The Chattanooga News from Chattanooga, Tennessee (2024)


PRICE: Per Week, 106. Single Copies, 5e. OUT-OF-TOWN SOCIAL NEWS. CLEO. TENN.

Cleo, April 5. -(Special.) Mr. Berton delightful Manes visit has to returned relatives here in ChattaMr. J. C.

Jones and bride, who were married on Thursday in Cleveland, drove to the home of the groom's parents here Friday and partook of a sumptuous repast. Those present were: Revs. J. F. Feuder and Geo.

W. Shepherd, Messrs. J. C. Jones, M.

T. Jones and Thomas Jones, Misses Margaret Phillips Jones and and Birdie Jones, Mesdames M. V. J. C.

Jones. Mrs. Eliza Hambricht, is very feeble, and grave fears entertained for her recovery. Mr. Armstrong is very sick.

Mrs. Jane' Roy died at her home in. Cohutta Sunday and her. remains were brought here Monday for interment. She temerly lived at this place.

Mrs. Homer, an aged and highly respected lady, died at the home of last her daughter, Mrs. J. A. Lambdin, taken to Thursday.

Her remains were Knoxville for burial. Miss Fitzgerald, the music teacher, will begin instructing soon. Mrs. W. J.

Griffiths and two lady friends of Chattanooga will visit relatives soon. SWEETWATER. TENN. 011 1 TENNESSEE -The friends of Dr. D.

N. Browder will Sweetwater, April 5. (Special.) be glad to know that he has determined to remain in this city. He sold out his property with the view of moving to Knoxville or the west, but by a mutual agreement the sales have been annulled and he retains all of his property. The young ladies and gentlemen of the city went to the residence of Mrs.

J. R. Love on the evening of April 1 to give a "surprise party" to Miss Hattie Love, but they had not reckoned on the sagacity of their fair hostess, and had the tables completely turned upon them, but, notwithstanding their defeat, they had a most enjoyable evening. Miss Beulah Johnson gave a highly enjoyable entertainment Wednesday evening to the young people of this city. Rev.

J. W. Ferry, of the M. E. church, south, is assisting in a series of meetings at Lenoir City.

The annual meeting of the Sweetwater Reading club was held Monday afternoon for the purpose of distributing the books. The Sweetwater baseball team will play the Baker-Himel team of Knoxville next week on the Sweetwater grounds. S. Grubb was ordained minister of the Baptist church Thursday by Rev. W.

Mofitt, assisted by Revs. Waggener. of Madisonville: Martin. of Athens: Purdue and Blankenship, of Sweetwater, and A. J.

Holt, of Nashville Mrs. Mary E. Carter has returned from a visit to her da aghter, Mrs. Frank G. Jackson, of Knoxville.

R. H. Beard, paper banger, has accepted a position with T. H. Payne of Chattanooga.

The Y. M. C. A. of this city will have a public special song service the second Sunday in April.

TYNER STATION, TENN. Tyner Station, April Conner, candidate for sheriff, was in Tyner Tuesday. Miss Lena Varnell was in ChattanooTuesday last. J. H.

Muckey, supervisor of the Southern railroad, was here recently. Night Operator Keister was in Chattanooga Monday last. D. F. Varnell was in Tyner last Sunday.

John Hanco*ck was in Chattanooga recently. Rev. Willard Johnson preached at Good Springs Baptist church the fifth Sunday in March. Miss Lena Varnell is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Morgan, of Dayton, this week.

Mrs. Leroy Howard was in Chattanooga recently. Esq. Tallent of Ooltewah was through our place not long since en route to Sherman Heights. BLUFF CITY, TENN.

Bluff City, April 5. (Special.) Joseph Glover, of Elizabethtou, is the guest of his father, D. J. Glover. Messrs.

Kitzmiller and Vaught. popular students of the Tennessee Medical college, passed through here en route to their home at Watauga Valley. Robert T. Riley, after spending several days with his father and, mother. Mr.

and Mrs. W. W. Riley, has returned to his home at Bristol. Miss Myrtle Lee Glover, who has for several months been engaged as teacher in Harold McCormick college, has returned to her home neat town.

G. C. Carriger has, returned from an extended visit to cousin. W. K.

Hicks, at Watauga Valley. Prof. S. A. Slagle, a popular educator of Kernburg, has gone to California.

James L. Reese is visiting friends and relatives at Elizabethton. William W. Combes has returned from Pines Flats, where he went to take part In a concert given by Zollicoffer lodge, No. 444.

Mrs. Mary Carr has returned from A very pleasant visit to friends and relatires at Elkanah. J. E. Hicks made a business trip to Bristol Samuel J.

Glover has returned from a pleasant trip to Hemlock. BON AIR, TENN. Bon Air. April H. T.

Terrell. who has been visiting her parents at this place, has returned to Chattanooga. Mr. and Mrs. H.

L. Eastland returned from Nashville Wednesday. Mr. Merrima, of Manchester, is visIting Mr. and Mrs.

S. E. Moore, of this place. Mrs. Mary Broome is visiting her parents in the country this week.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rankin are visIting at Nashville.

Messrs. E. Coss and J. 'L. Campbell went to Isoline the first of the week.

Mrs. C. W. Eastland. of Sparta, visited relatives here recently, Mr.

H. H. Snow. this place, has just returned from Smithville, where he visited relatives; Mr. C.

B. Wilson. engineer of the Nashville Chattanooga railroad, came up from McMinnville Tuesday. GRANDVIEW. TENN.

Grand View, April Dr. Wolf returned from Birmingham, where he has been spending a week with his son, Charles. The doctor thinks of locating in or near the above named city. Mrs. Dr.

Wilson and Mrs. David Billing ly attended the funeral services of a niece at 1 Rock word on Wednesday. L. Barton and Mr. Furgeson transacted, business in Spring City Tuesday and reported roads in splendid condition.

0. K. Kirkman has severed his connection with the new Arm of J. L. Reynolds and will engage in the manufacturing of cheese, etc Beersheba Springs, were here Monday.

James Stepp, candidate for Sheriff, was In. town Saturday, shaking hands with the voters in town and pressing his claims for said office. Mr. J. K.

Howland has been quite sick for a few days, so has. Mr. John Seruggs: little boy, but we are glod to learn thar both are better now, also glad to see Uncle Ruben Hobbs out again after being confined to his room several days with grip. Hon. L.

H. Northe was in Northeut'8 Cove Monday, Mr. Fair is bullding a house on his farm which hie recently bought lying west of and near Altaniont. J. J.

Woodlee, candidate for trustee, With in Beersheba Springs Tuesday. Messrs. Tade Vults and Arnold Rissling of Gruetlie were in the city Saturday. Eisberg Wooten of Wagon was in town last week. Hiram Fults was here Monday.

a HARRIMAN, TENN. Harriman, April (Special,) J. C. Cruze, of the American University, is visiting Kuoxville. Alf Taylor spoke at the Temple Thursday night to a very large audience.

His subject was "Pearls and Poetry," which he handled in a very masterly manner. The Spensonian Literary society gave their annual last eveuing at the Temple. Miss Etta Butler and Mr. H. B.

Bible visited Clinton Thursdig, to attend the wedding Mr. Patton and Miss Minnie Harman. Mr. George Anderson, of the university, is visiting Knoxville. Dr.

Mitchell left for Louisville, to spend a few days at his home near that place. He will return via Cincinnati. RETRO, TENN. Retro, April 5. (Special.) Misses May and Nell Willianison and Eftie Poe.

of Daisy, were visiting Miss Georgia Hicks Miss Hester Vandergriff, who has been visiting friends and relatives at Falling Water, has returned home. Mrs. Gus Smith and little son, Rex. of Dayton, are visiting relatives here. Mr.

Vandergriff, who has been very sick, is slowly improving. Mrs. Hale, of Graysville, and Mrs. Martin, of Coulterville, were visiting their mother, Mrs. Armor, Sunday.

Miss Maude Hickman visited friends Soddy Saturday and Sunday last. A crowd of young folks from this place attended the Easter exercises at Soddy Sunday night. Misses Annie and Berthena Hickman. Belle Hughes and George Hickman visited friends at Daisy Sunday. Mr.

Sexton and wife visited their brother. Will Sexton, of Dayton. Sunday. Mr. J.

C. Rogers in Chattanooga Wednesday and Thursday. Mr. George of Gold Point, visited relatives here Sunday. Born.

to Mr. and Mrs. James Warner, a daughter. Candidates have been very busy here for the past week, Mis Belle Hughes has returned to Sequachee after a very pleasant visit friends here. Mrs.

Lewis, of Mowbray, has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Varner. Mr. George Coleman was in Daisy Sun- day. CLEVELAND.

TENN. Cleveland, April Miss Nona Nankirell, of Athens, is a the guest of Miss Katherine Lea, at "The Oaks." Mrs. Durham, of Atlanta, is visiting Mrs. John Goodner. Miss Belle Link, who has been the guest of Mrs.

J. A. Stubblefeld for several days, has returned to her home Greeneville. Mrs. Brown, of Morristown, has been the guest of her daughter, Mrs.

Emmett Hall, the past week. Mrs. I. E. Dooley has returned from a visit to Knoxville relatives.

Mrs. Anne McNelly and Mrs. B. Edwards were down from Charleston visiting this week. Ebb Johnston.

who is 110 studying medicine in Chattanooga, spent Easter at home. The junior class of Centenary college will give a reception Monday evening, April 7. complimentary to the faculty and senior class. Walter Wilson is convalescent after very severe attack of pneumonia. The following young people, chaperoned by Miss Ruth Aiken.

formed jolly party made a trip to the woods Thursday afternoon to hunt trailing butns: Misses Wingfield Seymour. Nellie Wilson. Grace Stamper, Della Carter. Ira Ault. Pauline Russell, Messrs.

Will Horner. Van Hatcher, Frank Mayfield, Atlee Seymour. Mr. and 1 Mrs. Elrod.

of Benton. will come next week to visit Mrs. W. Kirby. Miss Anne Ransom.

of Shelbyrille, the attractive guest of Mrs. W. P. Lang. Miss Margaret Webb.

of Knoxville. will spend next week as the guest Miss Annio Aiken. Mrs. R. F.

Osment has returned from a visit to her parents in Chattanooga. Mrs. Melissa Tall. of Lenoir City. visiting Mrs.

Inlin T. Hall. Paul Russell and friend. Mr. England, of the F.

of spend the Easter holidays here with friends. DAYTON. TENN. Dayton, April 0. Hudson, who is attending Beechmont Training School, of Beechment, returned home this morning for a week's vacation with home folks.

Miss Maude Allen, of Centenary College, spent Easter at home. 0. C. Duff, of Athens, visited friends here this week. J.

B. Swafford is campaigning Bledsoe county this week. W. B. Miller has returned from Anniston, where he has been on professional business.

F. R. Lillard, of Atlanta, visited friends here this week. Miss Route has accepted a position stenographer with W. B.

Miller. Col. V. C. Allen and T.

H. Gillespie attended the chancery convention Chattanooga Friday. Charles Moench, of Terre Haute, attended the funeral of his brother, Theo. Moench. John 0.

Benson and Will Atchley up from Chattanooga this week visiting friends. ROCKWOOD, TENN. Rockwood, April -Dr. W. P.

McDonald, of Spring City, spent a day here this week. Rey. G. W. Moreland, of Whitwell, preached at the M.

E. church, south, last Sunday. Rev. M. F.

Buhaman, of Crossville, was here Monday as the guest of Rev. J. H. Groseclose. Miss Annie Spencer, of Pikeville, spent Sunday at Rockwood.

Mrs. Amanda Baker, whose sickness has been chronicled in The News from time to time, is convalescent. James Hoyl, of Rhea Springs, here this week. Miss Bertha East spent Sunday Eureka, the guest of the Misses Clack. Drs.

Clack and Wilson are expected home next week from New York. City Marshal J. L. Cates and Maud Tadder were married last Sunday. Mrs.

G. F. Thomas and children expected home tomorrow from a to relatives at Chattanooga and Sweetwater. Rev. G.

W. Paul will spend tomorrow in Spring City. The Christian church Sunday school will have a rally service tomorrow at 7:03 p. m. Tom Phillips and 1 Walter Clack have returned from Vanderbilt University, where they have been taking a medical course.

Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Ditchen, a daughter. Dr.

Connell, of Lexington, is here. F. D. Tate's new bakery will be put in operation tonight. The remains of Miss Katherine Neel, who died last Sunday morning, were interred at Post Oak, two miles from Rockwood, on Wednesday, She was the youngest daughter of Col.

and Mrs. John R. Neel, of Rhea county, Those who attended the funeral from a distance were: Mr. and Mrs. Will Wheelock, of Chattanooga; Polk Brown, Mrs.

Mills, Misses Watkins, Mr. Ed Gillespie, Dr. McDonald, Squire Wheelock, James Hoyl and Mrs. Wilson, of Spring City; R. F.

Brown and wife, Dr. Datson and wife, of Harriman: James Crumbliss and wife, of Kingston, and H. T. Patton and wife, of Cardiff. The funeral services were conducted and by Rev.

E. H. Cassidy, of Spring City, Rev. J. H.

Groseclose, of Rockwood, at the Brown homestead. The remains were laid to rest in the old family cemeetery beside those of her lamented father, Col. Neel. ALABAMA ga the past week. BRIDGEPORT.

ALA. ATTALLA. ALA. Attalla, April 5. -Attalla is preparing to hold a great union revival service at Banks' warehouse in the near future.

Several noted ministers have been invited to assist. Mrs. Petit is quite ill at her home on Fourth street. Fisk's street fair arrives on April 7 and continues open for five Mr. L.

A. Fields spent Easter at Collinsville. Boyd H. Cox has received his, promotion head postal clerk, and assigned his run between Birmingham and Meridian. Miss Lois Daniel, of Leesburg, was the guest of Mrs.

J. H. Wood Easter. Prof. fa*gan, of Albertville, was in our city Sunday.

Miss Maude White visited her family the past week. the Miss Mayme Ward, of Jacksonville, is guest of Mrs. T. R. Carnes.

Prof. W. C. Bell was unanimously elected principal of Attalla public school at the meeting of school board Monday afternoon. This we predict will give unanimous satisfaction, for Attalla has never had a more popular educator.

Mr. Jesse Edward, who is still in the infirmary in Atlanta, is reported no better. The Methodist church of this place appropriately observed Easter. The church was very tastefully decorated with palms and ferns, and the sermon and music were excellent. Mr.

Howard C. Thomas and Miss Daisy McDufle were quietly married at the home of the bride's father in Gadsden last week. Mr. Louis Kidd and Miss Etna Camp surprised their many friends by a hasty marriage at the bride's home in Gadsden Monday. Mrs.

Charlotte Cox visited Chattanoo- Bridgeport, April 5. Mrs. M. A. Irving has returned to her home in Chattanooga after a few days' visit to her parent here.

Mrs. J. M. Bender has returned from Huntsville, where she attended the confirmation of her son. Mr.

Walter Rushbrook. Mrs. Byron Tate has returned to her home in Jasper. Miss Mamie Allen, accompanied by Miss Annie Laurie Spears, of Jasper, spent the first of the week at home. The house owned by Mr.

Smith Oyler was discovered to be 011 fire on last Sunday afternoon. The flames spread rapidly and the house and very near all its contents were soon consumed. The loss was covered by Insurance. A party co consisting of Mr. and Mrs.

Clay Rosenberger and their guests, went to Sand Mountain a pleasure trip this week. The Leisure Hour club met on Tuesday evening. After current topics, readings and the general business of the club was discussed was indulged in. A special feature of this diversion was a solo by Miss Johnie Paine, which was delightfully rendered. Benjamin Franklin's life from a scientific standpoint is the subject for discussion for next.

Tuesday 'evening. Miss Canna Mills was here this week en route for Jasper, where she is attending Prior Institute. A large number of the little folks of this place enjoyed an Easter egg hunt and Saturday evening on the Inn lawn. Mr. Gates, of Chattanooga, superintendent of the railroad now under construction between here and Doran's Cove, was here this week in the interest of the road.

HUNTSVILLE, ALA. Huntsville, April 5. (Special) -Miss Rosa Sweeney, the pretty daugliter of Col. and Mrs. Aifred L.

Sweeney is convalescing from a severe case of scarlet fever. Miss Nona Grubbs, of Decatur, is visiting Mrs. John Lambert. Hou. Joe H.

Nathan has returned to his home at Sheffield. Mrs. A. W. Feeney has returned to her home at Crystal Springs, after a short visit to her daughter, Mrs.

Roy E. O'Neal. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S.

Daniel and family are making arrangements to move to Chicago. Miss Lois Greet is on a visit to friends and relatives in Memphis. The ladies of the First Cumberland church repeated their Maids' Tea Party" on Tuesday evening with great success. Mrs. Aiberta C.

Taylor entertained the Progressive Euchre club at the home of Mrs. Dr. Pyncheon on Adams avenue on Wednesday evening. The Twickenham club gave a delightful dance and card party at their club rooms on Tuesday evening. Mrs.

R. Austin, of Chicago, has arrived in the city to spend a few days with friends. Dr. and Mrs. C.

H. Mage, of Rochester, are in the city on a visit to friends. Capt. Porter Bibb has returned to his home at Bell Mina. Miss Fannie Powell has returned to her home at Meridianville.

Miss Alice McCrary has returned to her home at Bell Factory after a visit to Mrs. H. P. Turner. Miss Vivian Jones is recovering from a severe case of Illness.

R. E. Pilcher has returned to his home in Louisrille. Lawson Sykes has returned to his home at Courtland. C.

F. Cunningham, of Birmingham, spent several days in the city on business this week. R. A. Moore, local manager of the Huntsville Exchange and Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company has returned from Stevenson.

J. G. Brazelton has returned to his home In Winchester, after a short trip to Huntsville. Mrs. Lee Hellings has returned to her home at Lilly Flag.

Mrs. Chas. Green, of Farley, Is visiting in the city. Miss Ola Seater, who has been on a SeT: eral months' visit through the north, is expected home in a few days. E.

T. Middleton has returned from a three weeks' visit to Scottaboro. Miss Fannie Teague, of Deposit, Is visitfriends in the city. M. R.

Neece is here to spend Sunday with his family. Mrs. Chas, P. Lane and little daughter. Flizabeth, have returned home from a visit ito the former's daughter, Mrs.

Judge Milo B. Abercrombie, at Tuskegee, Ala. Mrs. J. W.

Lowry is recovering from dangerous Illness suffered at the home of her father, Col. Jere Murphy, East Holmes street. Miss Celetta Berry, of Decatur, Is expected In the city soon to be the guest of Mrs. Lawrence B. Sheffey, Patterson Rev.

J. M. Brady of Grassy Cove passed through the city Wednesday en route for Spring City. Dr. George D.

McCulley of Murrayville passed through the city on his way home the first of the week. Rev. McChristian of Rhea Springs was In town Wednesday, Dr. Wm. Sayder and Mr.

Sampson of Spring City were seen on the streets the first of the week. Mr. John Stellins and sister, Miss Lena and Misses Einma and Mae Cash, attended the exercises at the Cove Tuesday night and report a pleasant outing. The plans for the boys' dormitory which is to be erected soon has been changed and much larger building will be built than was first planned. W.

H. Clark was in Spring City looking after business the first of the week. Rer. White and Commissioner Cowlton of Rhea Springs was In the city Wednesday, planning for a few new bridges which we are sorely in need of. Mrs.

Julia Kirkman who spent the winter In North Carolina returned home Monday. Miss Inez Evens will spend a few weeks with her grandmother in Rockwood. Fort Hoyt continued business with pleas ure Monday in Spring City. P. A.

Brady and B. Reed was in town shopping Monday. DANDRIDGE, TENN. Dandridge, April Daisy King Park returned Wednesday from visit to Knoxville. Mrs.

A. C. Harris returned this week from visit to Knoxville. Geo. W.

Hill is at Knoxville this week. B. H. Mitchell, Jno. H.

French and W. A. Swan went to Knoxville this week on business. Cecil Swan and Tom Vance, who are attending the business college at Knoxville, were at home this week. DAISY, TENN.

Daisy, April Wheeler of Chattanooga delivered very eloquent sermon from the pulpit of the M. E. church Sunday night. Rev. Wooten of Graysville visited friends here this week.

Misses Nellie Williamson and Effie Poe spent Sunday In Retro. Miss Anna Schulgen has returned home after a pleasant visit to friends in Chattanooga. Miss Mary Jones of Hill City in the guest. of her brother, Rev. J.

T. Jones. The Sunday schools of this place are practicing to attend the singing convention at. Hixson April 12. Milton Russell the popular candidate for sheriff, was mingling with friends and voters here Tuesday, Miss Ellen Trewhitt was the guest of her aunt, Mrs.

T. E. Scott, Sunday. Mr. H.

H. Buquo made a business trip to this place Wednesday. Dr. and Mrs. J.

T. Bell have returned home after visiting friends and relatives in Chattanooga. Mrs. Ramsey and children are visiting her parents at Pleasant Fill. Mr.

and Mrs. Sam Houston entertained friends Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Moses Miller.

was the guests of friends in Chattanooga this week. A good number of candidates are in evidence now, and are Beginning to hustle around and make things lively for the various county offices. BELL BUCKLE, TENN. Bell Buckle, April 5. (Special.) -Funeral services for Mrs.

Curry, wife of Rev. J. T. Curry, pastor M. E.

church, south, at his place, were held Wednesday afternoon, conducted by Revs. Beale, Curtis and Curley. Deceased was a woman of high Christian character, and the hearts of the community go out in sympathy to the bereaved husband and children, who have sustained such an irreparable loss. Daniel Pickens, of Vanderbilt University, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Z. R. Pickens. Miss Rebecca Braden has returned to her home in Pulaski after visiting Mrs. W.

D. Freeman. Mr. Rathburn, of Texas, is the guest of his sister, Mrs. W.

J. Davis. Mrs. John Miller has returned from Shelbyville. Mrs.

Sims has returned to Nashville after a short visit to Mrs. J. H. White. Mrs.

E. F. Trolinger is visiting relatives in Shelbyville. Mr. Tom Brown, of Cincinnati, was here this week.

Mr. John Stevenson has returned from Nashville. Mrs. Jones has returned from Chicago. Rev.

James Brown, of Sparta, delivered an able sermon at the M. E. church, south, Sunday evening. Mr. Henry King was here recently, Mr.

Gilbert Lamb, of Nashville, is here. M'DO TENN. McDonald. April Williams, of Cleveland, visited reldatives here Hicks, last of Sunday. Chattanooga, was a pleas: ant visitor here Sunday.

Rev. and Mrs. Harrison of near Cleveland attended church here last Saturday and Sunday and were guests of Mrs. E. J.

Gritfitts. Misses Ella and Fern Gabbert visited friends in Cleveland Monday. Mrs. Sallie Lauderback and daughter, Miss Minnie Lea, spent Thursday at Lauderback springs. Mrs.

R. E. Bowen, of Highland Park, was the admired guest of Mrs. S. J.

Smith a few days this week. Andy Watkins, of Chattanooga, spent 8 few days with home folks this week. Roy Hyatt has been quite sick the past week. OLIVER SPRINGS. TENN.

Oliver Springs, April Mrs. John Cross of Clinton, formerly Miss Nannie Griffith of Scarboro, and Miss Jenny Cross of Clinton were guests of Miss Ross Wednesday. Rev. E. B.

Booth left for Jefferson City to spend a few days. A. T. Hackney of Jellico was here Wednesday. Charles Daniels of Harriman was here calling on the merchants Thursday.

Misses Annie and Mamie Richards, Edith Ross and Bula Butler and others Intended going to Knoxville Saturday to Staub's see Julia Marlowe which WaS given at opera but failed to do so on account of house, washouts on the railroads and the so many trains being stopped. Mrs. W. C. Walker is visiting relatives In Knoxville this week.

The mill dam of Mr. E. A. Reed was washed away Friday night during the high water and a grent many fences and side walks were washed away. The creek and small branches rose and water was never known to be so high at this place.

The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wiley of Harriman died Saturday and the remains were brought here for burial SunS. T. Keebler spent Thursday in Knoxday afternoon.

ville. Mr. W. W. Ross does not improve any.

He has been bed-fast for over two months with paralysis, D. C. Richards visited Clinton Wednes day. Mr. Ebb Ross of Clinton visited relatires here Welnesday.

Mr. and Mom. Ben Scarbore have Rotten moved home on Spring street. Col. Hannah was In Kingston this week oft business.

W. D. Richards is confined to his room on account of grip. PIKEVILLE. TENN.

Pikerille, April -Mr. and Mrs. Sam M. Pope spent a few days in Chattanooga this week. Mrs.

L. A. Rankin has recovered from short illness. Mr. Bennett Cowan of Whitwell visited his brother Sunday.

Mr. W. A. Barber has returned from Chattanooga. Attorney Welch of Spring City, candidate for state senator, was here Monday.

Mr. S. H. Ferguson is visiting relatives In Rhea county this week. Mr.

W. H. Stewart has gone to Knoxville. Circult court meets here next Tuesday, April 8. Mr.

S. W. Tindell of Athens was here Thursday night, March 27. He delivered a lecture on temperance at the M. E.

church, and also organized an anti-saloon leugne. The following officers were elected: Rev. G. W. McQuiddy, president; Mr.

J. P. McDonald, first vice-president; Mrs. D. B.

Hall, second vice-president; Dr. Ross, secretary; Mr. S. B. Hoge, treasurer.

The president selected ench Friday evenIng as a time of meeting. Miss Viyienne E. Horn went to Chattanooga Wednesday. Born Tuesday, April first a son to Mr. and Mrs.

French Hoge. Miss Grace Hart of Spring City is visiting relatives here. Mr. Charles Seitz has recovered from short spell of Illness. JOHNSON CITY.

Johnson City, April 5. Miss Edna Gales visiting friends in Bris- tol. Mr. R. L.

Bruner is in New York City. J. E. Brading of Bristol was in the city this week. Mr.

and Mrs. W. H. Cox left the first of the week for a ten days trip to New York and other eastern cities. Q.

J. Stout of Limestone was in the city this week. Dr. W. J.

Miller is in Nashville this week attending a meeting of the state board of health. Miss Ada Barham came down from Sullins College, Bristol, to spend Easter with Miss Willie Reeves. Miss Laura King, accompanied by several of her young lady friends from Sullins College, spent the Easter holidays with homefolks. "The Sniggles presented by the ladies public library, last Tuesday evening, was a financial and artistic success. P.

I. Pouder of Morristown spent several days in the city this week. HIXSON, TENN. Hixson. April Mrs.

Will Morgan, who has been very sick for the past week is improving. Mrs. Sarah Johnson and Mrs. Charles Hixson were the guests of Mrs. W.

H. Hamill last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E.

Foster Hixson and ter, Miss Nancy, visited the city Tuesday. Mrs. Maggie P'hipp and step daughter, Miss Ellen of Hill City visited here Saturday and Sunday. Mr. A.

C. Carroll, candidate for county register, was here Monday looking after his interests. Mr. and Mrs. Rose Gadd made a visit to Chattanooga Saturday.

Mr. Will Dent was the guest of W. M. Hicks Sunday. Mr.

Sam Brown visited relatives in Somerset, last Sunday. Mr. D. L. Powell, who was seriously hurt last week, is slowly recovering.

Dr. Williams of North Carolina is in Hixson, looking for a location. The doctor 19 well pleased with the place. We hope to be able to locate him. Mr.

H. G. Hixson visited friends here Sunday, The concert and box supper at Burk's chapel was a success. Quite a number from Hixson attended. Miss Judie Lewis of Burks took the cake in the election for the prettiest girl.

WATAUGA VALLEY, TENN. April Watauga Valley, (Special.) --Mr. G. C. Carriger, of Bluff City, spent Saturday night in the Valley.

Mr. D. Stuart Renfroe, of Elizabethton, was among the visitors in the Valley Easter Sunday. Mr. H.

Wade Renfroe, of Winner, was down Monday. Mr. Daniel Vanhess and family left Tuesday for Illinois. Miss Annie Renfroe returned to her home at Elizabethton Tuesday, a after spending Easter with friends in the Valley. Prof.

James Reese, of Milis, was in the Valley Wednesday bustIsland. ness. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. R.

Rankins died last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. D.

Morvell were inBristol Wednesday shopping. Mr. Charles Leftler, traveling salesman for the Baker Hardware Company, of Bristol, called on our merchants on Monday last. Mr. Jess Nidiffer is very low with rheumatism.

To the delight of his friends K. Kitzmiller returned manse Wednesday much improved. Dr. John S. Rasor returned from the Tennessee Medical College Tuesday, from which college he graduated and is now ready to serve the people.

T. J. Williams among the business men in Eiizabethton Tuesday. ALTAMONT, TENN. Altamont.

April Lockhart is erecting a very nice cottage on his lot in Northeast Altamont and when completed will enhance the looks that portion of town. J. M. Givens, chairman of the Grundy county court, united in matrimony on Sutrday evening at the residence of Mr. Albert Fults, Mr.

Frank Smartt and Mrs. Lucy Hobbs of Northcut's Cove. Mr. Fred Wichser and Miss Flury of Grnetlie were married at said place on Sunday. John Quincy McClure was visiting at Gruetlie Sunday.

T. B. Northeut attended the Smartt-Hobbs nuptials Sunday, James H. Northeut, esquire was in Tracy City Saturday. Our esteemed liveryman of Main street gave a social to a select few friends at office on Saturday afternoon.

Those especially present were Messrs. Daniel Fults, Tom Fults, John Ooverturf and a Mr. Moore from Warren county. Miss Della Lockhart after several days visiting friends in Tracy City returned home Monday. S.

N. Griswold of Tarlton was on our streets Monday. J. K. P.

Pearson, attornes of Tracy City was In Altamont Thursday. Tom Hobbs and Daniel Fults of Northcut's Cove were in the city last week. Mr. Lon Camphell of Burrough's Cove was in town Sunday. Misses Minnie and Fay Perez and Mrs.

John Lockheart of Backwoods City were Altamont Saturday. G. W. Pearson and wife of Cope, Tennessee. were in the city Thursday.

Mr. Carrel King and Marion Brown Grove, MACKEY, ALA. Mackey, April and Mrs. Stephens Hale of Centre visited friends here Sunday. Mr.

W. I'. West of Rome is here today. Mrs. B.

V. Mackey has been visiting her sister, Mrs. L. D. Hale, who is seriously Ill at.

her home in Maple Grove. Mrs. Chas. Mahaffey and little son Raymond turned to Attalla Tuesday, after a pleasant stay here. They will join Mr.

Mahates in Talladega soon, where they will reside in the future. E. Burton Slack of Gadsden was stopping in Mackey Thursday. Mr. and Mrs.

Walker Hale of Attalla were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mackey Sunday.

Mrs. Eunice Hood is visiting her parents in Leesburg. Miss Lizzie Carroll of Maple Grove visited friends here Sunday. Dr. W.

I. Hale of Knoxville remains the guest of his parents. His friends are glad to say that his health is improving. Albert Hood of McGhee was here Wednesday. Mr.

John Hickenbotham of Elrath passed through Mackey today enroute home from Gadsden. Miss Alva Hale of Centre is expected here from Attalia Friday to visit relatives. Mr. Marcus Childress and daughters of Burnett spent Sunday afternoon with friends here. FLORENCE, ALA.

Springville, April Mr. Birt Williams, of Collinsville, was visting his sister, Mrs. G. M. Truss last week.

Mr. J. P. Woodall left Tuesday on a trip through the western states. Geo.

Ash visited Branchville, Wednesday. T. B. Nunnelley, of Birmingham, WAS visiting his parents here first of the week. Joe Beauchamp, who has been visiting his father here, returned to Birmingham Tuesday Messrs.

8. T. E. Moody and S. R.

Emerson visited Birminham Thursday. F. F. Osborn, of Gadsden, was visiting Mr. and Mrs.

G. I. Hall, his family here Sunday. of Brimingham, were visiting here Sunday. Married- On Thursday, April 3, Mr.

E. Shortridge to Miss Maggie Beauchamp, at the home of the bride in this place. F. L. McGinais, of Birmingham, was visiting here last week.

B. Ewing visted Birmingham last week. Mr. T. N.

Montgomery family of near Cornelia, were visiting here Sunday. SPRINGVILLE, ALA Florence, April Ladies' Library association on Friday evening at the residence of Col. and Mrs. EmO'Neal, gave an entertainment for the met benefit of the library. Dancing and cards were the features of the evening and society turned out in full, as it was the first post-lenten entertainment of general interest.

The Married Ladies' Card club met with Mrs. Guy Carpenter on Thursday morning. About sixteen were present. The Literary circle met wtih Mr. and Mrs.

Paul Hodges on Monday evening. Papers on the play of Hamlet were road and a general discussion was indulged in. The annual banquet of the Knights of Pythias which was to have been given on Thursday night has been postponed until Friday evening on account of the serinext illness of several of the members of the ous order. Invitations are out announcing the marof Miss Elvira Gilmore Mead, of Unriage iontown, to Mr. Theodore Dean Bliss, on the 16th of April.

Both of the parties well known in Florence social Circles, are Miss Mead has visited here, and as this as place has always been, until recent years, the home of Mr. Bliss. He is the son of R. Bliss, the president of the First NaL. tional bank.

Mrs. R. M. Shotwell and Mrs. Eugene Williams, with her son Cates, of St.

Louis, visiting their mother, Mrs. Gov. E. A. are O'Neal.

Maj. A. M. O'Neal is home from New York. Mrs.

Hannah Reisman on Tuesday, returned to Nashville, at which place she will in the future make her home. Dr. Jas. W. Jones is back after a two weeks' stay in Birmingham.

Jas. B. Shivers, of Marion, has assumed a position as prescription clerk with Joseph Milner and Son. Mrs. Clifford Warren has returned from an extended visit to her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. J. G. Wilson, of Columbus, Miss. Miss Bessie Bliss leaves Mouday for a visit to New York and Uniontown, Pa.

Miss Lizzie Wood is visiting in Sheffield. Mrs. Henry M. Hall, of Ellesworth, with her two children, is visiting her mother. Mrs.

Brock. Miss Mills, of Memphis, has returned home after a two weeks' visit to Mrs. M. W. Camper.

Mrs. F. M. Hargrove is visiting relatives in Birmingham. Miss Jennie Wood left the latter part of the week for a visit to relatives in Tus caloosa.

Miss Amanda Frierson is spending a few days in Memphis. Overton Ewin was home from Nashville Sunday. Wields a Sharp Ax. Millions marvel at the multitude of maladies cut off by Dr. King's New Life Pi Pills--the most distressing, too.

Stomach, Liver and Bowel troublesDyspepsia, Loss of Appetite, Jaundice, Biliousness, Fever, Malaria, all fall before these wonder workers. 25c at Live and Let Live Drug Co. GEORGIA. TRENTOY GA. Trenton, April S.

Kodgers, who has been quite sick for the past week has been relieved from his office by Basil Smith of Sulphur Springs. Mrs. M. Wingfield has returned to her home at Durham. W.

D. B. Chambers is in Washington and Baltimore for a pleasure trip. Mrs. Mat Allison spent yesterday here.

Dr. J. P. Fain of Dalton is here this week on professional business. Miss Jessie Cole has accepted a position in Chattanooga.

Miss Mary Parker of Byrd's Chapel 1s visiting the Misses Smith. Miss Mary Cureton of Rising Fawn and Mrs. Morrell of Virginia are attending the meeting at this place. Mrs. S.

R. Day returned to her home at Tunnelsville last Tuesday. Walter Dunlap of Gadsden is visiting relatives here. Mrs. Virgil Deakins is visiting her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Tatum, near here. Mrs. Ed Chambliss and Miss Fannie Pope of Wildwood are expected to visit friends here for a few days. Misses Mattie and Lou Lymance are in Collinsville.

Miss Willie Race of Chattanooga visited home folks Sunday. Miss Eula Jacoway has been quite sick for the past week. Misses Phillips and Hale visited the Misses Tatum this week. Mr. Will Smith visited here last Sunday.

Cole spent Sunday with is mother here. J. P. Jacoway spent Friday In Chattanooga. series of meetings is being ducted at the M.

E. Church by the Ber. C. Bower. Tortures and Death Result From Acute and Chronic Rheumatism When Neglected in Spring.

Paine's Celery Compound THE GREAT VANQUISHER OF ALL FORMS OF RHEUMATISM. The Marvelous Cure of Mrs. Cook, of Gardner, Kansas. Rheumatism, terribie in its acute, and long enduring in its chronic, form, is one of the most baneful diseases that human beings suffer from. It is a disease that will not -bear neglect, for if not treated promptly will remain till death to harass, torture, and make life miserable.

Rheumatism is also a constitutional disorder and hereditary. Because of an inactive condition of the kidneys and bowels the blood is not purified, and an acid poison is and deposited in the muscles and joints, and this causes the inflammation and intense agonies that thousands are obliged to endure. Too often, the effects of rheusatism are fatal, especially when the dread disease affects the heart; then death is sudden. Many other serious amplications result from this terrible disease, such as pneumonia, pleurisy, meningitis, and diaphragmitis, and these often prove rapidly fatal. Racked and tortured reader, what are you doing to get rid of your danger? Physicians, candidly admit their inability to cure.

The ordinary medicines of the day may give you relief for a few hours or days; they cannot banish the disease from your blood, joints, and muscles, elbows, or wrists, or make supple the stiffened and twisted limbs. You cannot longer afford to experiment; death is the sure result of evperiment and neglect. Today, your hope lies in the immediate use of Dr. Phelps' wonderful rheumatism banisher-Paine's Celery Compound. This tested and worldtamed vanquisher of rheumatism, neuralgia, and other troubles that arise from impure and poisoned blood, is now fully recognized by the medical profession as a positive and unfailing cure.

The following 1m- portant letter sent by Mrs. Cook, is but one of the many thousands received from prominent and well known people in every State of the Union, who have been cured by Paine's Celery Compound. Mrs. Cook says: "I was sorely afflicted with rheumatism some time ago, so much so that I was able to go about the house; I had to be carried. tried all kinds of medicines and liniments to no effect.

For months was helpless. unable to turn myself in bed. and suffering with pain which was almost unendurable. Finally, by chance, I noticed an advertisem*nt of Paine's Celcry Compound and concluded to try it. After using one bottle it seemed to be helping me, and I continued to use it until had no more rheumatic pains.

Since then I have been able to do my housework, and have been free from rheumatism." color feathers and Diamond Dyes ribbons. Easy. Excellent. Economical. Thomas Cummings spent Thursday In Chattanooga.

TUNNEL HILL, GA. Tunnell Hill, April Edith Wyatt has returned from Hamlet, where she has been teaching school. Mr. John Webb, of Rome, spent Tuesday, here. Mrs.

John Clements, of Atlanta, is visiting home folks. J. Marvin McClure, of Chattanooga, spent Sunday with friends here. Miss Ophelia Heggie entertained a few of her friends Saturday evening. Misses Lillie Foster and Nellie Head spent Thursday in Dalton.

Gertrude Harlan, of Dalton, visited relatives here Saturday and Sunday. Miss Ethel Foster is visiting relatives and friends in Graysville. Mrs. Dave. Clarke, who has been quite sick, is slowly improving.

Frank Smith, of Chattanooga, spent Sunday with home folks. Albert Greene. of Post Oak, visited friends and relatives here Saturday and Sunday. Miss Lillie Foster delightfully entertained her Sunday school class with an egg hunt Saturday afternoon. Mrs.

W. S. Jordan and Mrs. Wise were in Dalton Monday. VARNELL'S, GA.

Varnells, April Carrie Wear returned to Howardville on Monday after spending several days with Miss Laura and Loula Eslinger. Miss Nona Speer has returned home from pleasant visit to Selma, Ala. Mr. and Mrs. J.

A. Looney visited their daughter, Mrs. B. C. Wilson, Saturday and Sunday.

Col. Longley Dalton spent Sunday afternoon here Miss Mollie Taliaferro of Chattanooga Is visiting her cousin, Mrs. Mollie Varnell. Mr. and Mrs.

J. C. Sapp have moved up from Tillman and are keeping house in Red Hill. B. C.

Wilson is on the sick list. Mr. Fred Miller of Cypress, spent Monday with B. C. Wilson and family.

Mr. Slaton of Dalton passed through Red Hil! Monday. las reunion are S. H. Varnell, and Mrs.

Among those who will attend: the DalJ. A. Wilson, Mrs. E. A.

Eslinger. John W. Eslinger is home from Mountain City Business College. Miss Nora Hackney entertained quite number of her young friends Saturday evene ing. Dr.

Ballenger will conduct and old time singing here the second Sunday in the atternoon. RISING FAWN, GA. Rising Fawn, April 5. -Mr W. W.

Cureton was in Chattanooga on Mon day. Mrs. M. H. Fayah and family have return ed from a visit to relatives in South Pitta burg.

Mrs. John Webb is visiting her daughter in Attalla, Ala. Mr. Walter Aeal of St. Elmo was here Sunday.

Mr. Keeth Webb spent a day here this week. Mr. W. A.

Tidwells spent Sunday with his family here. TEN CENTS WILL BUY trial size of Ely's Cream Balm; enough to convince you that it is the greatest of remedies for nasal catarrh or cold in the head. Full size 50 cents. All -druggists. We mail it.

Ely 56 Warren New York. 153 Second Albany, N. Messrs. Ely Bros. -I suffered greatly with catarrh and tried different remedies without effect.

After, using one bottle of your Cream Balm I found relief and I cannot praise too highly such a remedy. MISS CORA WILLARD. Sept. 27,.

The Chattanooga News from Chattanooga, Tennessee (2024)
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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

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Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.