency of West Front st. and Bridge ave. certification allowed by the state Mrs. Cammarano was treated at this year. Both have said they will Rlverview hospital.

600 Pupils Start Class in Twp.'s Freshened Schools





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Even on the. coldest M plus several other features. stone township, Freehold township, ferring to the construction of the —the first time in four years that villom of the pre«uallflcatlon Uw anc the regulation! adopted by the Board of Mrs. Etna Anablc, supervisor of Sea Girt and Spring Lake Heights. addition to the high school ashed the county has been represented Choicn Freeholder!. , recreation, arranged six events for Jay J. Hatfleld, commistoner of for the co-operation of teachers there. The following project chair Drawings, specification! and form ol the women which Included obstacle permanent registration, was authorunder present working conditions. mnn were announced: Mrs. Oorf Md», contract and bond for the puoDoted poultry; Mrs. Gcorga work, prepared bjr I«o K MjKee Couti24 Second Ave., Long Branch race, 60-yard dash, ball, bouncing ized by the board to contact each Introduced worn members of (he Bartlott, Gould, forestry, and Mrs. Thomas ty Engineer, have been filed In thei office race, 60-yard water race, 60-yard board, their wives and Dr. Eugenr clerk by telephone. If any of the of said Engineer at the Court Hou«e, a cooking class for boys unraveling twine race and 60-yard clerks decline to hold registration W. Newman, school dentist, and Kraart, Freehold, New Jersey, and may be In. spectcd by prospective b dders durlni drcan race. on these nights, the board will Dr.'Philip L. Coeta, school doctor. ten to 12 years old. Certified Cold Storage Vault* thaf \avet you money' butlnett houn Bidder* will be furn!ih*ulance, Odin Dally l« U I . Frl, until • :hamplonshlp« on Chcsapsake bay Hill, 19 Church St., Rumson; Mrs, Held for Grand Jury Ethel Ollanyl, "Cliffwood Beacn; tavt M.Ht ThU «tlir |**d at any .his wock, Grand Jurors Miss Helen Mlnton, Hance ave,, Ltritan or Thcmai Itudli In N, V. New Shrewsbury; Mra. Mary Mac- In Knifo Assault GAMES POSTPONED >r N. J, Donald, Sixth ave., Atlantic HighMIDDLETOWN-Harold Rloe of Begin Service BAR1TAN TOWNSHIP-For the. lands; Damon Htyer, 47 Chandler Heatevlllt, Va., wai held for aotlon F R E E H O L D — T h e September first time In IS yeari, the Scottish ave., Keyport, and Wilbur Baker, of the grand Jury Monday by MagNotlei t l Sittlimmt ol Acciunt sosilon grand jury yesterday waa Games of New Jeraey awoclatlon Ave, D, Atlantis- Highlands, ESTATE OF LUlQt CEPPAIUJLO, al istrate Qllbort Manaon, charged •Worn In before Superior Court had to be postponed because, of bad o known >i Louli Cappro, d e c e i u d , with atrocious astnult and battery, Judgo Dnnlol j , Brennan, with originally N o t l n li h i n b y given that Ihl ac weather. The gamei, Rice allogcdly etabbed a working Thomas B, Harper of Bolmur, counti ol tht lubicrlbir, Admlnlitrato planned for Labor d»y> will bt held Company Gets Million mate aboard a nehlng boat about former county superintendent of with Will Annixid ot thi m a t e o Saturday a t Llnwood Grove, near 4 a, m, Saturday, according to the lahooli, us foreman, and Alfred F. aid Dcataicd will b i audited and i t j t u l Dollar Defense Work Metuohon. if thi Surrogtli (it thi County ot Mon* pollco, •King, Jr., of Blngham avo,, Rumnouth and rinortid t o r . i i t t l i m i n t to NEPTUNE-OITY-Mlrabolll and Jame* Oiel Say, 36, the victim «on, a* deputy foreman. Phi Monmouth County Court, Probate company, clothing rrmnuf&Btureri, Tlnlon Fall* WM taken to Rlvervlew tioipltal, llvUlon, on fiWiw, thi Bivfnth (Us ol The juron, including Mr, Harper havo bean> awarded a contract for where he wn« treated for twoatab November, l b A. A U,< U I1901, t t i att 10 o'clock ' l k A MM, John Bordin and family nearly »l,OOO,00O worth of Army wounds In the back, one In the and Mr. King, wore given their i,, at the County Court Hnuat, Main oath of norvlco by County Clerk and Court Ittitta, Freehold, New Jersey have returned home from a vaca- clothing, It wa« announood Frldiy cheat and another on tha left hip, J. nuMdl Wool ley, tion In New York itate. Dated I Auiuat 10th, A, I), If I I . by Mario O, Mlrabelll, nreeldent of The attack took place on the flih< The ladles' auxiliary ot ih« lire th* firm, Tuninno SIMOMI, Ing boat EJ, Warren Edwirdi, CLUB MEET1NO The new oontmct w | | | neceaaU n i l South Clinton Avinuii company will meet In M n , Carlle Oarafola'a home Monday when tate tha expansion of the com. owned by J. Howard Smith, Inc. Truntor, New Jeriey, ABBUnY PARK The rlrit while tho boat wai docked At Bel< Administrator with Will plans for the annual dinner will party's ffiollltloa | n It* plant h e n meeting of the Shore club ot Rider Annmd, bn made, Hoctoue* wilt be Mr*, and will result In Ihe hiring of n ford, eollrgc will he held Wmlnoiday Mesiri, Cllordano A 0 s M M , Grace Golbcl fu| elght.hour ehlft of perSonnol, Thor Hatvenon, M Msmorlai Parkway, night at the Borkoloy-Carteret ho..... iiranohi [irano; K, 3, LEAVES FOR D B U W A I t B lionir and d Mre, M Oarafola, O f l tel. All graduate* of the college and milking three complete «hlfta, • 10.0 Attorneya, MIM Joan O»born, daughter of MIM Diana K, Potter of Shi'ewi< former itudontt nre Invited to atMonmoulh County Surrofili'i Onlei H e and Mrs, John Oiborn,' I* on Sgt. Piko Undergoing bury left thli woek tor Dover, Del, tend, Tho club, to bo compi'l/H'd of g Notlei to Cfpilllnn In 1'riient Claim throe wock«' vacation from hor duwhere she will be a mombor o all Interested alumni of fllilcr, la A«nlmt Matfiln tle» as studont nur«e at Monmouth L d h i T the bridal party Saturday at th being orsnnliod for the puipono of KHTATB Of NKWl'OHnti 0, HAKKR Memorial hospital, She, her mother Le

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Author: Frankie Dare

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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.